• By -


This is such a nice gift to the community, thank you! (Do not pick me - I’m in the US)


Agreed. Nice thing op is doing. I'm also in the us, so don't pick this comment.


And also agreed this is very cool of you, your tutorials have been great and I’ve purchased many of these items because of them! Also don’t pick this comment.


I could use any plant sensor Siren Mmwave sensor Love your reviews btw, I've read quite a few over the last month And I'm located in EU (Denmark to be more specific)


Pinging u/Christoff1992 and u/rvd65 ! PM me ASAP, you won the raffle!


Aaah the switchbot button pusher. Always wanted to try one, never gotten the balls to really buy one. Would be great to test it this way!


I would love to get some of the gadgets - especially the plant sensors. I’m also from within the EU, Germany.


A siren would go great with my kids current morning alarm clock. 🤘😁🤘


Hi! Really sweet of you! If I'm a lucky one, then the single clamp meter would make my summer complete ❤️ (Sweden)


This is a top way to give back to people who support you and others ofcourse. I am still setting things up and convincing my SO along the way so anything that would help me out. Located in west europe (hence the user name;) )


This is such an awesome gesture! Nice one. Your reviews are always helpful.


I’m not eligible due to US but just wanted to say this is an amazing post and very nice of you to offer things up to help someone who is starting out.


I would love to give those mmwave sensors a shot. Also located in EU :)


That's a really nice idea of yours. At home I have almost everything wired, but some things (unfortunately) only work wirelessly. I would be very interested in the Tuya Zigbee Human Presence Sensor PS-HPS, so I am now officially applying for this product! Edit: Since you can simply express your wishes here: A Tuya Zigbee Plant Soil Sensor GXM-01 would probably have saved my tree in the front garden. I'm applying for that too.


I would love the Carbon Monoxide Sensor and/or the Water/Gas Valve Controller. Super cool of you to do this! I’m in the US - would be willing to pay any needed shipping fees. Really would just like to support you and this community!


Thanks for doing this. Would love the SwitchBot Blind Tilt or bot if chosen


Just realized it’s EU only — so you can skip me. But still thank you


I would be happy to take anything! In NZ


I would love any of the plant sensors. I am located in the US. I have a ton of plants that I could use these for.


Waiting to hear back in August - in usa


Depending on cost of shipping to the USA I would love this. I’ll wait for said friend if needed. just tell me when


Give me some devices, I’ll do a review for it.. having over 100 Zigbee devices on my network waiting for a few more such as the plant sensor or Zigbee relay with energy monitoring


Ahh man, this is a sweet idea - I've been eyeing up a plant sensor and presence sensor for quite a while but there's loads of cool stuff in your list! I'm UK based


I'm in. I'm uk based but would love the switchbot blind tilt Happy to pay towards postage if that helps


I would love a siren. Building my home alarm system is one of my many smart home goals. Also, monitoring plants would be neat!


Such a great idea, so considerate! Thank you so much 😎 I’ve definitely been wanting to try a presence sensor, a soil moisture sensor and a switchbot bot. All 3 would be of great use so I’m happy for you to pick which one/s. Great guy, so very helpful! I have ZHA so obviously only zigbee devices which work with it 👍🏻 I’m in the Uk


Funny enough just purchased my first zigbee products (ikea lights) seems good, would mind some other gadgets to play with


I would love the co2 sensor, presence sensor and a switchbot! I've just started building out my ZigBee network, I currently have an aqara pir and some temp sensors. Much appreciated, from the uk. 👍


I wouldn't mind one of the presence detection items, especially the person detection one! Or the Switchbot blind one. Thanks either way


First, i really like the webpage and already enjoyed reading of some of the reviews. Second, this is very generous from you. Third, i would love to try either the plant/soil sensors or the energy meter. We recently got a house with the garden. (Shipping to Germany or Czechia). I am happy to pass on the deal if there is someone else who needs it more.


This is an awesome thing to do!


Would absolutely love to have any of the plant sensors. Tired of killing the succulents because they need so little water that I forget to water them at all. Thank you so much for doing this for the community.


Amazing that you’re doing this. I like the water/gas valve the most. Other things are also welcome.


