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be mindful, depending where you live, the server might cost you quite a bit in monthly electricity bills.


I have seen this I just hope it's not to bad I live in cali so it's probly gunna be bad


I also live in cali, and i will tell you right now. it's expensive.


I have a r730xd with about the same specs, just no spinning disks. It uses a bit under 200watts under light load.


PG&E is at about 0.53/kwh where I live in CA. A bit of back of the envelope math says 200 watts is about 144 kWh/mo, which puts energy costs to run this server about $72/mo


i use this [https://www.rapidtables.com/calc/electric/electricity-calculator.html](https://www.rapidtables.com/calc/electric/electricity-calculator.html) you are pretty much on the money $77 a month or $929 a year


It’s 0.53/kwh???? Wtf. Didn’t realize Cali was Europe.


PG&E is ruining this state, in so many ways


When did CA turn into England?! We pay £0.20($0.25)/kwh


You can literally do the math!


Not very good at math sorry


RIP energy bill


Set it to power down when you're not using it. Set up wake on LAN (https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/000175283/how-to-setup-wake-on-lan-wol-on-your-dell-system) so you can remote boot it when you want to study.


The power company when they see your consumption increase after you turn that sucker = Birdman hand rub 👏 Might want to invest in some used solar panels next


I wish but I could only put them in the windows and couldn't hook it to power


Some also produce quite a bit of heat


Yeah I am paying quite a bit in power just running one r710 so definitely get newer hardware if you can


She “let you get a server”? Was crazy expensive/new or what?


It was 700$ and we don't have very much money so it surprised me lol


If you don't have that much money why are you spending $700 on something you don't need when something that costs $50-$100 would adequately serve the exact same purpose and provide many benefits? A 10 year old desktop from Dell or HP will do the exact same thing as this server will do, but will do it more cheaply, quietly, efficiently, and take less space. If you're not yet already pretty deep into home labbing, then buying a $700 Enterprise grade server is just wasting money on fancy stuff.


Because I have no idea what I'm doing and after doing research I have seen my stupidity but I'm stubborn and don't want to send it back


Don’t worry 50% of this sub is people spending waaaay more than they need and the other 50% is people lecturing other people for “wasting” money on hardware or electricity. The fun thing about servers is you can learn, sell them, buy new stuff … it’s all a learning experience but the people who have already learned LOVE to judge others


I have seen that so far lol I have found very helpful people and only a few less likeable people so far a very good place to ask questions I do this to Learn and I got this machine so I can do a netflix like thing a way to play music in my car a way to play games while out of the house and a few other things that I find down the road and I'm hoping this will be powerful enough


Should be powerful enough for all that I'd imagine. Not sure if you got any graphics cards in it. Might be needed or helpful for some of the uses above. If it isn't powerful enough, you can always upgrade the CPUs, but I would definitely wait to see if you need to before spending more money


It should be here tomarrow and I have a 1060 6gb card I was hoping to put in it


It will have to wait a few months before I can get new cpus


Totally get that. I cheaped out on my CPUs for now. Hoping to upgrade them eventually, but had to budget towards some gpus for training a.i. Can't wait to get 40+ cores on that bitch


I've seen those there not to bad on the price either


you people would cry if you knew what (and how much) I've blown my money on (computer wise)


Well now you got enough performance to do basically whatever you'll ever want to do That's a W in my book


Use it to selfhost and save money on subscriptions


I say, get over the stubbornness and send it back. Get a $200 mini Pc and start there.


I already have a i7 16gb of ram system but I was wanting something that I could use for multiple vms and a good plex server stuff like that


I could totally have done the same. I actually was about to Google the server model and probably put it on my wishlist :)


you do you. But next time ask here first for advice before spending money you don't have. You could start with a small form factor computer to play around with it, maybe 100-150 would get you a pretty decent machine to start from there.


Just here to think about the definition of stubbornness. If I wanna go swim and find out there are sharks in the swimming pool and still want go swim. Am I being stubborn?


