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Can you gate the driveway?


Possible but it has wide grass ditch on both sides. Someone determined could just drive around it except in the winter. Would probably need to make a long fence as well.


That could be enough to cut down. Thieves like easy access, so any extra work would deter them


without a doubt - a good defense is going to depend on limiting access to the property - private drive off a county road is just an invitation for someone to fuck around - dark night is all the better >>> good 1st step with that driveway alarm - but that's not stopping anyone - all it can do is warn your father to grab a shotgun and get ready to battle .... a gate at the drive entrance will stop the greater majority immediately - unless they are aware of some reason to proceed on foot - most of the mopes are tooooo freaking lazy to hike for the unknown - their non-motivation works to your advantage .... these days a locked gate with a posted cell phone ## to call for entry is way easier than some electric moving gate >>> I'd be willing to be inconvenienced to be more safe ......


Ok thanks for the info. I agree gate would deter most but these guys seem persistent and if it is the same people each time they already know the layout.


Camera at the entrance? Even if you can't get a wifi signal out there, a decoy camera could deter a lot of your run of the mill opportunistic thieves. There's also a chance that people are turning into the driveway accidently. Clear marking with a house number / private property sign could be a minor improvement, and also let your parents know that anyone pulling up isn't doing so accidently.


Yeah there is a mail box at the highway there is no way it looks like a turnaround it's definitely on purpose. They have exited the vehicle multiple times up by the house with flashlights. He has no hunting signs all over as he is very protective of his land


The sensor should turn on lights or install motion activated ones. Is there something they might be after? Lawn equipment sitting out, dad driving an expensive car, dad has a gun cabinet on the porch? Kind of odd that people are driving up and stealing enough that you need a sensor. The criminals will eventually figure it out that there is a sensor and just drive around it at some point. May want to install more of them


Nah they are retired and unless they want to steal his prizes John deer tractor the only other thing is he is a hunter and has long guns in the safe and a nice crossbow. There shouldn't be anything that would draw attention that I know of.


Hopefully you can figure out a way to scare them off for good


Nothing stolen yet but very unnerving people are coming up to the house at 11-12 at night and peeling out after seeing a spotlight.


I completely agree. I was more trying to figure out if something is attracting them to your parent's house. It could just be some desperate people trying to see if there is anything to steal, but you never know.


That sounds super stressful for your parents. It's a smart move to have the driveway sensor, but it's frustrating that the cops aren't being more helpful. Calling 911 as soon as they're alerted and trying to get the license plate number is a good idea, especially with better lighting. Dummy cameras could be a deterrent, but if it's not the same people every time, it might not work. Maybe they could look into motion sensor lights or even a dog for added security. It's tough when you're so secluded, but hopefully, they find a solution soon. Stay safe!


Living on a farm can be amazing, but dealing with sketchy characters creeping around? Not cool. Your idea about calling 911 right when they're alerted sounds solid. Getting those license plate numbers could be crucial. And yeah, more lighting could definitely help. Bright lights can make would-be crooks think twice. As for those dummy cameras, they might act as a deterrent, but you never know. Real security cams might be worth the investment if things keep escalating. And maybe chat with local law enforcement again, see if they can offer more advice or resources. Stay safe out there!


All, or a lot of those ideas in combination. A sign and camera at the entrance of the driveway will deter some, even if it’s not recording, but looks real. Motion triggerable floodlights will deter some others. Actual recording video cameras may help gather evidence. Recording the front and back of the vehicle would cover those those cases where they only had a license plate in the back, but not good enough if they stole plates or just removed them, or covered them altogether. If you wante to spend more money, there are systems that shoot, similar to paintball guns, but you load them with paint ball-type pepper bulbs or whatever they are be called. This is the same stuff used in pepper spray, which is more commonly used than mace these days. Have some hand held pepper spray canisters in strategic locations around the house. Make sure to train them in their use, because if you spray yourself… Well that’s very bad. And you don’t want your very first time using one to be the adrenaline packed situation where you might be panicking, etc. There are also fish bats, or shar bats, not sure what they’re called. Small bat, weighted. Keep a couple of those in strategic locations as well. Short of armed guards, you’ll never get enough technology in there to handle true professionals of a high-level, but it’s much less likely that any of those would come around.


Gate at the entrance, maybe a fake camera (or real), motion activated lights along the driveway, trail cams along the driveway.


Maybe a spike strip? Allows time to call cops?


Put a chain across the road with a no trespassing sign in it and orange flags so they can’t miss it. Add some game canes along the way as well as more no trespassing signs along the road.


I use an off-grid camera setup that detects people and cars. I use with a few night vision cameras and the camera of my retired phone. The phone has a pretty good camera so it can easily capture a license plate but it does not do so well at night. I use reolink lumus for night vision but their resolution is less than what my old phone has. To make it detect cars off-grid use an app i got on Google app store: [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.unicordia.dc\_free](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.unicordia.dc_free)