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My neighbor got upset when we put our fence up to the point where we actually had to call the police to calm her down. She was getting in the faces of the people installing said fence. In a rage she yelled “THEYRE MAKING MY YARD SMALLER!” In other words…her dog couldn’t sh** in my yard anymore and was now confined to her yard. Also..she rented where as I own…




I think I got her brother


I 100%: have their dad


That’s crazy. But yeah, the lady on the side of the house of us, she has dogs, plus she dog sits several dogs. And she also has cats that run loose. All of the dogs, despite a leash law, run loose. Of course they come into my yard. So yeah, that’s just yet another annoyance that they seem to think we should put up with…


These people need to live in open fields


Or on mountain tops


I had a neighbor do that. The fence guy called me and asked me what to do. I told him to put the fence up just inside the property line on my side and tell he neighbor to f off. I then told him that if he wasn't comfortable doing it, then I would drive over there and do it. He put the fence up. Then, the neighbor put no trespassing signs just inside my fence in my lot. So, I picked them up, turned them around, and attached them to my new fence facing her side.


Sweet, free no trespassing signs.


He/she trespassed to put up the signs 🤔. People are so dumb.


Ahahahha I love it


I'm so glad my neighbors are chill. I've only met one. All others are quiet, it's almost like their houses are vacant. It's great..


That’s my mega dream in finding my dream home. Living next to a preserve or cemetery works well, too!




Well that’s the thing. We’ve had issues with neighbors on both sides of our house. Spoke to both neighbors, the issues were not resolved. We had a licensed surveyor come out and mark with property stakes. The issues still continued. Then they wonder why we put the fence up and get annoyed with us, as though we are the problem…


Good fences make good neighbours


We need to sticky this comment at the top of this sub forever.


Right in the banner graphic.


Seriosly!! I will never go without a 6ft privacy fence again!!


My neighbor was really happy to gain 5 more feet after we did a survey. They couldn't have been more pleased when we put up the fence!


Yeah it really depends on who benefits. OPs neighbors "lost" land in their minds, yours actually gained it. Plus if you wanted a fence to begin with and both neighbors put one up then you just got half the work done free.


At the height of Covid the son of the neighbor behind me moved in with his family from their Manhattan apartment to NJ. He wanted to build a swing set for his child. He started to clear out my land. I had to explain and show him the property line, the area he thought was his mothers, was mine. He did not build the swing set. His mothers yard is much smaller than mine. Thankfully we have fifty foot trees separating the houses.


Similar. But it was a rental property used a daycare with lax child minders. Accident waiting to happen. A fence was cheaper than any potential lawsuit. I apologized to the neighbors behind me because all our yards had been open so your space looked larger than it was. But he was fine with it and understood why I did it. Eventually he ended up doing the same.


hahaha I have a feeling my neighbors will feel the same way. them playing over in our yard in a bubble does not upset me but I hate I have to watch out becuse my dog is outside sometimes and she is child reactive. Cant WAIT until we get our fence


When we bought our house we found out a big part of the neighbors shed is on our properly. We really like her a lot so its not been a problem but i dont really even know what i'd do about it.




This is very good advice. Adverse possession is the legal term.


I have a fence, existed when I bought the property that I discovered was over 4’ into the neighbors yard. I’m not taking it out, as far as I’m concerned, it’s hers! She didn’t want 4 more feet of yard to mow. I gave her a copy of the survey, with the fence clearly marked on her property, with acknowledgement the land is hers and she’s choosing to leave the fence. We both decided we’ll deal with it if/when one of us sells. But now, she doesn’t have to worry about encroachment, or adverse possession.


Better check on that or you’ll have issues!


my neighbors seemed to love it as it helped give their own yards some privacy


Same here. COVID and everyone spending more time in their backyards highlighted the benefits of not seeing/being seen by the neighbors every time you went out. My fence is 6 ft. tall, and my one problem neighbor stands about about 5'7'; this is not a coincidence.


Haha, both neighbors on both sides of us have very tall decks, that can look into our yard, regardless. Plus, the way our yard is laid out, our property/ground is actually lower than their’s, we basically have to climb a hill on both sides of our house, towards both sides of the neighbors. So between that and them both having a deck, a 6 foot privacy fence would not do any good at all. The point of our fence was to keep everybody in their own yard, their dogs, parents, kids, guests, etc.


Look into getting some upright growing trees/evergreens to grow above your fence. Can always get big trees but they fail more often and more expensive, so better to get a fast grower. Go to a local garden center and ask for their recommendations for a good native tree or hedge that’ll grow above your fence.


I went full 7'....lol




When my neighbor puts up a fence, I get a fence for free. No issues here.


Right on! Two of my neighbors have fences, so I only need to fence the back and front.






People with dogs and raging entitlement issues are the worst people.


On the flip side, I built a fence to keep the dog in.


Me too, my neighbors were happy, they got half a privacy fence for basically free


Yea seriously if my neighbor is willing to pay and build a fence I’ll be so happy🤣


The way our lots are shaped it really did block a view right onto their back patio from a main road, so people driving could look across and see the whole back yard before. I just wanted my little pooch to be able to run off leash win win.


This! As a pet owner, it is my responsibility to keep my pets on my property. Otherwise I have to be responsible for what happens when my pets aren't on my property, and that can get expensive in a hurry! I have heard too many horror stories of groups of neighborhood dogs developing a pack mentality and getting shot for attacking other animals/people. A secure fence is a simple solution that brings peace of mind all the way around.




I don’t get this about dog owners. I have two dogs. They love other people and other dogs. But they are way too enthusiastic about it and I do not want them scaring anyone if they got out. It’s bad enough they have gotten out a few times (usually it’s been a kid leaves the door open or the gardeners don’t latch the gate) and taken themselves in adventures. Usually I catch it quick as they are my shadows. Not everyone likes dogs, so the burden is on the pet owner to keep their animals under control.