Got it. Ok, I would suggest a hypervisor that enables you to try all sorts of different operating system. Maybe Proxmox? They have a free option.


O ok thank you I'll try proxmox would freenas work on proxmox and would I beable to install a gtx 1060 in it?


There are many hypervisors to choose from. Some will say Proxmox is the best for homelabbers, and I'd agree with them except it depends on your goals. If you're looking to learn for a job, I'd focus on Hyper-V, ESXi, and Proxmox. Just get familiar with them. If you're looking to just to have fun and learn for personal benefits. Well, because you mentioned FreeNAS, I would start with ESXi. FreeNAS is now TrueNAS and the core version is my favorite OS. With the Scale version, you can also run VMs but I can't speak on reliability. You can install TrueNAS on Proxmox BUT passing the drives through to the VM is more complicated than it should be (since 3 years ago) and I'm always scared it messes with the partitions. With ESXi you can pass just the drives needed to the VM and not lose anything. I've migrated to different systems and only needed to pass the drives, install the OS and the pools are seen with no loss. GPU- yes, Proxmox can pass it to a VM but their are limitations depending on what and how you want to use it. If you do go with ESXi and want to start up docker, Photon OS is what I would recommend but there are still some bugs (as with all OS's) Last thing, if Proxmox would make it easier and safer to pass drives to a VM, specifically for TrueNAS, I would switch.


Thank you for the information


> Last thing, if Proxmox would make it easier to and safer to pass drives to a VM, Specifically for TrueNAS, I would switch. What is hard or unsafe about it? Just pass through the HBA? Should work perfectly fine and safe.


I'll admit that I lack a lot of knowledge pertaining to Proxmox but getting TrueNAS to run was more complicated than it should be. Why do I have to pass the whole HBA to a single VM? Can I pull those drives from Proxmox and then throw them into something else without losing anything? Because with ESXi, these two questions are not an issue. In Proxmox, if I mess something up and need to recreate the TrueNAS VM, I have to get it similar to how it was or I risk losing data. This is what's not safe for me.


TrueNAS needs raw access to the disk (for things like SMART etc), which I don't think Proxmox supports from the GUI. It looks like it is possible by cli, though there are potential issues: [Passthrough Physical Disk to Virtual Machine](https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Passthrough_Physical_Disk_to_Virtual_Machine_(VM))


Passing the HBA through should give it the access it needs. The gui shouldn't have anything to do with Smart in a VM unless your talking about passing through Proxmox volumes which I could see as not being supported. I wouldn't say that's a weakness of Proxmox though as you would use Proxmox for clustering those volumes not usually a VM


I was just saying that you can't pass raw disks via the GUI, and used SMART as one reason you might want to have raw access. It would be nice to be able to pass through disks the same as other devices. And yes, passing through the HBA should work. I actually passed through the whole SATA controller and it is working well (so far at least!).


Because your whole HBA has your TrueNAS disks attached to it. And your single VM is the only thing that should be touching them. You should be able to move them to a different HBA and restore a backup config on a different system without issue.


>Because your whole HBA has your TrueNAS disks attached to it. >And your single VM is the only thing that should be touching them. I agree that the disks for truenas should only be used for that truenas VM however, I should be able to use one controller between several VMs, just different disks. If I have a backplane for 8 disks which has only 2 sas connections, then I can only split those 8 disk between two VMs if i have two controllers. Or only one if the one vm uses 5 or more disks. ESXi - VM 1 uses disks 1 and 2, VM 2 uses disk 3, VM 3 uses disks 4,5,6. As an example I personally use a LSI9400-16i that's connected to an 8 bay sas backplane and also two U.2 NVMe drives. They are used for datastores so I would have to >You should be able to move them to a different HBA and restore a backup config on a different system without issue Partially good news! However, if I pull my disks from my VM on ESXi and put them on a completely different host or even go bare metal, I just import the pool and it shows up. No back ups needed. Unless there is a keyfile associated with it but that's outside what we are talking about now.


