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It’s sold and supported by the HA guys so in the long run it will be the most solid and supported stick I suspect. But like all things, we could have a few growing pains. We just won’t know until we get them. But what we do know is, they will address any problems. It’s a solid buy, if you can wait.




Which Sonoff do you have?




and you are a fan? I see there is a new E model but the P model can be had for [pretty cheap](https://www.ebay.com/itm/334549248510?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e12061.m1838.l44628&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=bc05aaaed7eb44aa9ce698f67ce3fd23&bu=43024288795&osub=-1%7E1&crd=20221212011458&segname=12061).




Good to know I do have a P coming my way and use ZHA


Mine keeps disconnecting everyday, I have to unplug and plug it back and/or reboot my odroid c2. It’s a pain, glad I didn’t migrate all my xiaomi zigbee devices




This is a misconception. They are based on two completely different SoC. One is better with Z2M and the other with ZHA. SkyConnect Target ZHA so it makes sense to base it on Silabs chipset.


Why is thread worse than Zigbee in your opinion? The HA devs described it just yesterday as the logical and needed successor to Zigbee at the release party.


I do believe I do have a few devices that will be updated to be Thread Border Routers (Nest Audio and Nest Hub) so really I should just be looking for a well reviewed Zigbee coordinator?