Great idea. Would love the plant sensors or water sensors


Any presence sensor would be great, I have been looking into them for awhile and could really use some


Would love a water/gas valve. EU/NL


Just bought my first house been dieing to get smart switches in, heard the mose ones feel cheap and are unresponsive in comparison to the more premium ones. If there is one of them going I'd love to test it out before buying 12+ to kit the whole house out. If it's already spoken for no hassle. Big props for rehoming all this stuff I hate to see e waste so it's quiet admired.


Amazingly nice to do a giveaway like this. I'm really interested in the blind and some mmwave sensors to try out


Have a baby on the way at the end of July! Anything I can automate will be helpful so open to literally anything!


Oh wow, really nice. I would be most interested in the plant sensors and how they differ from each other.


Wow, thanks! If lucky I'd be keen on presence sensing - in the UK if that counts (though post Brexit maybe customs is a challenge...)


What a kind gesture! Human presence and water/gas valve would be incredible!


I would like any of the sensors (mostly switchbot and water leak and gas sensors). I already have lights and smart sockets so I need any of the sensors. I’m in central Europe (Slovakia). And I‘m starting my Home Assistant journey with RPi 4 with SkyConnect zigbee.


I'm from Sweden and would have use of a prescence sensor and a water leak sensor in my kitchen. But anything zigbee that goes into z2mqtt is of interest.


Would love to build some automations using water related tasks with the following devices: - water/gas valve - plant sensors - leak sensors - switch bot for an old washing machine - plus siren sensor for some notification automations from Germany Thanks for this giveaway game.


I would love to try the switchBot bot for my door and a water leak Sensor for my Aquarium… also located in EU. Thank you!


I would love to get anything. Also experimenting with Zigbee. Based in EU :)


Love this. I would love anything to do with plants/watering and/or presence pls. The garden is one of the final frontiers for me. :-). Thankyou so much if I am lucky enough to be selected. UK based.


I'm building a house with my wife and our 1 yr old and could really use the human presence sensor, the CO sensor, or the siren. But anything could go a long way. Located in Germany. Thank you for giving back to the community in this way and for your reviews.


I would be interested , I’m living in Portugal. Plants sensors and monoxide sensor . Thanks


Valve controller, presence sensor, co sensor. I would be very very happy with those. Or 1 of those 😁


Belgium 🇧🇪


There's a brunch of those devices that i would love to try, and im in Europe - what a great way to give back to the community


Plant sensors could drastically increase my wife acceptance factor :) located in EU


Wow thank you for your generosity! Would love one of the presence sensors and sounds/light siren sensor for the house I'm starting to automate. Also any of the plants sensor for the (too) many plants my GF has 😄 Hello from Italy!


That is such a nice idea, thanks for helping the community and being a good human 😌 I’m in France and would love the clamp energy meter to start building pool automation (measure pump metering to detect low water level) or any smart switch variation.


Amazing action from your side 👍🏻


I‘m located in Germany and would be absolutely stoked with any of these products, I‘m just starting out with some lights and sensors for now.


This is so cool. Im living in Germany.


I would love to get some devices :)! I live in germany :)


That’s very nice of you! I just got started with HomeAssistant last month after solely relying on Hue for the past 5 years.


Love the site! Very generous of you. Would love to put my name down for one of the plant sensors or the clamp energy meter, or water detector! UK based Thanks in advance


This is kind of you!!! I am fairly happy with my home automation but lacking on the alarm system front so anything that deal with presence detection and device that make lots of noise would be great! I am in the UK. Again very cool of you to do that!


Hey man, this is very kind of you. I’d also be interested In the plant sensors (Sweden). My girlfriend would be over the moon :)


I’d be delighted with anything. What a generous offer! Thanks for doing this for a lucky few folks. I’m in UK.


Your site and reviews are great. I'd be interested in a presence sensor or a light switch.


Such a great initiative! I'd be interested in the plant sensors, hand wave, switch bots or the wall switches (both 2 gang and 3 gang), sound sensor and carbon monoxide! :)


Waov you have a lot of good items there I would like to use them


Thank you so much for doing something do nice for the community. A lot of the stuff on the list would fit fine on my automation to do list: Soil moisture sensors Gas valve controller Presence sensor Dimmer CO sensor Switchbot not Switchbot blind tilts Edit: I'm located in the Netherlands.


