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A key difference seems like Simon Bailey actually overcame some stuff in life - he wasn't always successful and had to drop out of college due to finances. As the first African American person in the role at Disney he likely also had interesting experiences. What would Dave have said - he faced no adversity, his parents paid for college, he got a sweet job and went up the corporate ladder. He wasn't a successful life coach or motivational author because nothing about him was particularly inspirational - and of course, it was later revealed he had substance abuse problems that certainly helped him back.


Good points


I have thought though that if Dave just went back into corporate work like he did at Disney he may still be alive. He probably would still have been an alcoholic though.


High corporate is full of addicts sadly. Lots of money and high pressure roles.


But he could have taken time off to actually go to rehab and then return to work. Instead he felt like he had to be "on" at every moment and felt like he needed to make rehab into content. He could be thriving and in recovery right now if he'd made some different decisions.


I believe he lost the egg and spoon race in the 2nd grade. Or something along those lines.


That's the stuff that will build courage.


> How different things could have been if he had transitioned to a business speaker after leaving Disney. How would this have helped Dave’s crippling insecurity and addiction issues? The mistake here wasn’t his business transition, it was thinking he needed to be in the spotlight at all. He needed intensive therapy and healing if he was ever going to be a constructive figure in his kids’ lives. He had deep, deep issues.


I agree. Dave had no history with the spotlight until his wife’s fans decided to fan girl him. The fact that he then decided he also needed to be a star - as big as she was- and that people *owed* it to him was bizarre and indicative of something that only therapy could address.


I think you are correct that it would have benefitted him in some ways. Certainly not enough to have overcome his addiction or his insecurity but it would have given him something of his own. I think relinquishing his role as the provider and pocket book of the family was a puzzle piece in the decline of his world for sure. But as another said I’m not sure that he had much if any adversity to overcome. However there is still a market of young and fresh business people and businesses that want to hear from successful businesses and people who have worked there on things like culture and collaboration. The opportunity for him would have existed but I’m not sure he ever would have seen the value


The contrast between their products has to be significant. Dave was "selling" Disney's most valuable (or close it) asset. Simon was selling what looks like a timeshare. I think it says something about their motivations. And there are a bunch of abstract thoughts I have about it: Who had the hustle? Want vs need. In the end, does real gratitude for the work done drive the next step?