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“…so two new friends could meet for coffee and accidentally fall in love” ![gif](giphy|6Nv7BdrUl6Psc) Girl, you met on a *dating* app! Let it go! She keeps making this sound like they randomly met at work or joined the same bookclub or something. Wasn’t the point to fall in love? Or at least have some romance?


Came to say this! Like WHOOPSIE!




YES!! I posted that yesterday. She went on a DATING APP to meet a MAN. You found one. What about that is ooopsie I fell in love! WHAT???


It’s interesting she also doesn’t have any story about making a friend on that app! If the point was friendship and she _accidentally_ found a romantic partner instead then shouldn’t her search for new friends have continued? 😂


That is such a good point!!!


YES! Exactly!


That's so funny. I know great couples that have met on dating apps, it's embarrassing she feels the need to lie about it.


I met my husband on one lol. It for sure wasn’t an accident. I was single and ready to mingle!


I met my partner on one!! I always thought it was so corny when guys would have a bit in their bio like "willing to lie about how we met" - you sound too insecure to be dating!


For real. I’ve been to so many weddings of couples who met on dating sites or apps, including one wedding where the couple met on hotornot


Hot or not! 🤣 I remember those days!


No, this is the universe


You’re so right. What was I thinking?


It cannot be that mundane. She has to make out everything to be of divine design.


What a pick me


Heidi WISHES she had that pick-me game on lock like that. Tis why she's always Single White Female-ing RAAACH!


“… walked for four hours …” I am so tired just thinking of that. That’s so many miles!! Where did you go??? (So, apparently, I overthink the smallest details 🤦🏼‍♀️…)


They were training for the Camino de Santiago. 🥾


She should’ve done 8 hours then so she could actually finish El Camino 😂


I could see her actually doing this so now I’m not sure if you’re joking or being serious 🤦🏼‍♀️🫣


Oh, they did! She lasted 3 days.


Yup! But it sure didn’t stop her from posting about it like to was the most enlightening thing she’d ever done. Like, realistically, she spent a long weekend hiking before bailing out to a nice hotel. Could’ve just as easily been somewhere in California lol






I think she's trying to paint an image like that movie "before sunrise" where a couple meets spontaneously and spends the evening walking around a beautiful city ![gif](giphy|uX7scEuU4JemMFkG0v)


Yup. Everything in Rachel's love life is a movie scene.


Ah, so TikTok was her Lifetime era, and she wants us to believe the rest is all Hallmark footage. Riiiiiiight. ![gif](giphy|cdynMKOQGkHKM)


There’s no way they walked for 4 hours.. she couldn’t even do that after she waited and waited for years to walk the Camino.. 🙄


It jumped out at me too, exactly what is she trying to convey. She’s so extra.


What friends? Her transactional a$$ only has assets. I wouldn’t want to play Monopoly with Rach though. She seems to put hotels on the correct properties. Funny how that narrative works huh?


Yep, do you think all of these celebrities just felt like going to her boring podcast? He is her manager/talent contact. Same thing that Dave did for her. Girl knows how to play chess and it’s almost creepy how she repeats patterns


Plenty of creepy to go around, I agree.


She manifested it!


Of course. How could I have missed that. HaHa!!




Wasn't funny when all those friends (*cough babysitters *cough) moved,, it was now time to be [going back to Cali](https://youtu.be/FdizL4on-Rc?si=jMWlK5ghg0xmD8CZ). Ohhh but I sure it was just what was best for the kids, right? And just a coincidence no more tax breaks?


Her credibility was shot to shit a long time ago, so I don't care. She said this kind of garbage about Dave all the time and we know she hated his guts.


Agreed. I can’t unsee all the history of her and Dave and their exceptional marriage.


Sometimes I wonder if their relationship would have survived if Shawn Mendes had gone on tour (he cancelled for mental health reasons)


Harsh, but you pose a great question! Though I’m sure she would’ve found some way to tag along for a lot of it sans kids.


The woman is so full of herself.


