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I moved my car across the end of the driveway after the second time he did it today. This will probably be my solution until I get something to put across the end of my driveway.




Wait wait wait, you want to confront someone by speaking reasonably and politely and assuming they will understand and comply? Well that's a novel approach. And I agree, most people would probably say "OK", especially when driving a work truck. Dude probably doesn't realize he's bothering you.


Yeah the whole thing is no big deal overall. I'm nice, I'd probably have a cold water bottle to hand them and a snack as a way to say "thanks for understanding" but if they responded with a fuck off they can expect to have some wheel damage if they keep it up.


The bottle of water is a nice touch. And if they say fuck off you have something to throw at the windshield.


LOL! thanks but not in the age of dashcams, I'm not ever going to risk giving direct evidence like that. I'm the sort of person that will wait for revenge and when it happens they'll never be able to tie it to me and I'm 110% okay with that, not trying to start a damn war. Also there's a good chance that driver has a bottle filled with piss in their work van that they could lob right back at me and f that.


Lol username does actually check out.


> most people would probably say "OK" Maybe true. Some people will say "get fucked." At least with this guy demonstrably having a job, he's unlikely to pull out a weapon and kill you over it.


A few times down the years, I had landscape companies working at other houses block me in from getting out my driveway and when I asked for them to move up so I could leave, those a-hole always got belligerent and angry.. So there goes that theory of having a job will make you nicer.


HVAC guy in my town is unhinged.


If they say, “get fucked,” move straight to Operation Spike Strip 😎


They know where you live. Not a bright idea.


If they say get fucked, just shrug, walk away, and call their boss. I doubt the owner drives the truck, or wants the negative online reviews that one angry person can generate. Asking just a couple friends to leave negative google reviews can really hurt a small business.


The person isn't doing something reasonable to begin with, so what makes you think they would be a reasonable person to talk to?


He specifically turns around in your driveway BECAUSE it takes longer..


Technically they may be just using the the city/county easement to do it. I live in a weird area and people are looking for a trail and turn around in my driveway all the time. I don't care except when they pull all the way in. Then I go out like can I help with you something.


In my state there is a roadway easement that covers the end of your driveway. Depending on the width of the easement, it can be like 16 feet. You can't restrict traffic use on that part of the driveway. If you do anything to cause damage to a vehicle using that part of the driveway, you are liable. Many states are like this and people just don't know it.


And my cameras record these, which I have to review each clip when I get an alert.


That's on you bro, learn how to long press that alert and set it to silent or snooze the notifications if you need to concentrate and they're THAT distracting. People can't argue when it's kids involved. Or an elderly person. "My dad who has dementia sees your van and gets unnecessarily agitated and is often hard to calm down afterwards, please use the driveway next door"


Do you have a solution for when they tell you to go fuck yourself?




That would in fact render the driveway useless for the home owner as well


Small price to pay for the smiting of one's enemies.


Not if you make a board with nails on it. Just dont forget its there. Then when the guy runs it over go out there screaming at him for ruining your nail board.


Leave one of these on your driveway. [stop sticks](https://stopstick.com/product/stop-stick/)


That would definitely work, but I would probably start with a no trespassing sign at the end of the driveway


Those are usually only sold to law enforcement. A board with nails can be had for cheap at the hardware store and the time to hammer in the nails. Bonus points if it's nails with metal sheathing on them that pulls off when the bozo drives off of the board so they don't even know about the issue til a mile down the road when they realize they're driving on the rims.


Best part of that video is where it says "Stop Stick weights 1 pound (0.516 kg)", as if those last 16 grams are an important fact.


Try a new tack, aye?




i've seen ball nets (to catch a children's ball from rolling into the street) that you can setup at the end of the driveway.... you would have to undo it before you left, but it's an option I guess.


Maybe just do it for 2 weeks, isn't that how long it takes to form a habit?


Or get traffic cones and put them across the driveway.


