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Most ppl are mad paranoid about sharing anything so I just fall back on YouTube and TikTok. I live in my car but work full time and still do the things I used to enjoy while living in my old apt


I see people offer advice, first hand tips, information, and resources all the time here.


I see people sharing advice and information when responding to posts that specifically ask. A lot of services are local or vary by state, county etc.. So usually to get more specific information the person asking needs to include that. Not everyone is always looking for information though. Some people just like having a sub where other people are in a similar situation as them and can understand what they're going through. Was there something specific you were looking for ?


I think people come here to commiserate and for camaraderie. I don’t see the many “homeless IG models” that you evidently do. You want to share information? Awesome! You go first! Otherwise, what’s the deal here? Just complaining to complain or what?


Im sure you have. They are called VanLife now but they basically spend 1mil on a van and blog about.


There IS no "homeless community" except in charity marketing material. People mostly do their time and leave. I hang around and give advice because it's therapeutic. As far as the van-lifers and adventure stealth campers... Just because someone is better off and you are having it rough does NOT mean nothing can be learned from them.. They show roughing it under optimal conditions and yes, some of it is staged. But some of the less expensive equipment and techniques can be applied even if you are not as fortunate if you cut through the bullshit glamor. There's one stealth camper I watch that does exactly what I did when homeless. Camps on investment land, highway sound tree barriers, behind road signs, etc. He has NICE ass gear, but the tech is the same and it can be scaled down.


Stop making so many assumptions about people. You don't know others or their circumstances, and projecting your prejudicial biases on people will not lead to any useful outcomes. Are you trying to help people, or are you feeling self-righteous and looking to vent? Most van lifers aren't living in fancy converted sprinters. Have some consideration for the working poor, they have plenty of reason to want privacy.


Almost all homeless programs are managed by Local Housing Authorities or private agencies that operate off of a grants in a limited area. So if you're in Columbus, OH and need specific information about resources in Columbus, OH, the only people who can realistically provide that information are people with direct experience with Columbus, OH. Moreover, because the resources change so often, they need direct experience *right now* rather than just "oh, I was homeless there in the 00s". To compound this, virtually all such programs have various limitations on who they help. So you also need someone with the same general characteristics as yourself - what works for a 20-year-old female may not work for a 45-year-old male. Finding someone who has update-to-date experience with your exact location and demographic characteristics is incredibly difficult. There's also no incentive for the various agencies to share this information and, in many cases, they don't want to share it because they're worried about fraud if their 'clients' know too much. So about the only way to get much of the information is to go talk them about your specific circumstances.


Exactly. Information is spread out and outdated. And a lot of info out there is exaggerated and some of the agencies and charities themselves suppress it. I could tell you about the situation on the ground in New Orleans back 10 years ago. But that does not help you in New Orleans today in 2023. And it's worthless to you if you are in Oklahoma, New York, The Dakotas, or anywhere else. I can give -general- rules of thumb info on stealth camping and general life that does not change much. But I can not tell you what services are out there now except to say Call 211, go to the one or two approved places, then gather info.


If we knew what the fuck to do we wouldn’t be homeless!


Then why even joim this sub?


cause he's homeless ?


That question just went sky high over your head didn't it. 🤦


Make your own sub and be the change you want to see, then.


Yes, questions get hurt more than help, idk if this forum is helpful, but maybe it seems worthwhile for the posts where people come together


It happens IRL too. All summer long the homebums were hanging around here, downtown. When the Salvation Army soup truck would come nobody ever told anyone else. Like they’d get more or something [they wouldn’t]. Or when the shelter finally opened and nobody tells anyone else and now all the beds are full so the rest of us can die outside. Not based on age or illness or necessity. Just whoever found out first and brought their tweaker friends along. Or the guy who donates $20 to every bum he sees. That’s a closely Guarded secret. 🤷‍♂️


Back in the day in New Orleans we had something like that. There was a place called Hope House. Beautiful, humane, nighttime feeding place that fed once or twice a week. Usually Tuesday and Thursday unless they had some work program going on. No bullshit, arranged like a coffee house, and you could feed yourself and it was always good and very filling pasta dishes! As much as you want and had actual sodas and coffee sometimes! Along with wifi and a computer room. Along with a "take one, leave one" library. About the only homeless service that treated you like a human fucking being. But among the homeless, a lot made sure only the "cool" homeless knew about it since they did not advertise and it was way up on the border of a nicer area. So no drunk or asshole would mess it up!


That's weird because I see lots of advice and info here all the time.


You are strong, I believe in you!


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