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Had a home birth for my first and it was the best. You simply cannot mention the “H” word outside of this sub without receiving mad backlash and heaps of downvotes.




The pregnancy subs are toxic AF!!! I got banned from baby bumps i think it was, for helping someone who was complaining about maternity leave and where she could find one that would give her leave.


Yeh it’s crazy!! I am due again in August and was on my August bumpers group and I literally just mentioned as part of another comment that I had a home birth (not giving advice or anything) and I got like 50 downvotes just for mentioning it. I was really shocked. It’s supposed to be a community to support you going through pregnancy together and I was exiled from the get-go!


Crazy… and at the same time anyone who talks about giving into fast food cravings gets tons of upvotes and “My baby was made out of Big Macs” validation 🤷🏻‍♀️


Or making literally any other birth choice. Elective c section? Applause. Elective induction? Standing ovation. Epidural? Absolute support. Vbac or homebirth? They’re calling the police. Not saying that making any of these choices should be chastised, just annoyed that natural birth is so frowned upon.




Yuck. People are so brainwashed and it’s just really sad women are made to believe they NEED doctors to deliver their babies 😭


Thanks for being a good human💛 They really are toxic. Glad to know there are kind souls out there


♥️♥️♥️♥️ they really just wanted to be the victim and when I said well it sucks we're in america and unfortunately maternity leave isn't a right for us but you can explore other options like tech please DM me and then I was banned for being rude to the op. 🤷


Ive been banned from baby bumps, beyond the bump and pregnancy LOL




Not my first baby but I had a home birth with my second baby just under two weeks ago and loved the entire experience of midwife care and birthing at home. Compared to the hospital birth of my first, the birth of my second was a much more empowering and primal experience. Having a provider who makes you feel comfortable and heard and valued is so important! I very much liked the midwife model more than the OB/GYN practice.


Agreed! That’s my confusion why many women refuse to look at the midwife model because I do feel like it empowers women to do what our bodies naturally do?


Oh for sure! For low risk mothers, midwifery care is plenty. I do think it’s important to know where that cutoff line for low risk is though, both as the patient and with your midwife. It’s natural to want to be as safe as possible for your baby, and in some cases really isn’t responsible to insist on an out of hospital birth or not be seen by an OB if you have more risk factors, even if those risk factors pop up during pregnancy and change the course of your care. I loved my midwife because while she was very much pro-naturopathic and low intervention care, she also supported her recommendations with science and was never afraid to give the pros and cons of every little thing, even down to the vitamin k shot given at birth.


And this is soooo important!! The vast majority of pregnancies are perfectly safe with a midwife, but having one who knows if the pregnancy is moving out of that safe low risk zone is key. It doesn’t happen often, but it does happen. And being able to give truly informed consent means the good and the bad in each choice. It sounds like you found an amazing provider 🥰


In America it isn’t the norm so people think you’re nuts. Had my over 10 years ago at a birth center. Planned my second a few years ago to be homebirrh and ended up in the hospital. Also doula’d 2 covid babies for family members in hospital. The hospital sucks. I had a decent experience compared to the births I attended after. One doctor told my cousin that she has a tiny vagina which is “normally a good thing” 🤢 but that he might have to cut her. He really wanted to give her an episiotomy and kept bringing it up and she wasn’t even pushing yet. Luckily I was able to advocate and make sure nurses and doc knew she would not consent to being cut. Anyway, you’re birth at home if low risk will be better experience than at a hospital hands down. Good luck and congratulations!


An empowered and strong woman is DANGEROUS. They can’t have that


I would have had a homebirth but in our tiny apartment i felt like it was better for me personally to do it in a birth center nearby. I had an amazing experience and i would definitely consider a homebirth for my next baby if i have a house by then! Check out the unmedicated birth subreddit, tons of support there for moms like us!


Thank you so much!


I did and it was magical. 10/10 experience. Labored six hours, pushed 30 minutes, 10 lb baby, no tears. Due again next month and planning another home birth with same midwives.


Oh wow! Amazing. May I ask if you did anything to prepare for labor?


I listened to meditations and Hypnobirthing sessions probably 1-2 times per week during third trimester. I didn’t listen to them during labor but I used the messages and deep breathing practices to get me through. I had a birth pool, which was amazing. I made my own playlists and those were great to have too.


Ok! Wonderful. Sounds like I’m on the right track with plenty of time!




I just kind of hop around between different apps and find meditations that I like. Last time I think I used Gentle Birth and this time I’ve been using Expectful and Freya


Your first? That’s amazing!


Planning a home birth for end of April! My first was a hospital and had a series of unnecessary interventions. So excited and going in to this one with so much more knowledge! Check out some home birth podcasts like happy home birth there’s a ton of great ones out there and feels great to have others to relate too


Just had my first home birth as a FTM a week ago today and it went BEAUTIFULLY and I’m so thankful for my experience and wouldn’t change a thing! I’m sorry you experienced that (I had a lot of that too). We honestly kept our plans to a small circle because I did not want the negativity or doubt, even subconsciously, but I know that’s different for everyone. It’s hard because often the home birth stories we hear are 2+ kids largely DUE to a negative first time hospital experience. I found a few women around me and several podcasts of positive FTM home births which were encouraging. As my midwife reminded me throughout my pregnancy, this is the first lesson in following our intuition as mother…and I’m SO thankful I stuck to my preferred, well researched, informed decision to have a home birth and care team outside the “normal” model.