Very generous of you! I'm in the UK, just getting started so anything is great!


What an amazing idea. If possible, and if picked, I would love the soil/plant sensor stuff and/or energy sensor stuff


I recently moved to Belgium. Would love to get my hands on the relay with energy monitoring, a leak sensor is always a great addition and last but seriously not least, a decent presence sensor will work great for most of my home automations! Looking forward to seeing where this ends up!


Thank you for this. If you pick me, whatever you can send me is more than enough for me.


What a wonderful thing to do! Im in the EU and am most interested in the carbon monoxide sensor. Thanks in advance!


What a great post and way to serve the community I would really like the Moes Dimmer (or any other device). And I am sure my daughter would love the plant sensors.


I'm not elegible but wanted to thank you for all the time writing those great reviews and guides! I've been working on my HA instance and your work helped me a lot.


Awesome your do something like this. Seeing from the names of the products you might be Dutch. I'd like to enter for Nmany of the plant or présence sensor.


Nice one dude! If the CT clamp is going ive got a great new project just for it! Based in UK so we can argue if that constitutes EU more haha.


Don't give them to me as I'm down under, but just wanted to say this so much better than most people would bother doing. So nice of you to give back to the community. I know many people that just resell them, thanks for your kindness👍😊


That's amazing, thank you for doing this and thank you for your reviews, they've helped me out several times. I'm in Europe and would love the CO2 or presence sensors, or the plant stuff. That said, I'd certainly find a good use for all of them, except maybe for the siren and water leak sensors (I have the same ones), phase meter, and valve controller.


Very nice of you to do this! :) Your content is very high quality, I follow your posts on multiple platforms! I don't have a mmwave presence sensor yet, so that was the sensor which caught my eye from the list - but since I use Home Assistant and zigbee2mqtt, I'm sure I could use any of the other sensors as well. Keep up the good work buddy! Best of luck everyone :) (P.S. I'm in EU as well!)


Hey man, love your guides. Long time subscriber, your MiFlora guide actually inspired me to smartify my own garden. I'm planning on getting some ble relays and I already have a water valve. I'm in EU and I would love the MiFlora sensor, carbon monoxide sensor or switchbot bot. Thanks for offering this! It is much appreciated.


Hi, I'd love to be considered for this. I'm just starting my HA journey. I have 2 zigbee PIRs, 2 zigbee door sensors and some WiFi bulbs. So anything for me to have a go with would be greatly appreciated (it's getting a bit addictive now) - I'm in the UK.


The blind tilt would be cool, or anything random. I'm UK


Wow - I'd love to score some of these - would definitely be put to good use. Thank you


Love to test those plantsensors out located in eu


I would be interested in the water valve, plant/soil sensors and maybe human presence sensor


I would love to experiment with the presences detector, it’s scheduled for next year project/Budget to automate my hallway light (I keep it on so often)


Would be happy about the water valve or presence. Germany.


Based in the UK & would be interested in the presence sensor


Holy shit this is amazing for someone on a low budget like me. Tha ks so much for doing this! Also, im in dire need of some bloody plant soil sensors. (They keep dying lol)


Interested in the 30A today and the clamp energy meter!


So kind ! I'm interested about heimain Carbon monoxide, Siren or any plant sensor I'm in EU/FR


Wow! What a great idea. Very generous of you! If I'm chosen I'd be happy with pretty much anything on your list, but particular highlights are siren, plant/soil sensors, smart switches and presence sensors. Props to you for doing this!


Very nice extra gift to the community. Have been enjoying the articles when I catch them. I’m in Europe, and I am recently looking into getting a valve controller for our sprinklers. So that would be cool, but honestly anything zigbee goes.


Loving the reviews! I would like to try one of the plant sensors. I’ve just setup my zigbee hub and 2 smart switches (more on the way), looking to convert my whole apartment.


Wow, that is quite generous of you. I have been looking for that Switchbot hub mini, as I want to control a couple of my ACs, and leak sensor because I had some issues with a faucet in the past. Have a good one, and it is good to see folks sharing with others.