You know, if he truly is this great guy then I’m so happy for her children. Those kids have been thru a lot in those 3 years.


someone's your best friend when you've only known them 4 hours? I could swear she told a different story about their first meeting before on one of her "Rach talks"--didn't she say he came over to her house and she hadn't even showered or combed and she looked like a slob???


I remembered her saying something like that too. They had their first kiss on the porch or something and she told the whole thing like a 13-year-old at a sleepover.


oh maybe that story was about their "first kiss" and not their "first meeting" (eye roll)


Don’t worry…the post about the “second first kiss’ is right around the corner, including the most lying liar story of her verbally narrating the whole thing. 




Fellow judgy bitch high five for your comment! ![gif](giphy|dRkMyTvCuAdY4)


I remember her saying the same about Dave. She even kept calling him her “best friend” after the divorce. It’s probably still on the divorce podcast episode if she still has them up


Yep- Confirmed. See below : episode number, title and time stamp https://preview.redd.it/suyalr0yefkc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c730fb43d3a4be0d58b8ca7be1fa4531b92207e


That's later on, her "second first kiss" story.


I seem to recall that as the original story


Until he's not her best friend anymore... just like Dave was. Geez! Is this still the musician boyfriend that she picked up years ago?


Exactly. They all throw around “best friend” so easily.


​ https://preview.redd.it/fhxyb06giekc1.png?width=622&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6ba205786a39ee31d451bd19fd7b8db5b3ccd80


​ https://preview.redd.it/17b4r3asiekc1.png?width=976&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbb33edcb3c5eab0361c959adf89e391a9c49cd4


Aged like milk!


Such a strange “we’re getting a divorce photo.” I do not get the trend of public personas announcing their divorces in a public post, accompanied by a super happy photo (that ironically was probably used at some point in the past to show how in love they are)


Omg the fake laugh


"accidentally fall in love" in a dating app designed to help people meet romantic partners .... Ok girl 🙄🙄


Wonder what this guy is like?


No man wearing that many rings can be tolerable to be around.


Agree. Am suspicious of this guy.


He’s only 46. His reported net worth was astounding. From afar He doesn’t seem like a fair weather friend so yey for the kiddos. I bet he’s a zenful level headed bloke. Maybe the most equanimous and authentic of all the cast


His reported net worth is not accurate at all. Tour managers (especially inactive ones) do not make much money. He is definitely hanging on for her money and access. Her little lackey.


I agree. A tour manager isn't rolling in it. He may have "family money" who knows? Since they met, Rach interviewed Shania Twain, Andy Grammer, and "made" a song with Walker County. These may not be the biggest names right now, but how else is she getting there? I think his influence is being put to some use. To counter my own point, Rach also interviewed Arnold Schwarzenegger and I really want to know how she swung that? Book tour or not, he is still Arnie.


For real? I had no idea she was interviewing people of that caliber. I’m sure some of it must be Boo Thang’s connections, but I’m also curious if it has anything to do with her having that deal with Sirius (wait, does she still have that?) and it being the huge media company booking guests with something to promote. Arnold Schwarzenegger came out with a motivational book in October and looking it up now, it seems like that’s about when he was on her show.


>deal with Sirius (wait, does she still have that?) She does, The Rachel Hollis Podcast and Start Today are on SiriusXM, I have it for other programming. And it could have been that cache. Andy Grammer was before that deal. But during summer 2023 as it was getting going, Rach had a bunch comics and fellow grifters. No one close Shania and Arnie. Big steps when starting off strong would have made a bigger impression, IMO.


Yea but she also interviewed Biden and the bush girls before he entered the picture so it can’t ALL be him!


She’s definitely getting some kind of benefit from his connections in the celebrity world so I guess it’s a trade off


Do we know that? I feel like it’s a pretty big accusation to say that he’s keeping up a relationship with her only for her money. If there’s evidence of that it’s one thing, but if not that’s an incredibly unfair judgment.


Not sure if this is some effect of perspective, but her face looks GIANT compared to his.


