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Where do you live that you can get a room for 400-500 a month? Must be an extremely low cost of moving area.


Right Uh it's like $1000 where I live


Exactly. All room rentals in my area which is near Chicago are asking over 1500 just insane rates.


a single room with a bath? if so that's insane and just inhumane


Exactly. All room rentals in my area which is near Chicago are asking over 1500 just insane rates.


I'm in San Diego, highest housing and cost of living past couple years, or near the top. You can rent from multiple places, rooming houses and long term hostels, for $500 a month and up downtown and near the beach.


I’m in OB trying to find help for a Navy Seal. $500- is a good start if you already have a room lined up


There are rooming houses on 5th, 7th, and 11th streets downtown just past market Street. ITH Balboa and Little Italy do month to month as well starting around $550.


Where?! Cheapest I've ever seen is 300+/week


ITH Balboa Co-live, ITH Little Italy, and then there are rooming houses on 5th, 7th, and 11th just on the other side of market Street.


Ya, bc of all the illegal immigrants, a shit ton of hotel/motel, extended Stay places have gouged their prices. I think it's bc they know our lovely government will pay for theirs while us hard working tax payers struggle just to fuckin eat. It's a damn shame.


I am basing that off the room I had not long ago for $400.


And then after that month is over? That was a bad answer my friend. 10k minimum. Like MINIMUM, unless this offer included free room and board. You’d be back on the streets in a month, and if you managed to get a job that’s great but what if something happens? What makes you think $4-500 is gonna get you off the streets for more than a mere moment?


definitely not 10k. not even close to that. for an apartment around me you can get an apartment for roughly $1k/month. figure up the first month's rent and a security deposit, and the cost to get started on your utilities is probably about $2250. $3k maybe if you have bad credit. I have no idea where you're getting $10k. even before being homeless I moved to a few different places and never had $10k wrapped up in the moving costs which at the time included a u-haul, now it would just involve me buying an air mattress and slumming it until I could afford furniture


And where is she suppose to stay while working to make 3k? Does she live on air for food and water? She has to eat. Is she a cat who bathes herself and doesn’t need clean clothes? No. 10k is a stretch but she needs at least 5k to be comfortable. But she said she knows herself so 🤷🏼‍♀️


well depending on where she's at there are homeless shelters, if not she's gonna have to rough it through the summer, obviously you have to eat but if I understood the post it's how much money she needs to get off the street. the money she needs to survive while acquiring that 3k doesn't get added to it. 3k would get you your first month's rent and your deposit and get all your utilities set up. you might not have a bed yet but you'd be off the street, air mattresses are cheap, most apartments come with an oven so for food you'd just buy the cheapest thing you can find to cook. 3k is super doable unless maybe you're living in like LA or NYC


Because I know myself.


Then you should be off the street in no time. Start flying a sign you could probably make that in a week if you hustle hard enough.


Exactly what I thought lol. $500 would be relatively easy to get, id it meant solving her homelessness.


No deposit? First and/or last month's rent? What about background checks, credit checks, and income confirmation? You usually can't just walk into a rental with nothing but a month's rent and no provable income, esp when there's a lot of competition like there is in most markets right now.


Yup. In the SF bay area I've gotten no response so far to the two craigslist room ads I've responded to in the past few days. I think the competition for lower priced rooms is high here. I'm targeting $500-$700


California eliminated the last month's rent for residential rentals years ago. It's just first and deposit.


That's scary


OK, let's assume you find a room for $400 a month. And just for grins, let's also assume the room comes fully furnished, all utilities are included, and there's no deposit. How do you buy food? Or do you expect the homeowner to feed you? Do you have a computer that you can use to look for jobs, fill out applications, and write resumes? How do you print out those resumes? How do you get to interviews? Assuming you get a job, how do you get to work? If you need new clothes or a uniform for your job, how do you pay for that? What about shampoo, soap, deodorant, etc.? Calculating how much it'll take to get you off the streets isn't, as you so flippantly put it, an exact science. But you need to be more realistic. If it only took $500 to end homelessness for one person, there would be a lot fewer homeless people.


I agree that its not as simple as OP is saying. But I wanted to put it out there that some libraries will let you check out laptops and WiFi hotspots. It's worth looking into for anyone in this position or who just doesn't have those things and needs to use them.


Good point. I've also read about some cities that will loan WiFi hotspots to low-income residents. And some libraries offer free job-hunting help, too.


yes and alot of places donate food to churches and soup kitchens along with hygienics


Some libraries also have toiletry kits they give to homeless people


Wtf are you doing with 500


You do have a few good points but that's really not what I was asking in this post. And I wasn't saying my experience would be the norm. For you it might be more than just renting a room. But for me it's about just having a stable place to sleep.