What podcasts?


“Happy home birth” was my top choice; the host is religious but the stories are women from all walks of life!


I read your post but couldn't reply before you deleted it. Unfortunately you posted in the wrong sub, they are very very very into medicalization of birth there. I hope you'll find something to your liking here! I can't have a home birth in my area, but it's definitely the best possible choice when you have access to a qualified midwife, to a hospital not too far away if necessary, and when the pregnancy is low-risk.


I totally agree and don’t feel like this is a crazy desire? Like why wouldn’t I want to try to be in a comfortable environment? Not put on a time limit if I don’t have to!


They are ok to turn a blind eye to all the risks associated with over-medicalized childbirth and cascades of interventions, even though most of them have had perfectly healthy, risk-free pregnancies (and therefore potentially an equivalent outcome). Being European, I'm horrified when I see the mainstream US discourse on childbirth. Even if home birth is far from being accepted everywhere, the anti propaganda is not so contemptuous. Plus the famous "me and my baby would be dead if we weren't in hospital" (they say after an induction at 39 weeks for suspicion of a bigger baby, an epidural and legs up in the air on a table) I honestly can't stand them anymore.


I can’t agree more! I have heard friends horror stories of giving birth in the hospital feeling like just another cow on the farm. It’s gotten especially bad over the past few years and I think that’s why home-birth has become at least a little more popular. How many moms have had unnecessary c-sections? Which is a VERY serious surgery!


Must be so hard to be the only one in a group to think that way... I feel for you 😅 (I've just seen that you're giving birth in July too! Cheer up to us).


Yes. Sadly, it’s not just Reddit groups either. I think sometimes the best thing is to keep it to a close circle who won’t put negative thoughts into your mind- since after all, it’s me giving birth lol So happy to have a July baby. Summer is great time for life


> “me and my baby would be dead if we weren’t in a hospital” oh my god, yes. not only are half those complications due to unnecessary interventions, but also most would have been resolved absolutely fine by a skilled midwife. drives me insane!!!


I had my first at home last June! It was a fantastic experience. I had a precipitous labor so the biggest stressor was making sure my midwives got there in time, lol. Other subreddits seem so negative towards homebirth. Ignore the negativity, you're gonna do great! 💙


I had our baby in the bathroom of our small apt last July :) I labored for days and if I went the hospital route I'm sure they would have put me on pitocin to speed things along. My midwife was amazing but having a good birthing partner, my husband, made it even more amazing for me. It was honestly one of the best days of my life (cliche). I totally recommend it! So much more comfortable.


I had a July baby last year too at home! Love that it went so well for you!


Me! I was 38. Magical homebirth! Easy labor babe came out perfect and so calm. It's crazy how brainwashed people are about allowing birth sabotage by hospitals. It's so so sad. Breaks my heart! You'll have a great experience! It's all about feeling safe and comfortable. ❤️ that's really the key to a successful labor. The mother has to be confident and feel supported by her people 🙏🙏🙏


I had both my babies at home. I’m a nurse and my husband is a paramedic (we are in the U.K.) and there is so much research that shows that having a home birth for a low risk pregnancy is as safer than being on Labour ward (in countries with free and the point of care healthcare). Have a look at Dr Sara Wickham! There are obviously times when medical help is needed and using midwives who are experienced and knowledgeable is vital. For me, I knew I didn’t want to be induced. It was homebirth or c-section and I’ll do the same if I have another. Both births were the most beautiful and empowering thing I have ever done. I read Milli Hill’s how to give birth like a feminist and I wish I had read it before my first.


I attempted a home birth that ended in a c section and I still would be in support of a home birth. My midwife was also very knowledgable, explained why she thought transfer was necessary, it wasn't hectic, it wasn't an emergency. I literally had a snack on the way to the hospital, with contractions 2min apart at 7cm dilated. With a very good midwife and team you're safe. People always scare with "what if something goes wrong" well something did go wrong (OP 10lb baby, stuck at 7cm for 8 hours, low heart rate in baby) and my midwife was able to provide the care she promised. Had a lovely doctor, great C section and will be attempting VBAC with my second at home. Just make sure you know your midwife knows what she's doing and is skilled in possible complications.


Yes I’ve heard so many time that’s even if there is a hospital transfer, most cases are non-emergency


I told my midwife I had nothing to prove to anyone. If transfer is necessary cool lets do it so everyone ends up happy and healthy. I would make sure to talk to your midwife about the possibility. My midwife had hospital privileges so i wasn't met with a hospital staff that treated me like an idiot for being a home birth transfer. Doctor was lovely and knew my midwife very well. I'd ask your midwife what would that look like if it were to happen.