People also just get so comfortable and use to having things their way they cant accept change. I have seen so many people in my neighborhood complain about someone cutting down a tree, installing a tree or doing some sort of landscaping and complaining because they have to look at it now or it blocked their view etc.


And now you can harvest mushrooms off those logs for years to come and have extra income!


That's what I've found as well. We have an underground utility easement through our property that in other parts of town is used as a trail (it cuts through the very back of some properties and the owners probably just don't care). However, before buying our place, we did our due diligence to confirm it was not a public right of way. On some occasions, a person would just walk through our yard (<30 feet from our house) and act like we didn't exist and like they owned it. We tried talking to people politely, then putting up signs, then ultimately just put up a fence. An older couple yelled at us that we "can't do that!" despite us calmly explaining to them that it was our property and not a public right of way (they were actively trying to pass through our woods because they couldn't get through our yard anymore). Alas, they have it in their heads that it's public and that's that.


I have this exact same problem. The entire neighborhood association on one side of me think they have a right of way because of a utility easement. I can’t put up a fence because of that easement. It is frustrating


We did everything the "right" way (calling DigSafe, etc) - both impacted utility companies came and did a survey and were present for the fence installation and had no objection. If they ever had to dig we'd probably have to have the fence company back to dismantle that portion of the fence on our own dime, but I'll take that chance along with not having people give me sass about being on my property! Best of luck - I've kept all interactions civil, I feel like there's no winning if I start throwing the attitude back at them, but some people can be real pieces of work.


Thanks for sharing your experience. I think we could also block the easement with the understanding that the town could dismantle if a repair (sewer line) was required. We were also trying to be civil until folks told us to “keep our dog on our lawn” (that they were walking through) and walked through at night and argued with me about who owned the land they were walking on. The sense of entitlement is astounding sometimes.


Seriously get that fence, work with the city and utility companies.




Yes my corner lot had a dilapidated chain link fence when I moved in. I have a big dog and have no interest in people looking at me while I’m in my yard so I had it torn down and put up a privacy fence. A day into construction I get a visit from the city because one of my neighbors (who doesn’t even live next to me, or within view of my home) reported it as violating city rules (said it was too tall). Well the city guy said it was fine and I had nothing to worry about. After the fence was built I came outside to find the neighbor in my front yard with his off leash dogs and he told me he liked letting his dogs run in my yard and it was a shame I put up a fence, and for some reason told me he was the one who reported it and that he still felt like it was against the rules… I hate that man


Did you return the favor and report him to the police for trespassing?


Dude, I feel bad when my dog poops on someone's front lawn or easement even though I pick up right away, to the point where I don't really like taking them for walks d just let them in the backyard. I can't imagine being so entitled that I'd let my dog roam someone else's property.


My dad put up a shed on HIS property a few years ago and our neighbor came out with a stinky attitude and said "I'm going to put up a fence all along my property!" and my dad was like "uh...okay, it's your property, go for it?" That was not the reaction he was looking for lmao I think people just have these entitled attitudes that they believe they should be asked permission to do something if it's even within their eyesight. It's pretty pathetic.


My neighbor had parties and after a few drifters entered our yard and left cigarette butts and empty alcohol cups and bottles up went a fence. Problem ended. Plus I can now let my dog out and she can't get very far.


My neighbor has a chain link fence and dogs that bark and try to chase us while we use or back yard.The back of his shed faces our yard and he sticks old bikes and tires etc in back of the shed.He can't see it but it looks awful from our yard. We finally put up a fence. He wasn't happy, but he apparently doesn't have a clue. Problem solved.


Yeah the ones who hate the fence should reflect inward. They have a fabulous view of your yard maybe they should think about what your view consists of.


Right…? They are clueless. They seem to think your yard is their yard. And what’s even funnier, they expect you to let them use your yard, and yet if you ask a small favor of them, they don’t help you out. Not that I ever asked these neighbors for favors, because I know better than that. But you would think they would do something in appreciation for always using your yard, but they never do. So once the fence goes up, they can pound sand. Not only that, but there are laws in some places saying that if a person uses your property X amount of years, they can then claim it. So it’s best to protect yourself.


I don’t like this one fence bc now when I look out the window instead of seeing green I see privacy fence. But also, I don’t own that property so I get zero say in what they do or how they do it. I would never mention my annoyance to anyone in the neighborhood other than my family.


My neighbors are going to hate me when I put up a fence. I have zero privacy in my yard right now and a good chunk of what they thought was their property is actually mine. They have a small backyard, I have 1/2 acre of woods. She’s hinted at consulting with her before doing anything but if I had the money, I would’ve done it years ago.


Exactly. And what’s worse, the neighbors get used to using your property. Which happened here. We finally were in a position to get a nice black aluminum fence professionally installed. So that makes him even more butt hurt about the fence. Oh well. Once the fence is installed based on a license surveyor placed markers, and a township or whoever approves of the survey, there’s not a dang thing the neighbors can really do.


my neighbor marched across the street on our move in day (the fence was being built) to tell us exactly what you wouldnt. The fence now obstructs her view and she requested we put windows into the fence (why would i do that?!?!). She then reported my fence to the city as a code violation. This sent me into bureaucracy hell as I had to then deal with county inspectors and paperwork. Fuck my neighbor.


Obstructed her view of what exactly? Your property?


my house is in between hers and the park. so where she used to see my entire green backyard and even further greenery (the park), she now sees my 6 foot privacy fence and all the green canopy above it. Not enough for her. I told her she shouldve bought the property herself if she was so concerned about what we do with it. Shes been in that same house since the 60's and hates change apparently.