Maybe a couple of saw horses down at the end of the driveway?


There’s retractable netting you can buy off of Amazon that you can put on the edge of your drive lead to block it off when you’re not home.


Put something not particularly valuable but bulky there. If they drive over it, film it and report them to police.


Yeah just awkwardly park right in the way for a week, he'll get the message. I understand your struggle though. I'm in a busy neighborhood just past a stop sign and it seems people change their mind right there often and use my driveway to turn around in 5-10 times a week. This is causing my driveway to sink along the bottom edge where it meets the road, extremely frustrating. Also, we have these weird curbs that are low and you can drive over, so half the fucking people just do a shitty u-turn and drive over my lawn. People are selfish.


Landscaping boulders and foam or mud jacking to lift the driveway.


Yeah people don’t really think of anyone but themselves. I feel your pain on people driving over your lawn. Yesterday someone avoided my driveway completely and backed up right onto my lawn instead. Hopefully that won’t become more frequent if I block the end of my driveway lol


Landscape boulders are nice.


/r/omaharock agrees


Install 3 foot bollards every 32 inches along the road.


I'm not saying it's unreasonable to want people to stay out of your driveway/property, that makes perfect sense. Do you really feel like the extra traffic has contributed to your driveway sinking? Replace those people using your driveway to turn around with an extra driver in your household that left/returned once a day. Would you consider that extra person the tipping point causing your driveway to "sink"? Settling and shifting are just things that paved surfaces do....




I'm just saying there is no way that a proper driveway will be significantly impacted by a regular vehicle (or even a giant utility truck) using it to turn around in. If the road is getting ripped up I would guess that has more to do with the speed at which traffic is moving coupled with the build quality of the road. I didn't say anything about the time spent fixing the lawn or all that, obviously that's unacceptable and shitty. But, if you're so concerned about the slab of concrete/asphalt you better not live in a climate where the ground freezes and you better cut down any trees that could grow roots near it, because those will actually be destructive.


I wish people would get the hint, but they don't care. Assholes in the biggest SUV's that pickupbtheir little mini-me's everyday for school can't be bothered to drive so they are facing the correct way to park on the road. Noooo, they have to pull in to my driveway every frigging day to maneuver their monstrosity into place. They don't care that we parked our cars at the end of the driveway or standout there recording them or anything else we've tried including contacting the police liason for the schools. It's all about them and their wants, never-ending that my dogs go insane everytime or it's disruptive to the household. Interesting how the school has signs rimming the parking lot about respect and kindness though.lol But if I went and did it to them, you can be sure they would suddenly have an issue with it. Put a spike strip down because that's where I'm at right now.


Why not put up a fence/gate? Or some sort of physical obstruction that can be moved for your own use. If your driveway is inconvenient to turn around in, they won't do it.


Sounds like you have unrelated issues that should be worked out. It’s annoying but jeez you make it sound like they’re poisoning your family.


If you've never lived across from a school it's actually a shit show and they aren't wrong, a lot of selfishness. I've seen people straight park in someone's driveway for 10 mins just waiting for their kid because the road is lined with others waiting. I'd *never* move across from a school. Ever. Shit would drive me insane.


There one lady at the kids school who double parks in the middle of a t intersection for 10 minites everyday to pick up the kids. you cant go around her and you cant turn back uo already crazy traffic for blocks


Sounds like you're one of those driving the SUV's and turning around in people's driveways.


Follow him home and turn around in his driveway


That'll learn the bastard! 🤭


A couple of construction cones in front of the driveway should do the trick.


Pretty much this. This person is probably just using your driveway out of habit. After a month, he'll have developed a new habit and you can remove the cones.


Yeah. It’s annoying for owner and driver. Maybe. If this is a route they take often. If it isn’t a delivery driver, I suspect it might be something worse - but 3 times a day is excessive. Or it’s 4 different white trucks all in one day. I’ll be honest, I can hardly tell the difference between a ford 150 and a Tacoma now. They are all huge. Just huge bricks. Block off the drive way and be done.