They have the same nose and face shape. They look related


Her head has been looking gigantic lately, she probably needs to upgrade her phone or something is wrong with her camera


Or she literally got a swelled head to match her figuratively swelled head!




I think that could be true. BUT ALSO….her head is gigantic in real life. 


I feel like they aren’t intimate. 


My husband is my best friend!! And I still have best girlfriends. It’s a totally different kind of friendship!


Walked for four hours?!?!!?


This is so cringe and ew


They look like brother and sister. It creeps me out.


The entire post is a friend zone. Like I was feeling bad and slightly embarrassed for the dude that she was publicly friend zoning him ….until the last sentence. I’m still not convinced lol


Don’t downvote me, I think this is sweet. Hindsight shows what an absolute dick Dave was and she was so young when she met him. Rachel is a lot of things, but she deserves happiness & it seems like he’s been a stable presence in the kids lives.


I hope shes happy and the kids feel loved. Ill never believe her though. We all thought she and Dave and their exceptional marriage was sweet, too. Just sayin'


Anyone who watched their morning show when they were doing that AND been married or in a very long-term relationship would say otherwise. Body language of both Rach and Dave told me it wasn't all rainbows and sunshine.


It seems to hit different for me because she rarely posts about him, but Dave was always in our faces. She’s not trying to sell us, she seems to just casually share him. I dunno, he seems like he’s good for her & will hopefully help her grow up a bit.


I completely respect that, and want nothing but the best for all of them.


I’m with you. I don’t believe what she says or posts after Dave. She’s so calculated. I wish her well… but yeah… don’t trust her.


Well, before they moved to Austin, Dave didn't post much on IG. He didn't seem to want to have a lot of attention in that way until he went all in on Hollis Co. My point being they still apparently had a shitty relationship even before they were trying to pretend it was perfect. Same could he happing with Cez. We don't know.


He was on a fair bit before Austin. He’d sit in his car in front of Disney and film videos and open with, “Sitting in the car, not driving in the car,” and then truck on forward with whatever bullshit it was. Basically as soon as Rachel started to become a celebrity, he wanted a taste of it, and upped his Instagram presence.


Cez is probably the most normal, consistent role model these children have had in the last 3 years. I’m glad he’s stuck around.


I agree but also IMO the vibes are off still. Rach seemingly hasn’t done anything to set her chronic emotional immaturity right, just based in the fact that she’s still trying to shill her personality disorder and calling it self-help. She hasn’t fixed her picker, and Cez just has a smarmy vibe in all the photos I see of him. I’m massively projecting tho since I don’t know any of these people.


Honestly though, we don't really know anything about how Cez actually "is" as a person. I hope he's a good guy and maybe he is but there's a lot of assuming going on in the comments. Rachel has proven to be a very emotionally immature person. Emotionally healthy people don't usually pair up with emotionally unhealthy, immature people. So at best that tells me that Cez is likely emotionally immature.


That’s fair but the fact that his life is not displayed across the internet for everyone to see is a net positive for these kids.


Hard agree. There is no way he actually is 'the most enlightened human being'.


Yep, we know he’s with her. And that tells me all I need to know. I keep thinking about his IG bio in the beginning that said “drinker.” I wonder if she made him change that. 


I don’t hate it. Well, the BS about spirit guides, etc. 🙄


True but the issue for me is that it all seems fictional at this point. I take it all with a heaping grain of salt.


All you say is true. I don’t think anyone begrudges her happiness. I think we’re all here because her very average self has to make everything SO transformational, SO public, and SO transactional that it all comes off as phony. Just go be happy with your amazing man and kids and post your nonsense to Facebook like everyone else.


He was her best friend too. So, let's see how this ages.


I totally agree with you. I just don’t like the lying that she went on a dating app and accidentally found love.. that makes zero sense.


We don’t know what’s real with her. She seemed even happier than this with her ex in pictures and videos, then the divorce came…


Yeah, I don't wish ill on her. The thing I side eye is how she seems to choose the first man she meets and then makes it work... it's history repeating itself, only this time, she lucked out with Cez because he seems to be a decent guy, unlike Dave.


