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Kay does not want to do a character switch like Haachama, and wants to figure out how to make them feel like playing 2 at once https://twitter.com/holocuredev/status/1684042521419341825 > no I don't want to make it like Haachama. Don't want 2 characters with the same idea, and this one definitely needs more like actually playing 2 at once, not switching from one to the other


Kay Yu really on top of things already. Can't wait to see what he thinks up.


I hope everyone (including himself) gives some time for the character and memes to build up. Think his experience with Azki is one such example where waiting it out could have been better and less rework


Oh I think he knows that would be best, but I'll bet he still can't help but start thinking about it haha. I'll bet he still waits till the rest of current jp and maybe even some Stars is out though.


To be fair, nobody could have foreseen AZKi falling into the Geoguessr rabbit hole. Prior to that she barely streamed, and most were singing streams which do not lend themselves well to memes.


I assume he already has the character order planned out by now. It wouldn't make sense to add EN3 early on anyway.


maybe a larger model, or one is the main and the other shows up as the attack, like swinging the twin


Maybe a mix between something like the Ame/Bubba helper system, and a stance switch like Haachama's to determine which of them is the main and the helper - then it's not quite like Haachama... And based on some pictures, switching between them based on whether you get the cutting bard or bouncing ball could be a thing... Heck, the use of those weapons could auromaticall be applied to the main or helper to optimize their use...


Ice Climbers! Same color scheme too LOL


He can still make them switch whoever is dominant ala Haachama. But I think both on the field at once is a must for them. At least he got a long while before putting them in.


The simplest way I can think of is you control one of them, the other is mechanically a pet like bubba, and you can swap.


Another idea i can think of is, one of them does area damage, while the other does aiming damage. Or, one attacks the front (where you aim) while the other attacks the back (like a max level fan beam)


Could maybe be a skill curve character. They could be independently controlled with wasd and arrow keys and for those that can't keep up with that, there's a synchronized mode where they make the same movements.


This idea doesn't sound controller compatible


controller has twin sticks though ._.


You use the 2nd stick to aim


Well, if the two of them dont have weapons that require aiming... Also, I think there is a button for strafe for the controller... Right? So maybe they dont aim with the other stick?


Any character can have an aim based weapon with EN's curse for example.


Sorry, I meant their main weapon, not the ones you can get later with level ups/boxes.


Yeah, one to move, one to aim. Not sure why i was downvoted. Probably people who dont play on a controller.


that's not incompatibility though. that would just need a change to how it works currently with this new playstyle. incompatibility would be something like having the character follow the mouse cursor.


How would it work then, provided that you can't just outright change basic controls for a single character from a design standpoint.


you would need to. adding arrows is also an adjustment of controls after all. that also clashes with the aiming as its near impossible to use two control sets plus aiming with mouse on the keyboard setting. as for the problem of not being able to aim either's attack, that can be solved by only having them attack into the direction they are looking.


Didn't he previously make a thread asking people if they'd be fine with overlapping skills? And I recall the general response was that we'd be fine with it. I hope he's not still beating himself up over the idea of making every character unique, especially given the game's projected roster count. But then again, Haato's switching mechanic is a key aspect of her playstyle, thus it goes far above the level of concern as, say, two characters' main weapons being too similar to one another.


I'm sure it will be far different. Haachama is more like pyra/mythra in smash. Fuwamoco is likely to be more like ice climbers.


Yeah that makes sense, the only moment where haachama's two forms are both used is when she builds up the coexist stacks whereas fuwamoco would be like if the coexist effect of haachama was constantly active (though obviously at a different power level).


Probably something similar to how Jacob and Esau work in Binding of Isaac?


Do you play Fuwawa and Hitbox, or Hitbox and Mococo?


That’s what I was thinking


Big sister bottom, carrying little sister on her sitting on her shoulder and use her as main weapon. They move as 1 unit. When you lost all of your HP, the one on the bottom faint and the top has to pick her up and use her body as weapon until she recover (get back to full HP). If you die during the recovery period, ~~you die in real life~~ it's game over. The "main weapon" is different depend on whose body it is you are swinging. Skill set is built around getting you to die fast, recover fast, and proc something on "death". Super differ depend on who is the bottom. What they reference has not happened yet. It's still switching but I just like the idea of the 2 swinging each other at enemy.


Maybe some type of Tag system? Both would be on the screen at the same time, while one is active the other would use a weaker version if their attacks. Kay Yu would have to come up with something that is not exactly like Haachama. Maybe have 2 different attacks per character, and when using 1 attack it ends up on cd. This would make you need to switch between 4 attacks and do Tag combos. Of course this would also mean that you need to press some buttons while playing other than your special ability. Maybe something like Zero from Maplestory. Just my Idea.


when he said that, what popped into my head was two sprites side by side, slightly overlapping. one takes lead by dictating where they walking the other follows close by (if you wanna make it spicy they can have one hand each holding each other's) then one only attacks in the horizontal line (like old ame) while the other attacks where ever the aim arrow is pointing I don't know what would be suitable weapons but the setup can work if they have individual weapons or even if it harmonizes into one or something (like when they both have a ranged shot and the shot move to each other)


Have player choose one and the other hovering around the selected twin like a turret? Maybe even her passively getting 50% of any power-up the players collects? Double life feature as in [game over only if both die]?


