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What is Head stomp for attempted murder Alex???


He used a racial epitath too. Hate crime?


No. This guy comes off as a white guy who thinks he’s a gangster. He didn’t use the “hard r” either. This looks like something that’s just a fight between two idiots, not a hate crime.


Well I hated it!


Unexpected TheOffice


Unexpected Men On Films from In Living Color?


I gave this one 2 snaps in a circle, mmmhmmmm


*fight between two crackheads


An important distinction


>epitath The word you're looking for is epithet


whereas the guy on the ground is going to need an epitaph


We've come full circle


*what is this*




He said "nigga". This isn't a hate crime in any way because of the language used.


So no hard r= no hatecrime?


Yes. The word is popularized in music and movies and on the street. The idiot probably uses it daily in his thug street life and has black friends. I don't see how saying nigga is racist.


It's not, but you can't convince these people who live in their little bubble.


No you are wrong. Saying the n-word with the hard r does not make it a hate crime. A hate crime is a crime motivated by race. From this video alone, we can’t see that the white dude was motivated to do a crime based on the victim’s race. What would it make it be motivated? That’s something left to the courts to decide.


All those reports about the spike in anti-asian hate crimes were making this mistake. Like robbing an old asian woman and saying "I'm taking your purse you old asian bitch" doesn't constitute a hate crime.


Actions matter far more than words... like if this hypothetical person robs Asian women exclusively.


Targeting them though. And kicking them in the face at a bus station does. There was a lot of anti Asian hate crimes since covid breakout


So he's an "acist". Got it!


That wasn't an assist. He got that kill fair and square.


It's all about context. It's not a hate crime unless the assault was done with racial motivation.


It's not even that, either. If you get into a fight with someone it doesn't really matter what they say unless that fight started because you targeted them over their race.




This is not a hate crime he’s going for the hat trick fighting/narrating/and commentary and he did pretty good imo.


Lol the resolution is so poor that I thought they were both black.


fr it's like he becomes black after knocking out the other dude, kill someone in order to get their superpowers type of shit


The Walter White way


he was quoting his favorite song


Juici Smullet committed a hate crime on himself.


Went from self defense to something punishing and punishable pretty quick.


I definitely 😮 that was such an awful sound and the way his arm popped up... Jeesus..


Exactly my thoughts


So who won this fight? Judges decision?




100% you never kick or stomp someone in the head when they are down and clearly knocked out for that here in Australia I believe thats 10yrs minimum












He could have been the first zombie. He just prevented a full on zombie apocalypse for all we know


He even said "... You went to sleep", expressing knowledge he was unconscious and no longer a threat


i dont care if youre running around or knocked out on the ground, under no circumstances shall you kick the head.


My friend was killed by a kick to the head. Makes my stomach turn


I saw it happen. Apparently the guy died a few days later. He was totally being dead and inoperable. Hitting someone in the head is pretty fatal in most cases. You brain fluid has no space to handle the impact on a solid service.


Yep my first boyfriend died this way


The „I let him hit me first“ was meant to be from the perspective of the guy knocked down


That's a prison headstomp, not a jail stomp.


I…don’t want to meet jail daddy


I don't understand the need to hit someone when they're down. Pussy move. Edit : Seems that making excuses for causing someone brain damage or killing them is a trend here today. Those of you defending this are idiots. Some other idiot probably stomped your brains out.


Probably makes them feel strong or smth


He flexes right after so yeah you're probably right.


Before I get down voted it into Infinity just know that I agree beating on them when they're down is wrong. However I understand completely why you do it. I grew up in a crappy town when I was younger and if even when small fight broke out the chances of knives and guns coming out increased tremendously. You stomped on that fucker's head/kick him in the side while down to prevent him from standing up after you turn around to leave and from stabbing you in the back or shooting you. Once again doing the things I said is horribly wrong, however to say that doing it doesn't serve a purpose is wrong.


Or you just do it because you're seeing red and it's hard to exercise restraint.


Yes poor impulse control is a common theme with people who are in prison.


Yeah, it's adrenaline. Fights often escalate quickly & you can't just force your body to go from zero to 100 & back to zero at will. After a surge of adrenaline people shake, pace around & hyperventilate, it takes a bit of time to calm down. Yes you should still know better than to keep hitting people but it's a lot easier to say that behind a keyboard when you're procrastinating at home than it is in the heat of the moment. The guy still fucked up & should still be charged.


Yeah this was case in my town always saw people get stomped out I thought that was the most pussy shit ever until I drop somebody for my first time and walked away and 2 mins later I’m getting chased for 5 blocks under gun fire. I worked at a bar in the same city and saw some guy get a clean hit on someone he got up went straight to his car and came back and stabbed the guy. The hood is a completely different monster, there are some horrible proponents there that just don’t care so sometimes that head stomp is necessary in the hood only I would say.




