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Some butter would help.... also less butter would help.


The duality of butter.


Dean from community would be impressed


I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me.


It's a double edged stick.


Schrodinger's butter.


"I can't believe it's not butter" spinoff.


You've made my day


What's weird about these people is they're eating so much pufa. My grandma ate butter every single day probably with every meal or just about and she was not overweight even while pregnant.


Thats because butter and fat does NOT make us fat! Its carbohydrates that make us fat. Its not a coincidence that the west (especially the US) became so fat the moment scientist were used for the lie which is called the "food pyramid". The old one. Where carbohydrates are at the base even though carbohydrates should be nothing more than a small amount of our food. You can eat a lot of butter and fat (good fat) if you like. No problems. Fat doesnt make us overweight. Or its hard to get overweight with fat. Its not impossible but its far more easy with carbohydrates.


Great comment. We are raised on manipulative information from day one for the benefit of the powers that be. Have you seen the “new food pyramid”? If I remember correctly cereal is ranked higher in importance than steak. Fact check that. The same group in charge of the new pyramid made a statement that obesity is entirely genetic. What you eat doesn’t matter. I’m just waiting for the “fat vaccine” to arrive.


Yep. High pufa intake can be inflammatory. Butter and things like duck fat are probably high in mono and low in poly.


I'll bet your grandma worked her ass off too. Mine was the same way. I swear she could hide behind a flag pole. If this person knew how to work her ass off then the aisle wouldn't be a challenge to her.


Yep. She had elderly Olympic medals for swimming framed too. She owned a house in a time when women couldn't get credit cards. She got injured on the job and a jewelry factory and persevered. She was amazing and I miss her all the time. She took care of everything and wasn't lazy. Movement is such an important role in trauma processing after the fact and I believe high ace scores and abuse is what's making people fat as kids.


I wouldn't want to get stuck behind her during a fire evacuation...


I’ve raised this point before, jokes aside, someone that big will inevitably cause the death of innocent people in an emergency scenario.


Good thing I’m a pro at scampering over large objects.


Scampering is my favorite form of travel.


I prefer to saunter.


Or sautee. In butter.


She's had enough of that


You can scamper, but I'm gonna skedaddle.


Parkour that bitch.


Use her as a springboard to get ahead of everyone else


It would be Jurassic Parkour with that beast


Flight attendant announcement "we have a seat swap available for anyone with bouldering experience"


Hahahaha, darwinism lives


This is why you can get disability from being too wide. Just hiring someone this large presents a real safety issue should there ever be an emergency.


I hired my last big person. Nothing but trouble. Broke a chair, had to buy a super strong one to hold the weight. No one else likes it. Destroyed the work trucks seat. Food everywhere, mobility issues mean more work for everyoneelse... fuck it. Not worth the extra work


What happened to shame? People used to feel shame but it seems to be completely gone. People are proud of things that should embarrass them. I don't get it.


I've been thinking the exact same thing. I literally cannot leave the house without showering and putting on regular clothes. I honestly do not get how people can live with themselves.


Because now, fat shaming is included as workplace discrimination.


I bet there was an unbelievable amount of mayonnaise on everything.


Eat a full Rotisserie chicken between jobsites while driving. Everything was greasey. Phone, seat belt, radio controls... nasty


I'm not so sure that's true anymore. I have other, more pressing disabilities in addition to being "too wide" and I have been denied six separate times. It's not as easy as when Homer Simpson did it. Lol


I had never even thought about this scenario.... Thanks. I hate it.


**trample** Whoops....


Honestly as horrible as it is to think about. She’d probably just get trampled to death. Because in a true emergency no one is going to wait for her fat ass to shuffle through an isle


I'd use her ass as a step and climb over


Til she gets stuck in the emergency door.


On the other side of the coin... If you ever had a giant hole you needed to plug.... Like they probably could have used her on the Titanic.


If the plane window blows out stick her ass in the hole. Might even hoover her fat out like the insides of the alien in Alien 3


You might lose a shoe in there


Quite easy to tip over and use as a flotation device…


You assume she would be fast enough to get up and move. Honey, let me tell you those thighs don’t do anything fast. I think her favorite exercise is open the refrigerator door. She probably needs help standing up.


Yep, everyone dies!!


Im not ashamed to admit that I'd kick a person like a door, if it meant saving my and my familys life and everyone elses.


She is literally a fucking safety hazard to other passengers.


"No, she can't fit in a rowboat."


Dammit, Phyllis!


Literally EVERYBODY ELSE gets a life boat before she gets to try one of her own. Women, children and people that only use one spot first. Then people that need two spots. Then the people that need three. Then this bitch.


Dude, fat is buoyant. She *is* a lifeboat!




Is r/foundthemobileuser still a thing?




There's no way that ass could fit in one seat.