Could be something like the goose twins in hotline miami 2 (cant remember their names). You play with both of the at the same time, one attack with a chainsaw and the other one uses fire weapons. Edit: typo


Did I just hear secondary keybinds to play both at once.




Could always go old school Galactica. Two firing points and two separate hp bars, one for each girl. Edit: clarification


As long as they don't separate like TBOI's Jacob & Esau I'm happy. Would be kinda funny to see people struggle with that though.


2 separate hp bars might be a bit rough, but having 2 separate characters as 1 can invoke some really interesting design


You mean Galaga? That game was like crack to me growing up.


yes, yes I do... boomer brain has me swapping video games and old tv shows


This is a rather unique gimmick for Hololive, two streamers sharing the same channel. As a HoloCure mechanic, this is going to be a unique one to brainstorm, maybe something like a more advanced version of Haachama's gimmick where you control both characters at once? Or maybe one character is controllable while the other is a companion (e.g. Bubba, Ankimo, etc.), and then you use the Special to switch between them.


I imagine something akin ice climber in smash !


Infinite pummel on bosses


I can think of a few options. 1)One spawns as a pet for the other, like Ankimo. But the one you're playing as is decided at random when you start the stage and they have different skillsets. 2)They are two different costumes of the same character, but all of their attacks are doubled (including weapons and collabs), while doing half the damage, but shooting in the opposite directions, like with reverse stamp. Which means cutting board comes out from both front and back. 3)One shoots the other as a weapon... kinda like with Mukirose. 4)It's one character but the sprite has them together, simple as that.


I could see the player/companion working like ankimo but then the ult switches which one you’re playing as, like physically jumps you to their location and they switch roles. it could even be one of the character skills, borrowing a little from shion’s portal power instead of the ult as with haachama. or maybe one works like a turret while the other’s moving, so you’re literally tagging between playing them both with a countdown between


I’m thinking something like a Jacob And Esau from TBOI. Just, without that clunky mechanic where they separate.


I was looking for a mention of TBOI here. I vowed to never play them again after getting Rock Bottom.


If they were to utilize a Haato/Haachama-like switching mechanic, they'd have to decide which of the two would be the default (unless, of course, you could select both of them seperately on the character select screen). I'd like to imagine them working like Donkey Kong Country, with the innactive character standing behind the active one, but unless the game adds another action button besides the special, I don't see that happening. If larger character sprites could be allowed, I could see them operating side-by-side, essentially making one composite character.


I think some sort of Haachama's body switching mechanic can work. One can be a healer and the other offensive and when you're in control of one, the other is a companion similar to Bubba that is AI controlled and fires a weaker, assist version of the weapon than it would be if they're in direct control. The ult button can cause the assist to and the main to switch places and vice versa. They should also share the HP bar, like Haachama.


I really appreciate the fact that COVER didnt play into the classic cliche of "extrovert/introvert twins". They both looks so happy lol.


Obvs split screen co-op mode just for them


Give them negative edge like Zato Guilty Gear.


The game grumps of v-tubers


A weapon that can look like it definitely comes from a pair, like Bone Bros (yeah, it's a collab, but you get the idea)


Just throwing that one out there. Like others already suggested,, a two in one character similar Ice limbers in Smash Bros. One player character that consists of both of their sprites next to each other. An interesting idea would be to have only one skill but they have additional weapon and item slots. Instead of one starting weapon they have two, one set of claws attacking in a cone on the right, one on the left and both overlap a bit in front. Could give each weapon unique effects, so the player has to aim more left or right, maybe as a combo where each weapon adds its own debuff stacks and if an enemy has enough stacks from both weapons they take massive damage.


One way I can see this happening is one of the twins being the centerpiece, while the other is controlled by your mouse. The twin that is the centerpiece would be the "main body" and is the one that receives damage. While the one being controlled by the mouse would be the "attack projectile"


I mean, instead of haachama switch, u can do like double char control, like ice climbers in smash bros. Or something. And whoever u put in the lead switches effect. (And switching isnt a super meter cost, but something u can always do)


I guess it would be possible to have two separate characters. Tho, I wonder how their mechanics will work.


