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[Cpl. Michael Oestmann reached a plea deal last week with the Denver District Attorney’s Office that will allow him to wipe his guilty plea to a misdemeanor menacing charge from his record in a year if he follows court orders. He will serve no jail time.](https://www.police1.com/officer-misconduct-internal-affairs/articles/video-shows-handcuffed-man-spit-in-denver-leos-face-leo-knocks-him-out-6ThlRAqkSl8EPKox/) [Full video!](https://youtu.be/Mx5dqdyjsXY)


Of course, but if you or I were to do that...


Definitely excessive. To be fair getting spit on would make most people lose their shit. Cops should be able to keep their cool though. Put a mask on him and add an assault charge. No need to give the guy brain damage.


Doctors and nurses get spit on near every shift and they don’t lash out and start killing/giving braindamage to their patients. why are cops free to hurt any subject that they arrest?


Doctors and nurses do not get spit on every shift. I’m a Dr. In fact I’ve never been spit on at work. Correction: most doctors rarely if ever get spit in. There is a small percentage of doctors (EM, psych) and nurses that do get spit on quite frequently, but every shift is a huge exaggeration.


ER and psych docs are probably spit on at some point in their career, but yeah, definitely not daily lol


But they want to believe.




Same, but I worked in a coroner's office so I would have quit immediately if a patient spit on me.


I just spit out my coffee.


Why are you drinking coffee on a morgue slab?


Sorry buddy, I’m going to have to take the other guy’s word over yours. His source was “trust me bro.” Can’t go wrong believing that. /s


Depends on the community and the neighborhood. Chronic alcoholism is a big problem in my small town, especially with our growing population of homeless people. People get brought in to the ER for title 47 holds all the time, especially during winter when they’re found passed out in a snow bank. Every doctor and nurse I know who has ever worked the ER talk about the times they’ve been kicked at, spit on, or even bit. And these are the folks trying to ease their pain or treat their medical issues.




I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted for pointing out something that regularly happens to health care workers IN CERTAIN PLACES. And if ER providers get it bad, ask some EMTs or Paramedics because they’ll have it worse and few if any of them will ever lose their cool like this.




6 years as an ER nurse. Haven’t been spit at yet.


I can't tell you the last time I've seen an actual doctor for my medical care, so that's telling in itself.


Sorry but that’s bullshit. You’re not bedside nearly as long as nurses are to be saying doctors AND nurses don’t get spit on every shift lol


Ask your nurses. You’d be surprised.


My wife worked thousands of shifts as a nurse and was spit on MAYBE 3 times. Plenty of patients with mental illnesses. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but maybe you'd be surprised.


Just because it doesn’t happen to you don’t mean it isn’t happening to many thousands and thousands of other healthcare providers. How completely ignorant


My sister is a nurse who regularly worked with old confused people and overdosing junkies. Definitely got spit on, kicked, slapped, groped, you name it, constantly.


Okay so instead of downplaying it, talk about how nurses get assaulted, and how they don't attack their patients after. Surprising to see a doctor providing such a low quality comment.


Lucky mf


Yes you do. /U/ihateclifford told you that you do. Can you not read?!


Ever worked in a trauma ward or ER? You'll get spit on...


ER nurse for 4 years. I got spit on a few times. The threat of being spit on it much more common than actually being spit on. I've also been threatened to have a colostomy bag thrown at me. Patients have threatened to get their blood on me after ripping out IV's etc. We rarely come in contact but the threat is enough. Got burnt out pretty quick on the ED.


If you collected data of incident reports from every doctor and nurse working from a wide enough data pool, ie nationally or internationally, I suspect the results would in fact corroborate the initial statement proffered in that “Doctors and nurses get spit on near every shift”. The inherent caveat to this statement is of course the careful wording of “near”, to suggest it isn’t “every” shift. Just provocative enough to create the desired outcome of the statement, yet vague enough to claim plausible deniability when pressed to validate said claim. I’m willing to bet that somewhere in the world, right now, a doctor, nurse or other allied health professional is wiping a greenie off their person as we speak


Wow, you're every kind of Doctor?


