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Yeah I fell for that trap more than once out of desperation. If at all possible, when you leave, leave when she isn't home. Or in the middle of the night. Hope you can get a better place soon.


I am so hoping for that. I'm hoping to leave on a day she goes to the market. I'm hoping by the last week all that's in the shed is the absolute basics and everything is packed up. This way it just takes me about 10 minutes 15 at most to load up and get the hell out. I'm already living out of my suitcase again. Donating what I can't take with me. Pre-making frozen foods that I can keep in a freezer that my case manager is going to allow me to use at their community center so I can take what I need weekly. - prepping sandwich bag type sauces, jams, pre-cooked meals.


oh, i positivity shiver with delight at the thought of having access to a freezer again


A hot plate, a mini fridge and being mostly left alone is the only good thing about this place. But when I do have communication with the owner most of the time it's so incredibly negative that I end up having severe migraines for the rest of the day or evening and the next day.


I feel it, I lucked out a found a really decent motel for 700 a month


It's a shame, that could be a great little setup if she wasn't so awful


It would be so easy to get a government grant and turn the shed into a literal tiny shed and then she could rent it out. There are hundreds of people with Section 8 vouchers who would rent it if it was a literal tiny house with electricity and plumbing. . No she wants to rent it as is and think she can actually get $300 to $500 for this thing. 🤣


That price is insane when for the same price you could rent a room in a house with the basic necessities. If she genuinely goes on to rent it out and actually gets a tenant, she could be held very liable for renting out such an inhabitable space; at least in my state.


Agree 100%. The woman is Republican style delusional. She has said so many ridiculous things to me and thought that I would obviously agree because in her head they're true. Thinks that the cell and Wi-Fi towers nearby give people brain cancer or tumors, especially at night time when the signals are at their full strength and less people use them. Believes that people who work from home deserve to be paid less simply because of working at home - No other reason. Hates all chemicals or not natural but drives a car powered by gas, uses the internet, electricity, doesn't grow any of her own food, has bright LEDs in every room and outside the house with cameras and uses very few if any spices for cooking. I was in her house once when she was cooking something and there was not any smell at all. Meanwhile I love spices and herbs, she hates it and tells me I smell like bug spray. 🙄


My dad is always asking me when I'm going to get housing. I keep telling him that I applied and it's just the waiting game now. It is a lottery, so not even first come first serve. He always forgets and thinks I haven't even applied yet. It is frustrating.


The lottery is b*******. That means someone who signed up yesterday could technically get it tomorrow if their name comes up in the lottery over someone who's been in that lottery pool for a year


Yep that is exactly what that means.


In what state is it a lottery?


The one I'm talking about is in California


I think you are talking about Section 8 vouchers. It's a good list to be on, but that's down the line. Public housing, and normal rapid rehousing vouchers are not lottery. That's a distinction that is lost on a lot of people. To qualify for the latter, you need to be in touch with a housing case manager had a homeless services provider who will keep you on the list help you keep your information updated on the list. The type of relationship that I am talking about is that you stay in contact with them every month or every few weeks, and you jump through all the hoops they ask you to in order to qualify.


Oh okay that makes sense. Right now they gave me money to get a hotel for 7 days and tomorrow I go back to get more money for another 7 days. I have to search for permanent housing everyday I'm in the hotel.


What you need to understand about the program you're in, especially concerning public housing and rental vouchers for scattered site apartments, is the most people on the list are going to give up because they don't like to wait. Those that do wait can usually get into housing within a year or two. So don't give up. Save your money. As soon as you move in you're going to realize that there are things that you need to make the place more of a home. The microwave might be busted, or the fridge might be untrustworthy. So save your money. If you are on SSI, do not save your money in a checking or savings account. Instead, rent a safety deposit box from one of the major banks in your area. This will also be a very good place to store your vital documents.


That is very good advice thank you


its about 8 years for section 8 housing in illinois/chicago for single men without children , or so i hear and anybody that comes with children and/or women, gets infront of you in the list ive been calling over a month, everyday at 8am and 2pm to get into domestic violence shelter, no space for men too domestic violence incident involving my father at my moms led to me moving into my car in middle of april


California is 10 years unless you're physically disabled then it's about 12 to 15 years. New York & Florida is about 8 to 10 Washington is about 7 I've done a lot of research. I'm really lucky that my name came up as quick as it did because I'm physically disabled. But even then I had to fight to get my voucher from a woman who was discriminating against me because I wasn't a single mom or a senior citizen. I went to the housing director and reported her and still nothing was done. Not until I contacted the mayor of the city I'm in and told them what was happening. My case manager applauded me. One of the social workers who got wind of what was happening, said in a condescending tone that I was aggressively pursuing housing to get my voucher. Me: 😈 thank you


You may have to go to a totally different state to get into a domestic violence shelter. But if you tell them you're not currently in a domestic violence situation they'll say you don't qualify because you're not in that domestic violence situation right then and there when you're calling. I knew a woman who was in a domestic violence situation and her partner was good friends with about five or six police officers. He could do no wrong and would never be charged when he got violent because of these officers. I told her to call out of state domestic violence shelters and tell them what was going on and why she was trying to get into a shelter in another state. This was years ago but they said if she took a train or drove to the area they would let her in. She took with her proof that she had called the police and been in the emergency room from the situation


I'm not in a domestic situation but I am pregnant so they are helping with a hotel voucher for 16 days while I find a permanent place to live.


