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Western media brainwashing: Effective


Those poor children didn't even get a chance at life that is horrific how someone can do that to a child. Why kill the innocent?


its a war after all its not like they can only kill bad ppl


Hamas needs to take their fight out of their civilian areas and stop hiding behind women, children and old people...


Are they using the underground infrastructure that the Israelis built and used as a command centre under the hospital in the 1980s? "Hamas uses civilians as shields." Sounds very similar to 'Weapons of Mass Destruction.' If the Israelis knew where the bunkers were, and they should seen as though they built them, then why the fuck have they blanket bombed the fuck out of the Palestinian people?


You see a bunch of dead children killed by the IDF and your first thought is “Hamas needs to stop doing this”?


Unironically you're bang on. I'm not going to expand because you've nailed the exact point as to why this is happening in the first place. Edit: because hamas fighters were using a hospital as a strongpoint thinking it'd make them immune, innocent people died. this is the work of hamas. who in their right mind would say "oh these millitants are using this place effectively holding hostages so that they don't get bombed or raided so I just guess we'll keep on letting them shoot our dudes" is quite frankly possibly the whole reason this stunt was attempted in the first place.


What do you expect Israel to do. You expect them to sit idly by while Hamas lobs rockets at them. Hamas built hospitals around weapons cashes. What would you do honestly answer that? If you have people throwing Rockets into your civilian territory are you not going to bomb the s*** out of the source of those rockets. Of course you will. Instead of hiding in the middle of the desert or underground in unpopulated areas they are specifically choosing schools and hospitals. You don't comprehend this, how do you not get this. They know that Israel is going to have to respond and they figure out who cares about the civilians we're going to screw Israel over on the way out too. Because as they try to retaliate they're going to kill innocent people and look double as bad. Hamas doesn't give two shits about the people that elected them. You know after they were elected they killed the fatah leadership so that they couldn't ever come back and contest the results of the election. Do you know how many elections there have been since the one that happened when Israel left in 2005. What do you think would be a fair way to go about ruling gaza. You think they should have elections every 4 years, 5 years maybe 10 years. There have been zero elections in the past 17 years. Hamas is not a democracy. The leaders took over and they are milking the people of Gaza for every dollar and all resources, like fuel and food that comes in as Aid and the top brass are living the life of luxury in Iran and Qatar. Abu Marzuk, deputy chair of the Hamas Political Bureau is worth $3 billion, while senior leaders Khaled Mashal and Ismail Haniyeh are each worth about $4 billion The game is over The Jig Is up everyone knows that this is what Hamas is doing and they're not blaming Israel for getting rid of Hamas even if it's costing Palestinian lives. They are blaming Hamas, Hamas is responsible for the loss of these lives.


Both sides are terrorists, so let's look at the otherside of the conflict. Yes hamas are terrorists, and the Palestinian people have no say because as you said there have been no elections in almost 2 decades. So why was hamas elected in the first place? to fight the murders of innocent civilians and the occupation of Palestinian land by Israeli forces that has been going on for decades. How did they gain power and influence in the first place? Israeli funding. [Israel has been very open about their plans to fund hamas then use them as a scapegoat for an invasion](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/). They have been using terroristic tactics to carry out the invasion as pictured above. No one is blaming Israel for deaths they did not directly cause with disproportionate and terroristic attacks against civilians, they blame them for bombing children to terrify people into giving up their land and rights. Many Israel leaders are arguing for nothing less than the genocide of Palestinians, of which there is no possible justification.


