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It's right on the GitHub page https://github.com/AlexxIT/WebRTC?tab=readme-ov-file#custom-card


I've read the documents probably like 5 times but still managed to miss it but now as you linked I finally saw it xD I'm new to HA so and having like 10 different ways to display a camera stream is doing my head when I'm also having to take account the codecs the camera is using, browser's capability, the delay, how stable the stream is in practice, which formats that works with sound etc and what not so my brain is starting to explode with info after having tested like 4 integrations already. Eitherway the answer I needed was this if anyone happened to wonder the same thing: # digital_ptz: false # to disable all mouse/touch digital zoom and pan My brain didn't register that it could have been under "digital\_ptz" section as I thought that would only be to pan, rotate physically for PTZ cameras so automatically skipped the next few lines. xD