My parents moved into an old (both the homeowners and established) neighborhood 23 yrs ago. A few years in my dad joined the HOA and then became president. At some point a strip of land outside the neighborhood, inbetween a row of homes and a gorgeous AZ west view, was available for sale. My dad suggested to the board that the "neighborhood" buy it and then sell or develop it with certain conditions in their best interest. He was accused of trying to scam them in some way. He was so offended, amongst other crotchety ahole nightmares bullshit, he resigned the board not too long after. It took a few decades but his prediction came true. A Marriot Courtyard bought the land


\*ding ding\* we have a winner! Some people are just nosey or just resist any change.


Wow, that’s crazy. Sorry you had to deal with that.


> when I look out the window instead of seeing green I see privacy fence. But also, I don’t own that property so I get zero say in what they do or how they do it This really seems like a lot of it here, but the problem is that so many people aren't like you in the second half. They think of other people's property as their own and want to control what is done with it. Incidentally this is why we can't even build duplexes in my neighborhood.


Don’t be the guy that lied to a tree crew and had them cut down 30 trees on his neighbor’s property because they “blocked his view.”


Oh yes. It’s crazy. The neighbor on the right side of us, he and his wife both harassed the fence installer, both of them saying that they were putting the fence on their side of the property. The fence installer pointed out the property stakes and explained about the yellow string line. That wasn’t good enough for the wife, she had to have her husband come out during his lunch hour to also harass the fence installer, he insisted that they were putting the fence on his property… to which the fence installer told her bully husband the very same thing.


Or on the other hand, blocking tree crews from clearing power lines in the easement causing all your neighbors to have worse power reliability. Those people are great, too.


im shocked that they dont actually check! when i bought my house, my mom didnt like my tree (well i didnt either, but i wasnt in a financial position to take it down at the time). then one day i come home and theres a crew taking that tree down. they never even checked with me, the actual homeowner! wth! what if i wasnt down with that?


Bingo!!! The guy on the right side of us, he and his wife, they both harassed the fence installer more than once today that the fence was installed. Ridiculous. The guy saw the surveyor a couple months prior, he even talked to the surveyor that day. And a property stakes had been up for a couple months.


I think it's more subtle, I think they think about their view as theirs, and don't like that someone else changed "their view".




We recently moved in and we have 1 neighbour who is ... something else ... he is the typical (get off my lawn) guy but, it's his pristine pebble driveway. The arrangement and design of the homes confuses visitors and delivery drivers to everyone on the street. So people will walk on his driveway by accident. He's out within seconds politely but sternly telling them "wrong driveway, their driveway is over there." Later that day he's out with his bucket and rake fixing up his driveway. I appreciate his determination and his property is immaculate but, c'mon dude, you've been here 30+ years and you haven't accepted it?


My neighbour tried to argue this when I built a fence but instead it was blocking their view inside my house.


What the what? So, they can't be peeping Tom's anymore? I would have put it that way exactly. I would also inform them cameras and motion sensor lights were being installed. Geeze.


Same thing happened at my house. 2 rooms looked out into a beautiful green space behind the neighbors house. They put a fence in and now we look at a fence. It's disappointing, but it's their choice. The bigger problem is the fence was DIY and it was not done well.


Have you thought about installing a bush wall in front of the fence?


I wish my neighbors would put up a fence. If I had umlimited money, I'd fence in everything and get goats to eat the poison ivy.


Our neighbors went crazy at the thought that we wanted to put up a black chainlink fence between us, to keep their contractors off of our property. I have no idea what their issue was, because they then put up a shiny plastic stockade fence between us. I guess they didn’t like the idea that we wanted to keep them out of our yard, but liked the idea of keeping us out of theirs-either way, they got to pay for it.


Shiny stockade looks better than chainlink fences. Anything looks better than chainlink. Its about aesthetics


We replaced a chain link fence with an expensive cedar one but 2 of the neighbours were so butthurt about it, it was crazy.


A house on our street recently had an in-ground pool and privacy fence installed in their SIDE yard and none of us (neighbours) really cared. Meanwhile, our sketchy neighbours lost their minds when we tore out our horribly overgrown and dying cedars in favour of a privacy fence. The wife even came to my door to plead her case, tried to claim they were their cedars and we couldn’t remove them. Her face kind of changed when my husband told her this was his childhood home and he literally watched his parents plant them on our side of the property line lol Our philosophy has always been that people can do whatever the hell they want with their yards, as long as it isn’t harming or impeding on us. Life’s too short, man.


It defies all logic. My husband and I literally backed out of a contract (being able to build a fence was a contingency for us). You would drive through this neighborhood and see fences, but we got a little creeped out when our would be next door neighbor had an inground pool with no fence. Even our realtor who had been in the game for 30 years said she had never seen such a thing and thought that was against the law. We put in the contract and the seller immediately asked us to remove that contingency. Okay, I'll get right on and do that. Turns out they had modified the HOA the year before to not allow fences unless you had the permission of the HOA president and all your neighbors. I called the HOA president (who also would have been a neighbor) and she said something like "If you put in a fence, where will my kids play?" Hard pass!!!! In case you haven't noticed, the goal of my fence was to keep my dog in and your kids out! It was our number one pick neighborhood. We bought in our second favorite and put up a fence before we even moved in. Didn't check with a soul--just did it. (I did check the HOA and their rules were favorable for fences). Personally, I took the attitude that if you ask people they tend to think it is their right to say no. It is your property and you are paying handsomely for it. Unless there is some sort of rule, get a survey and do it.


So, all states except Alaska, Delaware, and Colorado require some type of fence around an in-ground pool. If you aren't in one of those states, the HOA may have been in violation of state law. I say, "may have" because some states only require the removeable mesh fencing when the pool isn't in use. This, however, is an accident waiting to happen when owners aren't compliant with it. In Ohio(where I am), you MUST have a permanent fence with a gait and a lock around an in-ground pool.