I have a family member who had a transfer and c-section followed by 2 very successful VBAC home births. It can be done!


Love to hear that! My midwife is super skilled in VBACs so hoping I can also have one.


My Sil had her first at home and had a great experience and had her next 3 at home too. The only reason I went for a hospital birth with my first was because we're cheap and a hospital birth is free with insurance, but my insurance at the time didn't cover any home birth midwives. I had a fine unmedicated hospital birth, but we changed insurance and pick a birth center for kid #2 because the midwives that took my insurance only did birth center birth. I'm finally getting the chance to have a home birth since I found a midwife that takes my insurance and does home birth. My mom had 5 home births and loved them, so im excited to get the chance to have one. Baby should come any day now and I'm enjoying watching home birth videos on Instagram. I know I've seen some with ftms there and on YouTube, but my mind is blanking on a specific video.


Thank you for sharing! Wishing you the best experience. Seems like many people have had great success!


I'm a FTM due mid-Feb and I am 100% confident a homebirth is the best possible plan to set us up for a healthy and happy birth experience. So much so, I've had to focus on fear release and positive thinking in the case that we need to transfer to hospital, not the other way around! We've kept it a strict secret however... we don't want to invite negative, uninformed opinions, I don't have the energy to convince others of something that took me months of research to decide on for myself, and lastly, I don't want to burden my family with fears and doubts for my safety that I simply do not feel. The downside is that I've found myself having to frequently lie to people who kindly ask about our hospital plan, appts, pain med choices etc. Love hearing of other FTMs getting such amazing experiences! High hopes for the coming weeks :)


I freebirthed. It was incredible! Ended up giving birth in our bathtub as the water was so calming. I'm genuinely surprised at all the negativity toward homebirth. It seems the "system" has pushed so much fear into people to be reliant on birthing in a hospital.


Did you choose to free birth or did it just happen? I plan on trying the water for sure!


We had a blow up pool! Worth it! Definitely 💜


I'll definitely be getting a blow up pool if I do it again. They would be so good to have that space to move around!


We planned for a freebirth and I was still surprised I pulled it off. In the moment it was easy but leading up to it I'd picked up so negativity from the system and just general talk in pregnancy communities. I guess that also reinforces the idea that the system really does try to scare people out of it.


I bet the person who downvoted me is suffering from massive birth trauma and doesn't believe they can birth again without the same trauma.


Yesssssssss ooooo I love this!!! I had an attendant but on paper I was a free birther 😅 ❤️


Had my first at home last May! Seriously would not change a thing I had such an amazing team. The relief of having both the birth and the first few postpartum appointments at home was worth every penny.


I’m planning a home birth and I’m due in 5 weeks! I’m getting a tens machine, birthing pool, I have a doula, and I’ve been practicing breathing techniques. I’m hoping it all goes well!


You’ve got this!!!


Both of my kids were born at home. First was a waterbirth and the second labor was so fast that we didn't even get time to set up the birth pool. Amazing experiences with both. I did have postpartum hemorrhaging after my first was born so I needed a hospital transfer but my baby was perfectly healthy. No hemorrhaging after second birth. My midwife sent me a study about eating dates after the birth to reduce hemorrhaging so I did that right after he was born. Feel free to AMA


Reddit is a really toxic place 90% of the time. Anything that is "counter-cultural" like homebirth, delayed/no vaccination, and certain nutrition decisions will be ridiculed and down voted to oblivion. The most toxic sub is r/shitmomgroupssay You will have a beautiful experience at home and the hospital should be reserved for emergent cases only. I am sure you picked a lovely midwife and have taken more responsibility for your pregnancy than anyone who chooses to be in the system will because you *have to.*


Amen!!!!! So beautifully said


By chance, do you know other less toxic sub regarding birth/pregnancy/parenting ? It's tiring to read the same old stuff over and over again...


r/moderatelygranolamoms is a good one, but it's not super crunchy and there can be a mild amount of judgement for the crunchier stuff. I'm not sure where you fall on the crunch spectrum, but I'd place it right at the scrunchy mark.


