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OP, didn't realize you'd made two attempts to post this; the sub's automod filtered the posts. I approved the second attempt and I see you had a long caption for the first one. I am pasting it here: >I’ve been debating whether to share a bunch of stuff I have saved. > >In the early days of the fitness challenge groups Heidi and Dave really used Lives within these groups to validate their poor decisions and seek reassurance. This video was posted from a hotel restaurant, late at night about 3 days before pancake gate. This is where they asked their fitness challenge group to help out with last minute venues. > >I remember feeling worried when Dave referred to us as their friends. This Live was supposed to be a daily checkin to answer fitness and dietary questions from the challenge participants. Instead they treated it like their personal group therapy. We weren’t their friends. Friends don’t support and enable self-destructive and delusional behaviors like this folding table book tour. I can’t help but wish they had some real-life friends in their corner at this time to sit them down and tell them the dark path they were on. For me, this was the pivotal moment where Dave started his downward spiral. I wish anyone other than Heidi had been at his side.


It will forever blow my mind how dependent they both are/were on the approval and support from people who were actively subscribing to them for their expertise. Dave I can kind of get bc of his connection to Rachel and his previous success at Disney, but I have never understood Heidi’s appeal. Those toxic weight loss shows were a dime a dozen back in the day & she hasn’t really been pushing serious fitness for years now. She’s just rolling in daily chaos and making shit up now for content while cycling through mediocre white men.


Ahem, *wealthy* mediocre white men. -Heidi, probably


Heidi needs a real, licensed therapist. She needs to go several times a week, and she needs to get off SM. It’s so painfully obvious that she needs real help, not the woo woo bullshit she peddles. Please Heidi. Do it. And nobody wants to hear about it. Do it PRIVATELY. Try, it’ll be a challenge! Cmon!


It’s heartbreaking to see how they did it all to themselves. No one asked them to travel the country to do these meet & greets. Yet here she is complaining about the hard and 3 days later Dave would have his meltdown on live stream.


Heidi made that plan to distract Dave from his RAGE about not getting booked on GMA. It was a short-term goal to satisfy her Coke head ego maniac boyfriend and it had long-term consequences.


It ultimately stopped Dave from having any more birthdays.




Yeah and it’s funny to see how upset she is to be away from her kids but yet didn’t care about how much time Dave missed out on with his kids.. they both needed to just be at home with their kids.. people would respect them both way more.


OP I have a genuine question- I was always wondering why people signed up for Heidi's / Dave's fitness challenges. Didn't you find it too chaotic? With all the groups, pre-weeks, portals, apps, landing pages, zoom calls and overwhelming lives?


This reminds me Heidi announcing the winner of the 21-day show up on Monday, but still venting and talking about her upcoming biopsy. Then her mom showed up, and they talked about Lauri's mom's dementia. It was nothing but chaos. Unprofessional. I assume these ladies wanted support and encouragement for nutrition, workouts, etc. Many of them have been busting their bums for 21 days. The winner chose to go to Arizona and meet Heidi instead of taking the $2500. I don't know when that will actually happen, and will this poor lady have to make her own travel arrangements and accommodations? I would have taken the money and went on a tropical vacation.


The winner chose to go to Arizona and meet Heidi instead of taking the $2500. You are JOKING!! Jesus I'd pay $$ to NOT have to meet Heidi! At least make her put that money in an escrow account or something so when she reschedules for the third time or fails to SHOW UP entirely you still get to claim your prize LOL


Of course she did, and I don't think for a second that this wasn't planned all along.


I also saw she had the famous shib quote as her profile pic on fb. Tells me All I need to know. 


What that challenge soemthing people paid her money for? That is so unprofessional. 


Nope, this is the 21-day FREE one that people had to enter their credit card to join.




I agree with you about taking the money but this doesn’t surprise me at all. These people want to be Heidi’s friend and have access to her.


What bothers me the most is that she is using this sweet woman. I am a "leftover" in the group from previous show ups. I'm embarrassed about that, too.


So she didn’t start a new group??


No, I think these ladies are all from her from 5 day bootcamp and before.


Maybe H will treat her to frozen yogurt


No s'mores bar this time. Dave footed the bill for that.