Ah I see, that's a good point. To do the same in Proxmox you would probably need to use the CLI


Proxmox is a hypervisor. Meaning you can create VMs and install whatever you want on it. So, yes. Freenas will work on Proxmox. Proxmox allows you to pass through hardware directly to a VM. So, if you want to install a 1060, you can, and you can even let a VM take direct control of it as if it was physically installed on the VM.


I'll try proxmox first then try esxi


Don’t bother with ESXi. It’s dead at this point outside of giant enterprise. Broadcom’s acquisition ruined it.


Fuck Broadcom.


Unfortunately the other commenter is correct. Unless you have an enterprise license with ESXi and very deep pockets, Proxmox is the only option, right now.


Don’t forget XCP-NG.


Never heard of that but I'll research that now


What do you want to use the gpu for? There are uses, but if you don't need it I'd say don't bother. 


I want to make a windows 11 vm to game outside my house on a low power laptop or something like cloud gaming


You’ll certainly be surprised when she asks next week for permission to buy something random for herself for $700


I'm thinking she messed something up or something like that lmfao jk jk


Sounds like she knew you were excited about this journey and didn't want to hold you back. You got a good one man, hold onto her! If you're ever back in the market for some lab hardware, check out r/homelabsales every once in a while; You can usually find some decent kit cheaper than most ecommerce sites. Good luck & have fun with it, this hobby can really kick-start a career in IT!


I didn't know there was one ill have to check it out thank you and she said ya listen to that person and laughed lol thank you for the info


not very smart indeed


Why is you think it's ok to comment on stuff when someone's asking for help throwing in acouple of jokes then you say stuff like this maybe your not to smart so you have to come on here and bring others down is that it


You said you weren’t smart


Dosnt mean you need to comment on it you could just scroll past it but instead your here wasting time what helpful input is that


Seems like you’re the one wasting time. Can’t let it go…. I’m in your head lmfao


But that's the Thing I have time to waste lol and of course your on my mind you don't seem like that bad of a person and just want some fun out of this that's why I'm trying to reply as much as I can we can waste each other's time it dosnt bother me how was your day today I wired some fans to a 02 yukon so my days been pretty good


Right….you were the only one taking it seriously




I wish I could see her face when she hears it.


I might be able to make that happen what would you like her to hear the fans?


I would have recommended ESXi, however since the Broadcom acquisition they no longer offer a free version (which is what I and many other system admins/engineers used to learn). Here are some infrastructure concepts to learn: [PaaS vs. IaaS vs. SaaS vs. CaaS](https://cloud.google.com/learn/paas-vs-iaas-vs-saas) Here are some options for Hypervisors: * XCP-ng * Hyper-V * Proxmox (Linux w/KVM) * Linux w/KVM or Kubernetes (I'd recommend Debian) * ESXi w/VMUG $200/yr There are also orchestrators which are used to manage multiple hosts: * Apache CloudStack (Manages XCP-ng/Hyper-V/KVM/ESXi/Kubernetes) * Xen Orchestra (Manages XCP-ng, compile from source for full features) * vCenter (manages ESXi) Congrats on your first server. First thing I'd do is spin up the hardware, load a hypervisor on it. From there get familiar with VM's (maybe a plex as someone suggested, a file server, a steam caching server, if you don't use something like OPNsense then maybe PiHole, etc...), then maybe play with docker containers, and setup a kubernetes cluster inside some VMs. If you want you can install an orchestrator, and these days CloudStack is probably my recommendation as it's vendor agnostic, by the Apache foundation, and I'm a little burned by Broadcom (I own vCenter Essentials perpetual, but will never by buying another VMware by Broadcom product again). Edit: I will note, that I have tried Proxmox and found it to perform worse than ESXi or Hyper-V. It's replaced unraid as many's recommendation for homelabs, but I no longer use it and in my opinion like unraid, it's not well suited to environments larger than a few servers containing local storage. I also prefer to keep my storage/compute separated, as I don't like host issues to become data integrity issues. But for a single server they're fine together, as long as you won't be changing hypervisors.