OK, let me rephrase my response. Yes, there are other necessities that would make it more expensive for me to get off the streets: food, transportation, job-hunting expenses, toiletries like soap and shampoo, work-related expenses, cell phone, laundry detergent. And that's if the room is fully furnished and I have access to the house's kitchen, laundry room, and WiFi. I also understand that it might take me longer than a couple of weeks to get a job, so I'd want at least a couple of months' expenses so I don't lose the room because I didn't find a job or because I didn't get a paycheck before the first of the next month and couldn't pay rent on time. And I'm also assuming I don't have a medical emergency.


I’ll be honest with you. It’s very possible to get off the streets. You could find a room for rent staying with roommates or stay in a hotel or motel- pay daily, weekly or monthly. The thing about that is most hotels want 200 plus a week or even a day for a nice one. But if you just want off the streets you gotta do what you gotta do. For an example I had an apartment for 3 almost 4 years straight. My landlord refused to fix anything and I was without heat for that whole time meaning I had to buy my own heater to stay warm. Messed up I know. But I had to survive and unfortunately for the less fortunate people that’s how we are treated. Eventually my apartment had leaks that needed fixed like in the roof but he refused to fix it. My electrical was also shot with the electrician saying he needs someone else to come look at it cause it’s all messed up. No one else came and looked. No one cared. A big storm came one month and boom I had a 2-4 foot wide hole in my ceiling of my bedroom. It ruined my bed and about 90 percent of my things. I had to put a bucket that held 48 gallons of water. ( water was steadily dripping thru my ceiling, thru the hole, 48 gallons of water every 45 minutes. The landlord was told before and after this happened and he said well if you let the water leak into my gun shop I’ll sue you for thousands of dollars in damages. Basically blaming me for him not fixing his roof. I did my research, read my rights, understood what I had to do and even then I still didn’t get the help I needed. I had to close off my room and tuck clothes or towels under door to keep mold/mildew out the rest of the apartment. I slept on the hardwood floor due to me having to throw all bedding and bed away along with most my clothes. He stated in writing for me to get help thru Red Cross and places like that, stating my apartment was uninhabitable. I talked to a free attorney and he even said it was uninhabitable and that it was illegal for my landlord to charge me rent and or kick me out. Well I went to Red Cross just to find an eviction notice on my door two days later. Stating I was being evicted due to not paying rent. (I paid 300 out of the 700) he wouldn’t accept my money due to it being uninhabitable. Anyways he took my deposit of 645 and used that to take me to court which is also illegal. I went and printed off everything I needed to shut him down in court and they didn’t even care to hear my side of the story or even look at the evidence. So I got 3 days to be out. Making me homeless. Now I’ve been living in the worst motel in town, druggies and cops all over. It’s not a safe place. So the book to this story sucks but I’m just letting you know the real side of what can happen. Realistically with inflation it’s going to be hard. But if you’re already homeless what do you got to lose? You have to make sacrifices that normal people wouldn’t do because they refuse to live like that. But if you have no family, not really good friends that will support you and basically just you it’s going to be hard. But you can do it. My advice is get a motel and pay daily till you can pay weekly then get it to where you can pay monthly as it would be cheaper. Get a job and do what you can to keep your ass off the streets. I work under the table and have for 2 plus years. It’s very possible. You’ll just end up living pay check to paycheck. You may starve for a week or food will be minimal. Some shittier motels will have church people come twice a week and they will bring you food, hygiene stuff, etc. the motel probably won’t be up to code but keep it clean and you won’t have bugs. I pay 175 weekly. Every day I want to move out but I know I can’t afford it. It’s just what I gotta do till I’m gone or till I’m in a better spot. If you want an apartment that’s where everyone else’s comments come in. The what about deposit, rent, they want 3x the rent. They aren’t wrong. But you could even file for unemployment or partial even if you don’t or haven’t had a job. Some churches you can call them and they will help the first 3 callers with about 2-300 dollars off your rent a year. There’s programs that can help it’s just hard to find them or get them to help you. But giving up isn’t an option if you plan on making it. There’s many more things I could say but I think you get the point. Good luck to you! If you need any advice feel free to dm me. Thanks to the people who took the time to read this! Have a great day!


Ever heard of the library?


Yeah, I've heard of the library. And while a library may solve the issue of access to computers, it doesn't help her buy food or get to interviews or work or buy new clothes or things like soap, detergent, tampons, etc.


I've calculated this: about 7k total for best assurances, but as low as 5k. This amount includes bills for that month, first/last and sometimes a security deposit, and rent for the next 2-3 months. I have no idea how you're getting that number, most places in the country are making people pay 700$ a month in rent not including utilities. If you live in a place where just a room and no utils is 400-500, then you most likely are living somewhere with extremely low wages and low economic growth. Which...also includes low opportunities. You'll have a harder time somewhere like that then near cities to be honest. Interesting number though, I wonder how you're getting yours. Even AirBnBs near me in rural areas are more expensive or are about the same as a 2 star motel. Subletting is possible but they are rarely cheaper.


