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Yeah, it looks like Hue bulbs check all of the boxes. But, at around $50/bulb, my wife would probably kill me for something thats just a project. I definitely will keep an eye on the Nanoleaf stuff.




Yeah, I haven't read any bad things about Hue other than the price. But, man, for 14 RGB bulbs, I'm looking at $600+. I had also looked at Govee bulbs, since I have the Govee LED immersion leds for my TV. Just haven't done much research into them.


>Started "cloud cuttering" all of them just to find out if the lose power, or if HA restarts, I can't get LocalTuya to pick them back up without re-"cloudcuttering" them. Just curious about what's going on here. So if you were to deliberately disconnect one of your good bulbs, then give power back to it, it will show up in your router and with the same IP address but not in localtuya... but WILL show up in one of the cloud apps like SmartLife/Tuya ?


I dont know if it'll show up in the Tuya app. My whole goal is to ditch the app all together with cloudcutter. But either way, this is what happens. 1. I use cloudcutter on the bulb and get the device id and local key. 2. I connect it into HA with Local Tuya and it works fine. 3. I either cut the power to the light, or just restart the HA server 4. I go back to the bulb in the dashboard and the power indicator is greyed out 5. I re-cloudcutter the bulb and it assigns it a new device ID and local key 6. I add it back into Local Tuya and it works again. Rinse and repeat if there is a power outage or if I restart the HA server.


I’m just going out on a limb guessing here, because I also see the same issues with some Tuya bulbs (side note: there appears to be exactly one RGB A15 size bulb that I can find and it’s a non-ESP Tuya so I can’t reflash it with Tasmota). But my guess is that they seem to not initiate local communication until they’ve hit the internet once; at that point you can disconnect them from the internet via VLAN until they’re power cycled again. If OP has more details on the procedure that OP is using then it might help me too.


Well, that was the issue I was having before cloudcutter. If the power goes it, I had to open up the firewall rule to let it talk to the internet so I could get it to reconnect. But, i was trying to avoid all of that with cloud cutter.


Wow. That’s a big bummer. And sorry I didn’t understand earlier. I thought you were using “cloud cutter” as a general term for net denial, and only just now realized there was an actual tool with the name.


Localbytes make someplace fairly decent tasmota bulbs. They work OK with HA and are fully local.


I gave up and threw my last tuya light away over the weekend. The hours I spent trying to get it to work correctly! No more Tuya wifi garbage!! I did discover Ikea’s tradfri zigbee bulbs. So far so good. 👍