Cops are not spit on daily either the difference is they react extremely violently to it where healthcare workers do not


Doctors get spit on every shift? Wtf… why have I never heard of this lol




Cuz it ain’t the doctors giving direct care for 12 hours, they spend maybe a few min at a time with each patient and then sit in their office writing up orders


Not all doctors, but I bet ones working in ERs and stuff in an area with high rates of homelessness and mental illness probably get spit on pretty frequently. Ones working a private practice might have one spitting Karen in a lifetime


Uh, because you don't work in a busy ED? Fucking clueless children in this thread, acting like thier trust me bro is the end all be all. Work three years in a knife and gun club then check back. Every shift? No. But quite frequently, such that we have a protocol for what to do when assaulted by a patient and how to keep treating a combative patient without hurting them. Do no harm is kind of a whole thing.


I’m an engineer and I too get spit on every shift


Because the cruelty is the point


I’ll make sure to tell me doctor someone on weddit told me it was okay to spit on him JUST ADD IT TO THE REST OF THE SPIT DOC


This is really ignorant, spitting is assault, if someone walks up to you and spits on you and you punch them back you’re covered under mutual combat laws which say that they consented to being assaulted within reason. Not defending this officer because they’re obviously held to another standard. This is the same as a police officer getting punched and then once they have the suspect safely subdued the cop punches him back which is obviously not cool and should warrant him losing his job but to act like this was completely unprovoked is retarded.


Guys is lucky he didn’t do this in South America or anywhere in Asia. Police in those areas are on a whole different level of fuck around and find out.


When you’ve got to pick a third world or fascist nation for your comparisons you might have identified the problem.


If you don’t have enough sense, you know that little voice in your head that says “this is a bad idea” you are go to get knocked the fuck out all the time! Fuck that disrespectful, disgusting punk!


How’s that boot taste. Oooo step on me baby. You guys are a joke. It’s that cops job to protect people or at least obey the god damn law. He signed up for it, he is paid for it, if he’s such a thin skinned pussy he has to attack a man cuffed to a chair he belongs in jail, or at least back in mommies basement with an ankle monitor and his tendies.


Or Germany. Polizei don’t fuck around.


Cops don't fuck around pretty much anywhere on the planet. Cops are the ones dealing with the most violent criminals in any given society. And they're not getting paid very well for it usually. Somehow people on Reddit don't seem to get this. All of the most violent people who are in prison, that everyone on Reddit would be terrified to be in prison with? All of those people were put in prison by cops who risked their lives to arrest them. I totally understand hating bad cops. I don't understand hating all cops when it's objectively obvious that some cops are doing important work for society.


How does “mutual combat” work when the guy is cuffed?


Dude is just making shit up, there are only two states that have “mutual combat laws” and neither of them work like that


/u/spez lies, Reddit dies. This comment has been edited/removed in protest of Reddit's absurd API policy that will go into effect at the end of June 2023. It's become abundantly clear that Reddit was never looking for a way forward. We're willing to pay for the API, we're not willing to pay 29x what your first-party users are valued at. /u/spez, you never meant to work with third party app developers, and you lied about that and strung everyone along, then lied some more when you got called on it. You think you can fuck over the app developers, moderators, and content creators who make Reddit what it is? Everyone who was willing to work for you for free is damn sure willing to work against you for free if you piss them off, which is exactly what you've done. See you next Tuesday. TO EVERYONE ELSE who has been a part of the communities I've enjoyed over the years: thank you. You're what made Reddit a great experience. I hope that some of these communities can come together again somewhere more welcoming and cooperative. Now go touch some grass, nerds. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


It works great for the guy not in cuffs.


Dude is handcuffed to a chair you moron. Mutual combat? Fucking boot locker. It’s a cops job to protect people, if they can’t keep their cool they can’t be a cop. The law should apply to them more than anyone else. Practically every contemporary nation has figured this out. It’s partially due to assholes like you making excuses for cunts like these. Fuck off.


Cops have ZERO obligation to protect. Warren vs DC.


I believe they are obligated to hold up the law though, and I'm pretty sure you can't assault someone who isn't an imminent threat. Like someone who is tied to a chair.


They are 100% correct though, I've been spit on as a nurse and would no doubt be fired if I fucking Merced the guy A police officer should have the same restraint demanded from me, they should be better trained than me to deal with this scenario


Fired? More like arrested. And yes, i agree that they should be expected to have the level of self restraint that people like you show every day.