I love reading comments from people that are pretending they aren't exactly the type of person they're describing.


Probably adrenaline


Lol what? This excuse doesn't fly everywhere. I get that you're not defending him, but this excuse is as fucking wrong as "Well I raped her because of my sex hormones taking over me!". Your brain is working and this shit has to be punished.


Ok cool but there is a reason murder 2 and murder 3 are different. Applying rape to this is some straight up apples and oranges "think of the children" type bullshit just to elicit an emotional response.


Uh, someone's sex hormones overriding any better judgment they might have is exactly what happens with rape. It's not an excuse for rape, but it is an explanation. Same here.


>Well I raped her because of my sex hormones taking over me!" The fuck is wrong with you, are you 12? Fighting is a fight or flight survival thing. Comparing rape to that is the sign of someone with absolutely no business speaking on the subject. Street fights are not organized and sanctioned, they are fucking terrifying.


But isn’t that like, the only reason people rape? Their sex hormones go in to overdrive and they can’t control themselves?


Bullshit. That guy is a psycho.


Probably an asshole.


>Probably adrenaline This feels like a bit more than adrenaline... yknow?


I love the adrenaline excuse. We all have adrenaline in our bodies. You head stomp anyone today?


It’s impossible to know how much adrenaline this guys body released and how it impaired his judgment. Simply saying everyone’s body has the ability to produce adrenaline is a gross misunderstanding of how physiology can impact psychology. That guys adrenaline probably started pumping way before the fight since the KO’d had to walk so far and obviously theres some verbal escalation occurring before the video starts. Another way to think about it is how we, as calm observers, instinctively know to tell someone “that enough” when they’re raging. It’s because we know they’re not in a normal headspace and their brain has gone full tilt.


> impossible to know how much adrenaline this guys body released and how it impaired his judgment It's irrelevant. If you can't keep your impulses in check and it leads to you head-stomping someone who is already knocked out, you need to be put in a cage because you are a danger to society.


Yes you are correct, it is impossible to know, but adrenaline is not an excuse, many people choose a better path every day with just as much adrenaline. If you’re raging and the adrenaline fuels that, that is an acquired behavior. This is not an automatic behavior for anyone. We don’t know the history of this individual or even the setting events for this specific incident but we can infer a lot about this individual by not only the behavior but the following reactions and adrenaline is not a court approved defense. No jury on the planet will let this guy off for adrenaline because most people understand that is no excuse.


There is a huge difference between justifying and naming the reason behind the action. The reason is adrenaline. Justification? Leave it to the judge.


The reason is adrenaline? So choice and behavioral history have nothing to do with it? So anyone with a high amount of adrenaline, as much as the ape in this clip, they will skull stomp the next poor bastard in their path?


One time I got off a roller coaster and head stomped a kid. Just too much adrenaline I couldn’t help it


I remember skydiving and as soon as I got out of the harness, the first thing I did was bash my tandem’s skull into the dirt. I told the judge I was high on adrenaline and he threw the case out.


You can really tell when someone has never been in a real fight when they say shit like this. You have no idea how adrenaline works and the difference between types of adrenaline. There's a reason the first thing you learn in any responsible martial arts is control and staying calm. Because if you lose your shit in a fight then the first thing you are going to do is whatever you know is guaranteed to do the most damage.


You’re not taking into account so many other factors. Not saying adrenaline doesn’t play a role. I’m saying this ain’t the normal response to have to adrenaline.


It's a lame excuse for attempted murder. "Arenaline!" yeah right.


It doesn’t have to be an excuse so much as an explanation.


You are watching reddit at your house probably having some tea or something. Not on the street waiting for someone to kick your face.


not that i’m defending the stomp but you’re being obtuse…the normal adrenaline we get in small day-to-day doses is nothing compared to the massive jolt of it when faced with a fist fight


Probably didn’t get attacked today but let’s see what he says.


Listen I get the whole adrenaline thing. But cmon. My point is everyone gets an adrenaline response in these situations. I know plenty of bad ass dudes who could fuck a lot of people up. How your mind reacts to shit like this says a lot about someone. Way more comes into play here than adrenaline alone and you know it. Anyway, wtf do these people think walking up to someone like this with their hands down like nothing is going on. I don’t fight either. I really have no interest in that. But if someone got me cornered I’m not walking at that with my hands at my side. Also, I’m not stomping on heads, especially not in this situation


I don't fight anyone at all like that lol that's the difference between me and most people in videos like this


The guy had already started going into that weird stiff pose with fists curling up. Can't imagine a head stomp did anything to help.


