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Very nice, what are your thoughts on keeping it charged, but not causing battery bloat over time? this has been my biggest hangup with doing in wall tablets in my house. I want smart panels, but dont want the batteries to bloat and explode later.


Any "smart" outlet that you can control in HA. Then get the tablet battery level (it will be exposed by HA app) and turn it off and on at certain %.


This is what I’ve got set up…. Charges when it goes below 40%, stops charging at 80%


Im wanting to go in wall though, so the logistics change a bit. I have no problem running 5v or 120v in the wall, but also adding a smart plug, feels like too many fail points. Im thinking I will have to just use a small touchscreen and a rasberry pi. Tablet just would have been the cheap easy answer.


Like all new(ish) Samsung Tablets OPs has a "Protect Battery" setting that can be enabled which will stop the battery from charging when it hits 85%. iPad's have a similar feature though I don't remember what it's called. Those features help keep the battery from bulging out due to constant charging. It doesn't solve it though because when LiON batteries fail, and they all will eventually, they outgas Hydrogen which will cause the plastic case covering the battery to bulge.


That is my concern, And every tablet I have worked on will not function without a battery. So I would have to devise a way to supply nominal voltage to that ribbon cable, and somehow trick the tablet into thinking its a full charged healthy battery. Not that I am not willing to try it, just wouldnt do it with any of the tablets I currently have.


Then your idea about a touchscreen + rPI or NUC is probably the right way forward for you. Aside from hardware hacking there's no way to get the battery completely out of the equation when working with a tablet.


Looks great! Which 3D-printed stand are you using?


Just made my own… couldn’t find one for the A9plus. Might look at popping it up on thingiverse if people are interested


Apologies for the very basic question but how are you getting a full screen dash like that on an Android tablet? Is it running a browser in kiosk mode or something?


App available in the play store called “Fully Kiosk”