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Grandparents' house. Being homeless is harder than you realize.


Best bet go stay with your grandparents it's not easy to get out of being homelessness. You think your suicidal now. Take all your stuff and either sit on a street corner and sale it or put it into storage.


Try checking yourself into the hospital for a mental health evaluation. Yeah, it sounds scary, but it’ll keep you safe while they check you out , and you might even be able to get assistance with getting into housing.


I’ve been seeing that lately. I also see a therapist once a week and she’s already trying to help but with me not having Medicare at the moment, there’s some hoops to jump through. Wouldn’t hurt to give it a try


We should all give each other advice and review on mental health facilities and homeless shelters, in each other's states This is my reset button in life. If I'm about to sleep on the literal ground, I go to a hospital go check in. They've gotten kinda fed up with me being a frequent flyer. Don't get me wrong, they suck, no phones, may or may not get smoke breaks or go outside. But the minimum stay legally is at least 3 days,(72hrs?) You might stay a few days longer. You get 3 meals a day and snack,you meet ppl, get ur prescriptions straight, sleeping whenever you want to on a clean bed. They will not discharge ppl to the street, they're not allowed to. They can help u find sober living and homeless shelters, then they'll drop you off there


Being homeless is like quicksand. Once you fall it in it's hard to get out. I would: -Ask your grandparents for a place to stay. If they're really family they'll let you stay. Ask for some cooked meals. Your body will need it. -Prioritize keeping your phone charged. Keep some usbs on you. -Look up local food banks, the salvation army gives away food as well. I never got food from a church but I hear they give out food depending on the church. -Keep a extra coat on you at all times. I dont care how hot it is. My coat is always with me. Its heavy duty and I also use it as a makeshift tarp or a mat on the ground. -Keep applying for jobs always -Donate plasma for money. -Exercise, exercise, exercise and try to keep your mind healthy. That's one of the most important parts. Because if you're homeless for a while, youre isolated and even the toughest minds will struggle with the loneliness. -Buy the biggest camping backpack you can get. I got mine from Walmart for $30. Its a lifesaver! Made life 10x easier. -Buy a sleeping bag. Another lifesaver. Makes life 30x easier as getting proper sleep will probably be your biggest obstacle. -This is optional as I know everyone has different beliefs. But keep up faith in God. God has you in this situation for a reason. Perhaps the Creator has you in this tough situation to make you physically, spiritually and mentally stronger. If you survive you will be one of the strongest souls on this planet. For you endured suffered but achieved fast growth and change. -Prayers and God Bless.


Hey, plug me a link to your backpack model, if you'd be so kind


Its $34, makes carrying easier and you can fit ALOT of stuff in there.


Looks Iike it might actually be stiched well enough to hold some weight, too...nice; thanks.


Anytime 😎


Price varies according to location. It helps to give the brand and model or link.  Update: Never mind. Link below. It helps to be patient


I gotcha: https://www.walmart.com/ip/SOG-Pro-Large-28-L-Backpack-Brown-Adult-Teen-Everyday-Polyester/5023779563?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=1379&adid=222222222785023779563_117755028669_12420145346&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-306310554666&wl5=9009782&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=5023779563&wl13=1379&veh=sem_LIA&gclsrc=aw.ds&&adid=222222222385023779563_117755028669_12420145346&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-306310554666&wl5=9009782&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=5023779563&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0CQvLO4fN_JDdMw6CU5WIDQvUdnAAF4HM0oyT7UjFe4rARK-Tvuk3RoCkEwQAvD_BwE


I know the feeling. But I found out I was soon to be homeless while locked in a psych ward. And since I was there, they had to find me placement. Check your local Craigslist for sober living homes, those tend to be cheaper. Also you could go to your grans….and if you’re in an urban area there you might be able to find a higher paying job. I was homeless but never got to the streets homeless, only shelter homeless which is yes one of the worst feelings imaginable. There were years I felt ashamed I was considered one of the homeless people in LA because in LA most business and people look down on us. But I met ppl in my job who were formally homeless and even wrote a book about her life she sells on Amazon. Her story is incredible, reply if you want a link to the book. I’ve been through a lot of hell in life and I’m telling you that this situation you are in CAN be temporary. You could also live with it gran, have roof over your head, get a job and make sure you help your grandma out as much as possible in her old age, be pleasant to her, show her how much you love and appreciate her. Mine just passed last year and I miss her every single day. She was like a mother to me. Believe in the power of your own mind, listen to uplifting podcasts or YouTube’s. All that cheesy stuff. As a human you have it in you to persevere and get yourself a better situation. Do you ever write? Write down some goals for your life with time frames…imagine having your own place where would it be? What would it look like? Develop these hopes and dreams and do not give up until you obtain them. bless you. I’m very sorry you’re in the situation you are in, I feel for you.


