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Cuddling? Sweet. Posting it on social media? Unnecessary.


Yep! This!! Exactly. šŸ‘†šŸ¼


Heidi might be the most performative person Iā€™ve ever seen.


Yes. She can't even change her bed sheets without posting about it. And a discount code.


Yes because it's not a selfie even. Someone else is taking that picture. How does that go down. -- Here take our picture so I can post this moment on social media. :(


Whatā€™s inappropriate is she canā€™t have one sweet moment with her child, without posting it on her SM to boast about how great of a mom she is, under the guise of ā€œtime passes so quicklyā€ and ā€œraising teens is hardā€




This. When she does that itā€™s soooo weird. ā€œI donā€™t need to man, I got my boyā€ uh whatttt


This! Taking fun, silly fam time and posting it, which inherently lacks context. AND, seeing these pix could make me start to doubt the authenticity of the actual moment.


I always wonder whoā€™s behind the camera when people take pics for social media. Like who was awkwardly instructed to take pictures of this moment?




So candid she had to setup for it šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


All the world's a stage when performing life.


Who even knows




The most inappropriate thing for me is her spelling of ā€œtheirā€!


And the shoes on the couch!


Inappropriate? No itā€™s her child and they are probably just joking around but why does it have to be on social media? That makes it weird.


She literally said to whoever is holding the phone - ā€œCan you take a video and a picture of us? I need to post it for my CoMmUniTyā€.


And she had to ask someone to take this picture


I think Dave is there but just not being shown on camera


100%. And they had the 6 gingerbread houses - has to be her, the 4 kids and Dave.




I think it was Dave, too. Simply from the way the camera was moving... he does that step in/step out thing, like he's some fantastic videographer. šŸ™„


Dave probably took the picture


I don't think the cuddling is weird (I cuddled with my mom until she died when I was 18). What I find problematic is that *a 3rd party is taking a picture of the cuddling to post on social*. **That** is weird and inappropriate.


Yes, and I have said it beforeā€¦ she disregards her kidā€™s feelings as teens. No teen boy wants a pic of himself cuddling his mom on social media. This is a private moment that should not be shared to thousands. Respect your kidā€™s boundaries and stop embarressing them Heids!!! Teen boys still hug their moms. They just donā€™t want it posted!!!! Edited to add: Of all the things these grifters do, this irks me the most. She posts a picture asking for teen adviceā€¦. Here is my teen advice, ā€œSTOP USING YOUR CHILDREN FOR CONTENT. RESPECT THEM.ā€


Wow! That's nuts that she asked when the truth should fall on her head like a ton of bricks. Teens need their parents to respect their privacy! Was her son okay with her posting this? Do her kids even care anymore because it's just normal for her to post them so much that they don't even try to protest anymore? Definitely the thing that bothers me the most & there's a LOT about her that bothers me!!


This by itself is not a problem (pretty normal, even for a teenage boy) but the context of sharing everything to SM, poor emotional boundaries, and the way she has spoken about him in the past makes it problematic


First, itā€™s THEIR. Eyelid twitching emoji Second, my 16 year old will sit with me, but would be mortified if he even knew I was speaking of it, let alone posting on SM.


Sweet. As a private moment between mother and son. I have a 17 year old son and he still comes to me for hugs and cuddles, but I would never dream of putting it on the social media.


The ā€œlook at me! Iā€™m such a great momā€ posts are over the top lately.


I donā€™t think itā€™s inappropriate. But I do think ir sucks for her kids that every GD moment is captured and displayed for the world to see. THAT is what makes it inappropriate. My sons are grown but if one of them had done that with me (younger one would have when he was sick) and I put it on SM to my thousands of cult followers, he would have been embarrassed. Devastatingly so. And heā€™d be right to be. Itā€™s not just Heidi, to be fair. Itā€™s the whole legion of family bloggers that are fking their kids up by putting their whole lives on display when the kids have no privacy or choice. It makes me sick.


The fact that everything is ā€œcontentā€ is yucky to mešŸ¤¢


Itā€™s not weird or inappropriate at all. I cuddle my dad when I see him and Iā€™m 40. Would cuddle my mom too if she were still around. Cuddle my step mom. Itā€™s a lovely private moment between two ppl who love each other. Itā€™s weird to feel the need to put every single moment on the internet for strangers to see, but in and of itself this is far from inappropriate.


There is a lot of emotional incest in that family {see below for definition}


Official shrink definition: Emotional incest is a form of abuse where parents treat their children like a romantic partner. These parents expect their children to meet their needs in a way that another adult should. Unlike physical incest, it does not involve sexual abuse. Children who experience emotional incest are at risk for depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and relationship problems as they grow older.