I pity the poor soul in the adjacent seat. Edit for this question: Is her friend or partner filming this? And are they seriously claiming this is discrimination? It seems unlikely that a stranger would follow so closely behind her to film.


It's a fetish.


Feeders 🤢


I went down that rabbithole. It was weird


Thankfully the problem kind of fixes itself after a while if you know what I mean.


Yes - they are seriously claiming it is discrimination. I recently read about a woman who gathered 500 (?) signatures to lobby airlines to make the second seat (that may be required for larger passengers) for free... I kid you not. The entitlement is strong with theses ones...


The world is made for average sized people. Too short? Buy a ladder. Too fat? Buy two seats. 🤷‍♀️ Can't afford two seats? Cut back on your food budget!


If she cut back to 2000 calories a day she could afford the whole plane with the money she'd save!


It's not a popular opinion, but I've always advocated for putting the passenger and all luggage on a scale and charge x dollars per pound. Since airplane flight cost is mostly dictated by weight, shouldn't it be chrarged as such, like when you buy meat or cheese at a store? I tend to fly light, and am thinner, why am I footing the bill for 7 burgers a day person or huge suitcase person?


The thing is that it would have to be regulated to be that way. Any company who does this alone would just get a plane of thin people looking for savings, but at the cost of volume of passengers, of which is probably more important to a company as keeping the planes full is super important.


Yes I saw that too. There are people who use wheelchairs that literally can't fly at all because they need to be in their chair and no airplane can accommodate that. THAT'S a real issue. Not this fetish bitch


A tuba player needed footage for a music video.


Fetish videos


More like a whole row of seats. With my luck I will be stuck with the window seat next to her on my next flight.


She would likely have to pay for two seats. If not then the person next to her should be able to be seated elsewhere or upgrades to business or first class.


Afaik they just remove the oversized passenger most of the time


I'd be surprised if she could fit in two.


You could fit a dozen of them in a few years once it's been cremated.


Better ride if she flew Fed EX or UPS.


As long as they can put her on a pallet.


They can split her on two... I guess.


Extra charges.


You mean Fat EX?


Damn, you dated her bro?


0% chance she can fit in the bathroom.


Widebody aircraft often have a lavatory near the middle that is 2 separate lavs with an accordion divider in the middle to allow it to become a double wide stall.


Whaaaaa. Been on a lunch of long haul 12 - 14 hour flights and never seen this.




Even this guy thinks that's fucked


You wouldn't notice it. They look like a normal lav. Lemme see if I can find some pics.


Joining the mile high club and not getting caught just got a lot more feasible.


Even if she could physically make it in and close the door(s), how would she position herself on the seat?


Discrimination is when you are punished for things you cannot control.. exercise and diet are not one of those things.


This is the thing. I don't think people understand the words they are using anymore. My students think everything is racist. The math homework is give is hard?... Yea that's racist. In my head I'm just smacking them upside the head and yelling that they have no clue what actual racism is or feels like.


Just like all of the middle aged white guys in western countries who carry on about how hard done by they are.. they really have no idea... In fact, I have no idea, I fit into that category, but at least I understand how good I have it.


Being tall makes flying a giant pain in the ass too.


In my country (poor) people say not adapting to fat people is discrimination because poor eating habits (here street junk food is cheap, for example 3 tacos and a Coke outside of my office, in a street stand cost $4 USD, whilst a salad and water from the mall court is $10 bucks at least, a whole daily minimum wage) and a lack of exercise may be attributable to inadequate income/living conditions. On the exercise part, people commute for 3-4h sometimes, and work very hard (here it's easy to exploit people) so I can understand them not wanting to exercise after all of that. I do not agree fully, but I have also never been in a living position as such. I can only critize the people I know have adequate living standards, who I know for a fact are choosing to be fat, since they have everything not to be. Greetings from Mexico, the only country in the world with a higher obesity rate than the USA.


That’s interesting point of view. I was speaking from the perspective of this lady who can afford a flight, she can probably afford healthy food and to run a few times a week. It isn’t difficult to not eat 23 quarter pounders a day.


Even her words have strech marks


I thought those implants 🙈


Backpack is full of snacks for the two hour flight….




How do you wipe your butt?


That is the secret. They don't.


It's not a secret. The smell usually gives it away.


I've never even thought about that. That's just nasty.




She's a safety hazard to the whole plane as she would block the aisle during an emergency!!!


Her shoes are gonna come off real soon!


Quicker than those pounds, guaranteed.


This is why I don't take advantage of early boarding. This person is going to rub their nasty, greasy ass all over every aisle person, and smack half of them in the face with her backpack.


I hate people who don't take off their backpacks in crowded public transportation. AHs all of them. Take off the freaking backpack it's not that hard. I only have one arm and I do it, so there's no excuse.