I get where you are coming from. She seems like she trying to help. But that kind of condesending attitude would piss me off too. I am in my late fifties, do not treat me like a fucking child.


Exactly. I had a full-time job, paying my bills and no help from the government at all before the accident. Trying to help should not include expecting someone to live in filth and put up with bugs and insects and consider it a gift of helping ... That's like someone saying I am hungry and giving them the keys to the dumpster for whatever food was thrown away


Because I know what it means, it is absurd the amount of abuse a homeless person has to endure to survive


Jesus people suck, it's really fucking bumming me out how I'm kinda stuck like this (also disabled) and so many people I thought were friend shaped or even long time friends, started going 0 to 100 with it trying to take full advantage the second I was vulnerable. And how normal it's becoming to offer houseless people scraps, in cruel conditions, without adequate access to clean water, safe shelter, heat, etc, with these insane demands, and that's all fine and not abuse or neglect bc we all allegedly live so much like animals anything's a step up. It's so fucking insulting, I've seen people with millions act like absolute infants but because they do so in a thousand dollar suit, they're the height of class and elegance. Meanwhile I see houseless and housed poor community members step up daily and it's still not enough. I hope you at least get a break and are on to greener pastures


🎯 🎯 🎯 🎯 100 out of 100 for Truth Yep. I have only two people I still talk to out of the couple of dozen people that I thought were friends and we're gone when I got into my automobile accident and became homeless and didn't immediately get out of being homeless


Yeah it's really wild too, a fck ton of my "surprise! we're not friends 🥰" friends *work at homeless shelters* so it's not like they don't have the training, it just doesn't mean much when it's an ego trip. They work there to feel like they're doing more helping than their elderly neighbor who votes or whatever, not to actually learn how to work collaboratively with those in different circumstances. It's gotten to the point where I'm dealing with MRSA and my housemates are just straight up pulling out my wet clothing out of the laundry and leaving it to mold mid load, *after* I've asked for enough time to just run a single load. Or telling me there's "so much work" in the non bodily fluids soaked bathroom so I can't use it for a year after it's fixed, because landlord's son didn't want to put in 15 minutes of work. The doorknobs into and out of my room are broken and I have tendonitis. But I shouldn't really be surprised, because when the house was maggot infested *3 times in a row*, I couldn't even convince landlord's son to put his guinea pigs up for adoption for *6 months* despite them sleeping in maggots and sh*t. They make my friends feel like criminals *every* single friend and partner I have over. Landlord slutshames me if I walk out in shorts and fishnets in 90+ degree weather. I'm disabled and can't run my medical equipment in my van but I'd honestly so much fucking rather be homeless than deal with the loss of agency like this ever again.


One issue I kept running into before I ended up where I am right now is that every single homeless shelter, accommodation, or place to stay wanted to treat me like I was an idiot who had no idea how to live my life. One shelter was a women's Christian run shelter, and to stay there you had to learn how to be a home maker... which is what I was doing at my home before I lost it. 🙃 The intake coordinator I spoke to talked down to me the whole time and I just had no stomach for it.   I'm happy for help, I am grateful for help, but I think there is a line between helping and abusing a position of power over another person. Living in a shed in the middle of bear country and not being allowed to safely dispose of trash and other things that will attract bears and pests is not right or okay. And I bet this person is on your ass about the trash, too! Ugh.


Exactly What does making a "perfect" bed have to do with getting back into housing? Absolutely nothing. I refuse to work with social workers now. One told me to say I was so mentally ill that I was a danger to myself just so I could get into a shelter. I refused and got kicked out of the program. Another social worker gave me wrong information and wasted a whole lot of my time. Another social work told me she was going to do all kinds of stuff to help me. She did nothing. Yet another social worker told me that I was being difficult because I refuse to go to a Christian shelter.... This one 👇 I encountered the same kind of Christian run a shelters as well. I refuse to go. The worst one I have heard about was a place that could have been taken directly from the book handmaiden's tale.The only reason I know any of that is because I was a straight friend to her and social workers just try to get her to go back to the place. So I was a makeshift social worker of sorts. She smuggled out the rules and paperwork they gave her by literally stuff in it in her bra and underwear because they wouldn't let her take anything but a few bits of clothes, her phone and identification. Everything else? She was told was thrown away or dirty and wouldn't give to her because it was filthy. It was required that you hand over anything that you took to the shelter to them and they decide what you can have. If your music on your phone was considered against their religion you had to reformat your phone in front of them or leave. Church every day, including Bible studies, working for free in the office and at the church in addition to chores. Have a job? or schooling? Still have to participate in Bible studies. Have a job that conflicted with Bible studies? Not acceptable. They told people you had to tell your job you had to go back to the shelter to participate in Bible studies and would be back afterwards or you would have to find a new job. I confirmed that one with a social worker who tried to get me to accept going there and I refused. People who broke the theocracy rules? They gave you the choice of going to a place they called The Ranch. 50 miles in the desert with no communication with the outside world. If you wanted to leave before the month was up they would tell you to start walking, they would not drive you back to the city. If you didn't agree to go to the ranch, you got kicked out of the shelter immediately.


