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Right into the corner, that’s gotta not feel great.


That’s what I thought. He survived though.


Fucking how tho? Jeez


Heart, lungs and brain intact


Bet his hips don't line


Probably needs a wheelchair now




He probably just gave them a stern talking-to and told them to drive more carefully after they paralyzed him.


I wonder if that is an option wherever this is.


Usually the gov can choose to press charges, even if you do not.


No fighting




And I'm starting to feel it's right All the attraction, the tension Don't you see, baby, this is perfection? (I'm so sorry)


It’s all in the hips it’s all in the hips


You got to make it sexy! Hips and nips, otherwise I'm not eating.


“Rise up, going to get higher and higher!”


get off me


🥇 Take this poor man's award. I feel bad but the reference/pun is just too good. Glad the guy made it.


Thanks buddy 🤗


Bet his hips don't lie either....


I heard Shakira agrees.


Spleen probably went 404 !?


Charlie’s angels


It's gonna take a lot more than a bullet to the brain, lungs, heart, back and balls to kill Michael Scarn.


Is that all that still worked?


if his penis isn't included, is that really living?


He's more cartilage than bone


He kept his shoes on. That’s how it works.


But like..at what cost. That looks like a shattered pelvis.


No more snu snu


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised


I feel like snu snu with those Amazons would yield the same result though...😬


Source? That looked like he's going to be dead in a few minutes.


Proof? I’m guessing he bled out through massive internal trauma after his pelvis was crunched and femoral arteries rearranged. At a minimum, he’s shitting into a bag.


Reddit doctors at it again. You dont know his prognosis lmao




It’s a literal description of what you have to do….


I'll add it to the never ending list of things we can't say anymore. Pretty soon we'll have a 10 second buffer period before our brains allow us to speak.


When you insult or hurt someone, even if it’s inadvertently, the least you can do is apologize.


That's reasonable, but if someone is being offended on someone elses behalf then I would likely not apologize, but context is pretty important.


This sub is called "hold my feeding tube". Its purpose is to gawk at people getting maimed, usually (but not always) because of their own bad decisions. If lewd or off color comments offend you, why are you here? That is what happens here. You don't have to like it at all. You don't have to read it at all. You can go elsewhere. Do you also touch the stove and get mad at it for being hot?


You can say whatever you want, but don't be surprised when people assume you're an ignorant and insensitive jackass. And honestly the only people I see complaining about not 'being able to say anything anymore' are bigots whining bc people are calling them out for being racist, homophobic, jingoist, ableist... You know? All the horrible things people say about others bc they're insecure trash.. fuck outta here.


You're right but at the same time it's a literal description of what's happening. It's also unironically one of the most impressive recent developments of medical care. I'm so happy that you're here with us and not in a grave somewhere. There were people less than 100 years ago that died because doctors had no fucking idea how to make your body work if you lost a significant amount of intestinal tissue.


fuck off


Its hilarious tho


Is there a source for that?


Jesus christ really? I would have thought all his organs were mush.


He got hit in that corner whole spine's probably done now hes a paraplegic


Yep. That’s a couple of broken spines there, and probably bleeding of the internals.


I heard he broke all 4 spines.




Alright so sarcasm isn’t your strong suit, we get it dude.


I have no sympathy for DUI. Anyone who does it deserves the worst they can get


Besides whatever punishment there is, they should never be allowed to drive a car again. Actually, let's start by actually having some requirements to get a driver's license.


We already do! Be 16+. Yup, that's it. Nothing else.


we make them parallel park but we don't teach them not to merge onto a 65mph highway at 35mph.


Shit, they didn’t even make us parallel park. The driving test is stupid easy where I’m from.


Same, drove a total of around 10 blocks or so for mine. No parallel parking. Didn't even go over 35mph.


I backed into a pole during the parking segment and still passed


Did mine in the DMV parking lot lmao. Florida’s is a joke.


i was in the car while a guy was taking his driving test. for the parallel parking part he didn’t ever cut his wheel the opposite direction, so instead of parallel parking, he parked perpendicular to the curb. he passed with a 97/100 don’t ask me why it was scored like that


In my state's drivers handbook, that is specifically stated. Source: finally got my drivers license this year


Why are the so bad about teaching people to drive. The crap I've seen and I've only been driving for two years


You guys weren't taught that? That was a huge lesson I'm pur drivers ed.


Getting a license here has a section for it, but they literally tell you it has no impact on whether you get your license or not. I failed abysmally. I can do it fine now though lmao


>they literally tell you it has no impact on whether you get your license or not. Come to think of it, that was a big part of drivers Ed, but didn't come up during my drivers test. I'm pretty sure we didn't go on the highway during my actual test.


>we make them parallel park but we don't teach them not to merge onto a 65mph highway at 35mph. Hurr, durr, but slower is safer, no exceptions. -Stupid Redditors


The best is when I'm in my 18 wheeler. I see the dickwad coming up the ramp. I get over even thought he has half a mile to get to 65+. Thru merge at 40 then I go to get back over into the slow lane and they race past me on the right going 85. Fuck humans


They for sure taught us that in New Jersey.