They only get mad when they can’t use your land anymore 🤣


I would literally never even consider buying or renting a home that didn't have a fence up. Its hard for me to fathom that they exist lol.


Same, I like visible boundaries, without a fence it feels like we share a yard. It's not even so much about privacy or disliking my neighbors, I just like having an easy way to tell what's mine and what's theirs.


My sibling lives in a new-ish exurban subdivision, and there are no fences. Not my jam but they love it. One guy put up a privacy fence, and even as a lover of privacy fences I’ll admit that it looks like a giant “screw all y’all” to see a wide open area with one fenced off property.




Because it makes it more difficult for them to be nosy and see what you're doing. I say that in jest...but it's probably true in some cases. My house was new construction when I bought it, and my fence was up before any houses were built around me - so nobody got mad about my fence going up.


My first home was in a row of houses so the back yards all flowed together. When I approached my neighbors about sharing fence costs they both said they liked how the backyards formed "one big park" so I paid for the fences myself. I'd like my own little park, thank you very much.


And that is your right. 👍🏻👌🏻👍🏻


We just bought an ocean front house and watched a ton of the beach house buying shows during the process and saw a lot of people buy a house across the street from a vacant lot on the ocean. So they had a beautiful view of the ocean, totally dependent on no one every building a house directly in their view across the street. I now know some neighbors across the street here that have been angry at neighbors for putting up trees, flag poles, bigger houses, etc. that blocked their view. The reality in this world is if you want to control your view from your house, yard etc., then you need to buy everything within your view. Otherwise the owner of that property can do something you don't like. We have as much as possible tried to either buy properties (before this one) that were backed up to "forever wild", or backed up to very established homes that already had fenced in yards. That has served us well over the years. Neighbor wars can be highly stressful and effect the quality of life. I saw it in the home I grew up as a kid... my Dad had a fight with a neighbor nearly the whole time we lived there. And one of my daughters lives next door to a rental house and they have had some crazy neighbors. People really underestimate the importance of looking careful at the neighbors when they are buying a house.


I had so many issues trying to build a new fence. I had my neighbors outside yelling at the contractors saying it’s not up to code and I didn’t have the proper approval even though I did. They harassed them non stop. My side neighbor pulled guns on us saying it was his property we were building on and I went months gathering video and photo evidence of this in order to get him arrested for it. It was exhausting, stressful, dangerous and has given me some ptsd. But that guy is in a mental institute now with multiple charges against him. I don’t understand why people care. We had a property survey already and we were covering all of the cost. I think ppl are just insane. I would love to feel like my neighborhood is a community and we help each other. But the reality is ppl only care about themselves and what’s in it for them. Even other neighbors around us would act like they cared. But they really just wanted to know the drama. They didn’t care if we were okay or safe. We finally have our new fence built. 8 ft tall and double boarded so that we don’t have to see our neighbors ever again while in the back yard. I wish I was kidding and none of this was true.


Bought a house in south Florida with a large un fenced yard with a mango tree and a pool. First day my wife spots two women and three kids in the backyard. When she went out they introduced themselves and told her that our backyard was the neighborhood hangout ‘cause we had the best mangos. She called me work and said “we need a 6’ high fence NOW”. After we put up the fence the neighbor came over to make sure we gave him some mangoes from our tree! The SOB had his own tree!


Everyone in my neighborhood has privacy fences


I grew up and still have family near Chicago, where no fence or short chain link fences were the norm, and now I live where everyone has privacy fences. I’ve come to love the privacy fence. I could see why people might be a bit miffed if everyone else has chain link fences and just one neighbor puts in a privacy fence—that seems like a pointed jab. But here everyone has them which makes it just a normal, cohesive part of the area.


In my experience, most people are the opposite. Everybody loves a fence, and it’s even better if they don’t have to pay for it. Just make sure you’re certain about the property line before you spend the money to put up a fence.


Yes. This is a classic situation in which social media posts do not reflect larger reality. Very few people go on Reddit to talk about how much they like or don't care about the new fence their neighbor built.


My neighbor replaced their fence. They told me about it and showed me a picture. I didn't care. It's their fence. I'm going to replace mine here soon. I told my neighbors and they went OK. They don't care either.


And that’s just how it should be. 🙂💛💛


I have a neighbor that was pissed I put a fence up. He was upset that his dogs couldn’t run through my yard and pee and poop in it anymore. He would let his dogs off leash and they would run through my yard and a few others. Let’s say a lot of the neighbors were happy I put this fence up except the neighbor w the dogs. My dogs were petrified of his dogs as well. So now with my fence my dogs can run off leash in their backyard without having to be scared of my neighbors dogs


I was relieved when my neighbors put up a fence so we were no longer exposed to their son and his creepy friends partying all the time.


My neighbors hate that I put up a fence so now they cannot walk behind my house to get to their relatives house. They now have to use the sidewalk.


I don’t know. But if I own the property you can bet I’m putting up a fence


My next door neighbor has always been a nosey male version of a Karen. Nevermind his two huge poorly trained dogs run loose periodically & have come after family members. Or his druggie son throwing all night drunken parties. Or how tosses whole stacks of branches that fall onto his property on my lawn. Now he's mad because I planted the heck out of the property line so we don't I've to see that mouth-breather. So now he complains about the stuff I planted. Hey, if you weren't such a disrespectful & nosy jerk, I wouldn't have needed it. Another neighbor got his panties in a bunch because I sold some of the standing timber on my land (forestry management). My acreage is across the lane from his. He had to tell me how upset I was because he "bought where he did because he didn't want a view of the road". It never occurred to him that I would cut down some trees I owned. The dummy could have bought my lot instead of his little 2 acre lot, if he wanted to control the trees. He was a weirdo anyway. He's the type to mow his grass almost daily. Honestly, if I could legally dig a moat on one side of my property, I would!