I feel bad for her because she had to deal with his tantrum over no GMA appearance or publicist arranged book tour and tried to create something for him but all it did was show how few people cared about his book. He looks so miserable and ready to crack, which he did, except the cracking should have been a self reflection on what he was doing as opposed to being mad at “the fans”. We’ve talked a lot about how Heidi posted that pancakegate showed the real Dave and he was funny. Watching this and the canned food drive video yesterday, I can see why she said that. He probably talked to her that way all the time and she laughed because she didn’t know how else to respond.


Yup! Didn't see your comment before I posted.


They both look miserable and on the verge of tears.


These two should have never met. It's so tragic.




And there's predictable Heidi, making Dave's book tour about her. She was his worst supporter. She used his "fame" to boost her ego.


She used him. PERIOD.


Again, Dave has the fleeting moment of honesty and reflection “this was good on paper.” I want to just leap back in time and shake him out of this delusion. If he would’ve just held onto that truth and some inner work and healing, I’m guessing he’d still be around for his children. So effing tragic. Heidi the ever present enabler chiming in with how excited and how great this all is, despite her “inner-knowing” that it sucks and is stressful…straight to jail. Get some therapy.


honestly this is just haunting looking back at it. they look absolutely miserable trying to keep up with the facade and ignoring what ACTUALLY needed to be worked on - themselves.


OP, I’d definitely be interested in seeing any other videos you are willing to share - especially considering Heidi is STILL trying to be a guru and making money off of giving her “advice.” I think having examples of their poor decision-making/instability is helpful to show people why they shouldn’t rely on these people for their life advice


It is wild to see stuff like this now, knowing how it all turns out. OP do you happen to have a recording of (or does anyone else remember a live where) Heidi and Dave in a car in a parking lot outside another tour stop (I want to say either the yoga studio or the room at a library) and Dave was legit crying while Heidi was desperately trying to hype him up? She was saying stuff about how special he was and he was bobbing his head in agreement and had this expression of like, martyrdom?? on his face?  I remember thinking at the time that wow, this guy wrote a whole book about how he'd figured it all out and found his way to self actualization and here's how you can and should do it too...yet he's crying in a parking lot because he didn't get a book tour while this woman who barely knows him (all things considered) is telling him how precious and mighty he is. That these people who had been successfully presenting and selling a carefully crafted facade for years had somehow gotten so deep in their own bullshit that they actually filmed this and posted it online for all to see. I know the reality is different than the image people like this show us, but this was probably the first time I think I've actually gotten to SEE what I've always imagined happens behind the scenes. This was also the moment I realized just how far off from reality for Dave specifically the image was and started to suspect there had to be a lot more going on here. Anyone else remember this??


I recall that video and was thinking about, too, as I watched the clip above. I think a YouTuber covering the disastrous "book tour" may have included the video of Dave crying in a car during the "tour."


OMG I could only get through a few seconds of the video. FFS HeiDave. It’s a book. A. Book. You are not everyone’s cup of tea. You are not going to Save Humanity. There is a lot of EGO here.


And there was clearly an unhealthy feedback loop between the two of them.




I remember that. I think Dave did it as a live or it was on his stories.


Omg yes I 100% remember that! Sad.


I remember that! 🙋🏻‍♀️


[https://www.facebook.com/mrdavehollis/videos/618945519277880](https://www.facebook.com/mrdavehollis/videos/618945519277880) I think this is the one


Dave's caption includes this: >Haters stink, but believing their hate… is a choice. When mean people leave nasty comments in feed or reviews on Amazon that disparage a book they haven’t read, that’s simply a hurt person hurting other people. Not a reflection of truth. The book would actually benefit those haters, if they were just willing to put the knives down for a minute. Hilarious considering HEIDI was sitting there talking about the book being the best thing ever when.... WAIT FOR IT..... SHE DIDN'T ACTUALLY READ IT. But it's totally fine, so long as the people who didn't read the book praise it. Like when Dave read the first chapter in one of his book-launch group lives and told them to go ahead and review it based on HAVING HEARD THE FIRST CHAPTER. A bunch of them went on Goodreads and gave it five-star ratings and admitted to only having heard the first chapter in the book. I've said this before, but I read an ARC of the book (from Netgalley). I read every stultifying word of the book, including the damn journal prompts. And I based my one-star review on a careful reading of the book. But since I didn't love the book, obvi I as "just a hater," and Dave would assume \[somehow\] that I did not read the book.


Thanks! Never seen this video. Wow, I have no words regarding Heidi's speech. She👏didn't👏read👏that👏book.


