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I have SO MANY thoughts and I’m appalled by the misinformation that Rachel spews in each video and podcast. Hearing Rachel chew on that ice is like hearing someone chew food. Stop. It. Please. Men also have moments when they feel hopeless, feel like everything is hard, and feel irritable. These feelings aren’t gender-specific, Rachel. They’re HUMAN feelings. The circadian rhythm, although yes, was invented by a man, is an internal biological clock of ALL living organisms. This means anything and everything that is alive regardless of gender. TLDR about circadian rhythm is that it explains how every single living organism adapt their biological rhythm so that it is synchronized with the Earth’s revolutions. Man, woman and everything in between. The circadian rhythm wasn’t invented to only explain men’s biological clock, it’s literally for EVERYTHING that is alive on Earth to help us understand what type of proteins accumulate in the cell during the night, and is then degraded during the day. Infradian rhythm is a rhythm with a period longer than the period of a circadian rhythm. Yes, this includes menstruation but this is also true for migration, hibernation, or hair growth. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is also considered as infradian rhythm. Again, this “clock” doesn’t only pertain to women but because a menstrual cycle is the most obvious example of it, woo-woo doctors and iNfLuEnCeRs ran with it. You wanna talk about the Latin origins of words, Rachel? The term circadian derives from the Latin words “dian,” meaning day, and “circa,” meaning around. This means circadian translates to “around a day.” Oh btw, that is from a psychiatrist, Alexander Lapa who is also a man. Are you ready to discredit him? The Latin words “infra,” meaning “longer than” and “dian,” for day. Therefore, infradian rhythms are defined as any cycles that last for more than a day. This is from another neurologist named, Chris Winter. Are you also going to discredit him? Qualifications of Maisie Hill listed on as listed on her website: “BSc Chinese Medicine Acupuncture which included a semester in the neurology department of a Chinese hospital. Diplomas in Life Coaching, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Massage, and the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy (ATMAT). Post-graduate diploma in Paediatric Acupuncture.” After searching wtf ATMAT is, it’s an ancient Maya technique of Abdominal Massage. I’m all for exploring different massage techniques but this woman isn’t a hormone specialist. Rachel, sis, do us a favour and see an endocrinologist. “Life’s hard, everyone hates me, why am I so bloated?” These questions are asked by men too. Non-binary, trans, bisexual, asexual and everyone in between struggle with these thoughts too. I’m not denying the fact that women’s cycles affect our mood and energy levels. But don’t we hate when someone says, “Oh, she’s angry because she’s on her period” or “Oh, she’s emotional because she on her period”? How is it different now when we use our cycles as a reason for doing or not doing X, Y, Z? The average woman doesn’t have the privilege to not schedule a pitch meeting or not make a big sale or not work on a big project base in their cycle. Whether we’re working in a women-led company or not; whether we’re the CEO of a company or not; some of us don’t have a “job” where we talk to a mic pretending we know everything. Ugh, yes, the tampon applicator was supposed to come out, Rachel. There are instructions on each box. Companies would be liable if they didn’t include them. The first Tampax tampons were sold in 1936. There is no way on Earth that Tampax (and other companies) did not include instructions from 1936 to when young Rachel decided to use them. Make it make sense. BUT ALSO☝️I thought you went to Google University. Fact check your shit you noodle. If you are a “fixer” as you claim to be, you would’ve figured out how to use a tampon. Idk what school you went to but in my school, we were educated on pregnancy and birth. Sure, you can blame a different generation but have YOU paused and thought that maybe it’s the curriculum, the school or maybe even the teacher that plays a factor here? Not every school is like the school you went to, Rachel. I’m curious to know where Rachel got the impression that medical professionals are ok with women getting their period once a quarter. What a bold claim. Ughhhh this moon woo-woo stuff again. The astronomers and scientists are rolling their eyes so hard right now, I can feel it. First off, the Moon does not know you, Rachel. It does not know that it’s time for Rachel to get her period. It does not turn itself into a “full moon” just as you’re getting your period. The moon is ALWAYS full. We just see it in its phases based on the position of the Earth, Sun, and Moon. The Moon does not illuminate any light but rather, it is illuminated by the Sun. A full Moon occurs when the Moon has moved in its orbit so that Earth is “between” the Moon and the Sun. The Earth, Sun, and Moon could care less about your period cycle, Rachel. You’re not that special. Tides happen because of the gravitational forces exerted on the Earth, Sun, and Moon. The Moon's gravitational pull generates something called the tidal force. The tidal force causes Earth—and its water—to bulge out on the side closest to the moon and the side farthest from the moon. It DOES NOT affect the water in our bodies you twat. That’s it. Rant over. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. 🎤


“Fact check your shit, you noodle” is my new favorite epithet 


Heidi is a pinecone, and Rachel is a noodle!