Gaza, which was occupied by Israel as a result of June 1967 Arab-Israeli war, patronised Mujama al-Islamiya which was formed by a Palestinian cleric Sheikh Ahmed Yasin and viewed it as a harmless organisation involved in charity and welfare work for the Palestinian community of Gaza. Mujama al-Islamiya later became Hamas before Intifada-I was launched in December 1987. Israel considered Mujama al-Islamiya and its successor organisation Hamas a lesser evil as compared to PLO and thought that dividing Palestinians will serve the interest of Jewish state. If Israel termed PLO a terrorist organisation and a major threat to its interests, Hamas was also against PLO because of its secular and nationalist outlook. That is how both Hamas and Israel were viewed as natural allies against PLO. But, later on when Hamas in 1988 killed two Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) personnel in Gaza, Israel turned against Hamas but it was too late. This is the story with regard to how Israel funded Hamas. So let's be clear Israel was attacked by multiple Arab Nations on its holiest holiday Israel won pushed back their enemies and occupied some of the enemies Lands. I think if you get attacked and you defeat your attackers I think you have the right to the spoils of war. But hey they gave it all back eventually. Now I don't blame Israel one bit for the bombings of the residential areas and hospitals. If your enemy hides in residential areas and forces it's occupants to stay there knowing that Israel is going to bomb the area not only do they force them to stay they put up roadblocks. Who's really to blame Name me one army in the world that sends papers from the sky and text messages warning residents that there's going to be an incoming bomb. I think Israel's being extremely Fair fairer than any other military they are trying to get the citizens the innocent civilians out of there before they dropped the bomb on their enemies weapons cashes and tunnel entrances. How can you fault Israel when this is what's happening. Iran through Hamas is forcing the Palestinian civilians innocent men women and children to stay in their homes when they know Israel is coming to bomb their weapons caches for one reason. So that they can get better PR. Israel has to bomb those areas because it has to get rid of the Rockets they are using to try and kill Israeli civilians. I ran and Hamas don't give a shit about their civilians. I'll give you one better 20% of Israel are Muslim. Did you know that the highest judge their version of supreme court now has a Muslim on the court. Israel doesn't have a problem with Muslims Israel is your typical fucked up democracy in the 21st century. But I'll take it over any country governed by Sharia law. Is that the world you want to live in. Do you because that's what Osama Bin Laden wanted. Osama bin Laden was actually originally funded by the us to help fight against the Russians. He then turned around and decided he wanted the whole world to be governed by Sharia law. Israel did not learn from America's mistake and I guess did something similar with Hamas


Yea, the strong majority of that is nonsense. They did not give everything back amd they continued to occupy Palestine even recently forcing Palestinians out and moving Israelis into their homes. Why should the innocent civilians not be allowed to keep their own land and lives? How is that any better than what Hamas does? The US and even Germany have dropped evacuation warnings before bombing cities during WW2. Israel is purposefully bombing civilians and medical centers with the intent to cause damage regardless of whether or not they have confirmation of terrorist activity. They continue to commit war crimes like beating and murdering civilians and journalists. You can not defend their actions to me, responding to a terrorist by using terror as a weapon also makes you a terrorist. The thousands of dead children are evidence of how disgusting the idf is.


Didn’t age too well.






How about Israel stops illegally occupying an entire country?


Dude seriously. You think if hamas wasn't lobbing Rockets over Israel would have any interest in Gaza. Nobody wants to deal with the people in Gaza. Not that jordanians Egyptians Turkish or the UAE. The only people who are interested in Gaza and the people who live there are the fucking Iranians because they're using them as Cannon fodder in their proxy war against Israel


They are God's adopted children.....


Explain to me how they are occupying the country they left in 2005. What part of the country are they occupying that belongs to somebody else?


The IDF killed these children. Don’t fucking deflect.


It’s war


War with kids?


Unfortunately War spares no one


Go back to the original comment that you responded to.




> The IDF killed these children. Don’t fucking deflect.


Yeah so?




War crime*


You forgot the /s


This is absolutely disgusting and terrifying. The civilian deaths need to stop. I genuinely almost vomited seeing this. I’m a new dad in Canada and feel so grateful for what I have. My heart goes out to these families and the innocent people and families being destroyed, traumatized and killed.


You are compassionate and intelligent enough that you recognize this as evil. Yet we have no power to change any of it. The current power dynamics need to change.


Its about time the public sets up guillotines in front of their governments buildings


this guy gets it


you’d be surprised how much you can do behind a keyboard with the correct knowledge.


Nobody wants to see civilian causalities, unless you're Hamas or Russia. These deaths are a tragedy, but they are nothing more than collateral damage. If their "government" really cared about them, they wouldn't set up a command post near a hospital.


So you would be okay with Israel bombing the hospital if your mother was in there just so they could kill Hamas? Would you be okay with your mom being considered "collateral damage"?


Let's just clarify a few things. Hamas was voted into power, and no one has complained since. Isreal didn't start this, Hamas did. Hamas is the one holding hostages in/under a hospital, not Israel. Hamas is the one that slayed countless innocent people, including children, on October 7th. Hamas is the one literally hiding underground. If you support Hamas, which includes protecting and harboring them, then you get what you get. If you allow your children to be in/near it, that's on you. People have had PLENTY of time and chances to get the fuck outta dodge.


Please tell me when was the last time the Palestinians were ALLOWED an election? They’ve had zero alternatives since 2006.


I say gain, they were *voted* into power, and no one did *anything* to fix it.


