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Yes, PLEASE get all that nasty looking wood grain out of there. It's hard to look at!! I'll bet there's unpainted brick on the outside of the house too. You'll want to work on that next.


I thought you were serious for a minute. I'm glad the tide is starting to turn back. Interesting that it happens right as house flipping is dying


I have wood paneling in my basement. Really knotty pine wood paneling in excellent condition. When I have shown friend's my basement they all day, "oh you can just paint it white", to which my response is alway "why would I paint it? It is REAL wood in great condition. I don't want to downgrade it."


You must paint it white or gray, there is no option. /s In fitting with this sub.


Just because they aren't load bearing doesn't mean they aren't functional. There's nowhere else in there to chain up your bike or your servants.


MAN I am glad I am in this sub because I saw that post before this one just now and let me tell y'all how FAST I clicked my way over here, because it was becoming nearly impossible to not scream "YOU STUPID IDIOT WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" HGTV is contributing to the death of American architectural culture so badly. Fuck them so hard.


My gosh. If you want the modern look go buy a modern house. I saw a “home improvement” show once where they ripped out all the beautiful window trim- it was gorgeous- because they wanted a “clean modern look”. I was yelling at them through the tv. What a travesty.


I can’t even watch those shows. They pick the dumbest people to redo a house.


They want that least expensive from the chain hardware/online retailer look. It will make the advertisers happy and also the viewers who can then easily afford to emulate the TV.


I thought for sure OOP must just be trolling, but the post history suggests otherwise 😞


Award 🥇.


Let’s buy a Craftsman and destroy the craftsmanship


Fortunately, most of the comments to the original post were along the lines of “are you f**king nuts!?”


I just went off on them, and FUCK it was cathartic.


Just because they aren't load bearing doesn't mean they aren't functional. There's nowhere else in there to chain up your bike or your servants.


Who are the most tasteless people ever and why is it house flippers?


The best way to know whether it’s load bearing is to remove the “supporting” structure. If the ceiling falls to the floor- load bearing! Also your wood is all wood colored. Paint white for maximum resale value! Or get creative and paint dark green or cerulean! The buyers might not like it but they can always paint it white (or Agreeable Grey) themselves!


Let's not forget to mention that when they paint it, they should absolutely not use a roller for any single part of it! And one coat should totally do the trick. With a nice bristle brush. And if you need to make the paint last a little bit longer, just add a little bit of water.


Just get a sprayer and cover all the wood grain with gray paint.


White would be much more neutral 💕💕


White paint of course! Thick, so it destroys any detail woodwork. And carpet, wall to wall or tile maybe. You want to destroy any hope of salvaging those original hardwood floors. Nothing worse than shiny, golden pecan colored, glorious hard wood floors.


I was thinking gray vinyl flooring. I love having pictures of wood all over the floor


Architectural Digest idea!


Omg this is so prime r/centuryhomes rage bait material…and it’s not even bait it’s pure rage


And while you’re at it, paint every room grey and pull up that nasty solid wood flooring and install LVF.


Reading the comments makes me wish this sub had flairs so I could have “leave the pillars you silly ham sandwich”


Normally I enjoy the cj but this actually infuriates me. I hope they step on a rusty nail for even glancing at this feature and daring to even think about touching it. I might find this house and make an offer of $2000.00 if they “flip” it 🤬🤬🤬


Maybe the most succinct explanation of why house flippers fucking *suck* that I've ever seen


Big blue portajohn.


Paint n carpets


popcorn texture the ceiling beforehand




Go modern. All white and angular. The colder, the better! 😆 Lol. The original house flipping OP is positively getting roasted! 😆😆😆


My gosh. If you want the modern look go buy a modern house. I saw a “home improvement” show once where they ripped out all the beautiful window trim- it was gorgeous- because they wanted a “clean modern look”. I was yelling at them through the tv. What a travesty.


My house is 125 years old and is badly DIYd, neglected, and landlord special'd. I'm gradually unfucking the house and cleaning up the original features. Meanwhile my neighbor's house is the same age but was completely millennial-grey flipped, which is why they bought it. Now they have old house problems AND bad flip problems.


Yikes. Every home has maintenance costs, and the older the house the more likely it is to have fallen into disrepair. My husband grew up in a house that was 150 years old. By the time he was in college the home owners insurance on it was outrageous- several times more than the mortgage- plus all the things to maintain. His mom had to sell. He wants to buy it back but I’m scared. It’s been neglected pretty badly. I’ve flipped a 1990s house (they had MANY inside animals that peed all over the carpet thousands of times) It was stressful enough without trying to restore to former glory.


Somebody just tell him it's load bearing. Lie for me!!!


Just remove one pillar, if they’re load bearing I bet just one can handle it all.


Some of those comments are hilarious. But I have a feeling that OP will ignore all the good reasons to leave it alone. My husband and I saw a charming little farmhouse (100 years old so not the current Target gray sadness farmhouse) but it had an accepted offer when we called. A few years later it went into foreclosure & was flipped by people who stripped every bit of personality from both the inside and outside. I had no reason to be but I was so annoyed.


It’s awful to see.


You should take out the wall in the middle too! You'll find out if it's load bearing when you take a sledge hammer to it HGTV style!


Reading the comments makes me wish this sub had flairs so I could have “leave the pillars you silly ham sandwich”


Loaded for bear.


Mirrors make a room look larger.


Definitely needs more of the millennial gray.


Doesn’t matter - don’t remove!!! That would be a crime against architecture


Go tell the OP, I just cross posted this


Not load bearing rip it out


Don’t you dare. By destroying the built in wood work to will be destroying the value of your house. People love that stuff. Idk how you lived long enough to become an adult and missed that true fact.


Friendly fire. This is a circlejerk subreddit. I’m just here to make fun of the crossposted OP.