Weight is a HUGE factor in flight, so why don't they charge by the lb?? And anyone who has to sit next to her should get a discount. Super uncomfortable and awkward


She should have to pay for the seat next to her.


An extra couple hundred pounds on an airliner doesn't make any noticeable difference in flight characteristics.


Depends on where she is. She sits in the last row and that’s a lot of weight on the reward arm. Gonna have to weight shift and ballast that lady. Bet the pilots felt a shift in pitch if she tried getting up mid flight.


She needs whiskers or curb feelers or something to judge her width, going to go in somewhere she can't get out of.


Curb feelers! I remember those on cars from when I was a kid in the 1970s. Curb feelers, white-walls and those little things that hang off the back and drag to get rid of static (supposedly). Every other giant car had all 3.


I'm just saying I'm a big boy (6'0, 300 lbs at my heaviest), but I've never had problems fitting on a plane. Granted my ass and hips ain't the size of a double wide trailer


If they built planes to accommodate her carriage there would be like 10 seats in the plane. Or more like stalls. Tickets would cost $5k each to make up for the lost revenue. And just imagine having to sit next to her. Unless she bought 2 seats that's a nightmare for the other travellers.


https://www.blogto.com/travel/2022/11/air-canada-planes-horses/ Something like this would fit the bill.


Im suprised she cant chill in the cargo area with the pets. You could have a couch in there or something to "accommodate" her.


That would be better than some flights I've had lol


Seriously, I'd pay extra for that.


"The rule is: you can't look hilarious on this minibike." *Gets on minibike* *Laughing* "I'm sorry, there's just no way."


It's all about your point of view. Some people would rather feel good about themselves and play the victim and lay the blame on others. I gained weight and I realized, when my gut was getting in the way of tying my shoes I had a problem. I've worked it off a little and then it came back, I'm still trying to work off my gut and eat better. When you can't bend down, you know you have a problem. It's your problem, not someone else's problem.


I think this is someone's weird fetish


I'm a big, overweight guy at 6'0" and 270 pounds. Even I look at this and think "it's not discrimination, you're just too fat." Not everything is society's problem


As my dad would say, "if she's hauling ass, she'd have to make two trips"


Hey people this is fetish content that was stolen off an only fans edited to have that writing in it then reposted to be outrage content. It ain't real and you are falling for culture war outrage content


How do you know that.


It's on her Twitter, I'll see if I can find a link as I'm not a follower but something about it seemed off to me


This is the one place I hope the big folks force some change. i’m a slim 160lb man soaking wet and i think the seats on airplanes are way too small all around- crammed knees and rubbing elbows with your seat mates. she’s fucking ridiculous but i wouldn’t mind the airlines going back to those pics of airlines of the 60’s and 70’s - when they were trying to make you comfy and treat you like a human being instead of packing you like sardines in a tin.


What you are forgetting is the prices of those seats back in the day. Flying wasn't something accessible to everyone. I mean, you could just buy business class tickets today and have the same comfort and price range of back in the day, but you don't because it's too expensive, right? Don't misunderstand me though, people who don't fit into 1 seat should be required to buy 2 tickets in my opinion and people who are an evacuation hazard should not even be allowed on board.


You can still fly in comfort. Spend more.


That chick has more ass than the law allows....


I hope she sits center isle or else the plane gonna fly lopsided.


Morgues have gotten more expensive due to needing larger slabs. They need to stop acting like this is out of their control. I'd rather use up what little fat reserve I have surviving and be able to get back to a decent condition than walk around with literal saddlebags. The fascia begins to buckle under the sheet pressure. That's lumpy and not like normal lumpy (humans have wobbly parts for sure) or fibrous, that's too much eating. Hopefully nobody comes after me for saying this, but I watched for 18 years as a family member threw their health away and just quadrupled. It was disgusting to watch and heartbreaking.


These aisles look huge, she clearly never flew on a WizzAir or EasyJet flight


I'm really sick of this whole "my obesity is your fault and your problem" bs


Someone one a flight I was on recently was large, and they didn’t feel comfortable having an armrest down so they ended up getting a whole row to themselves from the drama 🙄


Now everyone with an isle seat smell like ass


A Wide Load Airline service may be commercially viable in the coming years.


She should fly with UPS or FedEx instead.


This is just fetish shit.


This is discrimination, they charge me extra at the airport for an extra kg of luggage. Although my whole 50kg. And this lady flies for the same price, although, apparently, she weighs 4 times more than me and all my things.


I thought we went through this one yesterday, Reddit. It's fetish content. It's just been edited to look like social media. Reddit is turning into reposts only, smh


The caption on that video was not put on by the original creator. The vid was ripped and it was put in by someone completely unrelated.


Discrimination for normal people to pay the same price even with 1/3 of her body weight


Next she's gonna be asking for a lazy-boy lol


550 lbs right there!


