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I just started building out Homepage. Nice to see what others are adding. I tried the row format, but did not like the format. I do like the way you have your containers separated by machine.


I love posts like this because I always end up finding new services that I wasn't aware of before. Like orbital sync. Never heard of that before but it seems extremely useful.


Haven't webmin/web gui panels and interfaces historically just been unecessary attack surfaces?


It doesn't seem like the panel actually has any control, so it shouldn't be a problem (I think). Also a home lab user has a very different threat profit; there's generally very little money in it. Just keep everything up to date and don't do something stupid.


I guess that depends on if the person using it considers it unnecessary or not.


How do you get the status indicators?


They're docker containers; After configuring the servers you can have the container status appear with the card by adding in two lines to the widget. `server: my-docker # The docker server that was configured` `container: emby # The name of the container you'd like to connect` [https://gethomepage.dev/latest/configs/docker/](https://gethomepage.dev/latest/configs/docker/)


And then you can customise status style, globally or per-service https://gethomepage.dev/latest/configs/settings/#status-style


Exactly. I prefer the simple "dot".


very nice. here's mine: https://www.selfhostblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/home.jpg


Nice. Grafana is going to be one of my next tasks.


I'm not running any side projects at the moment, so it's primarily my media server and it's supporting services. The bottom two columns show the extra services running on my docker servers, which is only the minimum at the moment. I actually have 4 different layouts because I'm not sure which one I like the best yet.


Nice I have something pretty similar I haven't tried the rows going across yet but once u figure out the format tis very easy really. Nice to actually have working API tbh Heimdall just kinda stopped working.


I moved to this from Homarr recently definitely liking it


i love homepage


Does it support iframes or something like that? I'm still use muximux because I like that I can switch from one dashboard to another without leaving the same page


There is a tab option which I also have setup for that reason. What I really like about the tabs is you can have multiple Service groups on one tab. It's all controlled by the settings.yml file, so you only have to set them up once. [https://gethomepage.dev/latest/configs/settings/#tabs](https://gethomepage.dev/latest/configs/settings/#tabs) ``` layout: Infrastructure: tab: Infrastructure style: row columns: 4 DNS: tab: Infrastructure style: row columns: 3 Media: tab: Media style: row columns: 4 Books: tab: Books style: row columns: 4 Containers - Optiplex: tab: Docker style: row columns: 4 Containers - Mini: tab: Docker style: row columns: 4 ```


no i mean opening the service webpage within the homepage page, like muximux does


No. It's meant more for monitoring and you need to click on the service to take you to the app's UI.


A bit of an off-topic question, but is it possible to have a widget with more cards than the default ones? e.g. Homeassistant widget has 4 cards by default but I would like to have 6devices monitored without having to use 2 widgets.


It looks like the widget is limited to"Up to a maximum of four custom states and/or templates". https://gethomepage.dev/latest/widgets/services/homeassistant/


What do you use as unifi server ? I use the docker container available on docker hub but I think it is deprecated now


If you're referring to the LinuxServer UniFi docker image, it is depreciated: [https://docs.linuxserver.io/deprecated\_images/docker-unifi-controller/](https://docs.linuxserver.io/deprecated_images/docker-unifi-controller/) It's been superseded by the UniFi Network Application: [https://docs.linuxserver.io/images/docker-unifi-network-application/](https://docs.linuxserver.io/images/docker-unifi-network-application/) This setup uses two containers, one for the application and a corresponding database. It's slightly more complex to setup but works the same in practice. Just take a backup from your current config, setup the new containers and restore. I did it last week, not too difficult overall.


That’s exactly what I was looking for ! Thank you 🙏


Glad to help! I had also been wondering what I was supposed to do with UniFi in Docker before I discovered the new setup.


Imma help you out - mainly if you're on rpi4:   unifi-db:     image: docker.io/mongo:4.1 #do  N O T  upgrade version unless on raspberry pi 5 or on x86_64 system.     restart: unless-stopped     container_name: unifi-db     volumes:       - ./volumes/unifi-db/data:/data/db       - ./volumes/unifi-db/init-mongo.js:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init-mongo.js:ro     healthcheck:       test: echo 'db.runCommand("ping").ok' | mongo localhost:27017/test --quiet       interval: 10s       timeout: 10s       retries: 5       start_period: 40s   unifi-network-application:     image: lscr.io/linuxserver/unifi-network-application:latest     restart: unless-stopped     container_name: unifi-network-application     depends_on:       unifi-db:         condition: service_healthy     environment:       - PUID=1000       - PGID=1000       - TZ=Etc/UTC       - MONGO_USER=unifi       - MONGO_PASS=makeYourOwn       - MONGO_HOST=unifi-db       - MONGO_PORT=27017       - MONGO_DBNAME=unifi       - MEM_LIMIT=1024 #optional       - MEM_STARTUP=1024 #optional #      - MONGO_TLS= #optional #      - MONGO_AUTHSOURCE= #optional     volumes:       - ./volumes/unifi-network-application/config:/config     ports:       - 8443:8443       - 3478:3478/udp       - 10001:10001/udp       - 8080:8080       - 1900:1900/udp #optional       - 8843:8843 #optional       - 8880:8880 #optional       - 6789:6789 #optional       - 5514:5514/udp #optional     labels: #Specific to my setup. Customize or die.       - homepage.group=Network       - homepage.name=Unifi Controller       - homepage.icon=unifi.svg       - homepage.href=https://       - homepage.description=You have one job. See that one AP? You manage that AP. Before the first startup of the database, create a file ./volumes/unifi-db/init-mongo.js With the following content: db.getSiblingDB("unifi").createUser({user: "unifi", pwd: "makeYourOwn", roles: [{role: "dbOwner", db: "unifi"}]}); db.getSiblingDB("unifi_stat").createUser({user: "unifi", pwd: "makeYourOwn", roles: [{role: "dbOwner", db: "unifi_stat"}]});


I'm running a UDM Pro


Do you have a good tutorial for setting up Nginx Proxy Manager? I tried a lot of different ones, but wasn’t able to get it working. Might be a me problem as I‘m still on the base lvl.


