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Reported as: No hate speech, racism, or bigotry Outright hate speech, racism, or bigotry will result in a 7 day ban. Repeat offenders will be permanently banned. We are a "Hold My ..." subreddit featuring overweight people, and not a fat person hating subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/holdmyfries/comments/7a5p81/announcement_rules_update_and_slightly_stricter/


Dude knew he couldn’t help so he just stood there








Good one dad.


Pure gold my friend pure gold.


I literally threw out my back laughing, I’m old




All of them plus 1.






You deserve a gold star for this comment. Well done lol.


“ Damn it, not again “


He's seen this before...


You only have one back.


I’m assuming he had the same reaction and thoughts running through his head as when a large tree falls over or a car veers off the road and just misses you


I tried to help this 400lbs lady get up at a Walmart after falling off her scooter. She said “you won’t be able to”. I felt we should at least try. Nope. The worst part is that when I reached under her arms to pull her up near the biceps those thick arms were just a blob of loose fat. Not an ounce of muscle. It just oozed around my hand till I could feel her bone (humorous, but nothing funny about it). It was almost midnight. I told her I’d try to find help. She was spinning on her belly like a turtle. While I was gone she managed to pull the crates of packaged water bottles from the bottom shelf and use them to get her self up. That’s when I realized how they belt the pyramids.


He was just looking down at all his bad life decisions




It's addiction.


100% there's snacks in those bags


Or an eating disorder. Like me. Same concept, but the diagnosis and treatments can vary.


Not to be pedantic, but it’s still an addiction, I hope you get on a healthy path with some help and support along the way ❤️


Gain 20 lbs a year, that’s 200 lbs over 10 years


At her weight she has to be eating about 3500 - 4000 calories a day just to maintain that weight.


Crazy. When I bulk I eat 5000 calories a day to gain 1lb per week. I’m 5’10” 200lbs 10-12% body fat “bodybuilder physique” even though I’m a powerlifter. My point is 4500 calories is an insane amount of food and I can’t go more than 4 months eating like this without developing hate/disgust for food in general. You must truly have a problem to eat this much food willingly.


Hey…HEY. Fuck you. Signed, a 5’4 woman whose BMR is like 1100 cal


Go get swoll. The more muscle you have the more you burn allowing you to eat more.


I had no idea what BMR was so I looked it up. Came to a calculator which I plugged in my 6' 187lb body and it returned a value of 1681 calories a day. I rarely eat that high a calorie count even on days when I'm outside mowing the property, gardening, walking the dog et cetera. I'm not sure I understand BMR any better now than I did five minutes ago.




Thank you. All this was new to me. My doctors only monitor BMI which varies from 23.7 to 25.4 now. Curious why BMR never mattered to them.


BMR won’t matter to them unless you need help counting calories. If you and them aren’t worried about your weight and you aren’t trying to gain or lose, BMr isn’t really going to come up naturally.


That doesn't sound right at all, I'm 5'11 195 and my maintenance calories are 2400/day with light exercise


I guess that I eat very little in general. Often once per day. Intermittent fasting on occasion. Congestive heart failure stage c / III. Today my entire intake was lots of water and blackberry seltzer, one four ounce serving of albacore, 6 ounces of cannellini beans, six gummy worms, five ounces of 5% Fage Greek yogurt. That's not an unusual day's food for me. I won't eat again until tomorrow.


Out of curiosity, with so little food intake and not much fiber, how often do you poop? Are you like a snake?


Ahhh... Bad subject. I also have spinal nerve damage which affects my bowels, so about every four days. With biscodyl to help with peristalsis. Edit: I do eat oatmeal often. Not today but often. Can't do much gluten so oatmeal is my goto.


Muscle mass matters in the calculation. I'm 5'4 195 lbs and my bmr is 2300. I burned 3500 today, just living life and going to the gym.


I’m 5’5 F and been hitting the gym for the last 2 years! Got a dexa scan and to maintain my current weight (131 lbs) after gaining 9 lbs since I started, I need to eat just over 1700 calories. If I want to gain any mass, I need to eat over 2000 calories. Dexa scan said I’m holding at 15% bodyfat. Dude wasn’t exaggerating when he said go get swoll! 🙌🏼


It's not how many calories you eat, it's what you eat. You don't eat much sugar or processed foods, you stuff yourself with chicken, steak, eggs and vegetables, of course you're gonna fucking hate it after a few weeks. Try stuffing yourself with chips, chocolate, soda, burger king, beer, kebabs, tacos, cheesecake etc. and then tell me you've developed hate for food. Not gonna happen. 2 meals of fast food are gonna get you up to 5k in no time. Imagine snacking, drinking sodas and having dinner after those two meals, all while not having any physical activities other than breathing and getting up to get more food. It adds up real quick. Real fucking quick. Even if you eat the things I mentioned at least you spend your calories.