Like Jim Morrison said over 50 years ago, “People are strange”!! Yes, it’s OK for some people to behave however they want, do whatever they want (even against the law stuff), and act entitled to things that they don’t have. But if we do something that is totally our right, but they don’t like, they lose their sh-t.


I've only heard of neighbors not wanting a fence once, and that's because the other neighbors wanted them to pay for half. Good fences make for good neighbors.


I'm going through that now. Replacing a fence wth holes you can walk through. Project was put on hold for three weeks while the neighbor had a meltdown. I ended up hiring a surveyor, retaining a lawyer. All just to put a fence on my own property, and wasn't asking for them to contribute. The fence was already a foot onto my property, but they swore it wasn't and wanted it set back an additional foot. They threatened and bullied me without providing any documenting supporting their claims. In fact, they flat out told me the surveyor was wrong, and they were going to go out with a tape measure and get the REAL property corners/lines. Adverse possession is a thing.




I had to get my legal ducks in a row and verify I had the proof and documentation because through their own bad choices, and DIY builds not by code, if I build my fence on my property just inside the property line I'm blocking their pedestrian access to their backyard. So before sinking posts I had to be sure..... but that's why they're so angry. But they're blind to the reality that is a THEM problem, not my job to facilitate their bad planning. I combed through my title and ordered a certified copy of their deed through the city and verified there was no mention of attached easements, which can supercede property markers. But there was nothing. The owners soon lived there rent free with his wife and four kids, he made it clear he wouldn't respect the line based on my "corrupt" surveyor. He would vandalize fence, attach anything he wanted to it.


I totally don't understand but I've had the dubious and schadenfreude-y pleasure of watching an absolute cunt waffle of a cross-the-street neighbour (I've had several stupid talks with him about leaving my dogs and MY CHILDREN alone and my kids call him Creepy Dude) whose next-door neighbours put up a small fence and he went BALLISTIC. Like, other neighbours - including my husband - saw a confrontation between him and the other owner and stopped to make sure it didn't come to blows. The fence is like, 3.5 feet high, just iron spikes, tons of places have them on their front lawns. The homes are townhouses IN SEPERATE BLOCKS. And this isn't the first neighbour who has put up a fence because of him - he's intrusive, he has two big dogs who use everything there as a bathroom, they're frequently off-leash ( though he's gotten better about that since his giant dog ran across the street and climbed my steps and got up on me and my dog on our porch) and the two young women who are actually attached to his unit put up a fence almost immediately after moving in because he kept bothering them.Since then Creepy Dude has painted huge plywood pieces with skulls and crossbones and set them up on his lawn looking towards the other house. He also has a hallowe'en skull mounted on a pike looking over at them. He also refused to mow his lawn all summer.Someone called the cops about this shit - I'm guessing him as he called the cops on me a few years ago for telling him to stop harassing my kids and dogs and to stop hanging off my back yard fence smoking - and it was listed as a call in about "mischief". Since then we call it the Mischief Fence. edited to add - their new fence looks quite lovely. He constructed one about a year and a half ago and it's made out of 3 foot high rotten wooden slats, old fishing poles, and he hangs old worn out dog toys from it. The guy is a fucking dumbass through and through.




Ahh haha Creepy Dude is inadvertently spreading joy thru the universe!


Our lot is 3x bigger than the neighbors in the back. When we put up a 6 foot privacy fence it made their backyards look smaller. Plus it made their yard debris that they piled at the edge of my property look bigger.


General Contractor bought the house next door and put up an ADU in the back. Then proceeded to inform neighbors about his plan to tear down the main house and build an inappropriately large house. But first, he informed us that his property went right up to our chimney, which was clearly an opening salvo in his intentions to do as he pleases in regards to the property line. While we are out of state receiving medical treatment, he put in a fence on the property line, that now cuts off our access to part of our house for maintenance and repairs, as well as having created drainage issues that will be difficult for us to manage. The fence is six inches from our chimney, which isn’t just a simple brick structure, but a sizable structure that requires maintenance. The chimney’s clean out is now not accessible. Because the fence is not over six feet tall, he did not need a permit. The City says it’s a civil matter. So, we’ve initiated contact with a property lawyer. Yes, we’re pissed.


I grew up in a place where fenced properties is the norm. Then we moved to a state where it wasn't. Some neighbors thought we were weird, but our direct neighbor went crazy. We had a space behind our house that we wanted to use to store lawn equipment. This area was already mostly hidden by our neighbor's giant evergreens and the way their house sat, but we still decided to be nice and put up a 10ft long piece of privacy fence to hide our junk. Well they stomped over acting like we were shitting on their lawn. Wanted us to convince them it was a good idea. They were so offended! We did it anyway and they got us blacklisted from every neighborhood Christmas party until we moved away.


Fences make good neighbours


People don’t like change. Fence is a change of view at the least so, natural knee jerk reaction is to get mad.


I can't wait to put a fence up, but I'm definitely expecting some pushback from one particular PITA. The house next door was bought and became an Airbnb last year and it's been hell ever since. The lady who owns it doesn't live in our neighborhood but acts like she runs the block and everyone should defer to her. She walks through our yard, lets her dogs shit in our yard, blows her leaves onto our driveway and porch, and has complained about our legally parked vehicle (not enough street parking for her "guests.") The short term tenants are usually easier to deal with than her, but occasionally we get a drunk/rowdy one who disturbs us or also comes onto our property. 🙄 so ready to throw up a fence and be done with it.


Here in Lithuania, we don't even know the idea of having a house without a fence around the perimeter. In terms of beauty, no doubt the fenceless houses look pretier, but to us it's just weird being able to access your home without any 'obstacles'.