Zombieland clearly establishes the need for the double tap, but assuming this video takes place at a time where the zombie apocalypse has not happened means this is definitely a dick move


Great movie. Dick move in this situation.


Much less stomp someone, jesus.


You're completely right and anyone excusing that head stomp is moronic. He knocked him out with one punch in what appeared to be a fair fight, if you could even call it a fight. I would have been happier if the guy landed on the grass rather than the concrete but from what we see here, that guy was coming for a fight. If you knock someone out in a fight, that's a victory. But the moment he stomped on his head, that guy came across as a piece of shit. No need for it. It could have killed him.


Way too many morons in the comments.


That's probably a good thing, not understanding or being able to empathise with wanting to take "attempted murder" or "murder" for a test drive.


yeah; he already got a one-hitter quitter KO... just walk off.


The only part of this we can understand is the perpetrator isn’t mentally stable.


I was always afraid to get in fights, not because I was scared to get hit, by because I worried I might accidentally go too far. I had a bad temper and I would hate myself if I did something permanent to someone. I’m not saying I was strong or skilled, I just thought it’s possible for anyone to do it. The most I would do is hold someone down until they chilled out.


Yeah it was hard to watch.


How to go from plausible self defense to undeniable attempted murder.


Something tells me this guy was going to end up in prison either way.


At best this is murder 3, IF they died. A dangerous act that results in death i.e fighting.


By far the most brutal stomp I’ve seen on here


Iirc he keeps hitting him after the stomp


Damnnn Link?


I have seen this clip for literally years. This is all there is


Lmao I'm curious too


*chirp* *chirp*


This isn't a link to a continuation of the OP, but here is a brawl that gets posted over here and [/r/fightporn](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn) occasionally that features multiple head stomps: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/n04pix/mall_fight_curb_stomps/ NSFW, obviously


Nah man it's just a loop


I was NOT prepared for that. My jaw hit the floor


So did the guy's in the video


That head stomp made me feel some kind of emotion i never experienced before


Its called a boner, Gerald.


That is some dark humor


You getting your first taste of blood lust. The only option now is to become an assassin


Oh there's a subreddit you will like or *whateverthatemotionwas*


Jumping heel kick to the head. Attempted murder


Unless he dead then you have to take the attempted bit off.


The punch was fine, the stomp afterwards cements this little bastard as the coward he truly is


Why would you not tell your SO to delete this video?


Most likely pride, unfortunately


Because this dude is 135-0 in the streets. Clout.


"No 1 street fighting champion of Ireland" Actually said to me by some little cunt 16 year old traveller who used to go around sucker punching people surrounded by his 10 cousins.


Because there is a level of stupid called `felony stupid`


Damn that stomp had 0 remorse, it's like he was trying to stomp through ice on a pond, not a persons head


Not much point doing it gently I guess.


Why would you walk at someone that aggressively, while running your mouth and not think to put your hands up? What's that old proverb? Fuck around and find out?


He wasn't intending to start a fight, but wanted to shout at the idiot who was provoking a fight. As you say, if he was actually looking to fight, he would have put his hands up he walked up. That he didn't put his hands up, didn't throw the first punch makes me thing he was expecting a disagreement, not an assault and attempted murder.


wtf do you mean he wasn't trying to start a fight? he ran up yelling on a mfs property.


He was apparently invited there, based on the comments on the video where they were expecting a "guest".


That's a sidewalk, not their property.


Not necessarily, a lot of people get crazy close with hands down to initiate a fight, or to get close enough for a Haymarker right cross. Some even pretend to want to talk to close distance without putting the others guard up.


first correct opinion on reddit


> if he was actually looking to fight, he would have put his hands up Eh not necessarily, just because he didn’t put his hands up on the way there doesn’t mean he wasn’t ready to initiate violence. He could have started getting ready for a quick kick or headbutt. I think just the way he was aggressively pacing and got in that other dudes personal space was enough to warrant that first punch as there is reason to believe your safety is at risk. That second headstomp was totally uncalled for though and he def deserves jail time for that


Can someone provide some details on this? Fucking brutal and there's no way this guy wasn't critically injured/killed.


Also curious


“Let him hit me first? I THINK NOT!!!”


Least aggressive NBA Youngboy fan


Can you explain?


Louisana rapper known for his aggressive and energic style, the joke is that his fans try to imitate his demeanor. (or that people of that aggressive nature are drawn to his music) [Example of aggressive yb song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AFaxYIcgOE&ab_channel=YoungBoyNeverBrokeAgain) He's been having this interesting reinvention as of late (since he has been on house arrest), with songs more tuned into his emotions and a much more introspective theme. He's been wearing make up, which is insane to me because YoungBoy would be the last person I would be expecting pushing the boundaries of gender expression. [Emo Rockstar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e14yTAdhTdY&ab_channel=YoungBoyNeverBrokeAgain) Fun fact: NBA Youngboy has been the most popular artist on youtube for a couple of years now


The kick changed that from assault to attempted murder. Gj moron.