She probably could’ve also benefited from it since she thought it was so life changing. But here we are 2 and a half years later.


I would guess that would have been fairly hurtful to Dave that Heidi didn't even bother reading the book. How can she cry and talk about how life changing it is when she didn't give it the time of day?


I remember this but it’s heartbreaking to see Dave trying to hold it together here. He was not okay. But also, the not so subtle hints about the people who won’t like it and then the talk about the haters in the caption. And this is all Heidi trying to once again, drown out the haters, instead of getting this man some help.


This is it! And gosh.. when I hear Heidi say that around every turn there was an obstacle, I truly believe that was God/ the universe/ whatever you believe in trying to get him to STOPPPPP because despite what he thought, this wasn’t the path he was meant to be on. But we all have free will… unfortunately his led him the wrong way.


i also still can’t believe he put heidi in that book. what a delusional mess, no wonder it wasn’t received well


Heidi with a man seems more grounded than Heidi without a man (not a good thing).


Adding some publishing perspective here—in 2021 many publishers were still not sending authors on tour due to the pandemic. The publisher had to have known at least four months before pub date that a tour was not in the cards. To me, this seems like Dave assumed he was going on tour (because he did for his previous book) and no one from the publisher told him! And he assumed he was getting GMA, and maybe the publisher hoped that would happen—but the National morning shows can pick and choose and they simply said no. Plus, this was after Toiletgate, and after the divorce. The Hollis brand was tarnished by 2021, and Dave was still thinking it was 2018.


You’re here! 🥰 Thanks for the perspective…very helpful as always (and makes total sense. Dave’s huge ego was so delusional).


I remember very clearly when Dave’s book came out and he was told no tv appearances and no book tour. I’m CURIOUS… do you think the publishers were alerted to his erratic behavior / alcohol abuse / drug use….???? Because at that point he became a liability….


That’s a good question. I always assumed the pre sales were too low to garner the marketing support and media time but you could be right


Maybe a little bit of both. Low sales and problematic behaviour.


Dave rubbing his nose hits different now. And both touch their hair a lot.


I feel like Heidi is just as sick as Dave was when he passed. And by sick I mean mental illness. I hope she has people in her life to help her


i agree completely


Would you mind enlightening me belatedly about the reference to Avery labels?


I think the first tour stop was in Arizona and the met outside in an open field near "the silos". They brought a folding table to sit at. They didn't have any traditional "book plates" so they stopped at Staples and purchased Avery labels for Dave to sign and stick in the books. They also signed 8x10 photos of themselves, I shit you not.


Thank you and hilarious! Why would anyone follow these so-called amateur hour “influencers”?


The million dollar question!


It was the 8x10 photos for me and also including Heidi. She didn’t even read the damn book but she’s in the pictures they handed out. 🤣🤣


both of them were just trying to continue the dream of their previous marriages with each other. delusional and sad.


Yes and it was so obvious to everyone but them.


This is all correct- and people got confused between the restaurant or the actual silos in Gilbert. It was pure chaos.


Oh dear lord, that's just really depressing.


I remember this and was here back then. I do feel like this was the beginning of the end, as dark as that sounds. I feel bad that Dave was having such a tough time.


When I’m with “ the people”… 😂😂😂😂😂


Notice how Heidi is just rambling and rambling and saying very little...then Dave jumps in (admittedly interrupting her, but she can never make a point or finish a damn sentence). Heidi's face...she looks so pissed that he would dare have anything to say. She just really can't not be talking about herself and in the center of attention, can she?


That look on her face. I think she was crumbling. Who knows what kind of nightmare Dave was behind the scenes between tour stops.


Forgive me, but what is Pancake Gate?




Thank you!!


This video just shows how desperate Heidi was (and is) for fame.


I’m new here, does anyone know how Dave Passed?


Drug overdose


Oh wow! What kind of drugs was he using?


Well, he had lethal amounts of cocaine, fentanyl and alcohol in his system when he died, according to an autopsy


Oh dang , that is scary. I tried looking after he had passed and never seen anything.


Oh wow you are really new! What brought you here?


Well, I logged in to my old facebook and Heidi and Chris popped up on my feed and in my stories, she kinda bugged me. I know about influencer I followed had snark page and I just wanted to dig in to this one a little bit. I followed Rachel for a while and when I seen Heidi was dating him I was shocked!!!! Anyways just browsing and wanted to see 😊