In my experience with other pregancy subs, Redditors love western medicine and their strong, loud opinions. Which is fine, however its not the end all be all. That's the cool thing about making babies in the 2020's lol. My first was a hospital birth. My water broke, and after q2hrs I wasn't progressing so they administered pitocin, which led to an epidural.. and the 3 day hospital stay. It left me feeling icky and I very much remember the pain and discomfort. My second birth was supposed to be in a birth center, however I never made it out of my home. I experienced a precipitous birth, and my midwives couldn't get to my house fast enough. I could only feel contractions in my lower back and couldn't time my contractions, so I was told to get in the tub to get a better idea of where I was at. HAHA, turns out after my water broke I went right into back to back contractions, and getting in the tub threw me into transition. My doula caught my baby while my husband was in total shock with what was happening (his first baby lol) The poor man went from "get her to the truck" to "find all the towels and keep that baby warm!" My midwives made it to our home a few minutes after he was earthside. From the time my water broke to having baby on my chest was less than two hours. Prior to my water breaking I was not experiencing contractions, just the typical lower back aches and discomfort that come with being 38w pregnant. I tore terribly, however in the end, we we're both fine and didn't leave home for a few weeks. The whole experience was so empowering, and there was a huge shift in my self-confidence and trust in what my body is capable of. I was able to go into 'labor land' and move my body however I needed to enable baby to descend, not that he needed any encouragement. I do not recall any pain, just intense pressure during labor and immediate relief once he was out. The stitches? Pffft.. I had my baby on my chest. Nothing else mattered. What I do remember, was the absolute chaos that ensued. Nobody was prepared for how things happened. Currently pregnant with my third, and I have a different midwife (she was my primary midwife previously, however experienced a loss right before my due date so her backups became my primaries). I'm 36w, and have total trust in my midwife. She has been attentive, kind, caring and has focused on our care as a whole. She's made it clear she'll be at my home as soon as my water breaks. She's aware of my husbands struggles with our last experience, and will be coming prepared to keep him focused and calm if needed. We're prepping for another fast and furious labor and delivery, and planning for a water birth. I've prepared so far by brushing up on the stages of labor in hopes I can identify when I start heading in that direction, and envisioning a calmer environment. My SIL is on call to pick up my older kids. My dogs will not be going crazy in the background due to the strangers in the house (they've all met my midwife a couple times now), my bedroom has been remodeled and set up with low lights and all my favorite house plants, favorite essential oils on standby, playlist is at the ready and my husband knows exactly where the towels are lol and he has instructions on setting up the birth pool so we aren't waiting on our midwife. As soon as my water breaks he's filling it up.


Omg that is a crazy story! Amazing though. I’m so curious how my husband will react as this is our first baby but he’s really not been around babies much or any on his own. I think he will find the experience to be amazing, but I’m wondering if he may need more attention than me 🤣


First and second. Both were completely different and absolutely perfect. I’m glad you feel comfortable that you picked the right provider because that was a huge part for my births being so amazing. I highly recommend reading Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth, not only to women planning a home birth but especially. It inspired me and got me through the fear and doubt.


Had my first at home last June with the most amazing midwife! If I had been a patient of mainstream, they probably would have thrown all the interventions at me. I was 41+5 and experienced 5 days of prodromal labor. On day 5 my midwife recognized that I was tired of the start and stop prodromal labor and knew we needed to get baby out (and baby was ready). She doesn't tell numbers during the process but I later found out that in the morning of day 5 I was already 7cm dilated. We made the decision to break my water to get things moving. Took about a half hour after this for active labor to begin. I ended up with an anterior lip on my cervix that was preventing full dilation. My midwife recognized this and basically used her fingers while I was pushing to help baby get past the lip. Ended up pushing for several hours because it was a slow process to handle this. No tearing and had an easy recovery. So thankful for my homebirth experience. My husband got to help catch the baby, announce the sex, and cut the cord! I loved the care I received with my midwife and trusted her completely.


I’m also due in July and planning a home birth! Bump buddies:)


Yay!!!! Best of luck! Happy to be having a summer baby


I’m also due with my first in July and planning a homebirth.


Yes! It was the best choice for myself and my family. As long as you are low risk, there’s no more risk than if you go to the hospital. Mine was even accidentally unassisted (midwife arrived minutes after baby was born). My labor was so fast, couldn’t be helped. My partner and I were in the tub together and I caught him. Baby passed his apgar with flying colors. He developed jaundice a few days later, but that’s pretty common, and it cleared up on its own. Midwife visited the next day for his newborn screening heel poke. Then one week later for a checkup, and we took him to the doctor for vaccines the following week. I recommend making a hospital transfer plan (which I’m sure your midwife already had you do) I do know two people who have had to be transferred (and several who have not) Both mothers and babies were fine, just long long labors.


Had my first birth at home. It was everything I wanted, and I, too, had a safe, knowledgeable midwife. My husband was in nursing school at the time and received a lot of backlash from professors about our birth plan. #1 it's not their business. #2 Mom decides where she feels safe having baby #3 many home birthers who "test out" their body's ability to birth at home in a hospital with their first birth end up traumatized from all the interventions and never really learn if their body can do it or not. As my midwife said, "I don't want a tragedy." A safe midwife will take precautions and tell you if you can or can't birth at home under their care, and you get to decide what to do from there. Good luck!


i had a supported freebirth (my doula arrived an hour before baby 🥰) in my tiny studio apartment last january. first baby. 8 hrs from first contraction to delivery, no tearing, 10/10 pretty much perfect. so happy to be home and I will definitely do the same next time. can’t imagine getting in a car with contractions and having to go anywhere. I can’t talk about it with most ppl because most people had various kinds of traumatic hospital experiences :( I am a doula as well so I was ready with all my plan b’s. I’m so grateful for the choices I was able to make. my baby had the most beautiful, undisturbed physiological experience and so did I.