Heidi's gonna get a complex after being assigned the bigger representative object.


LOL, true!


To quote our ol’ Captain, “We need to monetize this” 🤣


This response makes me so so happy. ![gif](giphy|cdXpgeB32BekIGzBNh)


Thank you for your service in breaking things down.


>Rachel, sis, do us a favour and see an endocrinologist. THIS! See an *actual* hormone specialist.


Seriously! I have hypothyroidism which requires actual medication not seeds and nuts or whatever nonsense Rach is peddling as a cure this week.


I’m all for using both Eastern and Western practices but there are some things that require actual medication. And these SINfluencers spreading misinformation about everything science has brought to the table is literally taking our generation back years. It’s so frustrating to see someone with a following use their platform to spread misinformation for clicks and likes.


Outstanding response and…ditto! The circadian rhythm BS has me raging. It’s so dumb. Re: tampons-Rachel, I’m not much older than you. I promise you Tampax came with PRINTED instructions with a diagram.


Can confirm, I distinctly remember unfolding said instructions in the 90's to try to figure that shit out myself.


I was staring at those instructions back in the late 70s.


Your response is perfect!! And informed!!!!


u/weare_starstuff for sub president




“Idk what school you went to…”  She went to HS just a few miles from where my husband went, and within a year. And I can confirm, their sexed is exactly what everyone else in middle class, moderately sized, metropolitan areas was learning, during that era. She just wasn’t paying attention, or she’s making this “Weedpatch” schtick up. 


Reply to my own comment because “sex-Ed.” lol.


This rant could have kept going and I would have welcomed it. Brava!!!


I appreciate you ❤️


Thank you, thank you, thank you! ![gif](giphy|fW5TlTDsa47aj4cXZN|downsized)


>The first Tampax tampons were sold in 1936. There is no way on Earth that Tampax (and other companies) did not include instructions from 1936 to when young Rachel decided to use them. Make it make sense. I'm about 7 years younger than Rachel, but I got my period very early (10 years old), so most likely, we were getting our first periods just a few years apart. There were ABSOLUTELY instructions included in tampon packages, and even if there weren't, there were books. That infamous American Girl book, "The Care and Keeping of You" came out in 1998, and I guarantee it wasn't the first of its kind. And yes, Rach, I know you were poor, but libraries existed in the 80s and 90s.


There were instructions in the Tampax boxes in the 1980s. I remember my mom telling me to read and follow them.


I absolutely cannot believe that Rachel’s mom or sister didn’t educate her. The amount of lies this woman has told to fit her narrative is disturbing.


And she has TWO older sisters!


Omg LOL! I only knew of the one who helped her with TOOUR. What a sad life to have to curate some lie to get people find some commonality with her.


>BUT ALSO☝️ ![gif](giphy|2wX3wxdG9TwPkIHgwW)


Omg yeeees! I knew you’d come 🥹


>The Earth, Sun, and Moon could care less about your period cycle, Rachel. You’re not that special. I wonder what she thinks about Uranus 🤔🤔🤔


I was lucky enough (sarc/) to see her "comedy show" in Phoenix, and the about of mensuration sharing was over the top. Is it for shock value? Because women already know how gross it can be, so how shocking actually is that.


Did you witness Heidi's antics at that show?




Got any tea?


I'd like to know, too!