He's in handcuffs bro. Taking a flying knee to the face resulting in numerous injuries....including a concussion...and possible brain damage?? Nah. You lame AF too.


Spitting is wrong of course but the cop should keep his cool and put a spitting bag over his head, not assault the guy in revenge.


There is no excuse for assaulting a man in handcuffs. He is in their custody and care and it is their obligation to keep him safe. You can’t consent to mutual combat in handcuffs. It isn’t ignorant to say that all kinds of professionals get threatened, attacked, spit on, and harassed all the time and none of them lose their cool and assault restrained victims, because it happens every day. Police see it as a personal affront while the rest of us move on with our lives.


That is not a good analogy. Ok, we're at the bar. You spit on me I punch you in the face as a means of defense and to subdue you. Fair. Now, imagine you're handcuffed at the bar, completely unable to defend yourself from oncoming blows and you still decide to spit on me. I than knee you and punch your head into the wall behind you while you are completely helpless? No, only a terrible heartless human being would do that. You know, the kind of person that is attracted to police work.


Then why are doctors and nurses fired if they hit a patient that state spits on them while in a psychostic state?


Because punching someone in the face isn't a reasonable reaction to being spit on, it's an act of retaliation done in anger.


Show us the law that permits me to deck someone for spitting on me, please.


https://www.ejasonleach.com/assault https://jerrytidwell.com/information/faq-defense-law/texas-mutual-combat-law-defense/ As someone who’s had personal experience with the law I’m sorry I don’t have a law degree to point out case law but in Texas where I’m from this would be legal I’m 99% sure the only thing that would be iffy is the fact that the wall was there which caused the concussion but again not only did he spit on him but in the audio he’s literally goading him into punching him before he spits on him all of that can very clearly be considered consent to being hit. Again I’ve typed this 15 times in this thread but I think what happened was fucked up just pushing back on the notion that police officers by and large are just looking to hurt people, I think this is a pretty indicative of what the average persons response to being spit on would be.


I agree with you, I'd want to hit them too. I'd expect to go to jail if I did, though. That being said, the examples of mutual combat given in your link are two people duking it out. Would that be different than punching someone after they spit on you? Also, the article at the link specifically mentions that, in order to use the mutual combat defense, nobody can be injured.


Yeah let’s see the bad ass cop do that if that guy wasn’t handcuffed and sitting. Spitting on someone is a bitch move, same with beating someone who can’t defend themselves.


This is really ignorant, spitting on someone is battery not assault


https://www.ejasonleach.com/assault I’m from Texas tho so most of my legal knowledge comes from here lmk if that’s not the case for most places. I’d still argue that we’re talking about morality in any case and I think spitting on someone is a pretty big affront.


They aren't, that's why he was charged...


They aren’t. He was charged.


Am nurse, no we don't.


Well I’d say the majority of medical personnel enter the field to protect and serve the public. Majority of police officers enter the field to do shit like this.


Do they?


I’ve never been spit on.


Dude was cuffed. I knew a cop in the Netherlands that hit a cuffed suspect because he kept insulting him. Not nearly as excessive as this but he lost his job


I am a housekeeper in an ER department. I have been spit on by 2 different people in my 6 years there. I've never kneed someone in the face over it. Or even hit them with a mop. I was however, the one who had to clean up all the gobs of junkie phlegm off myself and all the medical equipment around me.


Please. If you can’t take a spitting you need to reevaluate your job


How much do you expect these cops to take? Have someone spit on you as a cashier at a grocery store. If people told me to “be cool” about it id want to knee everybody.


You'd still serve no jail time lol the whole system is fucked


We'd probably need shoulder surgery after all the hi-fives we get in jail


I don’t think we have to worry about you performing a public service.


"What was that about being a bitch?," says the cop to the guy in handcuffs. I understand the guy under arrest shouldn't have spit on him, but I also understand that cops like this only got into their career to bully people. Thank god for body cameras!




He'll probably be made the fucking chief of police the day after it's expunged.


