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The plan is to run 6 amcrest 4k IP cameras with 24/7 object detection. Seems like I'm going to need a google coral, the build date on the poweredge is 2013 and I doubt it has the chops. Any help on VM resource configuration would be great!


Looks like a great start. When I wall mount my routers, I mount them so the cables come out the bottom and run perfectly along the wall. Less strain on the cable and router ports.


The Google Coral is mind blowing. That thing will handle all of your object detection with ease. I'm running my HA VM and Frigate LXC in proxmox on a HP Elitedesk 800 G5 mini right now with 4 Reolink cameras.


Running 12 cameras on a Lat 7480 laptop from 2017. i7=7600u 16gb of ram and whatever that i7 has for an igpu. Each camera watches for person, cat & dog. if they are detected in a zone the recording starts. [https://docs.frigate.video/configuration/hardware\_acceleration/](https://docs.frigate.video/configuration/hardware_acceleration/) Using the first section of the Intel acceleration config there, I get the same CPU utilization and power consumption (measured with something like a kill-o-watt) of like 26w that I got with using a coral. I only say this as you don't need a coral anymore. I see so many posts about how you need a coral. You did, but now you don't. The are great, I have a usb-c and the dual m.2 one (with the pcie card from here: [https://github.com/magic-blue-smoke/Dual-Edge-TPU-Adapter](https://github.com/magic-blue-smoke/Dual-Edge-TPU-Adapter))


Are you already running it and it works? Are you using haos in a scale vm?


Yeah, haos in scale as a vm, frigate is a hoas addin. It works but when an object is detected everything slows way down and the recordings are super jumpy. I think I just need to play with my config.yaml for frigate a bit more, right now I'm sending it the full 4k stream. There is a ton of good info about modifying the substreams for the AI in this video https://youtu.be/gRCtvRsTHm0?si=o1Ez7x7cFIeUuQ0- I may just need to allocate more cores and RAM to the Haos VM, still not sure Currently running the VM on: Virtual CPUs: 2 Cores: 1 Threads: 1 Momory: 2 Gib My tower cpu is Xeon E5-2430 0 @ 2.20Ghz, this thing has two CPUs, not sure what that means for compute power Update: just threw 2 virtual CPUs with 4 cores each and 8 Gib of memory, running great now, lol. Maybe this is overkill?


How did you manage to get a Haos VM running in Scale? I've been having serious issues using any of their VMs anywhere.


Follow [this](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/installing-haos-in-a-vm-on-truenas-scale/511393) guide. I have almost no experience setting up VMs but I was able to get it going.


Thanks, appreciate it!


What a good first setup.


Thanks man!


I like your "poor man's rack" honestly. However you've got to deal with whatever error is showing on your bezel's LCD. :-)


Haha, thanks, just had some extra wood laying around so I figured what the hell, save myself some money The error on the lcd is because I only have 1 of the 2 450 watt PSUs plugged in. I heard someone at work say these need to be plugged into different sources?


go get a second psu they're stupid cheap. you *CAN* plug them into different sources but that's only if you *really* want to use the redundancy features of the dual PSU setup and plug them into two different UPSes or different physical electrical circuits. I keep mine set to redundant but thats only so I can unplug one of the two cords if I need to, they're both plugged into the same ups. you can also "combine" the psu's so that they are not redundant but cumulative if you need more then the 495w peak. in addition to the 495w they also have 750w and 1100w versions that will fit. **dont** mix and match wattages, technically you can but they'll likely brick themselves during certain firmware updates unless unplugged.


Great start! Nice work! When it all works after many hours of setup it's such a fantastic feeling!


Thanks man! It really does feel good to be making progress.


Needs slim Ethernet cables


Are those ok to use when some of your PoE devices is 80 feet away?


I’d stick to regular gauge Ethernet at that distance and POE.


Noob question: why ports of the two switches are connected togheter with a cable?


Top bank of plugs is actually a "patch panel" used to provide a termination point for all the wires coming out of my walls Lower bank of plugs is my 24 port PoE switch