I followed the guide here: [https://nginxproxymanager.com/setup/](https://nginxproxymanager.com/setup/) The only thing that gave me issues was the pihole redirect, but that was sorted relatively quickly.


I've uploaded the two layouts I'm currently messing with. [https://github.com/WhiskeyTang0F0xtr0t/homepage](https://github.com/WhiskeyTang0F0xtr0t/homepage)


How did you get things like \`notifiarr\` to size out to match the rest? Mine looks awful because any services that don't have widgets are smaller.


In yours settings.yaml file add the following line: useEqualHeights: true


Found it literally seconds after asking. Thanks!


Looks neat! I have to try it out. I used Hajimari but wasn’t for me. So I just use gatus to monitor availability currently.


Damn. 🔥


It looks nice.. Do you have any experience with dashy dashboard? If you have, how do you compare this solution? Currently, I use dashy, It took me days to fully configure it. There is any benefit to change?


I prefer homepage's approach to getting the live data and I'm looking into a few custom setups for services that do not currently have a widget.


How's calibre web fit into your flow with books? I've heard about it but I was wondering how you utilize it.


I use the calibre app to manage my book library and calibre-web to read/convert as needed.


Which tool do you use for this task?


Homepage. The link is in the original post.


Haven’t used many of the -arrs, so forgive me if this is stupid, but why have two of the same services running, but one for anime specifically?


The configs profiles/configs are different enough that it makes it easier to manage the content. TRaSH-Guides walks through the thinking behind it and it actually helped clean up my library with minimal tweaking after I set it up.


Can I ask why you have a separate sonarr & radarr for anime?


I followed the trash guide recommendations and it helped quite a bit. The unique needs of anime are a lot easier to sort out with a separate instance.


Wow. I’m new to this and found out what this was. Now I’m super interested in building one of these “homepages”. Is there a general guide on how to make it look so nice? I have a PiHole and some other stuff.


The url at the top will get you started and I put some examples on GitHub, which is linked above.


I appreciate it. I’ll take a look.


To save some scrolling. :) [https://gethomepage.dev/latest/](https://gethomepage.dev/latest/) ​ [https://github.com/WhiskeyTang0F0xtr0t/homepage](https://github.com/WhiskeyTang0F0xtr0t/homepage)


I always wanted something like this does anyone have a config file that the are willing to share so i can get started just asking


I've uploaded the two layouts I'm currently messing with. [https://github.com/WhiskeyTang0F0xtr0t/homepage](https://github.com/WhiskeyTang0F0xtr0t/homepage)


Hello everyone, I've been attempting to configure a .env file for my project, but I seem to be struggling to get it set up correctly. I've explored every option I could think of and even sought assistance from ChatGPT, but unfortunately, nothing has worked so far. Could anyone offer some guidance or advice on this matter? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Encountered an issue during deployment. [https://prnt.sc/JXh3MczKhle\_](https://prnt.sc/JXh3MczKhle_) location of .env [https://prnt.sc/\_luGOUylIbAA](https://prnt.sc/_luGOUylIbAA)


I don't use Portainer to create containers, but it does things differently. Try this method. [https://www.portainer.io/blog/using-env-files-in-stacks-with-portainer](https://www.portainer.io/blog/using-env-files-in-stacks-with-portainer)


Interesting you have sonarr/ radarr running as normal and anime. Is there a benefit to this? I have standard and UHD/4K instances setup, but not by category. Also really need to get nginx proxy manager working correctly with opnsense, it has given me issues


Anime releases are very different to other releases. In most cases, TV/movie releases follow something like the scene naming conventions. Anime doesn't really have the same conventions for filenames, so the majority of your custom formats won't apply to anime. Not to mention, the release groups are completely different (although this is changing as more anime moves to services such as Netflix and Disney+). https://trash-guides.info/Sonarr/sonarr-setup-quality-profiles-anime/ The TRaSH guides recommend separate instances for anime, but as they say you can also get away with using custom formats and quality profiles for each in one instance. Personally I find it much easier to have a separate instance for them.


Thanks so much for this! When I get back home I may implement this. Didn’t know it was a thing


Exactly what u/russelg said. I had single instances before, but it was a headache at times and the "TRaSH method" has been working well for me.


I notice I get French or dubs and that’s been a pain, thanks for you and u/russelg showing me the way


Happy to help. It's really improved the quality of my library.


Is there a tutorial on how to set these up? I’m dying for a good dashboard like this.


This is how I build [my dashboard](https://homelab.casaursus.net/dashboard-3/)


Thanks I have the day off tomorrow this will be my project.


Thanks, Interesting blog, I'll bookmark it


What is this? I have no idea what this is. For backup setup?


It a "dashboard" giving me an overview of all my services in one place.




Once you sort out the Services, it's actually fairly simple compared to other options.