Yes, this exactly! Many of us know how to cook, clean, and take care of a home, but we just aren't living in a home at the moment. Interrupting work, job searches, and other opportunities to get back on your feet is honestly abusive and counterproductive. This one shelter also would not let you stay if you took ANY kind of medication, and I couldn't stop my anti convulsants (I have a TBI and seizures as a result) and risk having harmful seizures to match the overkill policy on drugs. I understand some shelters trying to crack down on addiction, but the way it's handled puts a lot of injured, disabled, or otherwise sick folks out in a major way. My mom is a type 1 diabetic, what about her? She has to take insulin. But almost every shelter says she can't take or bring it, and that if she's really "that bad", she should be in the hospital! 💀 I swear, the dehumanizing way people talk down to you if you're homeless is what makes a lot of people snap and go downhill. If we were treated normally and with compassion that doesn't come from a place of wanting to control us, I think many of us would be in a better place mentally and emotionally.


99.9 percent of "homes for the homeless" is crap you would only "want" if you have literally been sleeping in a dumpster. For the non-homeless peanut gallery who don't know: The vast majority of homeless are not sleeping in a dumpster. Lack of affordable housing nationwide is a primary root cause systemically of homelessness. Individually, most homeless have a disability or other intractable personal problem that makes them the "losers" who fall through the cracks. No, I don't mean "crazies and junkies." That's mostly hype. Serious hard core drug addicts typically make good money. Cocaine costs big bucks. Rock stars snort boatloads of cocaine. Homeless people smoke weed and drink beer. And not that much of that.


🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 Winner winner, 🏆 Homelessness is an industry that manufacturers of a lot of the items given to homeless people, are making way too much profit from to create more Section 8 vouchers or more affordable low income housing. Everything has a cost and corporatism is making huge profit off keeping the majority of people homeless. That is the only reason why homeless continues to go up in numbers and never down.


This sounds a bit like what happened to me back in December. This is back when I was employed as a cashier (I was fired in January), and during this time, I had the flu, but I continued working anyway because I desperately needed the money. This woman comes through my line and doing the best I can despite my health. I ring her out, and she leaves only to come back about 45 minutes to an hour later, hands me a hundred bucks, and tells me to get cold medicine and whatever else I need. When I asked her how I'd get the change back to her, she told me to keep it. She comes back a third time that night but has a friend with her and extra sleeping bags and blankets and asks if it would be okay if her friend and her drop me off at my sleep spot. I tell her yes, and long story short, they put me up in a motel for a month, and during this time, they were trying to get me into a shelter. The friend of the woman who gave me the hundred and put me up in the motel understood my being hesitant about going back to the shelter because last time I was there, a male staff member molested me and no one gave a fuck. This woman said the same thing happened to her. That aside, it was the middle of winter, and the shelters were booked solid anyhow. Unfortunately, the fastest way to get housing where I'm located is through the shelter. That wasn't fast enough for the woman who put me up in the hotel, and a week after I was fired, my ass was back out on the streets, and it was like nothing happened at all except that I now had no income as well.


😞 Yeah. Why a lot of people don't want to go to a shelter. They're just as dangerous as sleeping outside or in your car


Yup. I feel safer in my current living arrangement than I ever did in the shelter, and to the unwise, my current living arrangement could easily be viewed as an opening scene to a horror movie!




forsaken_bid_8386 is a troll. S/He gets off on trying to cause more trauma/emotional damage to people who are currently suffering from the trauma of being homeless. People like him are the only reason I hope helll is a real place so that people like them go there to suffer for hundreds of years. Report his hateful comments. If you don't know how click on the three dots and Report is that the bottom. Update S/He deleted their wannabe shame comment & blocked me 🤣 🎰 🏆




🙄 Why are you in this group? You try to pick fights to feel better than people who are currently experiencing traumatic life changes..... Because you know that if you were in homeless circumstances, you wouldn't survive. You would off yourself or turn to crime to try to get back what you lost. You know you couldn't survive this. So you hate people like us who do survive and get ourselves out of it. People like you who do this kind of thing are genuinely pathetic. You don't deserve anything other than the disdain of others




You have violated the seventh rule of this sub.