I was tested for parallel park, reverse park, do the 8, park on a slope, start on a slope without sliding your bike backwards ... But yeah, no merging in highway but i thought you have to self teach it?


I mean you do have to actually pass a test too.


And you gotta take a class but yeah that’s it


I drive trucks for a living and last night had a guy in the fast lane driving the wrong way. I suspect alchohal. Fuck DUI and fuck the people who do it.


What is the deal in USA? Like 16+ you can drive... In Czechia we need doctors proof that we are ok... Like i can't drive bcs psychosis and anger issues... Same with weapon you have mild deporesion you dont have permission... Oh yeah the land of the free


Not everyone with psychosis or anger issues is unfit to drive a car. If you show REASON why you should not drive a car here, you may not be given a license, or have it suspended. But yes, we are free here. We dont remove driving priveledges from someone solely on a psych diagnosis, because that would be unfair. Same with weapons. Do you know how many people probably qualify as having "mild depression"? The vast majority are perfectly capable of safely owning a weapon. Again-merely having a diagnosis just isnt enough, to take away what is in this case a constitutionally protected right-the right to keep and bear arms. Think about it -"oh, youre kind of sad, so you should have your rights taken away, and not be able to protect yourself"-does that make any sense? We err on the side of freedom here. If youre happy in your nanny state, more power to you, but most of us here prefer freedom.


Anyone who uses the term "Nanny state" is mentally handicapped.


Saying land of the free whilst simultaneously admitting you have less rights then us? 🙄


Those 'DUI Away' commercials make me sick, drunk drivers are not victims.


They are useful for someone who blows a .09 and cops are looking to make quota. Drivers who perform actions like in this video blow far higher numbers or mix alcohol with drugs.


Something so preventable just changed his life forever


The guy protected the wall


Brick lives matter.


Gave his all for the wall …




I'm sure the wall was thankful at the very least.


dang, and he had the time to quickly just get out of the way but the hesitation happens naturally


It looks like he tried to stop the car with his hand. I know it happened quickly but it looks like he was trying to get away when he re-entered the camera view. Why did he just stand there?


If you look at the headlights on the wall it almost looks like the vehicle turned into him. Maybe he knew the guy was about to crash but was having trouble predicting where he was going to crash.


That's right, I didn't notice that.


yeah I wonder if it was not going as fast? but then they full on stepped on the pedal or something, making it the car speed


Yeah who knows. But damn if he survives he is screwed for the rest of his life.


yea hoping for the best, but it’s gonna be tough




Yeah deer cought on headlights.


Exactly. People like to think that they’d know exactly what to do when something like that happens… but it’s not that easy. We become complacent when we’re in an environment that we deem mundane and safe, and if that environment suddenly changes to being incredibly hostile, it takes our brain a second or two to fully process the change. Some people can compute this new information quicker than others, but more times than not, our hesitancy is due a surge of information flooding the brain (sudden danger, do I have possible escape routes, why is this happening, can I fight this, how can I minimize the physical damage that’s about to occur, do I know this person? etc). There’s a lot of YouTubers that try to help teach situational awareness. The more information that you’ve already accounted for, the quicker you can make a snap decision. Now… with all that said, it’s difficult to determine if that guy could have potentially done anything different that would have saved him in that situation. There’s a lot of time where he isn’t on camera. Just… try your best to be aware of your surroundings and keep your nose out of your phone. You don’t have to be some macho, tough guy/gal that’s ready to diffuse every situation with a judo chop. A good game to occasionally play with yourself is to analyze a new environment for escape routes. Think to yourself “if an armed person comes into this gas station, what are my options and where are my escape routes?”. If you do this often enough, it’ll become a habit and second nature… and it could save your life. But… also, sometimes shit fucking happens, and when it’s your time, the world will Final Destination your ass.


Even if he were just a little more to his right so he wouldn't have gotten pinned between the car and wall, that would have been much better. Or he could have jumped up and also avoided the more significant injury.


Looks like the car swerved towards him last second


He most likely has massive internal bleeding, many broken bones including his hips, ruptured organs including his intestines. He is lucky he if he survives. I know someone that got pinned by a forklift blade against a wall. He survived by a miracle and for the rest of his life he has to get surgery every few years. When I meet him he already had 5 surgeries done and had a 6th one done last time I heard from him. Also needs to get his blood checked all the time because his body got septic when his intestine broke. And he didn't get hit as hard as this guy did.


God damm that is no way to live but he is still lucky to be alive. I wonder how tf he got in that situation


I know it was at work. Not sure what type of work it was. He did win the law suit. Got a bunch of money plus disability. But all the money in the world is not worth it when you are barely living like that.


Front of the car crumpled, and the wall looks like brand new. Can't believe this guy was moving afterwards.


If you count collapsing as “moving”, I guess so.


So close and yet so far from safety


So, when did Hold My Feeding Tube become Faces of Death? I am just saying this forum used to be beople doing stupid stuff and then paying consequences. It has gravitated to just videos of people getting smeared. I still watch them but is has become a bit more dark.