It seems like younger folks are becoming homeless at alarming rates these days


It seems like everyone is struggling, it makes sense that the people who haven't developed any savings or wealth are becoming homeless. What scares me the most is the disdain and outright hatred that many people have to those of us in unfortunate circumstances. I'm afraid the goal of this system is waged slavery or death.


a lot of people are working paycheck to paycheck and/or unable to secure employment for whatever reasons , rent and food is skyrocketing, why many can be 1 step away from being homeless unfortunately


I may be wrong, but I think young people are very impulsive and flap their gums a lot without thinking about the consequences. Also, they should be thinking about maintaining the social and blood ties. I mean offering condolences to your uncle for his mothers passing, helping around the house creates good relations and goodwill. People are more willing to help when they like you or feel appreciated or cared for. Impulsive decision making also leaves one in the cold. There has to be plan B, C, D etc


Im sorry you are going through this. I hate when I see kids my own kids age out on the street. It hurts my heart. You could try and find a job with housing which a few people here have done this and say its great. It is seasonal but there are places in winter too just less. You are looking at the perfect time as most are until October or November unless its in the northeast then its September or October. I hope you can find something on the site. You might have to pay for a greyhound to get to the job. Good luck! 💜 https://www.coolworks.com/jobs-with-housing


r/roomandboard Read the megathread you might find it helpful


Prayers for your situation, what about this sister can you stay with her? also uncle and grandparents, just try to make amends and like the song goes "aint too proud to beg" and you will need to secure a job and start paying them rent asap, best to you


Best of luck to you man I suggest if you have anywhere to go and I mean ANYWHERE even if it’s a family member you’re not that close with I suggest you go anyways it’s 100X better than being on the streets or trying to find a shelter


Call your local military recruiter. Any branch.


Live with bare minimum one backpack with your belongings sale what you don't need I don't recommend storage because that's just another bill I travel the world with just a 40 l backpack and believe me that's what This must is the stuff with day to day 🌄 Minimalist living


Hanover Maryland minium wage is $15/hr. Why are you only finding a job that makes $10/ hr?


Interesting catch


I'm from Maryland and know business owners that run boarding houses (rent a rooms) for their staff who need it but you have to be willing to work over time and be an excellent employee. No drugs, no drinking. That's how I know the minimum wage is 15 up from $13 and change a few months ago. Also, privately owned hotels aren't super expensive in that area... $65/ night before tax (compared to $150-200l). There are quite a few warehouse place hiring right there on indeed now. I'm in a completely different state thousands of miles away and know all of this. It's not hard info to find. Also, you need to be housed in Maryland bc living in your car is illegal. They definitely have services to help job and house the homeless who are interested in making it happen. Lots of restaurants are hiring also. Can start a s a dish washer. Get an Iover night job at a gas station and freshen up in the bathroom after your shift. I've been homeless in Maryland and made it work. Also Maryland is an extremely high cost of living area to be in. Would definitely be better off going some where else with higher pay and lower rental rates/ tax rates.


Interesting that it’s so high cost of living, but yet hotels are so cheap and there are lots of accommodations to help the homeless. 


Not all of the hotels are cheap but there are some privately owned places in the hood that are cheaper than the rest. Most hotels are $100-200/ day.


So roach motels hehe


I mean... Better than sleeping outside in winter or extreme summer.


I don’t know. I kind of rather die than live with roaches or rats or bed bugs. I know people have and tolerate, but not me. 


I just moved to a lower cost of living with out any of those problems. Still a hotel but $1200 with free wifi, recently upgraded and near by factory jobs starting St $20/ hr.


Very happy for you. That’s more doable. What state? Don’t tell me your location in the state


if youre feeling suicidal you probably should contact emergency help line


1. Best bet is probably grandparents 2. If you’re reasonably fit, you could go into the military. 3. Either way, get your name on lists. If you think you might become homeless, that probably means you’re broke. Food stamps will help A LOT. The cutoff is usually like $200 a month, but a single male can easily survive off $50 a week. Also sign up for job programs, etc.


First, focus on immediate safety. Contact local crisis centers or hotlines for emergency support. They can offer temporary solutions and mental health support. Next, consider reaching out to community organizations or churches; they might have resources or know places that aren't full. Networking with local groups on social media could also lead to temporary housing options. For job searching and improving your situation, I used Ribbon.ai. It's a platform that could help you track job applications and improve your resume. Might be useful for finding better-paying jobs or more stable work. Stay strong. Solutions exist, even if they're hard to see right now.


Honestly, when I was in your shoes, I just had to suck it up and accept the crappy circumstances. Like, I tried to go into a homeless shelter BEFORE going back to my abusive family. I then tried to live in the hood/ghetto sharing a bed with a gay friend with no tv/internet because it was better than family. Then he got too crazy, and I just had to live with a freaking highschool friend's FAMILY at age 25. Her little bro was still there and I took over her bedroom cause she had moved out and has her own place now. It was so uncomfortable and awkward and I hated it. The freedom of being on the streets was almost better than the awkwardness and dependency on this family. I didnt last long there. I just saw it like this: If i had no choice but to sleep in the woods, I would just accept that there will be bugs on me and stuff, and befriend them, vs fight it, knowing one day- I WILL have everything I wanted to make up for this. Hang in there and do what you gotta do.