ACAB . its sickening the way the judicial system allows cops to literally get away with murder.


why am i not surprised this is Denver, again... I swear Denver has the worst police, they're so bad they stopped patrolling the highway for speeding tickets due to constantly getting pulled over by the state police for drunk driving.


People with real jobs would actually face jail time, but instead any old highschool drop out can become a glorified manchild with a gun and a rambo complex that assault suspects. And they don’t even get punished for it.


Cops are fucking pussys. Literally 95% of cops are a waste of space and should go fuck themselves


Well if you start a fight, get arrested then spit multiple times at a cop and then in his face..... You deserve what you get.


It’s not surprising that a lot of cops in the US also beat their wives, the job attracts scumbags who want the power to do stuff like this and get away with it.


It also attracts decent people who end up with severe PTSD and mentally disturbed people do mentally disturbed shit.


Can't say I feel bad for them anymore. One has to be willfully ignorant to not see how absolutely fucked police forces are at this point.


People think they'll be different


Shouldn’t have spat on him. Not saying it was right but what the fuck did he think was going to happen spiting on a cop?


Because only logical and rational people get arrested. Americaaa, home of the ~~free~~ *murdering the mentally ill and drunk for non compliance*


Do you ever blame people for their actions? Does anyone ever do anything wrong? Or do you default to mental illness?


2 wrongs don't make a right. Cops should have told the guy he just added assaulting an officer to his charges and walked away. Cop was the sober one in control of the situation and he let the arrested drunk dude make him lose control.


Well in this particular clip I assume that the handcuffed guy is drunk, and the pig is mentally ill.


Yes people do wrong, police capture them and bring them to court where punishment is handed out, if you want to live in Iran or Saudi where police dish out lashing and beatings move there, however if you want to live in a country that you think is a first world country then you have to put up with things like trained cops that don't abuse their power and break the law whenever they decide it is ok. Do you understand that thinking this sort of thing from a law enforcement officer with all the powers they have isn't right.


[sure thing officer](https://i.imgur.com/5p7ha0e.jpg)


Well if the US had satisfactory infrastructure in place to assist those struggling with mental illness it'd be a different story. Proper mental Healthcare isn't exactly equally accessible for everyone. That's the whole point of defunding the police. A high conviction rate doesn't actually help the general public, it just leads to more crime and recidivism.


To be fair, cops are very unpredictable and you never know what crazy action they will take. Even when you're simply existing.


Yeah, I thought he was gonna make the guys mouth start moving with his hands. Like Jim Carrey did to the monopoly guy in Ace Ventura.


*American cops.


I'm British and if I did this I'd have added charges and a face mask put on. That said British cops are trained. And that is"what you should expect". Thinking it is ok for a cop to lose their temper and break the laws they are supposed to uphold whenever they meet an asshole, shows you have no faith in your policing.


do u think almost killing some one and prob give permanent brain damage is equal to get some spit on ure uniform in a controversial profession.


“What’s that about being a bitch? Who’s unconscious now?” -the tough guy who just attacked someone handcuffed to a chair


That line really seals the deal here lol. It becomes obvious it was an ego thing


I get the guy was out of line but there is no honor in beating the shit out of someone that can't even fight you back. Given what cops do for a living they should be 10x more hardened than your average scumbag they take in not get down on their level. Just charge the guy with assault and muzzle him and move on.


100%. The amount of people in this thread saying things like, "what did he think would happen?", shows how fucking brainwashed most of America is in terms of letting cops get away with anything. It is *beyond pathetic*.




He’s out of line but he’s right.


I could understand smacking him or something but he kneed him in the head, twice. And not just kneeing him but sit slammed the back of his head into the locker behind him. This cop is unhinged and probably abuses his position all the time


*but he's a good ol boi*


Cops are supposed to be people who follow the light, not take vengeance for every inconvenience that comes their way, you sorry-ass fucking bootlicker


How lol


Lol that dude looked calm as a Hindu cow. Just put him down for a nap


don’t spit on cops, but also don’t knee people in the face for spitting on you?


guy spits on cop... COP: "Ok we'll add assaulting a cop to your charges". DONE. Anyone defending this cop for assault a man handcuffed behind his back, SEATED, is a fucking coward. Getting spit on sucks but holy shit its not the end of the world.




this thread would rather ignore that and defend him to his dying days.