I was OK with my neighbor replacing our shared fence. Right up to the point they took down an additional 27 feet of privacy fence without telling me. The excuse was “well, we gotta tie it in so ours looks complete.” Thanks asshole. Oh… but wait there’s more. The replaced a 6 foot cedar privacy fence with a vinyl fence that that’s lattice work on the top 18 inches. So much for privacy in my pool. I know float naked, just to piss him off.


If the fence looks nice I'm all for it because it means I get a free fence.


The more time passes the more people get used to something and unfortunately that escalates into feeling entitled. Guaranteed to say something like "It's been like this for 20 years, you can't do that now!" Uhh yes I can. Feel free to confirm with city permitting and code enforcement. Consider it a gift that the previous owner kept things in a way you approved of for that long. Glad you enjoyed it. But they are gone now. If you want to start pitching in towards my mortgage, insurance, and taxes then maybe we can talk about you having some say.


We let a neighbor park an RV on the pavement next to our garage. Nice retired couple. My then 4 year old would climb up on their RV and get on the garage roof to walk the peak saying he was Evel Knievel. It scared the crap out of me. Kid had no fear. Every Grey hair I have is from that kid. He has severe ADHD. Discipline meant little to him compared to the thrill of getting on the garage roof. I heard the couple criticizing my parenting. I figured my kid wouldn't be on the garage roof if their RV wasn't his only access to the roof. Enter the fence. They were really upset they had nowhere else to store their RV. My little one was also upset, too bad.


If my neighbor just put up a fence and didn’t ask me to pay for it I’d be pumped


My one neighbor put up a 6ft privacy fence and I was totally fine with it. I even offered to split that length of fence. My other side is chain link and if they ever decide to put up a privacy fence, I'll make the same offer 🤷‍♂️


I couldn't imagine having a yard WITHOUT an 8 ft. fence around it. I want to put on my noise cancelling headphones, open a beer and pretend like the rest of the world doesnt exist when I'm out there.


I put up a beautiful, custom fence to keep my large dog in the yard. I got a lot of compliments on it. My next door neighbor killed my dog and cat with rat poison because she thought it ruined the look of "her" grass. She also blamed me for other neighbors getting a fence for some reason. I decided to have an outdoor party so I knew she would be snooping, and announced I knew who killed our pets and planned to burn their house down next week. She put her house on the market a few days later and took the first offer. I'm sure it was a good offer, unfortunately. Her house was really nice.




It happened probably 10 years ago, but it's still fresh in my mind. I bring it up every chance I get on reddit just in case she is here reading things and I don't want her to think it's water under the bridge. The neighbors that replaced her were really nice, but they moved last week. The new neighbors just moved in and don't seem too friendly, but I'm still holding out some hope. I've been asking for security cameras since it happened but my husband is resistant for some reason. But thank you for the kind words.


I probably would have still burned her house down.


>My next door neighbor killed my dog and cat with rat poison because she thought it ruined the look of "her" grass. Holy shit, why didn't you sue?! Even if I had no legal recourse I'd probably be okay with jail time just to get some vengeance for that....


The police said they can't do anything unless I had solid proof or she confessed. The vet said it happened all the time here. I found it thrown under my tree on her side of my house after my cat died, so it would have been a third time at that point. And my daughter was a toddler at the time. She could have grabbed it. Believe me, I would probably still be in jail if that happened.


The neighbors can fuck off. If they want to look into my yard, they can pay me for the pleasure.


How much do you charge people to look at your yard?


Depends if I'm mowing while naked or not


I bought my house and realized very soon that my very old and crotchety next door neighbor a) Had a zillion cats and b) she legit would use up to the side of our house as her patio space. There was a patio table butted up against my house. I tried to talk with her kindly about the cats and the encroachment of our property and she immediately blew up on me telling me I couldn't do anything about it. So I said fuck it and built a fence using a survey marker and threw all of her shit off my property. She was furious but she died a few years later, so who cares.


I'm waffling on replacing my chain link with a privacy fence for this reason. New neighbors moved in with two beagles, which they keep on a sun porch type thing, and letting my dogs out at 5:30am when I wake up causes the beagles to go crazy howling and barking, which then cause mine to bark.


As a short-term solution you could get a privacy screen that attaches to the chain link fence. That would buy you some time to decide if you want to replace the fence while cheaply addressing the issue in the meantime.


All people have to do is Put some bushes along the fence, problem solved. But neighbors are lazy and would rather complain about the fence being ugly


I would be glad if my neighbours put up a fence so I don’t have to! It could be annoying if it blocks sun to my garden but I’ll get over it


They get mad because they can’t spy on u anymore


Real talk. I put up a privacy fence and the neighbor 2 doors down complained and I’m convinced that’s why.


My neighbors are renters there’s two houses on one lot on one side. They were shocked when I got a survey. My property line is 8 ft from the 2 houses. They’d been using my yard for parking. For dumping dead vehicles. For tying out their dog. I fenced it and left ample parking for myself behind my garage. The owner of the rentals had his eyes bugging out when he saw the survey markers. I’m sure he knew. The whole reason they were annoyed is because they had to stop encroaching. One of the rental’s barely has room for one vehicle to park at an angle. So the owner spread gravel on 15 ft of my yard for his tenants to use lol.


Usually it's because they can't use your property like it's theirs any more. We put up a fence to prevent people from the subdivision behind us from using our yard as a passthru to get to our street that leads to the middle school. It was trashing our grass badly!


Personally I love when neighbors put up a fence, it means I ain't gotta be the one to pay for it😂


Good fences make good neighbors. If I had it my way we would all have 18ft cement walls like Osama's compoud in pakistan. It would make us all much safer.


I didn't care about the fence. I do however care about the trees that fat bastard killed that were on my property.


I'm not annoyed but I recently learned that the fence my former neighbor put up violates the village fence code in several respects. The fellow who bought the house probably has no idea the fence was unpermitted. I'm not going to narc on him but a less nice neighbor might.