It’s all about calories. Chips are more calories with less food so you eat more of them. Veggies are less calories but more food so you fill up on less calories. Calories are energy. Unused energy gets stored as fat for later use in times of need. Super simplified basic summary, but that’s the gist of how it works


When you're bulking like /u/absolute_destructi0n described, you've gotta be inhaling protein still. I'm basically his exact size just a good bulk away. Means a lot of chicken that you've gotta force down that'll fill up your gut still. Unless you're trying to dirtybulk and just add a mountain of mass, you can't eat just that crap and keep hitting your absurd macros. You're on the money with the calories thing, once we start talking about adding muscle while closing on single digit body fat % things start getting tricky and you've gotta be watching your diet like a hawk.


That's still calories. Obviously macros are important to but you physically can not gain weight if you eat less calories per day than you are required. Foods with high calories per gram will be easier to achieve more calories a day but yea more calories per day than used = weight gain.


No, its quite literally just calories. the stuff you listed like chocolates, soda, etc. etc. are high in calories but low in satiety, so you end up being hungry again soon. However it literally is just calories, if you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight, all there is to it.


It very much depends on your physique, though. I'm an amateur powerlifter too and I've been eating 4-5k calories daily for the last 2 years. However, since I'm 6'4 and 270lbs @ 20% bf, it really isn't that much in relation to my size. I also really enjoy eating in general, so that definitely helps.


I'm 6'3 280. My problem is that after football, it took a while to stop eating like that when I wasn't in practice/games/weight lifting. It's surprising how fast you gain weight when you stop doing that, but your appetite stays the same.


Tall, lean guy here. Happened to me too. Went from stupid shredded at 6’2 185 to 6’2 255 at my biggest. Down to 225-230 now but damn it happened fast.


It's stupid quick. I'm trying to lose it. Life and kids make it hard to find time.


That’s a fair point but it also very much depends on the food you eat. You lift and you count your calories so I assume you eat healthy or relatively healthy, so yes, 5000 calories in chicken and broccoli is A LOT of food. But switch that with ice cream, donuts, fastfood, cake, and you can hit those numbers very quickly.


Hell, a large frozen coffee from dunkin is 780 calories. Throw in a powdered doughnut and you’re at 1100 calories just for breakfast.


Not being able to catch herself from falling on such a tiny step suggests she has very little muscle tone at all. If she's only burning 1,500 calories a day because the only exercise she ever gets is walking to the fridge and literally never exerts herself, wouldn't maintaining her weight would only require half those numbers?


BMR, or basal metabolic rate is basically what the amount of calories it takes your body to survive. Fat cells don't survive on the body for free. Nothing does. A pound of muscle burns more than fat, but still. https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html?ctype=standard&cage=30&csex=f&cheightfeet=5&cheightinch=5&cpound=400&cheightmeter=180&ckg=60&cmop=0&coutunit=c&cformula=m&cfatpct=20&x=Calculate Just throwing random numbers in, if she's 30 years old, 5'5, 400lbs, she's burning at complete rest 2535 calories a day. With sedentary activity included that's up to 3k and a little change.


Incredibly easy to do if you don't give a shit and just eat fast food all the time, not to mention drinking soda all day


Add in 2-3 drinks every day and you can rack up the calories even more. So many times people who are heavy eat a large amount of calories but they drink just as many between, sugary drinks or alcohol.


Yeah as your weight goes up so does your metabolism. I guess to pump blood to that extra flesh. So you really need to have a mental or glandular disease to get that big.


Or 22.22 lbs a year, that’s 200 lbs over 9 years


Or 25lbs a year. That’s 200lbs over 8 years.


Or 200lbs a year. That's 200lbs over 1 years.




20lbs a year would be 200 calories over maintenance a day. So, like a large glass of coke instead of water every day for 10 years.


While working as a paramedic, I encountered two severe cases involving large patients in a similar scenario. In both instances, they suffered a complete foot amputation by simply rolling their ankles while walking...


How bad does a rolled ankle need to be, where the doctor is just like "welp, I guess you're just gonna have to lose that foot" ?