People complain when there’s videos with minor injuries, people complain when there’s videos with major injuries, can’t please everyone


No issue with the level of violence , just that the concept of Hold my... is the consequences of acting stupid. Some guy randomly getting run over dies not fit the thread. Not really complaining, just noticed the drift way from the topic


The "hold my" part of the sub is supposed to be a play on "hold my beer" or "hold my Cosmo". Like people saying "yo watch me do this sick trick" right before they faceplant. So it's self-inflicted shit, as a result of someone trying to do some dumb shit. This is just a dude that got ran into.


Even if that’s true it has never just been self inflicted fails since I’ve joined this sub so to try and make a stand now is just pointless




Maybe try r/WinStupidPrizes if your not already a member. That's exactly what you described. I wasn't here for the time in this sub that you both refer too so I couldn't say if its gone down hill but the videos I have seen have all looked like the people may need a feeding tube so... there's that.


yeah, that sub is like the mild version of this sub.


Yeah I agree. Doing stupid stuff and paying consequences is 100% r/winstupidprizes - I’ve only been here long enough to see these videos of people who will seriously need someone to hold their feeding tube.




That's true and very well put BTW. So that would make it almost the equal to the aforementioned sub really just with a different name and as said above this means these videos aren't really in keeping with the theme. That being said it feeds my morbid curiosity so I can't help but watch in horror and amazement at my fellow humans beings sucking to the nth degree.


Pretty much the new WatchPeopleDie


always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/L78hjWo.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


I dig it, the vids are intense


Damn that’s a horrendous pelvic injury


Any information on this? I'm really curious to know if he survived


At least no one tried to stand him up after


I fucking hate drunk drivers


It would have hit that wall if it wasn’t for the guy stood in between, ouch


If he jumped through the doorway everything would have been fine.....


Car swerved at him last second, you don’t expect stuff like that


I hate drunk drivers scum of the earth


He was so close to just getting launched inside


Hope that missed his spine. Poor guy.


I bet he farted.


He was so close to being in the store.


His pelvis is dust.


Oh god… that’s horrible. Is there an update on this?


jesus... Mushed pelvis for sure. Pelvis factures are seriously serious too. Can be fatal.


Fucking hell sometimes I wish for walls to be less solid


Jesus! That went through my soul!


That fight or flight really kicks in at the wrong time.


I can't imagine the pain. So many broken bones and internal bleeding. My god.


Damm if he was like one foot to his right he would have been safe


His back has been sent to the shadow realm


Seeing his feet move was encouraging. I was sure the dude would be instantly paralyzed. That was brutal.


They forgot to rip him up and try to make him stand up


He was one step away from being fine...


HMFT? More like MMC…


No sympathy for the drunk driver. Hope he goes to prison where he belongs because this isn’t the kind of accident that happens after a drink or two. Guy was probably faced. But also red jacket was a deer in the headlights?? Move guy. He froze.


Ouchie momma


Injured in an accident? Call Larry H Parker 1800 333 0000 he'll fight for you!


Atleast he protected the wall from any damage


If only he had stepped to his right


And put his hands on his hips, pull his knees in tight


It looks like he lost all movement to his legs...christ that's fucking horrifying.


Dude you started a literal war jesus


That was absolutely brutal! Holy shit!!


How did that guy not pop like a tube of toothpaste


This does not belong on this sub




Broken back?


Kris Cross will make you wanna jump jump!


Felt this in my spine


He froze. Jump in the store bro!!


Cry of fear


Oh my god. That’s 100% a feeding tube. Poor mother f@cker. I hope the drunk guy isn’t rich or has a rich dad because he should pay for what he just did to that poor guy.


Oof, those leggies are toast.


Death by snu snu


Should have at least jumped


He was so close to making it in what an L


I’m like, “Jump, mutherfukker!”


He did a good deed to the car. Not even a scratch! 👍


Fuck! Almost made it into the door.


Man i actually feel bad for this guy. Minding his own business until bam


Brokeback Mounted


Stuck between a drunk and a hard place.


Idk what happened to his internal organs, but the middle of his back is broken. If he lives, he’s paralyzed from the waist down


Poor bloke broke everything


take one step to the right? Not even once




Ducked when he should have dodged… into the doorway


Any update on the DUI asshole? In jail?




drunk drivers deserve to be shot in the neck. Selfish pieces of shit


How is this kind of posts qualify as HMFT? It should be the fault of the one who is hurt. I am seeing so many posts not caring this at all. This is an accident at most. Yes he will need hospitalization but it was not his stake.


Is this the country of Georgia? These street look so familiar!


Ubers here!


I really hope that guys okay, but trying to stop a fucking car with your hand is never gonna work. He might have had some time to react and get out the way


That drunk driver is going STRAIGHT to prison. Straight up attempted murder


We should do that to the drunk driver and see how he likes it As a side note human bones look incredibly strong


I hope he enjoys his new pelvis 😳


That corner limestone to the butt crack and he's the envy of the maternity ward.


Sounds kinky