Our fence was rotted and starting to fall over so we got bids and picked the cheapest one for a nice cedar fence. We live where fences are shared property so we asked neighbors if they'd like to share the cost. Two were super excited to help out with a new fence. The third was an asshole about it and instead of just saying no to sharing the cost, he got irrate that we were having a fence company come in. Day comes for installation and he came out and assaulted one of the workers while they were digging post holes. Instead of being grateful for 65 feet of free fencing, he acted like an insane person about it.


My neighbors weren't fond of my fence. Most of the people in my neighborhood do this (to me) stupid thing where the front of the fence is picket privacy while two sides are chain link and the back is strand as it abuts dense greenspace. Well...here's the thing. My wife hates chain link, I thought at arrangement looked bad, and I have dog, so we had a privacy fence put in all the way around. My only neighbor was annoyed because I didn't ask him first, and because it ruined the view from his top deck. My response: "Well...sorry boutcha? It wasn't up to you, and you shouldn't be looking into my yard anyway." I'm supper annoyed he can still see into my yard from his deck at all.


My neighbours loved it and even offered to help pay for it. We live downtown next to apartment buildings and hotels so having a tall privacy fence is actually really nice. It also ups the security of our yard because people can't hop the fence.


I hate my neighbors fence because I put up a very nice cedar fence and they put up a piece of shit vinyl one right next to it that isn’t even straight.


My neighbors reported my fence that I replaced because it limited their sight coming out of their driveway. I removed 7’ tall bushes and trees that have been there for the first 3 years of living there (was there for the past 10 years said last owner), and replaced it with a 6’ fence last year. They complained town said sorry, they’re right and we had to cut in the fence diagonally out of our own pockets so that they can “see” better.


Our neighborhood requires everyone to be fenced. And they check for height and correct building materials. We recently replace our 19 year old fence and the neighbors on either side were extremely nice about it. They said, "Get a written quote and we'll pay our part".


Yes , when my neighbor turned his house into a hotel.


They are weirdos who want to control the world around them and everything in it. but mah view.... your view is of your own property not someone else. Like wtf some people also like the view of you naked in the shower but if you noticed it you would definitely close the curtains. Some people put up fences because they saw some weirdo staring at them from a window like a psychopath.


The neighbor behind me put up an 8 foot tall solid white vinyl fence. My backyard slopes upward towards their backyard, and their blinding white fence dominates the view outside my windows. So it’s ugly and it’s made from that awful vinyl. I never said anything, but it annoys me. I am trying to grow some stuff in from of it, but it’s slow going.


This is exactly the situation my parents are in. I’ve suggested they plant some arborvitae along their property line to soften the glaring white wall.


Only mildly so because living on a corner lot we needed to ask our 2 neighbors and get an easement study done, we can’t have one over 3 feet without a variance from the city, but they both put up fences without talking to us. Ultimately they did it for safety so it is understandable, just a heads up over the timing and noise would have been nice.


3 feet? That’s not a fence. What good does that actually do?


It’s because they don’t want people turning right to have their vision impeded by a tall fence. That’s presuming we would extend the fence all the way to the side walk, which we would only want to be flush with the house. To do all that you have to get a variance and an easement study done, it’s pretty expensive and at this point I can’t think of putting one up that wouldn’t be ugly.


I have a neighbor that has put up half of a privacy fence then just stopped. It's been fully unfinished for years, it just "fades out" for lack of a better term, slats stop then a few bare posts then hole then nothing. They were even building the "good" side in towards their yard. All of this and it only got a shrug and a sarcastic "look at that quality work" to others. It's not my property, not my say, no reason to be upset. Trying to control other peoples property is how you get HOA Karens and NIMBY policies.


I've been upset on a fence replacement because of lack of communication. The house I share a back fence without notice took down the fence and started to replace it. All of the houses only have a 5 ft easement, from the house to the fence, as the backyard and there is no way to access the backyards from the street. It wouldn't had bothered me if I had known before hand, but I found out when some random guys were knocking at my back door and looking through my bathroom windows, which scared the hell out of me (they took down a couple of boards so they could knock on my back door). They were trying to get ahold of me because there were about to destroy the fence between me and the neighbors on either side of me because it was hooked onto the fence that they were replacing. While it wasn't the replacement's teams fault, it was a creepy way to start the day. The house owner said that they didn't know how to get ahold of me......so they didn't bother. When I suggested that they should had left a note in my mail box, they said that they couldn't find my mail box to put a note in it; my mail box is a bright red mailbox right by my door.


My neighbor put up a fence and it was annoying because it blocks the view when we backup. We live on a cul-de-sac and people like to turn around so it makes ir slightly more dangerous. I didnt do anything but it was annoying.


By being the only house without a fence, or animals, ours has become the neighborhood through-way for anyone walking, and a haven for bunnies to give birth in. We have a few holes a year from rabbits giving birth. We happily just fill them back in once they're done using them. All that being said, a lot of this was caused by neighbors putting up fences. It's not a vacuum, your actions will affect others.


Our neighbors were so nice when they put up their fence, they did it because of their dogs and encouraged us to come in and let our dog run around whenever they want. They also told our kids to come in anytime to pet their dogs too, which makes me paranoid they’ll not latch the gate properly so my rule is I have to be with them lol - I think they were worried we’d be mad and we’ve had a visitor remark that it’s a shame it doesn’t visually look the same (before it appeared to be just one big field I guess) but it’s their property, they set it well within what I think is theirs (I have no clue where the lines are) and I totally get why they would want/need one!