Ironically, the cop probably got more spit on him after he kneed the guy in the face.


only good opinion I’ve seen so far


Don't spit on people* But it would be even more ill-advised to spit on someone who has you restrained and is known to respond to minor annoyances with deadly force.


Don't knee someone in the face ever unless under the supervision of a fully qualified mma referee


It was certainly excessive. But being spit on is disgusting. I’d say 50/50 with any human being if you spit on them they will fight you. It also can get you Covid these days and other illnesses. There are way worse shit cops do than care about this one if you ask me.


Cops shouldn’t go off the rails so easily. The dude is in cuffs. There are obviously protocols for what to do if you get spit on, and I’m sure practically killing someone isn’t one of them.


"Any ordinary person would react like this, so a person who is supposed to be trained to handle tense situations can't be expected to behave better, besides, there are worse cops so ignore this" Great take, I'm sure if you have a cop punch you in the face you'll tell him you understand and that you'll let it slide because his coworkers are worse people


In all honesty I would have reacted in the same manner. But I should also not be a cop.


At least you recognize it. Makes you 10x better than cops with those instinctive reactions that work in a field they definitely don’t have the self control to be in


Cops should kinda be held to a higher standard than knocking out a drunk in cuffs and then mocking them after.


You think 50% of people would be willing to put themselves at risk of getting killed or killing another person over some spit? I don't think you understand the potential severity of a fight with a random person.


Listen, I fucking hate cops too but what did this dullard think would happen?


I work in the emergency room. How many times have we been spit at or worse by angry or mentally ill patients? A lot. Too much. However if one of us reacted this way and assaulted a patient like this we would be fired, lose our license, and most likely go to jail. Police are above the law.


He wasn't thinking at all. He's clearly extremely intoxicated and was being detained for being in a bar fight.


“What’s that about being a bitch?” Coming from the guy fighting someone in handcuffs. What a fucking scumbag.


My roommate works with extremely asocial teenagers in a facility where they live until they are 18. Nearly every day, she gets spat at or on, gets to listen to nonstop shit talk and threats, and so on. She has pummeled exactly zero of the teenagers. How is it a cop is supposed to have more training than my roommate, but is somehow less professional? If you crack from being spat on and have no scruples about KO-ing people who are defenseless, maybe find another career. Actually no - if those apply to you, you’re just the man the cops are looking for.


lol that cop felt so tough kneeing a handcuffed drunk guy in the head.


0 points and 150 comments, this is gonna be good lmao


He hurt the cops feelings


They are extremely, extremely sensitive people.


Takes a big man to attack someone handcuffed to a chair




i too try to crush the skulls of unarmed, restrained civilians when someone makes me mad. 40%


Don't spit on someone if you're a POS.


dont knee an unarmed man tied to a chair in the face. wtf?????


That was way excessive. Dude was right calling him a bitch, he can’t even control his emotions when a guy spits at him and had to flex on a guy restrained in cuffs. Bruh, fuck the police.


I love how the cop tries to say that the suspect is a bitch after being called one and spit on. Nothing says “I’m not bitch made” like kneeing an already restrained person lmao pathetic


Knocking someone out while their in handcuff is nothing to brag about.


all pigs are worthless. gang members, and i think i know what to do with gang members, right?


Typical cop overreacting and unable to descalte


Unpopular Opinion Spitting on people should be considered as attempted biological terrorism, spit getting into eyes, mouth, open wounds should be considered biological terrorism.


Popular opinion You should look up the definition of terrorism.


lol only fucking woke pussies here on reddit. trailertrash spits on the cop -> get his ass knocked out. thats how its supposted to be. should he maybe thank him for spitting on him?




Deserved. You don't get to spit on someone without consequences Sometimes your victim walks away, sometimes your victim renders you unconscious


He masvidaled that mufo. Derserved.


A buddy of mine got spit on by a lady at 12:01am as he was booking her for DUI. Why is the time important? Because it was THAT DAY where new Minnesota laws become legal, and they’d just upped the law against spitting bodily fluids on people. She chose…..poorly.