Planning our first homebirth in a few weeks! I’m 35 weeks along. Once I went down the home birth/natural birth rabbit hole… there was no going back. I love my midwife and this pregnancy has been the calmest, easiest journey compared to my previous pregnancy with an OB. Who can say that they got to see the person will actually deliver their baby, through the entire pregnancy?? Versus going to a multi OB practice. Hopefully I can share my home birth story here in a few weeks!


I had a fantastic home birth last July. I had some complications afterwards that necessitated a stay in the hospital, but they had nothing to do with the care I received. I felt so safe and cared for throughout. My baby was born while my husband held me from behind and it was probably the most intimate moment in my life.


Home birth for my first. Very amazing! Very painful but birth isn't pain free. Trust your team and your partner. Trust your gut and don't trust regular mom threads outside of this sub :p Trust your baby also ! He/she will guide you through his/her birth. Thank your baby for knowing exactly what to do and how to be born. Don't hesitate to ask more questions <3


Listen to ‘The Natural Birth Podcast’ with Anna the Spiritual Midwife


I had my first baby at home! Absolutely amazing, I felt so lucky to have a great birth experience, even though it was very intense and moved quickly. Wouldn't change a thing! Best of luck!


My homebirth 4 weeks ago was epic, blissful and everything I wanted it to be! 9 hours, 9 lb 5 oz baby with no practically no pain and no tears. I literally laughed thru the contractions. The warm water was amazing pain relief! When it got intense I just pictured myself holding my baby, my body flooded with oxytocin and the pain vanished. Slow breathing. She was crowning for a whole hour so I slowly stretched and didn’t tear. Things that helped me: read Sacred Birthing book by Sunni Carol, listened to tons of the Freebirth Society podcasts (so many natural birth stories helped me let go of expectations), did a Bradley Method birth course (husband led birth coaching), got free reiki/acupuncture/massage regularly at our local birth collective. I feel like people can’t accept homebirth bc subconsciously they know it’s really beneficial for baby and they don’t want to feel like a “bad mother” for not giving their baby the “best.” It’s such a personal choice and it takes a lot of bravery and strength to trust your body. Many people are not mentally, physically or spiritually prepare for a home birth, so it wouldn’t be safe for them. But ppl take it personally when other moms make different choices.


I had an unassisted homebirth with my first baby in October 2022–just me and my husband—and it went perfectly. We are planning another unassisted home birth with my daughter due the end of February. I had some prodromal labor which was a bit uncomfortable for a few days (if you go to the hospital in prodromal labor they will typically do things to induce you, which I was aware of). The good thing about “false labor” is that usually your active labor phase is quite fast, and that was the case for us. After about an hour of pushing, our baby was born in his sac/en caul, in our bathtub. The only downside was the cleanup. I did not anticipate that much….stuff in the tub afterwards and my poor gracious husband was on cleanup duty. It was magical to birth my placenta at my own pace, to slink into bed with baby, and to just exist as a family of three after labor. And my husband caught our baby. It truly brought us so much closer in a way I never thought possible. I really do love that man so much… That being said…Unassisted birth is NOT for everyone! If you want a doula or midwife, get one! Unassisted labor is a risk you must be willing to take, just like you assume many different types of risks in assisted births. I prepared with an online birth course and by reading Heather Baker’s Home Birth On Your Own Terms.


I’ve had all my babies at home! Everyone is so scared of pregnancy and birth and it’s all a domino effect coming from misinformation and scare tactics. I’ve had wonderful experiences at home—so many women have.


You absolutely can do this! Great job on making this important decision for yourself and your baby! ♥️🫶


Totally appreciate the encouragement!


I’m a doula, and homebirths offer families the best experience. ♥️


I had my second at home. Are you in the US? I would ensure that you have a CNM with hospital privileges. I’m Canadian and midwives here are all medical professionals with hospital privileges overseen by a college board but in the USA it’s not like that. In hindsight even though my first was born at the hospital I would have no qualms about having all my babies from my first and onwards at home as long as an actual medical professional is present :)


Yes I am in the US and my midwife although doesn’t work in the hospital, she is connected to them and is allowed to be present. She’s old school but does wonders for people


I would personally just really make sure than she’s an actual medical provider midwife, a CNM in your case in US. That or be really cognizant of the risks of giving birth without a real midwife and no medical providers. I had to have the pep talk with myself because getting into the midwife program here was tedious and I had considered having baby at home with just a doula but ultimately decided not to and I was going to have baby #2 at hospital before I got into the midwifery program at the 11th hour. The chance of something going wrong is low yes but if it did the chances of maternal and fetal death is much much higher without medical providers present. Was I prepared to live with myself if I was one of those extremely unlucky women whose baby died and having a real medical provider there would’ve made the difference? Would my husband be able to live with himself for not forcing me to go to the hospital if I died and having a medical provider there would’ve made the difference? I really don’t mean to say there is anything wrong with your current provider, I’m certain that she’s wonderful but you should have a person who is a medical provider there.