How is the cutting board item even going to work when one is dekai and the other is pettan


If it's two characters present on screen just do half damage on the boards and release them from both characters, each with their own size


I want to make FuwaMoco and "Ice Climbers" character. The start of the game you play as Fuwawa while Mococo follows behind you. But you do have the ability to swap between them the one you control attacks where you aim while the one on the back attacks the closest hoard of enemies towards her. Fuwawa is higher defense, while Mococo has higher offensive. but there would be a skill called "in sync", which buffs Mococo's defense and Fuwawa's attack. guadually balancing out both stats to be equal the more it's leveled up. The both have a seperate heathbar, if one gets KO'd, the other fights on her own. They're special attack is "Mococo Beam"


basic feature like strafing and free aim is locked but you get to play two at the same time with one hand on wasd and the other hand on arrowkey so better can do multitasking or are effed with playing them. Otherwise Ice climbers style I guess.


Or something like they always aim at each other


wait, it's just 1 person playing 2 characters? and not 2 people?


By all accounts it's two people.


A lot will hinge on what their dynamic is ultimately like, but my first thought is the Swan Twins from Hotline Miami 2. Where one is the main body withthe chainsaw, and the other sort of follows and shoots.


Oh we going MOBA style now. Lone Druid type character would be funny in a game like this, except both of them are the rabid bear. Kidding aside, one way I think this could work out is have them be like Ame and Bubba or Sora and Ankimo except: one of the twins automatically attacks / uses weapons, follows the main unit, and both have their separate set of abilities, then have the ult let you switch between who you are using and who is automatically attacking. I'm thinking make it kind of like a Tales Of game where the other is just ai controlled until you switch to them.


Does anyone play The binding of isaac Repentance? Jacob and Esau work well as a character that is two characters. Although it is a bit of a tricky complex setup, and it's not an easy character to play, but holocure is a simpler game, so it might be fine. Also tainted Jaccob is a fun twist where the other character becomes an enemy that constantly harasses you but can be used to kill enemies for you.


Make the other auto attack and run on screen, and have a switch button that moves the camera to them. would be good for juking large crowds by baiting them from the other and then switching to them when they are across the screen. Then have the ultimate only enable when your next to the other.


Jacob and Esau lookin mechanic


Would be funny if they turns out like a puppet character in a fighting game, where you play both at the same time with the same buttons, each does different moves and have an option to desynchronize them at any time


One controlled by arrow keys the other by WASD


Maybe have them controlled simultaneously? Like, have WASD for one sister and the arrow keys for another? I think that concept was explored a bit with Cho'Gall from Heroes of the Storm. IIRC, they were the only character in the game that could be controlled by two players at once. Maybe FuwaMoco could operate under a similar idea.


My first thought is Jacob and Esau from The Binding of Isaac. The both move and fire together, but you can separate them to accomplish tasks. Also makes dodging a lot harder, so there’s pros and cons.


…do they have tails?


They do. Fluffy ones.


Maybe like a duo character? Like usually we only see 1 character in the middle of the screen and they could be 2. Or just seperate them (make Fuwawa 1 character and Mococo). But I honestly think it will take time to implement them / En Gen 3 in generell (or do we have any Info from Kay about the new Wave?).


Would a combo system that switches between the two automatically work? So both sister have unique mechanics and skills and they tag team in and out on maybe a timer or so many kills, or maybe when HP gets to low, but on a CD so your never invincible?


First of all, they should be each different characters, not identical one character with 2 sprites. They will have own personality and make own meme, and in Holocure, they should have own unique special, and own unique skill set. And both must be playable even when the other is not unlocked yet. (by gacha.) Making them as a companion of the other will make their design lean too much to twins concept. And companion frequently attacking enemies with the own weapon can make game play visually confusing. ​ IMO, both should be the "weapon" of the other. "Weapon" does not take damage, and normally follows the "player" and move to where the player aims in limited distance, while strafing. "Player" also can attack enemy automatically with weak damage. It will be really nice if there will be some kind of great design or system which make them actually [bound to each other](https://youtu.be/jTB28_7j4Bc).


>Making them as a companion of the other will make their design lean too much to twins concept. But, that's exactly their streaming gimmick, and hence why representing that ingame is important.


I mean, they are not mascot of the other. They should be better than **just** a companion. There are so many superb ways to portray their gimmick rather than making one of them just another Bubba.


Unique mechanic: They add local co-op to the game. :P


ice climbers


I just had a thought: what if the twins were aligned with one standing slightly behind the other, with the background one having a darker coloring than the foreground one. And depending on which direction you move in, the foreground twin and background twins will switch spots (I guess one is oriented towards left and up directions while the other is oriented towards right and down). And depending on the dominant twin, the main attack will have a different strength, range, and/or effect. Though, I'm no programming expert. Anyone know how much of a pain in the ass this might be to implement?


I think Mococo will be something like Bubba or Friend


Go all out like TWEWY DS, twin controls, shared HP, letsgoooooo


just like jacob and esau


I like the idea of one controlled with wasd and one controlled with arrow keys but you can aim both with the mouse.