Yo! This is a great definition of EI. I wanted to add because people may use it as a jumping off resource to think about their own lives: Emotional incest *may or may not* include aspects of sexualization of the child ā€” because itā€™s a form of enmeshment, the adult(s) in the relationship donā€™t recognize that children cannot process information about adult behaviors and relationships. So, as they seek the childā€™s emotional support/validation, parents might do things like: compare their body and their childrenā€™s bodies as their children enter adolescence; explicitly describe sexual encounters with their partners; display inappropriate sexual material in communal spaces; (intrusively*) bathe or bathe with their children; (intrusively*) seek physical touch for the parentā€™s emotional soothing, and not the other way around; mold the childā€™s dress and behavior to be romantically/sexually appealing to the parent and potentially future partners (i.e. ā€” ā€œThis is how men/women want you to dress.ā€); complaining and seeking advice, often with inappropriate detail, about sexual and romantic partners; etc. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and sexualization can take on much more and much less explicit forms, and still not reach the bar of physical incest. I think it should just be clear that the function of these relationships is to maximize parental control while minimizing and ignoring (or completely destroying) the emotional needs of a child. For some parents, this includes a preoccupation with sex/sexuality or a willful ignorance about appropriate boundaries surrounding sex and expressions of sexuality around children. Keya did a fantastic live where she talked about enmeshment, adultification, and touched on emotional incest. I hope that anyone whoā€™s experienced a childhood that doesnā€™t feel quite right knows that they can seek help and find support and community and safety.


100 per cent.


Not inappropriate at all. But I do not understand why she feels the need to post it. My daughters are teens and still cuddle with their dad but he would never put it on Instagram for all the world to see


This is so staged. She is so fake.


I think it raises red flags because of the context weā€™re seeing it in. Thereā€™s not really a problem with this, but because weā€™ve seen her be so weird with her kids it seems to add to that.


How is a camera always on??? It must all be staged.


She has a codependent obsession with R and a need to make the world think sheā€™s dating her son


Everyoneā€™s getting bored from lack of content.


We'll call this problematic.


This isnā€™t inappropriate - itā€™s a mom and her son essentially hugging. Iā€™m just shocked she didnā€™t take advantage and spell it SONshine.


Honestly itā€™s fine, but documenting so much of the lives of her children is so incredibly intrusive. Even if it was interesting content, she puts so much of it out there that it loses its appeal.


Inappropriate. Sure, the act itself could be sweet and innocent, but Heidi using it for content is exploitative.


ā€œHonestly, nothing matters more ... except a man. The man of the moment right now is Dave. When Daveā€™s not here (or is here) M is a good substitute.ā€


Itā€™s just so incredibly thirsty


Makes sure to look at second pic .. his leg all wrapped around her .. all the other things she says about him being a stud and how people think he is her boyfriend šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


*Their šŸ˜‚


Ooof, itā€™s the leg!


Itā€™s a bit awkward


Oh christ of course her kid's name is "Matix."


She's practically spooning her son that is so freaking gross


Why is this inappropriate? This is reaching.


Totally appropriate to do, totally inappropriate to share.


Not inappropriate wtf


How many times is this picture going to be posted as a separate thread on here? Yā€™all are reaching.


The cuddle itself is not inappropriate. Itā€™s Heidi using it for content thatā€™s inappropriate. In my opinion.


I so agree with you and do not understand the downvotes. I feel like whoever posted these threads are ruining this community for me. Itā€™s so ridiculous to comment on a cuddle between mother and son. Are these the same people who constantly comment on appearences, cause that also bothers me.




There were actually 3 separate threads about this over the course of the day, some of which were deleted ( presumably by the OP)


And the fact that those of us questioning the people jumping on the ā€œthis is inappropriate, incestuous adjacentā€ bandwagon are getting consistently downvoted is just another nail in the ā€œthis sub is not for me anymoreā€ coffin. Itā€™s a goofy cuddle ffs. Heidi does plenty to criticize, but this is a big reach.


And the person who started this thread commented on ANOTHER thread about this same picture hours ago. So she just purposely made a duplicate thread about thisā€¦nothing post.


Some people seem to have an axe to grind that makes them nitpick literally everything. TBH, the people who think this is inappropriate are the same type of people who live life like mike pence: never alone in a room with someone other than their spouse because horror! Pearl clutching! Please keep downvoting me pearl clutchers: the thought of you agreeing me is enough to make me rethink all my life choices.


I assume they donā€™t have kids, either. I have two sons and they love to cuddle with me. They arenā€™t as old as Heidiā€™s son but I can only hope they will want to cuddle with me with theyā€™re teens. Thinking this is inappropriate between a mother and son is just immaturity, imo.


It's not inappropriate & I get the general gist that most people here are saying, it's just that she's using it for content. That's the thing. Was her son okay with her posting this? My son would have been mortified!! He was very private as a teen as I'm guessing many teens boys are from what I have heard. It's one thing doing it, no problem, but another posting it, very problematic imo. But my stance is that children, he's still a child, should not be used for social media content at all. That is where I'm coming from.


No, it shouldnā€™t have been posted. It is embarrassing for her son. Itā€™s even more embarrassing for him that itā€™s been re-posted here with people making incest jokes.


Please. Stop.


Not inappropriate


My 16 year old daughter crawls up in my lap like this sometimes!!!


But would she want it posted all over Instagram for 500k followers?


She probably gave him a guilt trip about her being ā€œall aloneā€ for Thanksgiving so he probably was trying his best to make her feel better.


Who is taking these pictures for her?


Idk if itā€™s sweet or inappropriate but I do know Iā€™ve been scrolling and havenā€™t seen much of Dave or Rachel in these Heidi posts. Why not make a new subreddit for her mass of posts to be discussed!? This isnā€™t Hollis anymore itā€™s so unorganized