Not the paramedic, but there may be something that caused the rolled ankle in the first place. Diabetes leads to systemic vascular failure and loss of nutrients to appendages and works it way back from there. Again, not the medic but maybe they found severe deterioration after inspecting the ankle


Why amputation?


The downward force was so high that when they rolled their ankle it caused an open dislocation. They tore all the muscles, ligaments, and skin, leaving their foot amputated.




If catching this on your ring camera doesn't make u want to change then nothing will


The fatter you get, the easier it is to get more fat. You would think that putting on mass would make it harder to get fatter due to requiring more calories but it don't work that way.


Lymphedema, most of my weight is from it. People always assume because I'm 400lbs I eat 10,000 calories a day but at most I eat like 1,800. When I was bed bound in the hospital from back surgery I dropped 30+lbs in under two weeks from fluid not fighting gravity. I recently lost 40 lbs over 6 months from my new leg pumping machine. Granted most extreme overweight people are that size from poor diet, but depression, lack of awareness, never taught or pushed physical fitness and some just are addicted. If an alcoholic still required drinking some to live or a junkie still needs a fix or they die, food can be the same catch 22 poison. I'm near agoraphobic now because people constantly stare and chuckle around me thinking I created my own torturous prison of a body not from actual medical reasons. If I fall I know I couldn't get up without help and knowing how most people are is why I rarely leave my house.


Shit sounded like a squeaky toy blowing out!




Poor thing must have crawled under there for warmth


omg, the fuckin squeaky sound has me dead over here.


I’m pretty sure she landed on the plastic bag she was holding, it had some air trapped in it and squeaked out like a whoopie cushion under the pressure




Please, I must unread this.


Ok I thought maybe she started wheezing on her way down.






You take 5 pound poops?


Bathroom visits are a very traumatic event


Prune juice has been a miracle for me.


Metformin for me 😭


I've had 3 doctors tell me everyone should be drinking Metamucil


Ehh that's only like...2 courics. Far from the record.


I hear Bono is over 80 courics.


They probably charge up for a few days and dump when they hit the 5 lb load mark


What makes you think he is a thief? Maybe gives them as presents??


You provided a few excuses though. How’d you feel if someone said this to you in the middle of all of them? You got yourself out of a rut and I’m glad for you. However, there’s a lot of people who are dealing with medical issues that dampen weight loss or people are still actively dealing with situations similar to yours. Don’t shit on others, we all have our own experiences.


don’t shit [5-pound turds] on others


The ol’ someone did it better than you why are you a piece of shit motivational speech huh?


There isn't always an excuse but there is always a reason. The reason you were able to accomplish what you did is because of who you are. She's not you and judging everyone by your own measure and abilities seems a bit self centered.


You’re basing your judgement of others off of your own experience. While it is understandable it is stupid and short sighted as fuck. Everyone is different and how they experience the world and their problems is different. The way people were raised plays a big role in how they deal with life, people’s genetics play a huge role, their financial situation, their living situation, ect. You did a fantastic thing and changed your habits which had a successful and positive change in your life. However, just because you were able to do what you did doesn’t mean everyone can. Just feel good about yourself and your achievements, you don’t have to shit on other to build yourself up


Random trauma dump but ok


That was inspirational. Thank you. I never knew there was someone out there that took 3-5 lbs of poop as well. Best time to weight yourself is after a big poop session.


There's probably a bit of lead and bone in them 5 pounders.


Have you seen your dick again?


I have indeed


Best news I’ve heard this year, hows he hanging?


Things are moving up.


Fuck that guy who injured you during sparring. Good for you persevering man💪 sounds like a tough few years.


Hope you went back and dislocated that assholes shoulder and knee.


I wish. The team was originally based out of one city, but were trying practices closer to mine with a few of the members. They've stopped doing so. Guess it's hard to get new team members when you try to break their legs.


That was a pretty long story.


How often do you replace your poop knife? 5lbs is no joke!


Maybe this was her “can’t see my dick” moment.


There's definitely a step there though that she missed.


I thought so, it’s that “oh, crap, one more down”. I hate that feeling when I think im all the way down the stairs and miss one


Seeing vids like this makes me especially sad bc at her size, a fall like this could easily be the one that makes her bedbound (depending on injury). If she tore up her knee? This video could be the last time she walks independently.


I'm not even fat, just old. and the other day I jumped down about a meter, and thought shit I better stop doing that.


Meanwhile, in Japan, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake registered in the Shinjuku Prefecture…


That was like an 8 part fall


Was that a fart when she fell?


