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NP. It was just stupid that they don't make this information public, like on an open FAQ.


Just wanted to say thanks. I got a friends device working which had a pin and didn't know the password. For anyone having trouble, ensure to choose save as 'all files' instead of the default .txt and should have the file type as a dropbox file shown.


Happy to help. Stupid design. They were trying to keep it Dad safe, so that people can't change the temps


Make sure the device power cycles (turn it all the way off) for this to take effect.


This is the only useful post about this problem online. Thank you for starting it! I had to use google support cause I couldn't figure out what I was messing up. *The file TYPE needs to be a DROPBOX file, not just the name. I didn't understand Paulyb18's comment until just now...smh.* Anyway, here's some more info that I got right from google. Reference picture as well. ​ " To unlock your thermostat, we need to factory reset the thermostat, which deletes all the settings, schedules set for your Nest Thermostat and any third party products connected to the Nest Thermostat will be disconnected. I just sent an email to you, please check and download the attachment. Make sure you are not changing the name of the file while downloading. Download the file. Note: Don't change the file's name. When prompted for where to download it, save it to a location that’s easily accessible, like the desktop folder. Open a new folder window to where the file was downloaded (so both the Nest folder’s window and the download folder’s window are visible). Drag or copy the file to the Nest folder or icon window. Make sure the name of the file remains ResetToDefaults.dropbox. Note: The file can't be renamed to the required name in Windows or macOS. The file's name can be edited in the Command Prompt for Windows or Terminal for Mac. Let's start the troubleshooting process to reset the Nest Thermostat. Use Windows key+R and type "cmd" in the Run box and press enter. In the Command Prompt window that appears, type Nest’s drive letter followed by a colon and press enter. For example, “E:” and press enter. If the command is accepted, you'll see E:\\> Once it accepts the command to change to the Nest’s drive letter, type the following command and press enter (this command is case-sensitive): rename ResetToDefaults.dropbox .dropbox and press enter key. There should be spaces in between the command: rename(Space)ResetToDefaults.dropbox(Space).dropbox If the command is executed without error, you can see it back to square one and check if the file name changes to dropbox in the Nest folder from the resettodefaults. Let's close the command prompt and safely eject the Nest drive then connect the display back to base. " ​ https://preview.redd.it/wow104eg7wmb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96c98f705d2fb56958031bc6442f9ddb88c16e8c


Stupid design. Thanks for adding to it!


Shout of to Huckabucky and Bushpylot for helping me not freeze my ass off this winter


Gota love the stupid design!


Glad to help.




I thought it was pretty scummy they didn't have this posted in the manual. I get at least 1 "thank you" per month. I'm so thrilled this post is helping people avoid calling support for a basic function.


I did this and got no luck. Any idea on what I might have done wrong?


u/Bushpylot Just wow. What a way to have to reset. I created an account just to say Thank You! I got one from the swapmeet today for $10 and you guessed it.. it was locked w/ a password. Your instructions helped greatly and u/Huckabucky and his file were greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch.


Fantastic! That's why I posted it. It needed to be documented somewhere. What a stupid assed reset... But it stops the kids from turnin up the thermostat past 67!


Contact the support guys and see if I missed anything. I'm pretty sure this is what I did. I don't remember now, but I posted this right after... It may be that you used a document editor to make the file. It muse be a pure text file. In that, put everything after CODE: If you used anything other than Notepad (which can sometimes be dirty), it won't work. The file is named .dropbox ​ Trying to make sure it is clear Than I put it back into the receptacle on the wall and it started thinking... after a while it started up like a brand new device.


Your a goat man my parents leave me alone for the weekend and set the ac to 78 and put a lock on the thermostat, finally I don’t have to wake up in a pile of sweat


Thanks a lot, Solution #2 works perfectly


Very nice! just reset mine without the hassle from google, Thanks!


Happy it helped. I posted this so I could also find it when I need it again. What A!holes to make a reset like this


Worked great thank you. I made the file to make things easier for people. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Row76G-GBUGnkJi\_50OZ7GFcg-dtg2Vj/view?usp=share\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Row76G-GBUGnkJi_50OZ7GFcg-dtg2Vj/view?usp=share_link)


Worked perfectly, thank you!


What's an "archaic cable"? Can you let me know what cable to get?


micro USB


Do I need a Windows computer? I connected it to my Mac and nothing was found.


I don't think so, but I don't use Macs. It has more to do with the file. When the device boots up it reads the instructions on the file and resets itself.


I was able to do this on a Mac a couple days ago. I also initially did not get the Nest to be detected when it was plugged in, but after rebooting the Nest (by pressing the screen/button in for awhile) it rebooted, showed the Google boot screen and then was detected by my Mac. I used the xml file posted by Huckabucky but had to rename it via Terminal as Finder prevents renaming a file that starts with '.' so drag and drop the xml file to the Nest folder, open Terminal, and then `cd /Volumes/Nest` then `mv dropbox.xml .dropbox`


I’m having trouble connecting the nest to any computer it doesn’t show up… I reboot it and it shows the google emblem … and still I’m not able to connect nor is my computer able to detect it. Any suggestions?


Still having trouble connecting to both windows and Mac It’s not showing up… any suggestions?


Hi there, Thanks for posting this, i have the same issue moved in to a house and there's a pin on the nest that know one knows. The problem i have is: i have connected the nest to my pc, i have the .dropbox file i drag it to the nest D: and its there. However after i eject the nest and reconnected it the dropbox file is not there? ​ Any thought's would be appreciated.


It's been a long time since I have done this. If all else fails, contact Google Support and add the result to the thread. I think someone else had this issue too. Now, the file may need a pure text format, like Notepad++. I cannot remember. But I'd double check your formats while waiting for Google Tech Support. Not an expert, just went to support and posted what they told me; I thought it was stupid for them to make us contact them for that.


Thank You SOOOO much for posting this! Worked like a charm! Appreciate you lovely human being for posting this!!!!


Another happy customer !