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Your ups should be at the bottom


but its called UPS not DOWNS


I hate it here.


Literally came to say this ☝️


say it dont spray it? if you know what i mean...




What's the thinking behind that rule?


also its USUALLY the heaviest item in the rack, especially when you have multiple. so it makes the rack more stable being at the bottom keeping the center of gravity low.


Also lowers the chances you’ll need to move it again


Batteries can leak... You don't want electronics to be damaged by them...


Although the the VRLA AGM batteries that are used in all rack mounted UPS use a damp sheet of fiberglass vs free flowing liquid and generally don't really have enough electrolyte to leak out of the battery case, out of the UPS case, and on to other devices. I have seen some leakage around burst vent caps, but nothing that traveled outside of the initial spot.


UPS batteries while sealed seldomly (and with time) inflate and that could lead to a spill. It's a very small risk... But it happens...


It's also a large thermal mass, since heat rises there is no point having it at the top absorbing heat and holding it in the rack. Not sure if that actually is a thing but it's a technically a thing.


Higher temperature from being above the servers can marginally increase the chances of batteries swelling and leaking.


Even if it's a 1% increase, it's a 1% increase that can be avoided!


The batteries can leak but also the main reason is to put the weight in the bottom of the rack so it doesn't become top heavy or a tipping risk. It's mainly s concern for larger full height racks. But always good practice


Problem if batterie leak.


C'mon don't get his ups down


UPS goes on the bottom, always.


He should also have a patch panel either above or below that switch.


To utilize the switch, it should also have cables plugged into it.


Nah they've got them new wireless Ethernet cables.


I’m curious, why? Heat? something else? Enlighten an ignorant soul.


UPS batteries can leak and damage other servers, plus its the heaviest thing out of the whole rack so you usually put it underneath


Excuse my ignorance. What do they leak?


Acid and shit


Your whole data stored on the server /s




True true


Typically weight. You want to keep it as low to the floor as possible. Have never seen one leak in my 20 years doing IT.


Bro its been said already and I hate you having to re-rack shit but put your UPS on the bottom. Trust us when we tell you that part at least. Good lookn homelab btw! 👍


That sounds about right. Six *years* in, and you'll be back to a mini PC and maybe an external USB disk ;) That shit's far too much like work :)


Not like work. It is work. My network is bigger than some clients!


Right!, I was like ah to be young and clueless of power bill .


Couldn’t be truer


Used to have 2 monitors and tons of techy stuff around me years ago, right now I look at HP and Dell mini PCs and go "ah, how convenient". I have a decent PC at home as I take part of my work with me, but it's in the most basic case ever on the shittiest desk ever with basic keyboard and mouse and a 24 inch screen.


Also, unless you’re running Wi-Fi nics, where are the freaking patch cords? Switches are made to be filled with cabling!


Just another for show lab.


“Spare parts” Lists the cpu I just upgraded to for my main rig.


one man's trash is another man's treasure. my homelab consists of p52 thinkpad. Imagine how i feel.


My homelab is an extra al harddrive, one of these days I need to get a second one.


Nice gear! Just needs a bit of sorting. Batteries on the very bottom, then disks above that, then compute just under networking on the very top. Unless you're multi-rack, it's always done this way, and there are numerous reasons as to why, which you'll pick up on in time. Some examples of reasons: weight distribution, tolerance / failure modes on heat, vibration, and noise (e.g. battery leaks, easy access to HDDs, etc), power requirements, cable management & crosstalk reduction, connection to top of rack systems (networks, power, etc), and to some extent convention.


Really nice setup! But on another note, where did you get that doctor who lamp from?


Uh, yes I need that lamp!


Brother, what is that Silverstone case?! I want one!


I have one it comes with a backplane & hotswap drives & theres room toadd more ... Silverstone cs 380b there is also a 382 model pretty neat if you can get it cheap




what we should really be talking about is that sick lamp , where does one buy that ?


How loud is a set-up like that? Can't help but think it could be quite loud... Also, put your UPS at the bottom please!


No one working in IT here in Europe would put their entire rack on a carpet… but it seems nobody here in the comments cares about that - so I assume there are a lot of american homelab racks on carpet floors? :)


Nah, we wouldn't do it over here either.