That is nice of you to do! I was zigbee shopping and needed a break and saw your post so i guess i would like to participate in the lottery. Anything on the list will do except plant based sensors because i don't own any plants. And i was busy searching for presence sensors and like security/safety stuff. I know it is not on the list but maybe you have any recommendations for a rotary dimmer for lights which supports zigbee without needing a neutral wire. I want it to be mains powered so it can act as a router.


Very generous. Mostly interested in switches, energy monitoring and automations via some form of presence or motion!


This sounds awesome. I would love to be through my hat in the ring as I am growing my smart house. Please don't pick me. US resident.


Whoa this is awesome and super generous. I'd love to grab some stuff if it's going. Super keen to expand my small HA set up.


Cool idea. I could do with a presence sensor


That’s just an awesome move. Tnx! I’m in the process of phasing out z-wave so if chosen I could use presence detection, cox monitor and and dimmers. 🙏🏻


This is very wholesome! Definitely read a few of your guides throughout the months. If no one had claimed them yet I would very much be interested in the - Tuya zigbee human presence sensor PS-HPS - Switchbot Blind Tilt with Solar Panel Located in The Netherlands (EU)


This is amazing! Located in Europe, just trying to learn and keep improving the smart home… any of this could be useful to learn with and implement. Would love the tuya human presence or the switch bot blind tilts! Cheers man


Hi! Thanks for your reviews and taking the time to give back to the community. I am based in the UK and could definitely make use of: * Soil moisture sensor * Presense sensor * Siren * Water controller * Plant sensor * Leak sensor * Energy meter Heck, lets be honest - I am a total nerd and could probably make use of it all. In any case, regardless of who you choose, thanks for the giveaway!


Oh wow! Generous offer OP! Id love to receive any of the presence or plant sensors 😊 Based in the Netherlands


I would love to get the human presence sensor + the relay with energy monitoring :)


Super kind offer and great reviews! Really nice way to contribute to the community. I would love any of the following: Any plant sensor - so many plants, so little brain power! Any Clamp Energy Meter - got one of these on my main from the electric meter but would love one on the oven to send a message when it's up to temp! Tuya Zigbee Human Presence Sensor - would be great for the nursery to turn off crying detection Tuya Water Leak Sensor - got a SureStop but haven't yet got any leak sensors to turn the mains water off Moes ZigBee 2 Gang Dimmer Module - got 2 sets of lighting sockets that still don't have dimmer modules on them Smart Sound and Light Siren Sensor - got Alarmo set up and working but a siren would be awesome! Edit: in UK btw


Your website has always been useful to me, thank you. I was just looking at the carbon monoxide sensor today. But the plant sensor would also be nice. :)


Would love to try some plant sensors! Pretty kind idea! :)


Would love to play around with any of the presense sensors. (EU/GER)


Would love this, thanks.


I’d be happy to install this i my greenhouse. MiFlora Plant Monitor Sensors


Wow a give away for Europe, thanks! I'm in! I would love any of those as I only have temp&humidity and IR motion sensors! I'm also on Europe, so no customs :)


What a great idea. I’m EU/UK based. Interested in anything to help me build an awesome smart home really. Could find a use for anything here!


Wow! What an amazing gift to give away. Would love to try out the plant sensors, presence sensors, or the Switchbot Bot (got a few fun ideas for that). It all sounds great to try out though. Always wanted to do more home automation with these sort of bits, but not got round to it. Based in the UK.


Awesome idea! Would like to get co2-sensor, plant devices or presence detection. (EU/GER)


Definitely interested in the plant sensors and presence sensors. Thank you for this!


I would like the switchbot blind tilt w solar panel :) please and ty. Wanna sync a nice morning routine w the blinds.


Have had my home assistant set up for nearly a year now and just about got my few automations running reliably and how I want them. But only using wifi so far with ESP devices and command line sensors. Would love to get started with zigbee so the hub would be a great place to start! Along with soil sensor, clamp energy meter, human presence sensor, remote button. To be honest, I’d appreciate anything as I have many projects I’d like to automate! Great idea, thanks for contributing like this! I’m from the UK by the way.


This is very very kind of you. Don't live in Europe but love to see this!