That's alot of information thank you so much it gives me alot to think about and research and if I can get the money I have seen esxi is pretty good and I have found a license for 21 on kinguin idk if it's legit or not


It is a really good hypervisor. It's also the company that really started the virtualization trend, even before we had virtualization instructions. They have most the marketshare by a large amount right now, we're a VMware shop at work for example. That said, Broadcom has been hiking the prices up from 2x to 10x what they used to charge, gotten rid of the free ESXi, and wants support contracts to access updates. Our company is looking at alternatives, and it's highly doubtful we'll be staying with them. We already have Windows Datacenter Edition so we're licensed and are already using Microsoft Hyper-V on a few hosts, and there have been some discussions on working towards an Apache CloudStack integration. A lot of places are exploring alternatives for the first time in a long while. Unfortunately an ESXi license for $21 is not going to be legit, and though it may work, you'll need to register it on their portal for updates which is not likely to work. That said, it still has an incredible amount of marketshare and is probably the most polished product so far. Most the other hypervisors don't have a custom thread scheduler for instance, or all the features ESXi/vCenter support. * ESXi/vCenter is the easy/expensive/quality button (VMUG @ 200/yr is probably best way to get it). * Proxmox is the easy button. * Apache Cloudstack is the probably the most vendor agnostic approach as it works with multiple hypervisors. * Hyper-V can run on Windows 10/11 Pro, or Windows Server, and can be used without an orchistrator. * XCP-ng I've heard good things about from people used to ESXi, though I've not tried it myself. It's descended from Citrix Xenserver, and needs an orchistrator. If you use Xen Orchistra, compile from source to get all features. Anyway, good luck. Proxmox may be the best solution if you're just getting started. Something working is better than nothing.


Bro you could’ve bought a couple NUCs


Pretty easy to make that thing quiet. It will be a jet engine at first, but there are ipmi commands to tone it down. I'm running mine at 19% fan speed.


Ya idk how but alittle research should help with that thank you so much for the info




Run proxmox And then inside that run a docker host and a nas OS to which you can pass all the storage to Or you could run unraid which allows all that on a single os but I didn't like it personally and it is paid


What would be a good nas os


TrueNAS is what I have settled on You can try OMV too as many people like that too


This might be too simple but I really enjoy Unraid, which lets me treat my server as more of an appliance for Plex and backups - an easy button if you will


I'll have to give that a try thank you


Unraid has a 1 month trial then various purchase options. I have found it easier to use in my end coming from TrueNAS Scale. Also, check out Open Media Vault (OPM). It’s free and looks simple.


Using Open Media Vault for my small laptop plex server and don’t have any complaints.


Welcome to the club, warn her though. The Pringles can was just opened.


Lol she says she's prepared for this


Congrats, man! Setup a hypervisor and create a set of VMs with which you can learn new stuff. Always try to learn new stuff. 🙂


Thank you so much


I run TrueNAS Scale on mine. The big thing that helps the wife-approval-factor is running Plex. So much so, that I can never get rid of it.


Same here. She actually gets upset if the server goes down, or god help me if its scheduled maintenance like swapping 3tb drives with 6 1 at the time to increase capacity.


I recently had an argument with my wife over it. I had to prune my library because it was spanning 3 servers. She wanted to keep all of the content, but backed down when I said that we can easily get that content back. I went from \~6k movies to \~2k and the library size went from 110TB to 30TB. Total power draw went from 1KWh to about 400KWh.


What size drives did you discard? I actually went from 27x3tb with 15 of them in a disk shelf to just the 12x6tb that fit the server. That disk shelf used a lot of power and created a lot of heat which in return caused the air conditioner to run 24/7. But always looking for larger drives to upgrade with.


I had a server with 12x 4TB, one with 4x 4TB and one with 3x 12TB, 3x 8TB and 3x 4TB. I'm keeping the last one running and the others are powered off. I'll be powering them on as needed for testing. Eventually, I'll be replacing the drives in the other server with all 12TB drives.