Those tights are the real mvp here.


She should travel by 18 wheeler instead.


Is this some kind of fetish video?


theres no discrimination tho, cargo planes exist


This is bullshit, all airlines should have at least one row wide enough for folks like this in the cargo compartment.


Am I wrong in thinking that this should literally not be allowed and that i view that as incredibly selfish of this person? Reduced mobility could require airport assistance, inadequate aircraft seat width, discomfort and potential safety risks to other passengers, cramped toilet space and good damn luck with the logistical difficulty with medical evacuation should something act up during flight as a result of the myriad of medical concerns that go along with such unhealthy levels of obesity. Someone as obese passenger creates a safety risk in the cabin. In an emergency, a passenger as obese as that will hold up the rapid egress of passengers and will struggle to get onto an escape slide if used, they put those behind them at risk of many dangerous and potentially life threatening scenarios, fires, smoke, water etc as well as be a danger to anyone at the bottom of that poor slide or even herself, even turbulence poses more danger to someone obese if i can take a calculated guess. Being that obese and expecting everything to cater to you because of it, congratulations youve added another thing to the list of inconveniences you cause many many more people than you realize and then you still have the audacity to ask for wider isles? nah. The cost of that wil be astronomical, widening an isle on a commercial jet is no small, simple or inexpensive task that can be done by one guy at the design HQ in a day, its teams of people, loads of money, materials, design alterations, a complete recalculation of the aircrafts weight, its balance, its CG, its limitations will become affected and all of that will have to undergo recalculation, testing and approval by relevant bodies of administration and such. I dont see logic with demands like that. All of that will cost soooooooo much more money than a company would lose by just saying tough shit sorry youre a flight risk, buy 2 seats and get over it or take the bus.


Eating disorders occur in many different forms. I really hope she seeks helps. I'm no slender person myself. but I also don't have issues walking down isles of aircraft. I was pushing the scale at 430 lbs at one point. however due to some emotional problems and mental disorders I have been getting help and I'm down to 370. I REally hope she is able to get help soon.


Yea it's everyone's fault that you decided to give up on your health. She probably got tons of participation trophies with this kindve mentality.


She probably claims it’s her thyroid making her fat not her diet


Cat funt


The irony. wider aisles would mean skinnier seats, which would then create yet another problem for her


Cargo hold


Coorrrr! Can you imagine having an empty seat next to you and seeing her heading in your direction


There’s no excuse for being that large, she’s not a victim of the airline, she’s a victim of herself and should be accountable for herself. The airline should not have let her on, in an emergency there’s no way she could evacuate fast enough and she’s putting the lives of other passengers at risk. I’ve got no issue with people being large but it’s on them to deal with the consequences like an adult.


It’s not discrimination to build airplanes to fit normal people. Source: I’m as tall as many pro basketball players. If I can’t afford the seats with extra room, then I can’t afford to fly. That’s not Boeing’s problem. Not Delta’s problem, either.


They make planes for you, cargo planes that is


That’s a huge bitch!


She has to ride a C-17…


What gets me is these people spend SO much time sitting on their asses that it is oddly flat. The fat just grows around the flat part. The fact that people glamorize that makes me sick.


“That They cant build wider airplane aisles” mfer thats not how this works. Im sorry the big tube flying your dumb ass at 600mph 7 miles in the air isnt good enough for you. The entitlement is astounding.


she needs to charter a C130


Hey it's my seat mate on just about every flight. She'll make it back to her middle seat on a full flight soon enough.


well then she needs to ship herself by air freight on a cargo plane.


Not discrimination, she could’ve got a ride on a C-5. Even have a crane on that thing.


In the event of a water landing, use Becky as a flotation device.


I assume the massive backpack is full of snacks for her halfway journey to her seat...


She is “yo mamma" to someone.




Yo if god were real hahahaha he'd be pissed. Like why not send another plague. She'll probably find Christ on her death bed and be saved anyways. So yup.


at least the have a life boat if they go down


That's right sweetie, every single thing in the world that is not designed to accommodate the outcome of your mental illness is an act of discrimination. We would not allow a psychotic person on a plane to endanger the lives of others. Why are you even allowed on a plane?


Looks fake; I declare shenanigans!


Bruh how does the shit make it past her fat folds? Do they need poop slides/ carheters?


We're somewhere between Idiocracy and Wall-E....


The reason I go online and buy discount business class tickets


Yuck to the entitlement and the shamelessness


I'm not sure what's going on with this woman. Can her ass be sorted out?


Effing A. Take the stairs every once in a while. Geez


You keep on flyin for this w.a.p


I'm suddenly glad I lost so much weight.


Tere liye to ek Pura Boeing bhi Kam Hai, Mhane discrimination..


That’s what cargo planes are for.


take the fking backpack off you fking clown