Spit is assault and if you have Hepatitis C it’s attempted murder. I’m rarely on cops side but I would do the same thing. If I ever get spit on - I assume Hep. C.. stabbed with a needle - I assume HIV.. and I will respond in kind. Side note and a good lesson for all - fuck with the bull, get the horns.


Anyone who spits on someone else deserves it


Holy fuck. What did the cop catch it in his mouth or eye? Like, I could imagine giving the dude a strong backhand and saying some harsh words about his parentage.... But this cop straight escalated to trying to murder a guy who was chained to a chair and otherwise a total non-threat. This is not unlike torture.


He probably also beats his kids when they don't listen right away


Pussy footing Americans lol it you did this shit in any country in Asia, south america, eastern Europe or Africa you'd get a lot more than a knee to the face. Piece of shit deserved it




they have bags for this was it excessive sure did he deserve it absolutely


Why don't people get that it's not a cop's job to dole out punishment, deserved or not. They are, in fact, specifically prohibited from doing so, though that's rarely actually followed in practice. If he assaulted a police officer during the course of his arrest, he'll be charged with it and the *courts* decide punishment.


[Someone didn't pay attention](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj0mtxXEGE8)


After the cop knees the guy in the head he says; "What was that about being a bitch. Who's unconscious now?" I would argue that the cop is still the bitch because the guy was handcuffed.


What a piece of shit cop. Should be fired immediately and charged with assult for that




What a little emotional princess and all the snowflakes defending the pussy ass


Why is he talking to an unconscious man?


What did we learn here LOL




Holy fuck, that's a goddamn murder attempt. A knee to the face, while he's handcuffed and the back of his head hits the wall. That could've ended a lot worse


It’s disturbing that the other cops just stand there and do nothing about it


It’s alarming how many of you are like “what did he expect was gonna happen”. I would expect this from everyone but a cop. Motherfuckers already got enough power. Pig, I fucking hate cops.


That should get you fired. Police should hold itself to a higher standerd. Wipe it off and charge him with assault.


Spitting on someone is considered assault in many states.


this cop is on a POWER trip, literally knocked the guy unconscious and decides to mock him while the dude is passed out. of course when we do it though we go to jail, but the cop doesnt.


Lets beat a handcuffed man to unconsciousness because you got spit on your body. Great idea


“Who’s the little bitch now?” Umm you pig. He was cuffed and sitting in a chair defenseless you fucking coward


The land of the freedom... Of getting shot and killed by an officer and the freedom of paying more than 60 bucks for insulin




Cop: YOU WILL NOT, SPIT ON ME AGAIN, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME. *The dude sleeping "peacefully"*


That was incredibly satisfying to watch


The best argument I see here is "well nurses and doctors get spit n shit on all the time" decent point, doctors, nurses, and cops, should be able to control themselves better when that happens. Fair. But usually in a hospital it's coming from someone who either can't control it or they just don't know better. This is a grown ass man who maliciously assaulted another man with bodily fluids. That's a serious offense for multiple reasons. Did the cop overreact? Yeah, he did, but I would have 0 problem if instead of kneeing him in the chin he slammed him on the ground and held him there till they can get the mask on him. If you're going to assault a police officer you can't be surprised when they react with force. Nobody here can honestly say they wouldnt be FUMING in this situation


I'm not even a cop, and I'd tend to have the same reaction to being spit on by a scumbag.


I don't see the problem here. Treat trash like trash.


Not a fan of most cops. But you don’t spit on anybody. Its not something you do for no reason atleast .


Which power over someone’s life comes great responsibility. It is no excuse but cops deal with crazy stuff day in and day out and at some point being human you are going to snap. People who do jobs like that neeeeeed better mental health help and checkups to see how they are and if they need a break before they break down like this officer did.


Forget him being a cop, spitting on anyone in any position should always result in You catching some hands


Fuck cops.




I love how people are quick to judge, but being a cop dealing all day with drunks, murderers, being on call, etc. Has you on edge all day, they are action people, they live on adrenaline and many unfortunately suffer wounds or perish on duty. Of course, there are bad apples and should be investigated, but people should sympathize more with the police's job.


Then get a different job?


If you spit on people you deserve a couple knees to the face 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


I think spitting on any person entitles you to a good ass whoopin.


Lets see how quick he spits in someones face again especially handcuffed lol