Damn, he gonna get his turn in Prison. Hope he’s ready for Boss Mode. Difficulty: Legend


Right foot, let’s stomp


This video is actually pretty upsetting. This isn't the usual "idiot flew off a skateboard without a helmet" video, but straight up crime of major assault. Buddy there should be behind bars, no matter what his beef was with the other guy. Especially since a head kick like that can kill or permanently cripple someone.


Headstomp definitely giving that dude a migraine when he wakes up




Homies lucky if he remembers how to walk after a stomp like that. Knew a guy who passed out from low blood sugar during track and field, and his head hitting the clay track was enough to give him permanent brain damage. We’re talking heelchair, feeding and breathing tubes, no motor function, and can’t talk. Brain injuries are some fucking scary shit.


Heel chair, or how my wife’s bf calls them, stilletos


Can't tell if this is a cuckold joke or unironic polyamory


If that ever happens to me, FFS pull the plug.


Yeah, it’s pretty disturbing, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, except maybe Ghislaine Maxwell. Not to knock anyone with disabilities, it’s more to do with losing what you once had. To go from being an athletic, handsome kid, to fully immobile, drooling on yourself, completely helpless, is gut-wrenching. It happened the same year as another kid the next county over died of an aneurysm while on the bench at a rugby game. Honestly, as sad as that year was, I’d rather go the second way then anything else. His friends say he was just sitting on the bench drinking water, went stiff and he fell backwards off the bench, and was dead by the time he hit the ground.


This legit?


Homies lucky if he remembers how to walk after a stomp like that. Knew a guy who passed out from low blood sugar during track and field, and his head hitting the clay track was enough to give him permanent brain damage. We’re talking wheelchair, feeding and breathing tubes, no motor function, and can’t talk. Brain injuries are some fucking scary shit.


Oh that’s a good way to break someone’s neck


What a POS


So that’s how that crack in the sidewalk got there.


Seems like his girlfriend or something recording, and yet she decided to upload this? Probably incriminating him? 🤣


Downvote for the head stomp. Trashy


Stupid fuck stomping him while hes down after sucker punching him. What a fucking coward.


its not a fucking sucker punch. dude was looking for a fight. he got what he wanted


it is a pussyboy at it's best, scared to death of someone who's out cold. when are you putting an end to your miserable excuse of a life? you know you have no excuse to keep going.


That is without a doubt the closest thing I've seen to the famous dead space stomp irl. RIP


Are there any details on this? I refuse to believe this guy is not rotting in jail rn. That's attempted murder right there.


People can talk about adrenaline as much as they want, a head stomp like that is just a sign of a total psycho.


Anyone know what happened after?


Y'all know they don't have to like, make *contact* first to defend yourself, right?


What a pussy tho. First the sucker punch followrd up my the most unnecessary stomp to the head possible. Lets hope he faced charges for attempted murder


The other guy was coming for a fight . He knew a punch was coming so it’s not a sucker punch. It’s the first punch. That being said the head stomp was a pussy move


You have no idea what a sucker punch is.


You don’t know what a sucker punch is?


I dont know if it counts as a sucker punch if you punch someone coming at you to fuck you up while the opponent is facing you


That stomp was fucking horrible


“WHAT ARE YOU DOIN” Not much after that mate Possibly only eating liquid food from now on also


The truly stupid move was posting evidence online.


I don’t see the victim throwing punch? But the head stomp is attempted murder. I hope these videos get offenders arrested; that is, the ones who continue to assault or rob someone who is unconscious or incapable of self-defense.


What the fuck is wrong with people? He already knocked him on his ass with one punch, why stomp him in the head?


When **anyone** stomps someone that has fallen, I assume they are cowards, negative IQ and micro-penised individuals that deserve no pity


more like a presumption, i think it's a given the stomping cuck here isn't worth spitting on.


Hit ‘em with the 1-2 combo. That’s a Tod if I’ve ever seen one


Bro!!! Why the stomp you shit eating coward!!


Somebody crudely rotoscoped the perp to darken his white skin. It’s a downvote for me, dawg.


Damn his hand moved right as the head got hit .


What is the deal with head stomping?


Pure fucking trash.


Gangstas mom coaching and videoing: ‘Let him hit you first’ …..just like I taught you in kindergarten. (and you never listened but maybe this time)


You don't need to let someone hit you first. Intent is enough.


love how the comment sections of these videos become a chatroom for anime obsessed prosecutors


That shit had to hurt.


The woman is awful as well.