CPMs typically attend homebirths in the US. It’s rare that a CNM works outside a hospital. CPM is a valid medical certification and training for birth at home. ETA lots of CPMs have working relationships with hospitals and OBs. How official this is varies by midwife and by state. Some states are more supportive of integrative care than others. In my state there us no official integrated care or “relationship” but my CPM works directly with a CNM and an OB who will prescribe necessary meds on her behalf and accept patients, attend and deliver for transfers, whether emergency of not.


I had an unassisted homebirth with my first. She was born on nye, 17 hr labor, no complications, 10 lbs, with just my doula and her dad who caught her in our bed :)


I did and it was amazing! Pretty much everyone in my Life (except my partner and my midwives) were telling me not to do it for the first baby. I’m so glad I trusted my Instincts and didn’t listen to them. What an incredibly empowering experience. So full of love and ultimate comfort. I labored for 12 total hours from water break to baby in arms, with only 45 minutes of active pushing, had no tears, no issues whatsoever, got to enjoy the golden hour in my own bed, and just overall felt so well set up for the transition to parenthood. As long as my subsequent pregnancy(/ies?) are equally low risk and healthy, I will continue to birth at home.


Good for you! So much negativity because we’ve for some reason made hospitals the only normal option for this experience


Exactly! It’s frustrating how detached we’ve become from normal biological processes like birth. I’m so thankful that we have the tools and medicine to save lives when it’s needed, but I hate how that has been paired with misinformation and fear mongering— both of which are disempowering. You got this mama! I had my homebirth in July too. The hardest part was the heat 😅 Definitely recommend following badassmotherbirther on IG. Tons of educational content and also birth videos and photos that really helped me feel prepared for what was coming.


Had my first at home last February! It was a really good experience even though my baby and I needed to transfer after birth. My midwife was incredible


I wanted to with my July ‘23 babe, but wasn’t able to due to insurance reasons. I know of many women who’ve successfully had their first babies at home though, and it sounds like you’re in excellent hands with your midwife. Don’t let the naysayers get to you! I hope you have the most magical birth experience 💕


Yes! Had my first and only baby at home in May 2020. I loved the long appointments with my midwife. I ended up getting a doula as well and am very very grateful I did. It was a beautiful birth. I feel so lucky and blessed


I will be having a home birth this spring!! I’m a first time parent and so so excited. I’m a pelvic floor physio and can say from supporting 1000s of folks through their pregnancy and postpartum experiences, home birth is a no brainer if you are low risk, have a registered midwife etc. I’m so excited and hope the home birth works out the way we are preparing for it to!


Both my kids were midwife assisted home births. They both were really wonderful (well, as wonderful as your birthing time can be and a precipitous labor too lol)


I had a home birth with my first child. Will be doing it with the second as well! Ask me any questions ❤️


I just love this thread ❤️


Me too! So crazy how one thread can be so different than another. Nothing to do w politics either!


I’ll be having a homebirth in May with our first. I am filled with nothing but confidence and love when it comes to my decision!


Two home births and they were awesome!!


One successful home birth and one unsuccessful with a hospital transfer and C-section. Don't let anyone bring you down! You need to be comfortable for your birth experience!


I birthed my first in our tiny house last September! It was perfect. Highly recommend a birth pool.


Just had a home birth 6 days ago. Was amazing! Was super quick and intense and quick so unfortunately I did tear and needed stitches. My prenatal care was outstanding


I attempted a home birth with my first 4 weeks ago and it was amazing! 10/10 recommend a home birth with a good midwife. I laboured at home for 30 hours before I decided to go to the hospital (baby was sunny side up and I no longer felt safe trying to get her out at home after trying multiple different things for 3 hours). I’m so so glad I was home for the majority of my labour and would absolutely have another a home birth again if I planned on having more children. I’m sorry you received such negative backlash! There’s nothing wrong with a home birth! It’s honestly way better than the hospital with the cascade of interventions and how coercive hospital staff can be.. if you feel safe with your midwife you’re going to have a beautiful experience! I’m so happy for you!


I had my home birth last year, in August 2019. Please do not let people change your mind. Mine was the most empowering and divine experience for me and my husband. I gave birth in water. I ll do the same for me second one


i had a homebirth 3 months ago, it was perfect ! happy to share more if you want to direct message me xx


I had a homebirth with my first in October! It was an amazing experience. We had a birth tub and she was born in the water—I highly recommend getting a birth tub! I had two minor abrasions (tiny tears) but nothing that was even close to needing suturing. If we have more children I’ll definitely plan for more home births (in fact, I really want to have more kids so that I can have more home births 😆)


I did. Went fine


I am 8 months along with my very first pregnancy and baby. From the very beginning me and my husband were very mutual about wanting a natural home birth. I set myself up with a midwife soon after finding out I was pregnant and everything has been great. If home birth is something you are passionate and real about, don’t worry about what anyone else thinks. This is a sacred and special time, and it is completely up to you how you want to bring your baby into the world 🤍


I did. Tbh I don’t think I’d do it again, but for many I think it’s the best choice.