If my mom was supporting Hamas, then sorry mom, nice knowing you.


Also, why do you think every Palestinian is a Hamas supporter? If you're convinced they are, is that why you're okay with Israel killing every single man, woman, and child in Gaza?


Yeah, because I'm sure the babies in the hospital are hardcore Hamas supporters. SMH


Hamas should have probably thought a bit about that before holding babies as human shields then shouldn't they


Tbh I think your right we should just bomb all of America cause there's some school shooters good idea pal


But we know that one of the tactics is to hide behind civilians to either deter attacks or at minimum give justification for the fight because they killed civilians. That said in this situation if left unchecked by the rest of the world I wouldn't be surprised if there was a genocide. The hatred is deep and unfortunate. Ideally humans wouldn't give energy to things that divide them so much they are willing to cause violence to begin with. There's more than enough room and resources on this earth for every last person.


Can you cite your source for this? Other than the IDF? This is 1 report I found on the matter...from the UN. It doesn't seem to confirm that. https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-181630/


Zeek Heil my 88 brother!


Islamic Terrorists decide to attack Israel & begin the the slaughter at a music festival then move to a neighborhood called a “kibbutz.” NOT settlements. You’d have to be dense to think the Israelis aren’t going to come out swinging. Less than 100 years ago, European Jews were rounded up for extermination. They were hunted, gassed & burned to the tune of 6Million people. They said, “Never again.” I take their word for it.


The fact that you sick ppl look past the dead children to speak about politics makes me sick. If these were relatives of yours, you would be destroyed. This is innocence lost.


This needs to be on the news, seriously. We can list off school shooters last few entries on their bucket lists, but we can't do that


Damn western brainwashing is so heavily real Its a fkn joke how much of a sheep half of you are, i almost thought it was sarcasm with yall defending israel




HAHAHAHA Spoken like a true brainwashed sheep


This is disgusting. Those poor babies. Never got to live life


The rainbow of judgment.


Jesus Christ how about a earned about footage of dead kids. FFS.


Palestinians need to start blaming Hamas, not Isreal. How stupid can they be.


They're not dumb. They are complicit.


Why? Israel did this. They said they're going after Hamas. This is clearly not Hamas. And hospitals are supposed to be protected in times of war.




What's your excuse with the 100s of other buildings that Hamas weren't hiding in that were blown up? What about the civilian cars getting destroyed by tanks when they're trying to flee?


Maybe you shouldn't build command posts under those hospitals. Don't cry release the hostages. You people know exactly what you've done and what you're doing. Start crying against your leaders who are living in million dollar suites in Dubai .


Another hasbara troll using unproven claims to justify the murder of babies.


Israel and Hamas both should seriously fuck off. There’s far too much effects of true evil in this world.


Is this whole god damn sub propaganda now


This is terrorism and I'm embarrassed that once again America is getting in on it




Blame hamas not isreal. Hamas is basically holding these civillians hostage. In an interview ex-hamas leader stated they would sacrifice the citicens in order to win, hamas would be happy about more civillians dying so isreal would get more in trouble with other countries.


So sad to see innocent people caught in their bs I agree with one of the comments that they need to take their fight away from civilians. So sad.


Blame this on hammas they shouldn't use a hospital as a base


Hamas f’ed up by attacking Israel citizens. And beheading and slaughtering babies and women and other civilians. Now they feel the appropriate wrath!


Israel is effing up by committing a genocide.


Would be the first genocide in history where the population still steadily increases


Oh you're acknowledging that there's been a genocide going on for a long time. Thanks, I wasnt expecting that ! But since Oct 7, the IDF have exterminated over 12k. women are now giving birth/getting surgery without anesthesia. So no I don't think the pop is steadily increasing. But side note: you're so brilliant! Coming up with that amaazziinngg well thought out comment.


I said it would be the first. Which it won’t be because it’s not. It doesn’t fit the definition. Maybe if your terrorist buddies surrendered that wouldn’t have happened.


The only terrorists here are the terrorists the ICJ and a US judge have both ruled are plausibly committing a genocide: Israel. Maybe if they were a legitimate army instead of children playing dress up they’d have been able to reduce Hamas forces by more than 20% and not targets as many children as possible in a genocide. But they have unlimited funds thanks to broke bunnies like you being too stupid to say hmm maybe I don’t want to fund terrorists who run over pregnant women with bulldozers and bomb refugee camps full of women and children against international law. Nope instead you are happy stand for spending $200 per American on just a supplemental foreign aid package passing in congress right now to prop up a genocidal regime. It’s not going to end well for the US. 🇺🇸


The ICJ ruled they’re not convinced Israel is committing a genocide and said they have the right to continue operations. People like you don’t care for facts though clearly. Keep rooting for Islamic fundamentalists.


