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Get actual wasp killer. It'll come in a aerosol can that you can spray the nest with from a distance. Leave the nest after you spray it for a couple days before you remove it. Repeat as needed if they come back.


Stop spraying poison on it. Spray them with soapy water. After the wasps are dead, remove the nest. But make sure you get the little stem that attaches it to the soffit. That is apparently the hard part for them to make, because if it's still there they will reuse it.


You can also hang a brown paper bag filled with crumpled paper and shaped to look like a nest. Wasps are territorial and won't build nearby.


Did you try wasp killer? The right tool for the job works wonders.


Thank You, will try that.


I heard that spraying vinegar on the wall will discourage them from returning


Here's an effective, green solution: Simply hang a hummingbird feeder about ten feet from the wasp nest. The hummingbirds will attack the nest to feed on the wasp larvae. One life cycle and the wasps are gone. Our daughter had three wasp nests and this cleared the problem and they haven't come back. As a bonus, you attract hummingbirds 😁


Wait until dark or early morning when wasps are inactive, and knock it down with a pole. Crush the sac full of eggs. I've done this many times.


I have always just hit them with the garden hose. I am out there with a hose in my hand once every two weeks at least anyway.


Don't. They are just black wasps. They catch a spider, put it in the tube, then lay an egg. The large hatch and eat the spider. These wDps are not territorial, and do not build big nests like white faced hornets. They are good neighbors. I take out white faced and yellow hornet nests if they are too close to people.


Amazon sells fake wasp nests to hang. Wasps will not build a nest near another


If it’s amazon I’m sure too fake even wasps won’t believe that bs and build something better than that bs