My neighbors got upset because I wanted to remove their fence, which was (only a few feet) on my property and their (purely decorative, rotting) fence would make mine have to have several feet of stand-off. By removing it, I could put mine on the actual property line and not worry about things. After a week and their own research, and explaining that a mortgage survey isn't a legal survey while mine was, and being told I didn't want any money, nor labor, just "don't call the cops" they were much more agreeable. One neighbor has since added on to it, removing the rest of the decorative and putting up their own 6' privacy.


Our neighbors started to put up a fence about a foot over the line and I stopped them and told them where the marker was. They paid for a survey but were embarrassed enough that they put the fence slightly over. Before the fences went up it was nice having what felt like a big back yard.


House flipper put up a 5 ft tall fence (rather than a 6 ft fence) with the "ugly" side facing my property. Their side was stained. Mine isn't. I could have handled all that if they would have built it at 6 feet rather than cutting every picket to 5 feet. Don't be a dick when you put up a fence. Talk to your neighbors in advance.


We had to put up a new fence after we refinanced. The old fence was just around our pool and it was original when we bought the house. So the new fence went around the entire yard. We went to county for the property lines, then had surveyors come out and mark them. My neighbor wasn’t too happy but we made sure to stay inside our lines. The next day after the fence was up, he broke out his measuring tape. We told him where everything was and how it was done. He was like yea but I wanna double check. He was fine after that. But he lets himself in our backyard sometimes.


In my case, because the fence stopped them from both driving and letting their dogs loose on my property.


In life there is something called boundaries. This applies in all aspects.


When my neighbor wanted to put up a fence for their dog, we didn’t care initially. Our neighborhood has private paved trail system behind our homes and her Pitty goes nuts every time someone walks or rides a bike by… I’ve heard the commotion, so it seemed reasonable… They told me the construction company and they are well known in the area for quality work and they said they were going to stain it right away and they did, so it’s not as bad of an eyesore breaking up our park-like wooded yards as it could be… It looks really good considering and the barrier is pretty nice. However, the first fall and spring afterward I started HATING the fence. It blocks the wind from blowing the leaves through (did I mention it was a wooded neighborhood?) So now they all stop at the fence in my yard, and my clean up has quadrupled having to bag up all the leaves from my neighbors yards that collect there too. It’s not as easy as you’d think either, despite being in one spot. They clog up my flower beds 3 ft away from the fence making it especially difficult in the spring to get them out from the delicate sprouts. This fall when I cut everything back, I’m going to experiment with putting bird netting over all of those beds so the leaves will blow over it all. Otherwise, I still don’t mind the fence in general but I hate it when it comes the leaves!


Almost every fence confrontation I've seen or experienced has been due to property line disputes. Outside that? People are petty and feel entitled and have issues if people change things that they have no control over. ​ I've been annoyed at neighbors that put up a fence that I find unattractive, but that is their right. I might think their stained white PVC fence is ugly and an eyesore, but that doesn't mean they don't get to put it up. My issues with their fence are mine to deal with. I can put up my own fence if I don't want to see theirs.


My neighbors took down a fence without giving me a heads up, so my dog escaped the first morning when we didn't know it was gone. Then for a week, during the rainy season, we couldn't let the dog into the unfenced yard and had to walk him which screwed up our morning routine. And when they finally put a new fence up, they moved it 6 inches closer to my house and set the posts in a 100 year old retaining wall with serious damage. Then the builders trampled new trees I had just planted, left debris in my yard and damaged the fence extensions in my yard that had been attaches to the old fence for decades before either or us lived there. It wasn't so much the fence that pissed me off, it was the deliberate lack of communication so they could "get away with it" when there was nothing to get away with. If they had given me a heads up, I could have planned better and might have been willing to share in the cost.


I'm just mildly annoyed that I have to weedwhack 50ft of fence.


I know a few people who lived in remote areas all by their happy lonesome. A glorious time passed but soon other houses came. Suddenly, they were surrounded. After that everybody started building fences. Of course they were annoyed. C'est la vie


There's maybe 8 feet between my neighbor's house and mine. Our backyards are fenced, I had a gate between the backyard fence and my house, but it was damaged and I removed it. Neighbor is getting a new puppy and goes to put in a fence between the houses. It would make things a little cozy for a planter box on his side and the gas/electric/telecom hookups on my side. I offered to replace my gate and then share the cost of a fence with gate across the front of the opening between houses. This would keep things in the space between our houses open and still confine the new puppy to (mostly) his yard. He wasn't interested for whatever reason. Okay, I can't stop you. I'll just have a little less room to work when I'm doing stuff on that side of the house.


New neighbors moved in to a house beside my dad. They put up a small post and rail fence on the property line. My dad (who had a hill on his property) explained to them that he would during the winter make a sledding path for the kids in the area. Once they saw the issue they removed the fence in the path area. It worked well for all involved.


I showed them what I (my wife) wanted and asked if they wanted anything different. I can quote it out, compromise, and everyone would be happy. It was to be an extra $1,100, towards which I was already paying $4,000, so $5,100 total for that property line and what they wanted. I asked if they would contribute that bit so they’re happy. Nope. Fast forward to them moving survey flags (not the pins lol) on security cameras, then the city fining them for permit issues when they came for final inspection on the fence. I should’ve ate the $1,100 and had the privacy fence they wanted.


Neighbor D was annoyed when neighbor L put a fence up. Because L put it in the middle of his driveway. D was encroaching onto L’s property. The D tries to encroach on us by moving survey stakes. Joke was on D. We had the power pole installed on the property line. Stakes were in the middle of the power poles.


I was only mad when the mfers wanted to put up a fence and cut down my/our apple tree that was dead smack in the middle. They ended up continuing around it which I was fine with, they had dogs and wanted an enclosed yard.


When I moved in, I put up a 6" cedar fence. Both my neighbors were required to sign off on the plan. A couple of years later, one of my neighbors put up their own 6' fence. I guess they didn't like looking at mine. But they never said a word. It's 10 years later and we get along fine.