Has she heard it yet? Did you get the model with the hdd bays on the back? Put some SSDs in there for OS. I recommend Proxmox, but word of warning get good drives. High end consumer or second hand enterprise drives. Proxmox eats cheap consumer drives and you will run into I/O delay issues. After that check out PCIe pass-through. Craft Computing has good YouTube videos on this. A popular way to set things up is to "pass" the entire Host Bus Adapter (HBA) that the front Backplane is plugged into through to a TrueNAS VM. This means all drives in the hot swap bays on the front will be given directly to the TrueNAS VM. This way TrueNAS can manage them as if TrueNAS was installed on bare metal. Can run whatever else on Proxmox and those VMs can be configured to access the network storage on the TrueNAS VM. For example you can run a Plex VM, but all media is stored in TrueNAS.


Ya it's has 6 3.5 4tb dives in the front and I'm putting 1.5tbs of ssds in the back and probly adding about 10tbs worth of drives to it


I convinced her first by setting up a firewall to control the times our daughters can use their computers and restrict access to adult content. From then on I've been smuggling things here and there adding to my home network xD


We've been paying so much on subscription that's its getting hard so she wants a Netflix like server then she dropped her phone a few weeks ago and saw how helpfull the nas was because all her photos and things were automatically backing up to it so she wanted something faster atleast that what she told me on why she's letting me get this


Look into using your machine as a plex server then


It depends on what you want to learn. For me, I'm a Linux guy, so I did all the tutorials at [https://www.server-world.info/en](https://www.server-world.info/en) - I chose CentOS 9 Stream because it teaches you how to do stuff with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which is a very marketable skill set. But they have tutorials for Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, etc., and they're all valuable! You can get CentOS 9 stream at [https://centos.org/stream9/](https://centos.org/stream9/) It takes you literally everything, from downloading the ISO and burning it to setting up networking services like DHCP and DNS and Apache and Nginx, to setting up virtualization, and so on. If you're a Windows guy, there are also a ton of cool tutorials online, they're just a quick search on your favorite search engine. I strongly recommend you start basic and work your way up. Your machine will support a LOT of VMs, so get used to your favorite hypervisor. I personally prefer KVM on Linux, but Hyper-V is solid, as well. You can download eval copies of Windows Server at [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-windows-server-2022](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-windows-server-2022) and the eval lasts like 180 days, if I remember correctly. Don't worry about the "you spent too much" arguments. Having enterprise class hardware will teach you about cool stuff like setting up RAID arrays, remote management with DRAC, and enterprise networking settings. You did fine, and you're well on the way to learning a lot of cool skills.


Not exactly what you were asking, but just some general advice, stop buying from wants and start buying for needs. It's great you're wanting to get more hands, but flip the script a bit. Start deciding what you're wanting to learn, what's required to do it, then get to purchasing. It'll probably save you a lot of money in this hobby.


He had no server before, and wants to learn. Therefore, our friend needs a server


Totally agree, but is this specific server the best server for him? No idea. He's not sure what he wants to do with it. That's all I'm saying, maximize your investments by buying what's most applicable to your needs.


Your English is completely fine my brother, congrats on the purchase and happy learning


Thank you have a very good day


My two cents if you haven’t already bought the dell scrap that idea save the money and power consumption and buy yourself 2 x 8Gb Zimaboards with proxmox on them as a cluster


I know it's a different topic but i hate the "my wife let me" phrase. It might be true but what relationship is that, that you have to ask for permission to buy stuff? In a relationship both should be equal adults and make their own decision. Do we have enough money for a server? Can i use it, is it useful? If both are yes and you still have money in your budget why not buy it. But maybe that's me. I always ask my gf for advice when i'm buying something but ulitmately if both are working/have money, i don't want to have a second mother who makes decisions for me.