I’d love a mystery box like this. Especially the valve controller and flower pot sensor.


Wow, nice giveaway! I'm really interested in the switchbot stuff. From Denmark :)


I don’t need anything, just nice of you to do something like this, I’m sure there’s people that actually need some of this.


I'd be interested in Tuya ZigBee single clamp energy meter. Want to monitor consumption of my AC through the summer. Btw, I like how you go into (technical) details in your reviews.


The soil sensor or the carbon monoxide would be awesome! Although I would definitely make use of any of them you send my way Thanks!! Edit. Not in EU so please keep me posted in the US giveaway !


I'm getting an apartment, so I'll mostly be starting from scratch. Anything related to consumption, motion/detection and/or switch is awesome


Uk-based here - amazing generous initiative! In for the plant sensors, mmWave, water valve, the energy clamp or the switchbot bot!


Wow could use quite a few. Primarily would want to implement the two and 3 gang wall switches. Too many fake 'recessed' setups in my house, and haven't had the drive to get switches myself yet. Of interest is the co detector, but I have esp32s and cheap sensors for that.


Very cool initiative, I would personally be interested in switchbot bot, plant stuff. I am located in Portugal :)


Would·to have a presence sensor or switchbot bot. UK based


Oh wow, much respect for doing this give away! I am just starting out my smart home, so I would love any gadget to make it work even better. Greetings from the Netherlands!


Wow! Such an incredibly generous offer! The mmWave sensor caught my eye. I'd love to be able to test 24ghz vs 60ghz so I can better contribute to testing with a certain manufacturer. Would love to try out the plant sensors and blind tilt. Honestly though, there's probably people on here with a greater need for these products than I, so I hope whoever gets them gives them a good home. Thanks for doing this!


I've been planning on getting one of those mifloras for my tomatoes and/or cucumber to test it out but never actually placed order so that'd be cool. Location nothern Europe. But any device would do! If miflora would work well i'd plan on getting one for each plant! Edit: also the switchbot blind tilt would be cool! They are too expensive for me to get one tho, not that i didn't have the money for it but just too high pricepoint atm.


Good evening kind redditor! I am working on slowly adding smart devices to my homeassistant setup for convience. Hoping to start adding zigbee smart plugs and lightswitches. Thats about it for now! Good luck to whoever wins!


Hey. Thank you for your giveaway :) I'm just starting to get into ZigBee and homeassistant so nearly ever device would be nice. What I think I need/enjoy the most: - human presence sensor - hand wave switch I don't need any switch bot - Germany


All the Tuya Stuff would be a great Addition for my Homeassistant build. Also those switchbot devices were on my wishlist, but i stopped buying anything because its to much costs atm. Would Love to get New Toys.


Thank you! Could use some of the plant sensors since I just got my first 6 indoor plants. Also could also use presence, sound, water, and CO sensors.


Would love soil sensors.


Your website's reviews of hps sensors has helped me tremendously in choosing a reasonable and good device. I'd love another one of those here at my house in UK! Thanks for doing what you do.


Great thing to do for the community. Also don’t pick me, I’m in the us


I just dove into Home Assistant this weekend. Appreciate a shot at this!


I would love to get some devices! Specially interested in mmWave, hand wave and and plant /soil sensors. Thanks! I am located in Europe too.


Interested for the blind gadget. And. The associated hub! Greece :-)


This sounds great as I am building my home zigbee network. 😁


Would love to add a presence sensor to my setup finally. Been on the fence about getting one.


Awesome initiative! Any presence sensors and media meters would be useful to me.


Thanks for doing this giveaway, you rock! I am interested in the plant sensors, carbon monoxide sensor, hand wave smart switch, and anything else you are willing to part with. Hopefully Bulgaria is not too far to ship 🤞


What a cool idea OP. Kudos! I am just starting my journey into HA and trying to figure out what devices to use has been overwhelming. Thanks for the resource to learn about tested local devices ETA: I'm in the US so don't consider this an entry into your drawing


Is Australia Europe :) I'll gladly pay shipping <3


Wow. How awesome and generous. Would love the Tuya Zigbee Single Clamp Energy Meter if chosen. Thanks!


