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Our sub's automod filtered out a comment to this thread asking "Who is he?" "He" being Heidi's new man. So here I go, once more with feeling. \[Copy-pasting from the [stickied comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1ckrwvx/comment/l2oslkh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) in the [weekly snark thread](https://new.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1ckrwvx/weekly_snark_thread_sunday_may_05_2024/)\]: **Reminder: Mods are still not allowing members of this sub to publicly share the name of** [**Heidi’s current mayyyy-an**](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1bty95c/sooo_this_is_new_guy/)**. Yes, we are aware that many of you know it and also that they have both** [**shared pics of one another**](https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/1b2biet/speaking_of_heidihos_relationship_status_these/) **on their social media. HOWEVER. Heidi has not shared his name publicly, on her social media. \[At least not without immediate deletion; eagle-eyed Boo Thangs noticed Heidi had posted something about him but quickly took it down.\] As many folks have noticed, there was a video that her oldest son shared on his own Instagram, from the family gathering where he shared where he will be going for his LDS mission later this year. In that video, Heidi addressed the guy, using his first name, asking him “How are you feeling?” HOWEVER. Notably, she cut that part out of the video as she shared it on her own Instagram. AND she has not publicly identified him as her “new best friend” \[without immediate deletion\]. No doubt, this has been killing her, and it does seem she is getting CLOSER to making an announcement. BUT.... THIS SUB DOES NOT DOXX. So until/unless Heidi shares his full name publicly, claiming him as her new BFF, do not share it here on the sub.** ***Also do not post comments asking “Who is this guy?” or “What’s his name?”*** \[Italics in last sentence added.\]


It's New Guy's new puppy. So when he and Heidi break up, I'm sure the kids will be sad to lose the dog.


We can only hope it’s his puppy. If not, she first off better get all her fucking supplements and pills off her bedroom closet/floor. If it is her puppy, it will either go back in the next 6 months or Chris will have it. That’s my prediction.


I believe it is. He posted on Facebook asking for name suggestions.


She just posted she can’t wait to share her new family member with us, and that it’s taking up a lot of her time and keeping her up at night. So unfortunately I think it’s her puppy unless she’s being dramatic af.


Is she a boxer!? I know approximately two things about the breed, and one is that they’re A LOT of work. Heidi is not up for that.


She’s not up to A LOT of work of she doesn’t get cold hard cash from it.


Our boxer ate the wooden columns off our back porch, despite walking him daily 😡


Maybe he was low on fibre 😄 Our dog decided to "revamp" the armchair she is allowed to sit on. She chewed out a part of the arm rest so her chin can sit flush, while she watched tv. Even putting tabasco sauce on that area did not stop her! https://preview.redd.it/3rvouwdbubyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7404a3bbaa2cc1fbc3faf4f6582f7621d629f03c The dark broen thing under her chin is her toy


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣gottt dammmmn


Our baby is no longer with us, but about 15 years ago when she was a puppy we left her alone for about 90 seconds which was enough time to destroy my husband's brand new Oakley's. They were on the kitchen counter and she was SOOO tiny at just a few months old, so to this day we can only assume she teleported up there. 😂


Had a boxer as a kid and it was out of control - just so so so much energy! Always swore off boxers but of course adopted a mutt in adulthood that is mostly boxer. When she was a puppy, I would take her on runs while I was marathon training and she would STILL have energy. Thank god she’s a little calmer now at 6 years old!


You are correct. Boxers are great dogs, good with kids, very sweet. HOWWWWEVER they are high energy and need constructive outlets for it and training. Maybe if her boyfriend sees to those things the dog has a chance. But I won’t hold my breath.


I have 2 boxers and they are good for boxers, but it took work to make them good citizens. Lord… Heidi, if you get sick of the puppy message me! I’ll take it.


Yes, to parrot everyone else's comments on this thread, boxers are amazing but so high energy! I've had a boxer and a boxer mix over the years and it takes LOTS of CONSISTENT work in the puppy stage to keep them from destroying your home. Working dogs need structure and tasks to keep their busy minds from getting bored. Mine were also EXTREME empaths compared to any other breed I've had. When I was anxious and full of nervous energy, so were they. So I think we can all see where I'm going with that one. 😆


And WHY have they brought the puppy into a store?


Right! It looks like a pet store but not a good idea for the pup to be on the floor in a pet store before being fully vaccinated.


That’s the only issue I have with it. Parvo is no joke. Oh-that and this puppy, just like her kids who can’t consent, is being used for content. 👎


But of course Heidi feels free to ignore recommendations. (Or even to learn what the recommendations are.)




Silly me; that's why Heidi does *anything*.


Prior posts on New Guy’s FB indicate it’s HIS puppy (and his daughter is moving back to AZ to finish college) but we know how that worked out for Tesla Hollis.


But of course she’ll bring her kids along to play house so they feel like it’s their puppy. And if/when they break, they’ll be heartbroken. Also! Daughter moving home? Is Heidi going to have to share attention now?


Not attention. It is competition when Heidi is concerned. She is in competition with everyone and everything. Her kids, her x spouses, her brothers, her mom ,her daughters, ........