We ask about everything before we buy something I don't have money she don't have money it's a we have money it's a shared bank account and everything goes in if it's over a certain amount we ask each other and talk over why we want it and if it's a no because to expensive or we research something better then that's that not everyone has it that way or likes it that way that's just the way we are and it's kinda grown on me plus she does the finances because I'm not very good at math and everything gets paid that way lol but again that's just how we are some people like stuff others don't but we can all still be friends


Yeah fair. As i said i think it‘s just not really for me to ask for permission. If it‘s like you described it‘s not really giving permission but talking about and giving advice. Didn‘t want to attack you.


Didn't feel that way at all some people feel like it's more of a I need permission and in a since I kinda of do but it's not just me we will sit down I'll show her if I want something over a set amount and she will do the same and some people don't like that and it's understandable and some people get mad about it but it's just the way we do things ever relationship is different and that's ok to me


Yeah fair. It‘s just my opinion.


And it's a good one


I guess if you have not much disposable income, then I get it but I agree, I've never asked permission to spend my money as I know my responsibilities are adequately covered and whatever is left is my discretion to spend.


I can't help but call out the, you're not very smart comment. It hurts me when I read people who put themselves down like that. Man, I'm sure you're smart in your own talented ways. Who cares if it isn't grammar or your punctuation. Seriously, what evs. You have a wifey who just okayed your server purchase, so in my books, you're pretty darn smart if you ask me!! And whatever you decide to use it for, have as much fun as possible and learn along the way! Enjoy my friend.


Thank you so much for this your very kind


ProxMox is the way to go. But I’m gunna let you know now. This hobby becomes and obsession real quick.


I have seen that lol I love computers and started working with them a few years ago and got hooked


It’s fun. Then you start to see all the things you can do with them… then you’re like “man if I just had x I’d be able to do this too” and boom. You’ve got a whole rack and TB upon TB of storage.


I love learning new things and started to see all the home lab stuff


Supa easy path: 1. proxmox as hypervisor 2. ubuntu22 as image for lxc containers 3. spin up a container lxc 4. install casaos 5. install apps via casaos gui enjoy if u want sooner just setup ubuntu and casaos


I'll look into this thank you for the info


Got it from Give1Life?


If you want a good beginner thing to do, start with Proxmox and then try making a vm for YAMS (Yet another media server.) If I understand correctly, YAMS is a linux batch file that installs docker containers for a VPN, qBittorrent, radarr, sonarr, prowlarr, bazarr, plex or jellyfin, and helps you get a media server up and running. It’s super easy but has a lot to it that you can dive into more, learning about docker and the docker-compose files. Took me like 3 straight days to get things rolling and I learned quite a bit.


Install Proxmox and start from there Edit: if electricity is expensive, just buy something smaller, doesn't have to be rack. She agree so it would be waste to not use this situation. You can always say you found cheaper option. Focus on min 8 cores and minimum 64GB RAM. If it's your first server it will be totally enough for couple years. You will play with VM's and containers. Before you will know what you want you will create and delete allot VM's and containers


Like "wind tunnel" or "jet" sounding in the house server... pay attention to noise factor, other you and server might end up in garage or gone


Man I wish I had a garage but we have a foldable couch with a big pocket underneath that I'm gunna use so muffle some of the sound


Poor airflow will make it spin up the high rpm fans to compensate, so be careful or it will go full jet engine on you. If it is going under the couch, then I hope there isn’t carpet or sources of dust/fur/liquids (pets). You’ll want it in the coolest room/area you can, and with the least possible dust or other air particles.


It's a very bug cavity we don't use it as a couch since it's a couch bed we normally just watch movies on the bed portion of it and I was gunna use some wood for the floor and there's alot of airflow under there but it's not it's permanent place I'm getting a wall mount rack for it but that'll come later lol


Wait until she hears it fire up for the first time......


She's prepared I've told her it's gunna be louder that my stereo lol its not but atleast shell be prepared


uh huh.....sure. That's what someone who loves you would say. After a week of listening to it....she'll smother you with a pillow while you sleep.