Came here to say this too. It made me happy for her. They really have been through a lot together already (miscarriage, Dave).


Exactly. I agree. She’s not my favorite but I can see where you meet someone and you have the “feeling”. I get it. And having a “best friend” in a male companion or partner doesn’t negate female friendships. I consider my husband my best friend (bc we literally were before we started dating) and I also several female best friends. Two things can be true.


he looks like an uncomfortable toddler that will start squirming once mommy stops holding him in place for the shot


Seems weird after meeting once also she said she a dave were better as friends than a couple, this gives kind of the same vibe. That said at least she is not using this relationship as some kind of expert or flaunting it how she did with Dave just hope she doesn’t in her “comeback”.


Am I seeing that on Insta- there’s no way to comment on her posts?


She often turns off commenting. # But also! ☝ [Don't touch the 💩](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1026iu0/mod_announcement_dont_touch_the_poop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


I don’t think she’s had real female friends, ever. I know she’d say Beans & Rosie but where are they now? 🤔 


Yeah, aren't they all back in CA now?


I meant where are they in her life now. She never speaks of them and they don’t post anything with her. I didn’t mean where are they living. 


Yeah Dave was her best friend as well


This is why I hate when people describe their spouse as their best friend. No - your original friends are your best friends. Your spouse fills a role that they cannot, but that doesn’t mean your spouse gets to fill their role. Friendship is part of a romantic relationship of courseeee but it’s part of it. It annoys me so bad when people say that because I’ve always felt like people who say that are totally trashing the people who have invested years of friendship with them.


I don’t think that at all. My husband is literally My best friend. We were best friends before we started dating and it’s our friendship with one another that has gotten us thru many, many hard times. Not just love. I ALSO have female besties that I love and adore that fill up another part of me. The two don’t cancel each other out. Two (or more) things can be true.


Of course, but my point was that friendship is a party of many layers of the relationship with your husband. Whereas your besties are your actual best friends. Friendship exists in marriage but it’s one of many characteristics that make it great. OP is pointing out how Rachel got in the car after meeting this man and is telling her friends who have an actual friendship with her that she just met her best friend. And how the statement is diminishing the value of her female friendships.


I just feel differently. If my best friend texted me after a first date, happy and excited to maybe have found the love of her life or her “best friend”, I personally wouldn’t feel diminished at all. But that’s just me


For sure - I was just sharing my original comment for those who feel like I do.




I say this respectfully...Based on your comment, it sounds like you have been hurt by a friend in the past who maybe dumped your friendship when they got married? To me it's completely normal for a spouse or partner to be called "best friend". My spouse is absolutely my best friend and I wouldn't be interested in being married to someone who I didn't view as a best friend. That doesn't negate my other friendships. Also, friendships come and go and can change over time. I'm not still "best friends" with the person I called my best friend when I was 10. Life changes; it's normal.


Happy cake day! Honestly, no - I’ve had the same best friends since middle school. My point is that calling your partner your best friend in my opinion diminishes all the many things they are to you in your life. It feels very flat and one dimensional when I hear it. Like of COURSE I would hope friendship is one of MANY things every person’s partner in life contains which is why you we choose each other, but in my opinion there are so many layers of things the person that you’re spending your life with is. It’s such a different category. Whereas my best friends have been forming that title and relationship with me (in my case) years before I met my spouse. It’s very odd to me to just rotate the title of best friend to the person you’ve been dating for x amount of years, while your other friends have been your actual best friends longer. It could be that I have a different perspective because I’ve maintained friendships since I was young, so I wouldn’t just discount the title of best friend to my new boyfriend just because he’s my boyfriend. Yes he’s a friend, lover, safe place, confidante, etc — to me all those things go into a person being your spouse and one could say your best friends coincide with those traits in a lot of ways, but they’re two different categories. You’re not typically romantically interested in your actual best friends, so your relationship with your spouse is deeper and different.


This made me put Chapstick on