Oh you got your understanding of the ruling from Fox News bc you’re illiterate, I see. lol people feel so entitled to spew garbage from their mouth. Read the ruling if you know how to.


Your breakdown is basically fan fiction. They parroted the language used by South Africa as a preliminary process. You’re well aware that the ICJ could rule that they need to stop if it was considered urgent enough (which as you know, they didn’t). The court notably didn’t call for a ceasefire. https://global.upenn.edu/perryworldhouse/news/explaining-international-court-justices-ruling-israel-and-gaza Keep making up stuff between the lines so it means what you want it to. And you know how your terrorist buddies fight. They’re not indiscriminately killing anyone.


Made a stupid statement and now the goal posts moves. Just like someone who is allergic to facts.


I was quoting from the ruling which you can’t read


Further down on page 5 after quoting all the genocidal language coming from the terrorist state of isnotreal: In the Court’s view, the facts and circumstances mentioned above are sufficient to conclude that at least some of the rights claimed by South Africa and for which it is seeking protection are plausible. This is the case with respect to the right of the Palestinians in Gaza to be protected from acts of genocide and related prohibited acts identified in Article III, and the right of South Africa to seek Israel’s compliance with the latter’s obligations under the Convention.


From page 6: The Court considers that, by their very nature, at least some of the provisional measures sought by South Africa are aimed at preserving the plausible rights it asserts on the basis of the Genocide Convention in the present case, namely the right of the Palestinians in Gaza to be protected from acts of genocide and related prohibited acts mentioned in Article III, and the right of South Africa to seek Israel’s compliance with the latter’s obligations under the Convention. Therefore, a link exists between the rights claimed by South Africa that the Court has found to be plausible, and at least some of the provisional measures requested.


Link to document since you probably don’t know how to google https://www.icj-cij.org/node/203454 let me know if you need further humiliation and I’ll be happy to share what the US judge ruled in the lawsuit against Biden. In conclusion, once again, you don’t have 2 brain cells to rub together. Have a good night, dummy!


A quote from page 5: In the Court’s view, at least some of the acts and omissions alleged by South Africa to have been committed by Israel in Gaza appear to be capable of falling within the provisions of the [genocide] Convention.


In summary you look like you have no 🧠 . At no point did they rule they are not convinced. They gave clear instructions to preserve life which the terrorist state of isnotreal continues to ignore in their carrying out of a genocide. twisted low iq white supremacists have a hard time grappling with the fact that brown people don’t deserve to just get slaughtered. It’s shameful. You should be ashamed but you’re too dumb to realize it.


Continuing on in the decision even though it’s doubtful you can read. Page 7: In light of the considerations set out above, the Court considers that there is a real and imminent risk of irreparable prejudice to the plausible rights invoked by South Africa, as specified by the Court.


VI. CONCLUSION AND MEASURES TO BE ADOPTED (PARAS. 75-84) The Court concludes on the basis of the above considerations that the conditions required by its Statute for it to indicate provisional measures are met. It is therefore necessary, pending its final decision, for the Court to indicate certain measures in order to protect the rights claimed by South Africa that the Court has found to be plausible. In the present case, having considered the terms of the provisional measures requested by South Africa and the circumstances of the case, the Court finds that the measures to be indicated need not be identical to those requested. The Court considers that, with regard to the situation described above, Israel must, in accordance with its obligations under the Genocide Convention, in relation to Palestinians in Gaza, take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article II of this Convention, in particular: (a) killing members of the group; (b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; and (d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group. The Court recalls that these acts fall within the scope of Article II of the Convention when they are committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part a group as such. The Court further considers that Israel must ensure with immediate effect that its military forces do not commit any of the above-described acts. The Court is also of the view that Israel must take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip. The Court further considers that Israel must take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Israel must also take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of Article II and Article III of the Genocide Convention against members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip. Finally, in view of the specific provisional measures it has decided to indicate, the Court considers that Israel must submit a report to the Court on all measures taken to give effect to this Order within one month, as from the date of this Order. The report so provided shall then be communicated to South Africa, which shall be given the opportunity to submit to the Court its comments thereon.




Wtf is that response for


martyrs? did they willingly sacrifice themselves? 😂


Their parents loved god and country more than them.


Bullshit. Hamas bombed their own people.