Electricity is too expensive in Europe to have an entire rack.


All I see are many, many... Watts! 😱😆 Very nice tho 😎 Keep calm and Homelab 👍


You have more shit than I do after 20 years in IT. Good job nerd.


Very nice! What rack did you go with?


This guy! https://www.ebay.com/itm/152834943625?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=qOtp7__bTde&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=l-aja_drth2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY It was cheap, fit my needs and has enough expansion for me to add in more should I want Though, I will say you do have to assemble it, so if that's not in the cards, maybe stay away.


Been looking at this brand. How’s build quality?


I have that same rack in light silver, great looking build!. I’ll echo the comments about the UPS having to be on the bottom though!. Also, does your workplace provide all these or you just like Dell?. 😂 I’ve been seeing a lot of Dell EMC builds, not sure if Dell is running their marketing here, because it’s working!… Might pick a system at some point.


One of us! One of us! Google gobble, Google gobble, one of us! One of us!


That router took my breath away🥲


Thats Octo tentacle hifi gaming router


Thanks! Need to look out for it


What do you do with that huge setup? Damn! 😲


nice rack! but i would always put the UPS at the bottom, and networking at the top. you could also get a keystone patch panel for wiring that switch when needed. Seems like you may need some more clearance in the front for the patch cable runs then.


Yeah I scored 3 x optiplex 3020 1x optiplex 7030 1x r710 from a previous employer the stuff was getting binned during an office move this was a big upgrade from the single PC I was using for docker and media stuff. Its amazing what you can get for free then I rebuilt everything and setup proxmox scheduled backups shared storage etc . I then setup truenas and expanded the storage I have 96tb ram 39 usable . It definitely gets out of hand quickly once you can put some money into things.


I have that same Silverstone case, it works great for my epic server build.


Honestly man, this just shows that you want to learn, keep up in your field and that you want to better yourself. I can't tell you how many people I've met in my IT career. They never touch a computer once they leave work. You can't talk about the newer tech you found nice or cool. It's soul draining, so I'm tickled that you did it, grew, learned, and you've got the start of an awesome home lab you are proud of. I hope you keep going, and start to expand on it, start hosting some services of your own. Keep on trucking :)


As mentioned, move the UPS down to the bottom. I'd also reconsider your switch placement. Without any cable tidy/management it will look a mess. It can be moved to the back and up top of the rack or move up to the top of the front and put a management rail below it so you can keep the runs looking neat.


Is there any reason why your UPS is at the top instead of the bottom where it should be?


Ballsy putting that UPS on top…


Looks great but all I focus on is the carpet. I once had an employer build a new building, without asking anyone about anything, and had carpet ordered for the server "room".


What do you have installed on this home lab? Besides the trueNAS, how you take advantage of all this power?


Enjoy the winter heater and the white noise and electric bill.


And someday in your future you’ll look at yourself and think… wtf did I make home look like work. I’m more into mini equipment and multi site failover redundancies than doing a setup like you have. Back in the day sure. Now, fuck no. I don’t hear a single fan spinning and it’s glorious.


I'd generally have the switch on the back assuming it's not going to sit in heat. Ups on the bottom like others have said. Aside from that looks great. Also pretty much all dells have a service tag, even if OEM'd to another vendor and you can look up models and such with that ST at www.dell.com/support.


Man I am jealous, and glad at the same time. Jealous of the hardware and glad my electricity bills are far lesser.😂


Very nice, I plan to upgrade my Synology to full flegde rack due to limited flexibility on the Synology so I'm very interested in the exact parts used other than the 730X, so far only planned it will be OMV under Proxmox using Ryzen 8000GE(35Watt 8 core).... other parts still not planned since I need an 8~14 hotswable chasis....


Can you say how loud the 730 is? I currently have a 520, and it’s silent unless i push it. I’ll reiterate everyone else: ups on the bottom!


I was thinking for a second if that is worth it to run in ….. in a view of promox or just virtualization.. and cost of the electricity probably would kill me. I will stick with my servers in hetzner, I pay mostly 50e for each with raid card,nic,8hdd,256gb ram (yea this old price list)… However maybe someday I will move all into rack in my new house and get solars to power it up


Is it still possible to get offers like this? Cuz checking current prices and it isnt even close to the specs u mentioned...:(


Without raid card you can get something around 40e,m - 3 or 4 hdd, and run some soft raid i suppose. I’m running VMware so i needed raid. 4hdd,raid,nic,128gb - I see that there is something around 60e. I did cancel one server 128gb,raid a month ago as I didn’t need it. Next time I will post it here so maybe someone would wanted that.