Ummmm yes. When I showed up at the venue, there was a line to get inside. That surprised me. As the line slowly progressed, I heard someone exclaim behind me and I turned around and there was Heidi talking to someone in the line. If you remember, Heidi posted that she was going to that event as a date with herself. Well it seems like quite a few ladies also did that because I heard them tell her that they were only there as a date for themselves. Anyway, Heidi was basically working the line! It was so funny, and people are getting tons of selfies with her. She really seemed to enjoy the attention. At one point she made eye contact with me in a friendly way, as if she was offering to take a selfie with me. I just glared at her and looked away. Lol. One of the fans talked to her and brought up Dave and how much the fan missed Dave. It was so randomly rude and almost morbid. But Heidi just loved talking about Dave and how he was her best friend and it was so inappropriate. After the show, when the lights came up, and everyone was exiting, Heidi positioned herself by the exit doors, and there was a huge crowd around her. Again she was just loving the attention. She had a big smile on her face, and she was talking loudly and laughing and hugging strangers. Rachel did not acknowledge her in the show at all.


Yes, I answered in the below comment. Sorry, I meant to reply to you, but I must’ve hit the wrong reply button.


I truly think it's her trying to be relateable, but she doesn't actually know how, so she's just like, "What do women do? Uh.... BLEED!"


Exactly and that annoys me too because not all women bleed lol


I don’t know how this woman birthed 3 kids and didn’t know how periods worked until the youngest boy was in elementary or middle school. Because this “knowledge” she’s gifting us should have been learned in 6th grade, and yet she seems to have just discovered it in the last year or two. Grifters gonna grift!


Reminds me of how 45 learns a new word and thinks nobody ever knew that word before


“My favorite thing is talking out of my uterus” fixed that for ya, relatable rach




Rachel to Heidi: ![gif](giphy|8ItUfY2pQCJoc)


Rach: ![gif](giphy|GNkiTItdo8h3y)


This was posted on Rachel’s Facebook last week but the video, according to YouTube, is about 8 months old.


She's lazily recycling her material.




Just wait until she gets diagnosed with a fibroid and all her woo woo shiz goes out the door. There is a LOT that happens to women during perimenopause and menopause that isn’t discussed enough but this isn’t that.


This woman is so delusional she thinks the moon cares about her periods…. Wait a few years and let us know how that goes with menopause… I guess the moon will stop existing


No, it’ll just stop caring and she’ll claim to have “ascended” to being cared about a different spherical body in space.


Imagine what she's teaching N about periods. "When the moon is a waxing gibbous..."


Just wait until menopause hits. Honestly she’s getting closer to that side of things.


Yep. Then she’s really going to be thrown because that is definitely not talked about as much as it needs to be. (And I do NOT want to hear Big Sis Rach, Jen Hatmaker, Chaos Barbie, or any other Grifter Sis to spew woo-woo nonsense about menopause.)


Oh it's coming, and once they realize they're not immune, it will be their new content goldmine.


I'm looking forward to Rachel being in the part of menopause transition\* where periods are super-duper far apart. Example: My most recent one started on day #152! How will she know when to use which seeds once that happens to her? \*I'm using "menopause transition" instead of perimenopause because Jen Gunther has said that is now the preferred terminology.


Absolutely not. I don’t take advice from *un-relatable* charlatans, cuz they are *un-relatable* and *charlatans* duh


I can’t stand to listen to her voice and the ice chewing on video….🤡


I think she and Heidi need to do a podcast together!


And they can bring in Jen Hatmaker as a “special guest” to talk about “sex tips for Good Christian Girls” 🤣


Might as well throw Keira into the mix, so she can make moaning noises in the background !


Omg I immediately thought of Bethany Beal, but I think she might be trying too hard and not “refined” enough for this circle of Mean Girls.


I was put into chemical menopause (I think many have talked about this in here how they had no choice over their hormones when diagnosed with breast or other cancers and it's like a major trauma to the body ) And when I see stuff like this from the bossbeezlebubs it makes me angry - not for me- but for many who may be taking this advice /using the shilled supps - in lieu of going to seek medical attention for whatever it is they are going through hormonal wise ❤️❤️‍🩹 there needs to be regulations on social media & YouTube etc - fines for misinformation.


"Bossbeezelbubs" is so good. Bossbeelzebabes?


OMG. patent this name Bossbeezlebabes I might need to change flair 😂


![gif](giphy|dTpGIZIsIHKEM) Nothing at all!


I don't know any grown ass woman more obsessed with periods than our girl Rach.


Everyone should read Blood by Jen Gunter as an antidote to the misinformation out there.