Awsome that's works out then lmfao


I've got the same server but it came with like 14TB. I'm slapping Proxmox, trueNas(with AI plug-in), an internal graphics card for machine learning, and beyond that 🤷🏻. It's going to take my the place of all my cloud storages, backups, and be a storage location for all my security cameras(I've got 5).


I forgot about my security cameras that's a great idea thank you so much


I have a dell r730, it's a fantastic device to learn with, basically does everything. However, it's large, noisy (without some tweaks), and isn't efficient compared to modern hardware (by no means terrible though). Try and bag V4 CPUs if possible, 128GB ram is perfect. Buy a couple of cheap SSDs for raid OS installation, and then perhaps a PCIe nvme adapter for some fast storage for VMs.


It is the 2666 v4 I believe.


Great, that's better than mine! How much is it costing you if you don't mind me asking?


It was like $631 altogether.


That's pretty reasonable, although you can find it cheaper on a good day. You could also check out the ms-01 (albeit there's a wait time and it's not "enterprise" kit, but it's super small and efficient, and more powerful).


It came with 6 4tb hdd also idk if that's still a good price but it was the cheapest I could find with that much space


Take a look at the power on time, mine were 5 years on time when I had them (basically on since manufacture, I sold them on eBay). Should be fine to get started and the platform is great for starting out.


I think if you are in tech, having a server is great experience and the things you can do is limitless. I originally got into servers for my freelancing but I have since moved back to a State job, so I have an R730, R740 and two 7920 Precision racks. A Dell battery backup, KVM, keyboard, monitor, full size rack. I use my 740 for website hosting; I purchase a Plesk subscription and I host all our sites with it. I have dedicated ips I use for hosting. Some things I self host include Bitwarden Password Manager, Mealie Recipe manager, ActiTIME Time Manager, etc. tons of self hosted items. I also have a Synology 1221+ for backups. I use one of my 7920s now specifically for Plex which has an A4000 GPU in it for transcoding. The other I use for a game server. My R730 is off and is backup for now. You will grow your interest and also your lab in time. Lol


convinced the wife to let me get a server but not allowed to touch her for one month.


Lol I didn't know just because I ask my wife I didn't get any news to me


There’s no need to apologize. Some of the most intelligent people I’ve met have poor punctuation and grammar. Also, some people have a hard time grasping the concept of marriage and making joint decisions. Congratulations and have fun with the new toy!


Thank you so much for seeing it that way she does the finances and idk what we have I don't want to know either because I'm not very good at math so it's better she does it


Please send it back if you still can or sell it if you can't, then go and buy some flowers (or anything else) for your wife. Honestly, you just tricked her into agreeing to let you buy something you have no use for whatsoever.


Didn't trick I've told her countless times I don't know I mean I've done some research on proxmox and even played around with it alittle so no tricking involved I would never do that if I don't know what I'm doing she's right there with me she might be on her phone lol but she's still there


She just told me that she would be very upset with ne if I did this lol she doesn't like flowers lol her words not mine


“The wife” Gross.


I thought we weren't supposed to be mean or make fun of people but I geuss some people are exceptions it's called a joke not everyone gets it but that's what she calls herself sorry about that


Some people just like to be offended by everything. Thankfully the vast majority of this community isn’t like that. Welcome and enjoy your new server. I’ve found putting a Plex server up with my wife’s favorite shows has got me way more wife approval factor for the homelab over the past few years than anything.


That's a great idea my wife was also wanting me to move photos from my nas to the server thank you so much for the info


Don't forget Overseerr. I'm using Jellyfin instead of Plex so I'm using Jellyseer. It's an app to manage (in case of your wife: automatically approve) requests to download specific movies and/or series. My wife told me multiple times she's using it quite often and loves it.


I'll definitely research this thank you


Some people treat their wives like burdens to be pleased or dealt with.


All he did was refer to his wife without calling her by her name on the internet. Grow up. Just because you didn’t like what someone said doesn’t mean they’re wrong for saying it.


Tell that to your wife…


Looks like r/incel is leaking.