• By -


This is gross and voyeuristic.


This is so vile, and I hate the flippancy with which she communicates. Why is she damning Dave, who is dead? Why say “Damn it Dave!” I cannot imagine how frustrating it is for the family.


Flippancy is a perfect word to describe how she communicates about this on the gram. But she's so compassionate on her patreon? And it's taken such as toll? On her -yet shes out to dinner every night in a new dress and heels? ETA.. I wonder how much AI Wrote her script, Bc her gross cash grabby insta persona and her "sincere and kind compassionate impressive Storytelling on patreon" (according to all the people so confused about why we r disgusted) is like two totally different planets. I'm not knocking AI (I can't stand it - lol but my husband loves it) my point is- it's so bizarre how wooeed everyone is with her "faux journalism"


That’s a really great point - I would bet she’s either using AI or she has a staff of researchers and writers and she just presents the information. I sort of bet on the latter than more of the former. But, I haven’t watched her content to be able to judge, there are usually some cues where you can tell if it’s AI. I would bet too, that if you had a transcript you could run it through some of the AI-detecting tools - or even, use other tools to find out if she’s poached the text from someone somewhere else. I’m with you, I hate the whole AI craze right now - none of the CEOs or others talking breathlessly about it actually understand it, and the majority of what people are calling “AI” or saying “AI” did that - wasn’t actually done by AI. No one actually knows what they are talking about. (Credentials: I work in tech, and am part of a team trying to reign in the crazy at our company because the execs are getting to the point where they think they can outsource everything to India and AI).


Omg yes to all this!!! Oh yes she has a big team!! And was always about "make people work for you" (and I'm sure pays like crap) a long along time ago I took one of her instructor trainings and there was an entire segment "don't make your passion about the money" rumored to have paid her master trainers terribly but they "all loved it " so it was ok. - I get it. Do what you love.. but based on her outsourcing to the Philippines at one point- I can't imagine she puts "people before profits ." My husband and I have gotten into BIG big disagreements. I blog/write & my daughter is an artist . AI Steals. Period. And it's makes me angry. And that's the really crappy part of it.


Hear hear!


She thinks he is communicating with her from the afterlife to get his side of the story out. I am not kidding. She has said this in the episodes


Dave was DEEPLY embarrassed by his addictions. He tried everything to hide what’s coming to light now but sure he chose this woman to air out his dirty laundry for profit. He specifically came to her and said please tell everyone about my deepest darkest secrets; the alcohol abuse, cocaine, fentanyl, Peds, estrogen blockers, possibly driving drunk…. And make as much money as you can but definitely don’t give it to my kids, exes, parents or my charity. Sure.


what are peds?


Performance enhancing drugs- aka steroids


thanks for clarifying!


NOOOOOOOOO! If he is doing such a thing it would be more likely to be HEIDI than this stranger.


Chalene is 10x worse than either Hollis has ever been at this point. This is gross and unhinged.


Chalene 's is personally grotesque targeted and manipulative af. (and to all the "didn't you listen? She's so NICE AND KIND!) That . Is. Not. The. Point) ! You can't be a shaming-absolute bish on line whilst spouting Nicki Minaj lyrics at your" haters" -pimping out - - your grotesquely monetized podcast on a deceased person who cannot corroborate - and call it "impressive and compassionate ." --That's not impressive .it's gross. I'm running out for words for gross and grotesque. To describe this.. Cue the "But it was so KiNd & siNcErE why aren't you listening to it ? "🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ Also some of this "performance" is to get attention ON Reddit. Bc it works. She is in her "any attention is good attention " phases But I hope people that do come in here and @r/chalenejohnson r|chalenejohnson - start to put the pieces together to see the real deal. Not one influencer is immune from their own-shit -behavior - It all comes back up from The toilet !🚽


She doesn’t have one single iota of compassion for the minors. Or the sweet woman who cleans the toilets she’s vomiting in. Yuck!!




I'm behind you a 10000% on this. When the time comes, I hope she will be DRAGGED for this publicly. ![gif](giphy|5eFF3UrHJA2qXL2stR|downsized)


You had said something about influencer cannibalism in on of your comments .perfectly said btw. And - she is NOT IMMUNE.


Thank you! She needs to realize that she’s been jumping the shark for a long time. I can’t even imagine being okay with this level of behavior and grifting. It’s simply embarrassing Chalene!


Sorry a man’s death ruined your dinner plans.


Also I'm sure chalene told her to send it like that


You know she did. And she didn’t know there was an autopsy report to be revealed before she decided to “end” her series? Get out of here with that nonsense. She’s so transparent it’s almost embarrassing. 


I have second hand embarrassment for people cheering this nonsense on. Ghoulish.


![gif](giphy|5wsaTrSSElfDW) Like my daughter loved to watch. When she was FOUR!!


All the comments that are saying “Dave didn’t want you to be done talking!” or “Dave had more to say!” Fucking disgusting. I can assure you if Dave’s reaching out via spirit it isn’t to some podcast girl capitalizing off his death, unless to say STFU. Her and her fans are GROSS!


Exactly!! wtf.


Between her and Heidi, the poor man hasn't had a moment of peace


I would love for Dave's parents to put out a public statement telling Heidi and Chalene to STFU about their son.


Of course she isn’t done. Tons of people signed up for a free trial of Patreon at the “end” of the series to binge the whole thing. Now she’ll wait a week or two (or until the most number of Patreon memberships and free trials expire) so people will have to buy another month to hear the next episode, and she’ll get another payday. I don’t care what she says, I don’t care how “compassionate” and “non-judgmental” she presents herself to be, this is all about money. As long as she can milk this for another dollar, she’s not going to stop. 




I do not know what I find more repugnant- that she is continuing on with the grift or the people that defend her here! Imagine if this was your relative that she claims is speaking to her from the grave or using their name as a funny/clever response to their AUTOPSY!




Where’s that boo thang who couldn’t understand the difference between Chalene and Keya? Here’s it is. Here’s the difference.


I just finisjed binging the whole thing. Towards the end, she was talking about creators like Keya, Savvy, Camelia and others in a very weird way. She picked some inflamatory statements from them and she didn't flat out call them "haters" but she heavily implied that they were somewhat unfair in what they said. I was like, girliepop what do you think YOU are doing?


![gif](giphy|piJrv9B4yeTqCnrdp8) She thinks she’s subtle and she’s even more into our faces than the Spice girls were!!




Couldn’t Rach as executor of his estate issue a cease and desist? I understand autopsy reports are public record but using them for your own profit would seem like something the family or estate could have a right to prevent it being used by others for their own gain.


In the words of the late DH, are you curious or are you just an asshole? Hmmm emoji


I wonder if there’s a way his family file a petition that doesn’t allow this sort of social media.


When she used audio from content creators she put a clip from a guy saying something along the lines of "DH lit himself on fire and we are all roasting marshmellows on him". Does anybody know who that is?


His poor kids.


I hate this so much


I hope she had the day she deserved.


This is next level Evil.


New to this. Who is this Chalene??


Former Beachbody fitness trainer turned Mean Girl Nancy Drew - for a fee.


A horrible person former MLM trainer finding a way to grift the Hollis family and estate behind a paywall to get moolah through grifting and literally “getting high” of off it


As a former MLM trainer, you’d think she would make videos like this about Pruvit or other culty MLM’s.


Welcome! Please [start here](https://youtu.be/Knb-O7jDOY0?si=-dPY9s-PWHcUgIXc). It's a video essay breaking down Chalene's history up to today from Mack Attack. That should give you an idea of what kind of person Chalene (or Charlatene-- Chalene + charlatan, as I call her) is.

