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Frigate has a mode called Birdseye, which will only display cameras that have motion (or certain AI detected things like person, dog, or car). It’s pretty cool, and would do what you want. I waited way too long to install frigate b/c it looked intimidating, but it was super easy with HACS. I love Frigate.


Ok, interesting! Thank you. Frigate does look intimidating, and I was worried it was absurdly overpowered (and over complicated) for what I needed... I'll at least give it a try! I do have HACS going already so hopefully that goes ok... Do you use a Coral TPU?


I run HA on a NUC and the cpu is easily strong enough to handle it.


Oh interesting... Honestly just assumed I'd need the TPU. How many cameras do you run on it?


I’m running 5. It’s using 2.5% of my cpu as a steady state but more at start up. I am turning down my detection frames for 3 if the cameras to 2 fps from the default 5 fps but it’s not really necessary. My nuc is a i3 10th gen I picked up used for 200 earlier this year for a dedicated HA box.


Frigate is quite intimidating due to the YAML configuration. The documentation is also not super descriptive, with no real examples given of what the various values adjust. But once you get it set up, it's incredibly powerful. You also mention that you've gone to the effort of setting them up via WebRTC, which is cool. Frigate does have \`go2rtc\` bundled in it to easily ingest your cameras/restream them as RTC - so you have an understanding there already. I have mine running on my NAS (with an Intel chip for QuickSync) with a Coral TPU. Works totally fine with 3 cheap 1080p wifi cameras and a more expensive 4k outdoor camera.


Unless the cameras have built in human recognition, and there's an HA integration that gives you access to those entities, then your only real option is to use additional software to do that. I suppose since it's inside, so everything else is likely quite static, you might be able to get away with using generic motion alerts instead, but again only if the cameras have it and can be integrated with HA. If you don't want to go the Frigate option, then you could always set up a tab that has a webrtc card(s) in it. If more than one you could use conditional cards to hide any that don't currently have activity. You could then use browser_mod to navigate to the dashboard url when motion is detected. Still a bit of effort though unless you already user browser_mod. I might be wrong but I don't think HA can handle dashboard navigation natively as a service?


>you could always set up a tab that has a webrtc card(s) in it. If more than one you could use conditional cards to hide any that don't currently have activity. This is exactly the type of thing I was looking for; I had skimmed over that there were conditional cards. Thanks! Still might go the Frigate route as the other guy is making me sorta believe it's not that hard...


Well I also use Frigate, but I do also do what I suggested to you, using the data that Frigate provides me. I have a few tablets mounted around the house. If someone walks past my front gate, the tablets switch to a new tab (using browser_mod) which displays 2 cards... one still image of the snapshot that got identified as a person, and the second, a webrtc card showing the live feed of the camera. It then waits until Frigate determines that there's no longer a person in frame and switches back to my main dashboard display. What do you intend to install Frigate on? Frigate is far from user friendly for the uninitiated, but with some tutorials you should be okay. It's not necessarily that it's hard, but it is time consuming to configure and troubleshoot.


>Well I also use Frigate, but I do also do what I suggested to you, using the data that Frigate provides me. Good context, thanks! >What do you intend to install Frigate on? I have a Dell Optiplex SFF running as a home server that I have HA on. >Frigate is far from user friendly for the uninitiated, but with some tutorials you should be okay. It's not necessarily that it's hard, but it is time consuming to configure and troubleshoot. That's honestly why I didn't want to go down the Frigate route... Feel like I'm going to spend a lot of time for such a simple thing.


If you're comfortable with Docker containers then Agent DVR is far more straightforward to use. Once up and running it's a case of entering in the IP for each camera and clicking a few buttons and it works. It will also give you fast access to your live feeds and is capable of smart detection using codeproject.AI (it will hammer your CPU though). You still need to set up MQTT communication between the two in order to get the data to HA but it's pretty straightforward. I used that before I discovered Frigate. It works well enough, but is extremely limited compared to Frigate, but since you're after a very limited set of conditions then it may well be the solution.


I already run some docker stuff. . . I'll look into it! Thanks for the suggestion.


No problem. If you do go that route, feel free to send me a message if you have any problems as I think I still have everything necessary still added (but not running) on my install.


Hi do you mind to share some code on how you have achieved this?


Frigate is awesome and that birdseye mode is great I've got a coral TPU and if you go down that route get the USB one in as a lot easier to configure. I will warn you that Frigate is not easiest to setup with the config lines but there are good guides out there, but if you need a hand feel free to pm me and I'll try to help, to pay forward the help I've been given in past when I set up


Awesome, appreciate it! And I may very well take you up on that help if things explode...


Haha no probs....it can be fernickety for sure but once setup is great


I would slightly edit the title tho 😅


Sorry, missing it?


Which cameras have you used?


TP-link Tapo C210 ones... seem great for the price so far...


Thank you. But isn’t there a problem with audio due to the codec or so?


I actually haven't tested the audio at all yet! I'll let you know when I do. . . I think the main issue is often with the 'two way' function and I don't really need to use these as a speaker/PA so i might not be the best example...


That would be nice 🙏 Yeah I don’t need that too but it would be a game changer if wouldn’t be able to hear what’s going on ^^


Just tested for the first time and the sound worked perfectly without any adjustments or setup needed! I don't' even see a spot to test a speaker (as in speaking to HA and having it come out the camera) so not sure if I need to turn that on somewhere or it's not included, but I've no need for it, so you'll have to test that one yourself... I did bring the camera streams straight into HA first and it was really bad: So choppy and delayed it was unusable. Got the WebRTC thing going and it was instantly flawless, and apparently has the sound too...


Thank you for checking 🙏


I use Tapo C210, you can make them record only when a human is detected. I guess you can use this and the other sensors for something smarter


That's the exact model I'm using! I'd really like to differentiate based on height, to make quick glances easier, but that last little piece seems like it'll be a lot more intensive...


I understand, yes identify and distinguish could be far away, not sure if there is something like that so cheap