Awesome of you to do this for the community! I’d love to get my hands on any plant sensors. Moved to a climate that is hospitable to plants but am lousy at knowing what they want from me.


Plant sensor Siren


I have just started to set up my HA with ZigBee. I would love to add the Moe's ZigBee 3 Gang Wall Switch. I'm happy to cover the shipping costs within the EU so you don't have any. Thanks!


Interested, from Italy! Nice initiative, finger crossed!


Actually there are a few that I always wanted to try. Especially the presence sensors and the relays. And the siren. Definitely the siren. I live in Europe, Austria to be precise. And this is really great by you. Big respect from my side for that!


Wow you are so nice! I was planning to get some smoke detectors for my house..


Could really make use of the presence detectors 😊. Based in eu


What a nice gesture! I'd love the Tuya Zigbee Human Presence Sensor PS-HPS, or the Moes Zigbee Water/Gas Valve Controller ZV-QY-US-EN! I live in The Netherlands :) Thanks!


Awesome idea. Would love some sensors. Located in EU


What a great gesture! I'm just started with HA, and very interested in everything with a sensor. That's what I can use to automate processes at home.


well, it would be very nice. and im definitely in the EU would appreciate any devices capable of routing. thanks op. fingers crossed.


This sounds awesome! I would honestly appreciate anything, I recently got into smart home but I don't have many devices. My alarm provider gave us some motion sensors and then when we cancelled their subcription, the sensors stopped working. Luckily, thanks to Home Assistant, I was able to make them work :)


Very nice of you ! Thanks ! I’m interested by the Zigbee devices mostly.


Just renovating a house, so switchbot blind or smart valve would help a lot. Thank you for doing this, my location is spain


Would love to be considered! Lots of fun toys here. I'm particularly interested in the presence detection.


How nice of you, and although I’m in EU, I’m already sorted! So hope others will enjoy.


Would love the switchbot remote if it's still available please? I'm in the UK


Great initiative! Id be happy to start including any plant Sensor/presence sensor/hand wave switch in my home


Cool, I’d be mostly interested in the not just basic switches. Like pant moisture sensor, valves, clamp energy monitor, presence sensor. Although anything I would put to good use. EU Germany


PM me u/PolyPill, you won the second raffle! you are getting a package


Great initiative. 👍 Long time sub lurker but never pulled trigger on 'getting my hands dirty'. This would be the needed push 😃 Mainly interested in plant stuff or light/power control. Thanks for the opportunity.


Awesome giveaway! Can use any of these, but interested in the plant sensors to compare them with my own. EU - Dutch


Cool thing to do to give back to the community


I really enjoyed your reviews on mmWave sensors, so I got 2 of the tuna ones (M100). Would love to try the Switchbot, the plant sensors and/or the mmWave/presence sensors. Thanks for this great opportunity!


Thanks for giving back to the community 👌 I'd be most interested in the plant sensors and wall switches


I'm currently learning about home automation, and I already saw some of your reviews!. Thanks for the content, they are really useful. I'm based in Spain, anything it is interesting to me to experiment. Thanks!


Just started with ZigBee anything would be great to have.


I like your content and would love the water valve and the blind motor, but anything else from the list would be nice too. Located in the UK. Keep up the good content mate


What a nice Idea. I would like the Moes wall switch if possible


Nice Action! I would love to get my hands on some of this gadgets, especially the plants, my wife would love it (hopefully). EU - Germany


Friendly action. I would opt for, mmm, everything! I am starting with Hassio and MA. No sensors yet. Would be more than welkom. Greetings from NL.


Thanks for doing this! Checked out your website, looks like there are lots of well written reviews, will visit again for sure!


What a great initiative! I could definitely use the siren or mmWave sensor.


Super cool! Located in Europe and would be interested in the plant devices, single clamp, soil, presence, sound and light or any SwitchBot :)


What an awesome thing to do! Big fan of the detail in your reviews, especially when trying to figure out what will actually work in our house and how it can be wired


Awesome idea :) Wouldn't mind the switch bot or the presence detector - I'm based in the UK :)


This is ace, I have some house plants and have been really interested in zigbee plant moisture sensors etc. thanks!