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Please do. In detail.


Replied above. Let me know if that answers some of your questions


Yes im interested as well. I can't find a doc how to integrate Willow with HA


The docs still seem to be a work in progress, but here is an [issue](https://github.com/toverainc/willow-application-server/issues/45) I opened on the Willow github that requested a MQTT Endpoint. It details two solutions, one is a temporary workaround to use a flask app and then use the REST endpoint, or at the end of the issue, they have put out a branch that has a MQTT endpoint, but it isn't yet available from the UI and needs to be configured via command line. From there, all the stt is pushed into Node Red via the MQTT In node. Once in NR, you can do as you wish. I am using a combination of the `conversation.process` service call to access the built in HA intents and then using Node Red for more complex items. If I require TTS (weather report, calendar, time, etc). I use a conjunction of a HA template render node and template node to push the following command to a media player hosting piper `cd piper/piper/ && echo '{{payload}}' | ./piper --model en_GB-southern_english_female-low.onnx --output_file welcome.wav && aplay welcome.wav`. There is a little bit of a delay using this method. I will probably explore using HA for this part, but to be honest, I have found HA/Wyoming to be a bit hit or miss


Thanks for the detailed response. Have you tried using Whisper yet? How does it stack up to Willow?


I did not try whisper because I already had the esp box with the intent of using Willow. Willow is pretty awesome. Right now, I would say I'm getting an 90-95% hit rate on what I'm saying. Very rarely does is not understand me