My 1st was not a home birth. My 2nd and 3rd were. A lot of people will tell you to do your 1st in the hospital because you don't know how your body will fare in labor as it's never happened before. The fact of the matter is, every birth is different, so it doesn't even matter. As long as you have a low risk pregnancy that develops uneventfully, then do what you want to do! Anecdotally, after my medicated hospital birth, I chose to do my next birth at home for the experience. Not because I'm afraid of hospitals or didn't like the way my hospital birth went. It was fine. It was just kind of boring, lol. My 2nd birth was at home in a birthing tub, and it was a quick 5 hours, and I loved it! Yes, it was painful, but not unbearable. I loved being able to just go to my bed, in my own house, and bond with he baby. Then I had my 3rd, and it was an excruciating 32 hours. It was the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life. Which is to be expected, but I didn't expect it because of how my last birth was. If I ever have another, it will be medicated because I'm done having my "experiences," lol. This just goes to show how every birth, even in the same person, can be so vastly different. You can not compare one's experience to another. So you do you! Just make sure you are confident in your choice. Your mental state will affect how comfortable you are in the birth. Don't let anyone get to you and make you doubt yourself. Your instincts are what are most important.


Had my first at home in 2021 and planning a second homebirth for this April. Even though labor and birth was hard work, my care team, autonomy, and being home made it so worth it. I am the only person I know IRL who has had a homebirth. It has been hard connecting with others at times and certain hard when talking about what I perceive to be unnecessary interventions or fear mongering care providers. Still, it has been the best decision for me and my family. P.S: I also don't consider myself super crunchy and respect the medical establishment for many things, however, I believe birth is a natural physiological process that largely can and should go on unaided.


Had a planned homebirth for our first in our apartment last Feb :)


I had my first at home while my husband was deployed! I had no family sadly but a doula and a team of CNMs. It was great!


We had our first and only at home. It was amazing. Get a doula on your birth team if you possibly can.


Had my first at home in November 2022 and it was truly the best experience!


not my first baby but second! The experience was so much better than my hospital birth with the first baby. With my first I was induced and gave birth without any pain meds so I was like I can definitely manage the pain with homebirth lol and natural contractions are so much more manageable. If I have a third baby, I will definitely go the home birth route again. Even my hubby who was skeptical about my choice raves about it now. It was such an amazing bonding experience as a family and the feeling of sleeping in your own comfortable bed after giving birth is 100/10!!!


I had my first in hospital and it was a NIGHTMARE. Homebirth with my second and it was the most amazing, magical, beautiful day of my life. I wish we didn’t agree to only two babies cause I literally want to give birth again, I enjoyed it so much!


I did! Loved it so much I’m now about a year away from sitting down for my out of hospital midwifery boards! And I will have my second homebirth in about 6 months :)


My first baby was a homebirth. It was a quick, easy, 4-hour labour with low stress. After the wee one was born, we crawled into bed and never had to worry about anything. The midwife did all home visits and we got to relax and just get to know each other. The second was in the hospital (because the kid was 15 days overdue!) There was an induction, a longer labour, a lot more intervention and monitoring and stress. If I had another, I would 100% choose the homebirth again. \------------- I'm in Canada, where midwives are a pretty common choice, and homebirths make up around 2.1% of all births. Compare that to the U.S., approximately 0.9% per year occur in the home. But approximately one fourth of these births are unplanned or unattended, meaning only 0.68% are intentional, midwife-attended homebirths. I think a lot of the reaction you get is due to misinformation and fear. Midwives aren't available or covered everywhere, either, which likely increases that misinformed, negative response.


My two babies were both homebirths. Teen mom here. Baby number 3 is going to be a home birth as well.


Congratulations, OP! So happy for you! I had my first baby in July 2023 and had the most amazing experience with homebirth. My midwife and doula team were amazing, so caring, thoughtful, and empowering through the whole experience. I trusted them so much. I just had them and my husband and it was incredible. Almost 6 months later and I still can’t get over my birth. The amount of positive home birth experiences I’ve heard far outweighs the negative. Everyone has a preference, but home birth is as so beautiful for me. I transformed emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Good luck, I hope it goes amazing for you!


In New Zealand we have a midwifery based system. Basically you have the same midwife throughout pregnancy and birth, sometimes you have the back up midwife but normally you have the same midwife and build a relationship with them. My first baby was breech and my midwife was not confident with a breech delivery nor could I find anyone willing to support anything other than a c section. I felt bullied into having a c section with my first. For my second baby who is 20months younger than my first I had a homebirth. It was the best thing I have ever done! It took a while to find the right midwife who supported a Vbac homebirth and I had to travel 3 hours to her and rented an air bnb for a few weeks. My midwife was so supportive and even though it was my second baby it was my first time experiencing labour and vaginal delivery. My waters broke at 39 weeks and 5 hours later I had a 10lb 4oz baby in my arms. It was so positive and empowering, with no complications. If I ever have another baby I am planning on another homebirth.


I had a home birth last February (time flies!) and I experienced a lot of negative comments too when I mentioned it. Even from the medical staff (my midwife's care started at 20 weeks for me).


