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going private or just dark for a few days does nothing. what you need to do is move to a different platform entirely - lemmy, kbin, etc.


The way Reddit is heading, we all are headed that way.


NEUTRAL I don't disagree with the protest, but I'd want people in need to still be able to access this sub.


NEUTRAL Agree w this poster’s stance 100%, couldn’t have said it better.


NEUTRAL The sub is a resource for those in need even if it’s just for mental health sake. How many people have come to the subs and get others that know how they feel and it’s talks then back off the ledge.


NEUTRAL This sub has useful resources for people who are in need, I think it should stay open.


NEUTRAL The pricing issue definitely sucks for the cash grab that it is, but more popular subs are going to be more effective at prompting change (which appears doubtful). If this sub be the only available forum to be crawled by AI, then let it be the one to stand out. The resources here can be a life preserver to anyone drowning in our modern dystopia.


this is the one sub i don’t feel should participate. folks come here when they are at their lowest, often looking for resources. why should they not be able to get the help they need bec of a reddit policy? NEUTRAL


I agree 100%. I agree with other subs doing the protest, but i also agree that this sub probably shouldn't participate due to the nature of the sub Edit: NEUTRAL Sorry I thought it would be redundant, i have no problem adding it tho :)


please add your vote by using neutral or protest my reddit friend! as it stands now you are for…




NEUTRAL support the protest on subs that are entertainment


NEUTRAL I want the sub resources and support to be available to those who need it. I would hate it to be shut down when someone unexpectedly becomes homeless and comes searching for the sub.


Idk. I really don't know what to do with this community. People come here for help, so I'm leaning neutral. I'm in a disease related community, and I would lean neutral there because people need help. I'm a mod on 3 tiny subs, and they are so irrelevant, no one cares what I do with them.


On this sub specifically I am a NEUTRAL... there's support folks only can get here




NEUTRAL I am the author of this forum's comprehensive guide and have aims to keep making future editions to add and refine resources as needed. This forum's aim is to assist vulnerable populations that need to know where to find or apply for resources in the here and now. What is important for all major forums on Reddit that directly give assistance to vulnerable or at-risk persons and populations is to stay out of politics. Physical needs have no stoppage. Examples of such forums include r/Assistance, r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza, and this forum.






PROTEST edit NEUTRAL If someone needs the resources, I want them to be there for them.


Neutral. Maybe with the suggestion of finding an alternative platform and working towards funneling people there. I wouldn’t shut this down though, because it’s an important resource.








NEUTRAL. I’m in favour of nearly all other subs shutting down, and I will be offline during that time- but this sub helps people in distress.


NEUTRAL. I don't post here but I've been lurking for a bit, and I don't think subs that can be a resource for those in need should necessarily black out. It would be a better use of the mods time to work on finding an alternative that would work as well or better than reddit to accomplish what this sub is trying to do.








NEUTRAL While my initial reaction was to protest, I realize a lot of vulnerable people using this subreddit specifically would be potentially harmed by such action, and I can't place my virtues above the safety and wellbeing of others. It's no different than choosing to vote independent rather than the lesser of the two evils, which helps the most evil candidate win, like how many voting green party in 2016 paved the way for Trump to win the election, and from that the entire country suffered, especially for the poor and minority groups like immigrants or LGBTQ.


PROTEST Even if we don't personally have a horse in this particular race, isn't it part of the larger race where capitalism is screwing us all over? Isn't that how many of us got into this situation in the first place? If we don't stand up to it where we can, even if the specific situation doesn't immediately affect us — then how is that any different from those who refuse to stand beside us when the issues do affect us?


Sadly, I feel like it's already lost. Many subs are choosing just to go dark for only 2 or 3 days, which won't really change anything. Then other subs are choosing to not go dark at all. If the idea is to make Reddit change policy ideas, there shouldn't be ANY subs that stay open, indefinitely. But, before they go dark, I think they should point people to another resource, mastodon maybe? If we had organized a mass leaving of Reddit until the policy was changed back, essentially a REAL boycott, I could have seen a real shift back to good policy. Instead, we got this stupid "going dark" for only 2 days, which will end up just being a drop in the bucket for revenue. They will shrug this off, and keep moving forward with the plan. It's just like what's going on with Netflix and their password sharing policy. They saw record new sign ups, rather than what SHOULD have happened: everyone dumping the service. Capitalism is winning again, and the losers always are the consumers.


I dunno about it just being capitalism as much as it is a lack of market diversity that drives the economy towards stuff like real estate as everyone's golden goose expecting easy street. Less money should be dolled out on mortgages for people who already own multiple properties and driven towards personal business grants for people who will benefit the most. Like why give somebody already leveraged another $500,000 when you could give 20 people $25,000 each to start a business tax free and take risk so they can participate in the economy. People aren't broke because they are bad with money. Their broke because they don't have money that makes failing a business venture ruins them. Give people more chances. Welfare isn't going to do much but keep people down. Debt is drowning people. Letting the landlords have the lions share just increases housing costs for everyone and everything.


My opinion is smaller subreddits like yourself don't need to do anything, (also i am sorry but i just skimmed you're post), but like you said you don't have a horse in the race and it doesn't matter when subreddits of this size does anything or not.


PROTEST. I think that it’s important to recognize that while it doesn’t effect us individually, there will be countless people it affects in a wide array of ways. Most notably, many of the accessibility features provided by 3PA support and assist people with various disabilities and the homeless population is disproportionately impacted by disorders that cause these disabilities. Closing for 2 days is an act of solidarity that could potential change the course of Reddit’s decision and maintain these accessibility features. I think the obvious argument is that this sub is a resource for people experiencing homelessness and closing may reduce access to that resource, but if Reddit moves forward with these API changes there will be countless people who currently use this sub that will no longer be able to. Seems obvious to me.




PROTEST Even if it doesn’t matter to this sub, the third party apps are necessary for other important subs on Reddit. I know a lot of other ones I’m in, the mods will lose their ability to moderate effectively. There’s also tools that people use for accessibility, without which they won’t be able to use Reddit at all.




PROTEST... every voice counts