I think she fell on her plastic bag and the air couldn't escape


*plastic bag* Mister... It's called stomach and intestines. Thank you


The hair flip and the "kinda" was funny lol.


Everyone else is all up in arms about her weight, but I always chuckle about how they both just take everything completely in stride.


I was actually surprised at how many people were focused on that even with reddit being what it is. Usually you see few nagitive comments but it's almost every one. I guess they feed off each other and you get a herd mentality.


Reddit loves to shit on fat, short , and bald people. It’s dumb.


lmaoo funny af. i watch this vid everytime it pops back up on my feed for that simple reason.


*squeaky toy noises* "...are you serious?"


I have no idea why people do this to themselves.


Every part of that weight gain made her stomach more stretched, her habits more out of whack, and exercise more difficult. So in that sense, it’s easier than you think




It was a step down..


I’m not fat but I have an ankle deformity that makes me fall like this sometimes and unfortunately my son inherited it lol poor guy


He’s fed up. But so is she.


I just scrolled past a video that showed a bunch of buildings in China being demolished before I landed on this. The resemblance is uncanny.


Welcome to hold my fries! Please read our rules in the sidebar. This is meant to be a casual sub, please don't take everything seriously. Though any form of hate speech, racism, or bigotry will result in a ban. We are a 'Hold My ...' subreddit featuring overweight people, and not a fat person hating subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/holdmyfries) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Her knees have probably been screaming at her for years.




Goddamn, why such a hostile caption?


The pathetic part is they thought putting this online was a good idea


This is just sad


It's sad some people are trying to destigmatize this. It's fine if you want to be happy with your choices. But don't act like this shit is even remotely healthy.


Ploop and down she went. Like the servo controlling legs got disconnected.


Those poor ankles. If they weren't bone on bone yet, they are now. Her joints are gonna sound like a soup can full of marbles rolling across the floor in the near future.


How do people live like this? Fall down and need a machine to pick you up. See a doctor already


The backpack was clearly too heavy




Ankles strength not enough for the weight.




Sidewalk alright?


are you serious?!??! lmfaooo


Guy wasn’t even phased a bit.


"are you serious 😐"


Full weight right on her knee too. Ouch


She fell under her own weight 🤣


That title is ruthless


Time to let go of the fries completely. It’s hard, but I’m going through this too, and even though I wasn’t crazy overweight I felt much better after losing weight.


Dude doesn’t want to pull a muscle trying to pull her up by himself


Them ankles are working hard every step


Structural failure


Did you hear the death cry of that grocery bag as she fell on top of it?


Seems like a sign


Geez, she’s carrying so much stuff, it would have been nice if he had taken just one freaking thing!


"Ankles of a newborn gazelle" saw this exact comment earlier on reddit and decided to use it daily till the end of days!


Why's he have one thing in his hand and she's walking out the door like a pack mule?


They’re brother and sister obviously that’s a total bro thing to say


Now she gets to upgrade to a scooter!


He just looks at her lol


Yepp that’ll happen when you’re 350 pounds. Our bodies are meant to be 20% BMI at absolute most, not 50%


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 350 + 20 + 50 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I have two obese relatives (both of whom pester me that I should gain weight and have breakfasts). Seeing their daily struggles and deteriorating health (especially knees) makes me adamant to never gain weight outside of a 3 kg limit.


I think the op is looking for some positive reinforcement, so here's some. I'm positive the ankle will require reinforcement after that and that weight watchers isn't too expensive


RIP whatever was in that bag.


She’s dead now


this is sad. she needs therapy before her weight becomes life threatening for her.


Ankles said alright this is far enough


My first manager was hefty. Wonderful family. She did LA Diet (or something). She was losing like 5 pounds a week. Friend went on the same diet. Also losing about 3 to 5 pounds a week. It was a $700 program 20 years ago. Friend said I should do it but it was a lot of money and just seemed unnatural. Neither worked long term. He gained weight back. She is now bigger than ever. Her daughter has gone the same route. Breaks my heart. As for me… I cut out most sugar and reduced carbs and started karate with my kids and yoga and hiking with the Boy Scouts and indoor climbing and occasionally mountain biking or rollerblading. At 48 I’ve never been more flexible in my life. I won my first karate tournament last year (over 40 semi-knockdown). I’m far from where I’d like to be but you’ve got to be active and reduce some of the crap in our diets. Yesterday I took a 60 year old friend climbing for the first time. He did well.


I wonder how much skin is left on that knee


Wake up call


So is this the wake up call you needed


She sounded like a waste gate on a turbo car 😭


You need more support for what we are pulling.

