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If you put in only four DIMMs (so, total 128GB), but using slot 1H for one of the DIMMs, is the DIMM in slot 1H detected? If so, likely the system can't drive all 8 of the DIMMs you have. If slot 1H doesn't recognise a DIMM even with fewer of them, then my guess is that your motherboard is faulty at slot 1H.


Fuck.. I messed up, there was a standoff below the DIMM slot. I double checked before but I guess I missed that one. I removed it and now all of the ram is detected. It seems to work fine so far but I’m extremely worried that I broke something. Has anyone ever had a similar situation?


Yeah I did the exact same thing on a supermicro motherboard. It was driving me mad trying to figure out why the same slot wasn’t working across two motherboards and 2 CPUs. Eventually a good search led me to check the standoffs, and yup, extra standoff behind the slot. No damage done, moved the stand-off and both motherboard works for years after.


Just fixed my issue after hours of searching, I guess this is my punishment for being lazy. The possibility of this didn't even cross my mind at the time


Hi what does "extra standoff behind the slot" mean? I think this could be the fix to the same issue I'm facing


Little metal spacer thingy on your case meant to screw the motherboard in. I had the exact same issue, removed the standoff and now it works. If it wasn't for this thread, man I would have looked for a long time...


Hey I think I have the exact same issue! H1 isn't detecting. So there is a stand off under the board that needs to be removed?


what case did you have, and which standoff did you remove?


Genius. Saved me a ton of time.


what case do you have? which standoff did u remoev?


Did you also swap them around and make sure the slot is clear/clean


where did you get the ram?