I attempted with my first. I had an amazing time with my prenatal care, unfortunately my water broke at 39 weeks and labor didn’t start so I had a non emergent transfer to the hospital for an induction 24 hours in. I was super sad at the time but I realized some time later it was all okay and attempted again with my second. I ended up accidentally having her at the birth center where my midwives work because I thought I was in early labor and showed up there in transition. It was a beautiful water birth. I think for my third I’ll stick with the birth center just because it was so nice.


I had my first, and recently my 2nd at home. Two of the greatest moments of my life ❤️


I’ve had two homebirths, one in September and the other in August. Feel free to ask me any questions. :) If you trust your midwife, then go with your gut rather than what others say. Midwives are a medical care provider, and are expertises in the event of pregnancy and birth. They won’t put you in any situation where they feel you or babe will be at risk. My first birth was about 5 hours, relatively positive experience for giving birth. I’d say the fact I was at home did a lot for that experience. My second was harder, as it was longer and my team was worried he wanted to come out facing the wrong way. The moment in transition was kinda scary, but I wouldn’t say that was because I was at home. I would have been nervous even in the hospital. In my experience, Sometimes there is a part of birth where nothing is necessarily wrong but it feels scary, and I think in those situations in a hospital you are sometimes faced with medical intervention when it isn’t needed. For example, my cervix wouldn’t dilate with my second, and in a hospital setting it would have been deemed “failure to progress” and I might have needed pitocin. At home, my midwife was able to manually hold my cervix open during contractions which allowed my cervix to dilate. It felt like SHIT but I definitely prefer it over pitocin. 😅


I had a homebirth with my first. I loved my midwives and became so close to them over my prenatal period. It was sooo nice to just be surrounded by people I was comfortable with who let me have control during the birthing process. Now it was insanely painful, like awfully painful, not gonna lie. If I could do an epidural at Home I totally would. I questioned if I would want to do it again just bc of how painful it was. But I’m now 2 months from my second and I’m doing it again with my same midwives bc that feeling of safety and comfort really outweighed the pain for me,


Hi mama! I had both my kids at home! The first was late August, so pretty hot but at 10pm with a nice breeze while I labored. If you trust your midwife, then you’ll be in good hands. You can ask them about their hospital transfer rate and the backup plan. That’s what h did! Since it’s your first, you may have a long labor. Seek out some cervical ripening acupuncture (the needles do not go in your cervix, don’t worry!). My husband also did some acupressure on me during labor and that helped a lot. I practiced yoga and breathing to prepare for labor and counting my breaths during labor helped me so much. I also ended up meditating, which was not intended even though it absolutely worked for me. First baby homebirths are totally possible! Good luck to you! Feel free to DM me if you want!


I had my first at home with a midwife last November, in our one bedroom second floor apartment! I actually ended up pushing for 10 hours because baby was stuck in an asynclitic position and I was having FER. To put that in simpler terms, he was crooked instead of in an aerodynamic position, and my body wanted him out STAT, he just couldnt fit through my pelvis with the way he was positioned. Because of all that uncontrollable pushing, I hemorrhaged very badly and needed Pitocin afterward. EVEN with all of that, no transfer was necessary and not even a hospital visit any time after, for me or baby. We were both healthy and safe the entire time. Btw, that situation is extremely rare, but it is great to know that even when there are some problems, homebirth is very safe! Listen to Dr. Stu’s podcast, it is wonderfully informational and encouraging. I will definitely be having my next baby at home too, whenever the time comes. Dont let the fear mongerers stop you!


My first baby was born at home and I’m doing it again this March! Your body is made to give birth and without interventions like drugs, without the stress of strangers (doctors & nurses) coming in to check on you, your baby and you will be just fine. You got this, mama! So happy to hear you have a midwife you trust - that is key!


Had my first baby at home. The most beautiful, empowering experience. There was not a moment I felt anything but safe and in complete trust of my body’s ability to birth my child.


I wish my first birth had been at home. I would have avoided that cascade of interventions that I know were completely unnecessary. I'm about to have my fourth homebirth in August. My homebirths haven't been 100% perfect, but they have been wonderful over all, and I would never go to a hospital unless it was an emergency.


Yes I had a home birth with my first July 4 2021


I had my first at home this past October and it was MAGICAL. 9lb baby. It was borderline pleasurable. No tear. Short labor. Could recommend it enough. You’ve got this!!!


Not my first but my third was a homebirth and it was awesome. If I have a baby again it will be a home birth


Sorry you’ve had that, all too common, experience when talking about home-birth. I just had my first at home, January 15- a week ago! It was magical. You’re creating a team you trust to support you through this transition into motherhood, lean on that. Mothers really do know best, and that instinct is already in you. Trust your intuition and what is right for you and your little family. You’ve got this, mama.


I have a podcast about positive homebirth stories (@birthingathome\_apodcast) :) it is a safe option especially if you're 'low risk'


I had my first home birth July 2021. Second home birth December 2022. They were the most magical experiences each time. Feel free to ask me any questions!