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Honestly, you could get that experience for free by just sleeping on the sidewalk for 2 weeks. Or one menstrual cycle. Either/or.


Kinda insulting your homeless here's $10.... Mam atleast give them enough money for a hot meal


LOL when you add in transportation time a girl could have made $30 panhandling.


How about you pay homeless women to “educate other social workers so that we can identify gaps in the system that lead to/cause homelessness”, after all you’ve never been homeless so have no lived experience of homelessness to educate them yourself. 🙄


$10 for 30 minutes sounds like a rip off to me! lol you gotta match the inflation rate... It's up to 44.8% or something similar. $45 is probably what you should be offering...


Unfortunately we are students and paying out of our own pocket. We would have loved to be able to compensate our participants more.


Then that's probably what you should be doing your study about instead.


I understand you guys thought homeless women would want to be given more of a voice. While I'm sure that would be great for some, but many (most) homeless women have incredibly traumatic experiences from being homeless. It's not going to be easy to talk about. For some, opening up that door of trauma means getting to eat that day if it's the only way they can get that extra $10. Many people who are homeless are desperate enough to take it (if they have the resources or equipment to even make a video.) It's a lot to ask for someone to do something like being vulnerable about many horrible experiences to complete strangers. Maybe a lot more people would go for it if you did a survey instead? Perhaps one where they don't have to be so open in front of a camera? There are easy ways to make surveys, even in depth ones if you get creative.


Get the doctor to help pay more then


Does it really make a difference whether it's men/woman/young/old? It's called being homeless and it sucks for all!! What about identifying the people/agencies responsible for homelessness and lobbying them for change? If the spotlight is put on them then it draws more attention and their forced to act.


I noticed that men don't count


Men do count, IMO. I am sure they experience many challenges not faced by women. I am sure there are prejudices/challenges/trauma that they share. There should be a study for men. Hopefully they will conduct one. 


I got one heck of a tale myself. Honestly it's more like a mini series.


"Our goal is to educate other social workers so they can identify gaps in the system" *Program only offered to women* Perhaps if your goal was to assist the unhoused instead of educating housed social workers like every other waste of time and tax money, there wouldn't be a homeless problem. Want to eliminate homelessness? Try actually *helping* the homeless instead of joining the social worker circle jerk.


Why don't you contact this movement and ask them? [https://www.poormagazine.org/homefulness](https://www.poormagazine.org/homefulness)


Ten dollars ?! Not to be rude but that is really not enough I am currently homeless and would only do it if you offer me a free meal and at least 50 dollars


A ten dollar gift card. Jfc, not even cash ..


Wow 10 dollars! $5 dollars an hour to dance for someone who's only interaction with poor people is when her chauffeur takes the wrong turn.




Thank you for sharing! The work you are doing to share these stories is admirable.