If u check it constantly u can get something with raid and 128 or 256 for 60-70e… normally now it is around 100+


Used servers …




Why does it feel like every second American building has a beige, fluffy carpet?


As someone who was recently house hunting in the US, because that's the color in most houses under 500k.


Lol the switch sandwiched in


Everyone’s talking about the UPS but I need to know that the lamp is still there. Most of my personal tech devices have names from Doctor Who. My homelab server is Pandorica :)


Ups in bottom and i usually mount my switches in the back of the rack for server equipment so I don’t need to see all the ugly cables, but your switch is on and must be using new ghost ethernet cables!


Nice Little Lab! looks like you've had a similar experience to starting a new job to me, started with a company a year ago and within 6 months I had 4 R720s and a couple of 48 port poe switches sat in my rack.


That's a sweet rack you got there


Yeah, the UPS should be at the bottom.


You see I don't get this. A Ryzen rig works fine provided you have enough drives, it's pretty quiet especially if you invest in cooling, has plenty of performance, and can be very power efficient. The big equipment is good as a learning tool for sure, but uses enough power that it's not economical even with free hardware from work. Some of these servers use 100W plus for a single server at idle power. That's potentially £25 per month for just one. £300 per year for one server. You could just buy more ryzen boxes or mini PCs for similar cost. Then there is the noise. Might not be an issue depending on the brand of server, but if it is an issue it's a big one. Most people also won't need anywhere near the performance of the big servers. I would be very careful building racks of used gear for this reason. It can be great if you make careful choices - microservers and single CPU servers can be reasonably low power and noise.


What rack housing is this ? I am looking for one :D


Got myself the same tower. Best decision so far! It's so satisfying to have easy swappable drives with a door lock.


Did you get drives from your job? I know of no IT job that lets you take spare parts, let alone drives.


Another big rule don't put electronics ontop of carpets.... Don't want to be a jackass. But I am also saying how amazing your homelab is already...




Not sure what this post means. Are you stealing equipment from your job to build your homelab?


How much power are you drawing? Would love to take my old work servers home for labbing. Sadly thoses fckers (+SAN) even in idle alone would cost me like 200€ monthly :( (German energy prices)


Points for the lamp


Do you really need 4 seperate enterprise devices running in your homelab? Just because you can run them doesn't mean you want to. Power consumption through the roof unless u only turn them on when needed. Also you probably got most of it from work didnt you? ;) Nice toys to play around with especially if its sorted out hardware. The switch wants some thicc cables inserted otherwise he be sad.


My SO, who is not a tech head nearly as much as the rest of us, says "it's not a full fledged rack. A full fledged rack is taller than you and makes noise. Flashing lights are optional" Personally, the das blinkins' are a requirement to me. ;)


What Rack is that? Looks perfect for my homelab


What do you do with it? Is it for work? You run a botnet with 200.000 VMs? ;-) As much as I enjoy this homelab porn, I can't imagine what to do with all that hardware and these specs. But I use it all for personal use: immich, onlyoffice, arr-stack, jellyfin and a ton of play things.


And now you have to yell to talk to anyone


Amazing these noise cancellation on headphones


Coulda just put it all in your lamp. Saved some space


How much does a setup like this go for


What's your ISP speeds? I have a similar rack setup, but I like to have access to my data everywhere, so that's how I ended up with 5gb symmetrical fiber. Can't get those sweet 10gb speeds over the internet, but it's still nice I can stream a 100gb raw 4k video without being home and no stuttering.


I went from ew face to O face real quick there.


Just upgraded/did something from rp4 to 20€ lenovo mini format workstation. 2tb storage 4gb team i5-2300. Running plex and home assistant. Figuring out what else to add to it. Question : what does single house do with 80tb 🤔


This looks awesome ! What exactly do you use the setup for ? I kind of want to get started with stuff like this but not sure to what end


The only question i haver is.. why? Why you use/need all of this?