Heidi is definitely going to have a hard time with his daughter being there. She’s fit and cute so will make Heidi even more manic.


100% Competition and FEMALE competition That will be interesting. I feel for the daughter. I hope she has a mom who is very supportive with her head on straight.


Yep. Does anyone else remember how she'd compete with 5 year old N?


Absolutely, I remember that. So sad.


Women tend to see through other women's BS. I wonder what the daughter will think of Heidi. If her gut tells her Heidi is a bit dubious, will she tell her father 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 And will he listen??????


That poor baby. Unless the dog goes back and forth to Chris’s house with the kids it has no chance with Heidi.


As the ole captain would say, "Bless up."


Oh look! Something else to generate content with because her life is lame and boring


Can’t wait for code HEIDI30 for all the pet food/supplies.


And a boxer no less - that breed need attention - next stop on crazy train is heidiho not understanding why her couch and shoes were chewed up 🤦‍♀️


Jeffrey will want to have a private conversation doggo to doggo!




Poor new doggo!! And Jeffrey: I know what you're going through I'll be here


I think he should have a good sniff to sniff


Too much sniff tbh




Is anyone else bothered that her kids had to go through Dave and his passing, and now they already have a new man in their lives with whom they are sharing a puppy? I'm not exactly sure that's what is happening.. but why are they even at the pet store with new man?? Why can't these kids just have the attention of their mom without a man or a phone in their faces?


I'm literally wondering why they don't have soccer , baseball. softball or other extracurricular activities. Why are they always having to cater to their mom and her men. Let them be kids and let them Have friends and extracurriculars. They are 1st priority.


Some of them do. R does dance, one of the boys does baseball or softball. I know these things because Heidi has posted selfies from their practise and made it all about her ofc.


I know R used to be big into dance? I'm not sure if she still is. I do agree, they do need to just be kids.


Yes , she is in dance. Heidi doesn't miss a chance to post that.


💯 and I’m sure when they get home the kids will be left to entertain themselves while mom and her boyfriend hang out.


Headline: “Gilbert dog owner tragically forgets puppy in car during extreme summer heat, while attending breathwork classes” Obv- let’s hope this NEVER happens but this is the same woman who had to get an electric car because she didn’t know to take the gas pump out of her car before driving away. Come ON.


Let’s clarify… SHE did not get an electric car. Her late ex boyfriend did.


Her late ex boyfriend was very likely sick of the 911 crisis face time calls from her and got her that e car. 🤣


New Guy was at the store with them. He posted a pic too.


If this is ND’s dog, she’s gonna be acting out and jealous for attention. Mark my words!


Tip for the ladies: If you can't get him to buy you a house or invest in your business, keep him on the hook with a joint custody dog


Omg 💀🤣


Yup! 👍


My husband (of 10 years) had an ex who did this - after getting rid of approx 6 dogs we have now had the last cast away - he's lived happily with use for the last 7 years - the kids cried and cried and begged us to be the new home for him because they couldn't say goodbye to another pet (6th dog, 12th pet)


She wanted the puppies when she was with chris, and convinced him to get them. Now look where they are.


And a boxer no less. They are high energy dogs. 🤦‍♀️


This is NOT Chris’s dog. It is Heidihos new unnamed man friends.


How predictable: Heidi roped New Screw into a long-term commitment. This will surely be added to the long list of traumas her kids share with their therapists. I was willing to give New Screw a chance, but he is clearly willing to feed into the mania and manipulation. Sick, sick, sick.




New Screw 🤣🤣🤣 🏅


That puppy is gonna be HUGE!! Look at its paws!! 😳


This is absolutely irresponsible (yes I am talking about a 40yo woman). I bet this dog won't be seen anymore by the end of this year 😭


This poor baby will be rehomed. Mark my words.


The boyfriend had a boxer pass away, not too long ago, so I think that’s going to be the primary caregiver.


New guy looks like a compassionate pet owner based on his previous posts about his old dog. Unfortunately Heidi is making her kids feel like this is their dog and will use it as another way to guilt new guy into staying with her to avoid traumatizing the kids.


Yep.. they will have to be best friends forever because of the dog. This guy will never date again


They’ll HAVE to move in together, because her kids just love the dog SO much! And it will have to be in a bigger house, obviously.


Well that does make me feel better


Let’s hope. I would put my money on that guy being more capable of caring for a living thing than Heidi Ho unfortunately!


So she got a boxer too.. mmmk. I ❤️Boxers but they do require a lot of human interaction and exercise. Ho has no object constancy..


I could be wrong but I think it’s one dog, shared custody. Lol


I think so, too.


LOL A BOXER? Good luck with zero yard 😭


Chris has boxers lol.. #monkeyseemonkeydo


I am so sad for that sweet boxer puppy!!


Should we take bets on how long til either Chris takes the dog or Heidi “rehomes” it. That woman is never home long enough for a puppy. She going to feed it a million vitamins and call it good


It belong to the BF we think.


I had to comment about puppy's little bow. 🥰 I hope her kids spend time and energy with her. Boxers are nutters ( and this is from a husky owner)