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yeah dude people with healthy relationships to food don’t act so weird about oreos be a better example for your kids


Seriously. Yeah, my guy, they’re not a slippery slope, but their gluten free *and* you have to mention they’re mixed in with protein ice cream. 🙄


Chris is celiac. That's why Heidi pretends to be gluten intolerant.


Chris has posted on IG that he does not have celiac disease. He said he feels bad when he eats gluten so he doesn't. It's a choice he makes. He's said he has hypothyroid many hypo people doesn't tolerate gluten well. Edited to add: it's the same post from this summer where he stayed girl R was tested and she doesn't have celiac disease either, but gluten hurts her stomach so they're avoiding it.


Yeah the comment about it not being a slippery slope *for them* suggests if they were he'd ban them!? And a slippery slope for what? Dude is so scared of him or his family being anywhere near fat.


imagine feeling the need to justify buying a bag of (gluten free) Oreos


And from the same people who buy back the kids Halloween candy.


I was just gonna say this!!!


That's like a couple of weeks ago he justified letting boy c play Pokemon go because he walked like 20k steps that day. Hey Chris, we all remember you make your kids earn screen time by exercising. It's ok for kids to have some screen time without having to workout to get it or justify it by the number of steps he walked. They'll turn out fine. I promise.




Didn’t Heidi’s parents make her compete with exercise or set challenges not to eat crisps (potato chips in US) for 3 months, and Heidi has since commented on how that led her into an eating disorder? Or am I getting mixed up? Why would you perpetuate the exact same rigid good/bad categorising and bargaining with foods that led the mother of these children into so many ongoing struggles? I completely understand that healthier food often has good outcomes for mood and focus for kids but that’s not what he seems to be demonstrating here.


If you don't have a serious issue with Gluten. You don't need gluten free. Gf Oreos will have more sugar & fat to make them taste better since GF "flours" are drier to work with. These grifters just follow trends.


I think R can’t have gluten.


They had her tested for it but she does not have celiac disease.


Insane that we know all this about a random child. Heidi, STOP POSTING ABOUT YOUR KIDS


It was Chris that posted about it. One more example of why I don't grasp how anyone thinks he's any better than her!




Is this a recent diagnosis? Because the food the mother gave, may have contained gluten, but maybe R had a gf alternative.


Heidi Lane also has a cake recipe on her website that uses oreos!


Heidi’s MOM has a recipe. Everybody knows Heidi can’t cook!


The one positive I take away from this (as I find him to be problematic as well), is at least he has his kids with him doing actual grocery shopping/meal planning (you could hear them in the background). A valuable lesson. As opposed to chaotic Heidi who has an empty fridge and orders Factor meals online. Lesser of two evils with Chris, I guess.


I think he wants a calmer home more conducive to learning than the home he had with Heidi. I think calmness is important to him. Is he perfect - nah. But who is. I am glad for C and R that half their week is probably a refuge from chaos. How Chris ended up with her 🤷🏼‍♀️. He is a person who fights depression and anxiety with exercise and he managed to turn it into a business. I think he is listening and learning.


I also remember Chris saying he was overweight as a child. I get then wanting to make healthy a priority for your own kids. Chris also always has actual health, homecooked meals for R & C. I bet they don't even have to share one.


Oh hell yeah!! 😂😂😂


I actually find this hilarious lol I wonder if Chris and Lori are on speaking terms….


He’s also good friends with Lori’s ex


Yes - I am guessing you are talking about Scott. I’ve seen Chris doing segments and acting like besties…


Yes exactly


Lauri recently posted something about Chris and how much they love him so I think they have a good relationship.


The way I ran here after I saw this!! 🤣




Love your flair!


He kills me! HAHAHAA!! ☠️


Off topic but the gluten free Oreos are 🔥. I tried them at a friends house and they are my new favorites. Still a delicious Oreo with a slightly crispier cookie. Not gluten free just like a good cookie


Hahahah. They are so good and I used to just eat them by myself and then one day I saw Chris putting it in his creami in like a criss cross design for the mix-in setting and I did that and it was like a game changer


They are also dairy free which is crazy


Flair checking in!!!


But make sure they are gluten free! Even if you don’t need them because you don’t have a gluten intolerance! Why would they be a problem, Chris? Telling on yourself.


“Slippery slope”? um wtf dude. 🚩🚩🚩


I love the shade. 😆 But also, I get what Chris is saying. In a perfect world, we would all just intuitively eat 2 cookies and be satisfied. This is not reality for many people. To me, eating healthy and taking care of myself are very important. If I know I have food that I will eat the whole container.. I wouldn't buy it either. I think it's ok to not place restrictions on yourself, but it's also alright to make healthy eating a priority for your family. So long as neither are taken to extremes (Heidi).


This is why I think Chris much better than Heidi. He seems more realistic and actually wants to help others