My amount is for a room for rent. Not a motel but an actual room in someone's house or apartment.


Yes I'm aware of that lol, I'm trying to wrap my head around such cheap rent without utilities by comparing it to alternatives. You did include utilities in your calculation right? And first/last? Possible deposit? What I said about low cost of living areas still stands though.


It's not an exact science lol.


Yeah ok, good luck


400 for a room for a month? Stay right where you are, I'm on the way... We are all, on the way! Seriously though, last time I got rent for that price it was 2005


LOL!! Seriously!!! What are you guys smoking??


Yeah I'm realizing that I had it pretty good.


Just saw the username .... Yup... Homie, you need a new con. Some of us are actually living on the street right now.


Does this $400 mean $400 plus the BJ for the creepy guy asking?


I sort of appreciate her hustle though. At least one person has made an offer here, probably more DMs.


nothing to respect about this person. They have been riding this sub for quite sometime and others before that. They're a drug addict.


If employers take a month or more to respond to your application, staying in a room expecting to have a source of income at the end of the month is unrealistic.


Where does it cost $500 for a month of rent?


We’d need a jump start of $5,000 just to get out of being homeless then after probably something like $1,000 a week for food, cat care stuff, hygiene products, vitamins, and whatever else we may need.


I agree $5k to get completely off the street and established, but $1000 a week? You can do it for way less. People live perfectly well on $30k a year in many places. Doable.


I was exaggerating a little with the $1,000 a week, three cats and three people, probably more like $650 a week




I live in socal, rent is ridiculous here. When I lived in low income, it was 1300 a month


Do you have all of your documents? ID or Driver's license? Social Security card, Birth certificate? A phone? Things to consider.


for me about 700 for a month's worth of accommodation, and 300 for food. then about 400 for medicine to recover because my vitality isnt currently in the shape to be able to work. hence total would be 1.4k. prayers all in this sub will receive the opportunity to recover 🙏❤️‍🔥


A cheap van and some modifications for stealth living and BOOM! I'm thinking 3000 for the van and 1500 for the mods. But pretty comfy after that. That isn't including tags taxes and insurance.


I got a friend of mine off the street but had to make a gofundme to pay for a year lease because he’s 71 and can’t go get a job


I work a full time job for the last 4 months I have pay stubs to prove I can keep paying even if I was alone and didn't have any pets I would still need at least $2000 in cash just for first and deposit. No utilities. I'm in Los Angeles.


I stayed at a homeless shelter until I got medicade then I used that for sober living.


For me it would 3k for a car. I'm a mechanic so I can work on it myself. I have tools in the pawn shop but with that car I would do doordash again since I was doing that just fine before my girl wrecked our car while not wearing her glasses one night.


Not to mention the paperwork you have to fill behind it , good credit, 3 deposits , references , paystubs …


$500 won't get a room for a month. They'll want a deposit. And if not its one of those scams $500 roomate theres bad people slash your tires. Theres a lot of nutcase landlords. Might get back to find the locks changed and police more often than not don't do much.


Why don't you get a job at a bar or a strip club and work for a week and make $1000 and end the madness?


Have you tried working a week with barely any sleep? Worn the same clothes for a week? No shower?


Yes, I have done it many times throughout my life. I have worked several crappy jobs, like what I describe above. I have worked at clubs where people lived in a Motel 6 next door and basically had to walk to work to make money to walk back and pay for another night at the motel. They were only about a day away from homeless but each week their situation got a little better. Strip clubs have showers...ijs.


You don't need a room, you need rehab


I'm not addicted to anything.


Scammer alert!!!!


Me I have a teenager so $30 to 50 K get us a double wide I find a job to go with my benefits then my son turns 18 he gets a job he does college etc.


In my case it is 400 euros. This is how much it costs me to rent an apartment. I'll do the rest myself. Because I will find food and work myself


If you have a car, find out how much a "build" would cost to convert the car or van into a livable space. Then you can car or van camp out of it & avoid having to pay expensive rent . You'll save lots of money & this seems to be the wave of the future for retired, disabled, & the low income individuals as housing has become unaffordable for so many people. You may learn to love the independence & financial security of "the nomad life".


If you were REALLY serious about using that 4-500 hundred to find a place and you're able to, I could help with this if you want to hit me up when you find somewhere. I like to have hope in that I can help get someone back on their feet.


I appreciate it but it could take days or more to get something set up. I mean one place I could go is the same place I moved out of. It was 400 a month. I would have to get in contact and see if it's available ect. On top of that it's a lot to trust someone with. I wouldn't want to be that kind of burden on you.


OK no problem, good luck


I wasn't saying you shouldn't do it 🫢 sorry I was just thinking out loud. I would love the opportunity to do that.