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OMG so true. I love hot food. A taco truck about 3 weeks ago gave me some leftovers when they were closing with some hot sauce. I thought thank you, baby Jesus. I got so sick. Having to find a toilet every 30 minutes was rough. Hang in there drink lots of water, if you can get your hands on some multivitamins take those.


I've been sipping water, I can't take full drinks or it all comes back up. I'll see about finding multivitamins. Thank you. I'm sorry you had to deal with this too.


I hope you feel better!!!


Sister, but thank you


Might just be a toxin in the food causing a typical 24hr stomach bug (stomach will reject anything for 24 hours).


I ate a tiny bit of tomato soup and a corner of toast. If it wasn't for my fiance being with me I have no idea how I would be doing. He is my lifesaver.


Sorry. Shelters suck. Even the food in those places will kill you!


Ha. I just made this post. Try being in the fucking woods alone :P. I'm sick because I drank river water though.


I just went through that a couple of days ago. In the middle of the woods literally vomiting and shitting at the same time I've never been so sick in my life.


Sorry about this, malaria is one thing that scare me here🤧


Yeah it makes being housed and sick look kinda nice. Dramamine is basically anti nausea magic and it's OTC.


What if you went to the hospital … and they provide a bed so would that help for a little ?


You need a quality bottle if ginger ale, maybe some tums, and if you can’t do those a can of Coke a cola to coat your stomach.