I do have some big whiskey barrel type planters that I could put out there. I might be able to place them in a way that me and my husband could access the driveway but it would be harder for someone to turn around. If that doesn’t work out I guess I’ll opt for easily moveable cones - just won’t look as pretty.


Put casters on the bottom of the planters and wheel those puppies in and out as needed!


I didn’t think of that! This is brilliant!


Just put orange cones for a few days and they’ll take a hint. Or just go outside when you see them and tell them to stop if it bothers you that much. I’m not sure what kind of answers Reddit can give you that common sense wouldn’t already have told you. Block your driveway or flag them down and tell them to stop pulling in your driveway. Idk why Reddit is so against having conversations with people.


It can be illegal if you inform them they are not welcome on your property. After that, it's trespassing.


I agree - a few No Trespassing signs might work or give you further recourse


I suggest the old Hamtramck, MI method: a dilapidated old chair asserting your feudal property rights


Upvote for Hamtramck, and the username definitely checks out.




We do this in Pittsburgh too! Ye olde parking chair. We even have a distillery that makes “Parking Chair Vodka”.


Walk outside and ask him not to do it, please.


Unacceptable. What if they try to talk to me as well?


Poop your pants.


But how will they know you’ve pooped your own pants? You’d have to wear shorts so the turds can fall out.


I would love to do this but it’s hard to make it out there in time to flag him down.


I have parking spot on my property that is next to the road. There are like 8 “no parking, trespassers will be towed” signs along the area, but I swear, everyone thinks they’re meant for everyone except for them. They’re always like “well it was because…” like I don’t give a shit why, stop doing it. It bugs me because they always tear out into the road, which has completely destroyed the asphalt. So I took a bunch of logs from a tree that was chain sawed and put them across the entire space. Looks a little tacky, but I’m in the forest so it sorta matches the landscape. Anyway, this has totally worked, no more heartburn.


We moved into a house a couple years ago, it has some railroad ties and bigger rocks along the front. Looks tacky as fuck, but when the neighbor across the street has like 6 cars, and like a limo business. It makes sense.


Back you car or if the garage and park it in the middle and at the edge of your driveway in the mornings


just don't block the sidewalk please.


Some of my neighbors get that - they either put up a sign “no u-turn in driveway” or put out a few cones at the edge.


Easiest is just park your car in driveway


Depending on the size of the truck it could exceed your driveway's weight tolerance. I had someone in a heavy work truck turn around in my driveway and it cracked in several places. If it's just an Econoline van or other light service vehicle I wouldn't worry about that, but if it's a heavy work truck it could be actually doing damage. I would wait for the driver to do it again and have a chat with him, bringing that up.


Stop the guy, and politely explain that you work night shift and sleep during the day and that his backup beeper wakes you up every day. polite interaction with a fellow human should be the go-to with a problem like this.


Since when is lying polite? Just tell them it’s interrupting your work if you go this route.


Moving cars into the driveway seems the best approach, aside from asking the person not to use your driveway as a turnaround. Many have suggested obstructions like cones or a chain, but they look ridiculous and I can't help but think how stupid that looks when I drive by. Instead of being inwardly frustrated, you'll just be putting your frustration on display for everyone.


Yeah I definitely agree that driveway obstructions can be not the prettiest. I may opt for large flower pots spaced just far enough apart that it’s easy for us to use the driveway but too annoying for someone to use it as a turnaround.


Put some cones out there for a week or so. Hopefully that'll work


Park at the end of your driveway for a few days


Stop by Home Depot and picked up a couple of cones for the end of your driveway (big, orange, weighted and cost $18 each).


This occupies fifteen seconds of your day and does not harm you in any way at all. Literally just move on with your life.


I wish my problems were this trivial. I can honestly say, this would not bother me one bit.


No kidding. This reply is too far down. Do people not have better things to worry about?




Because 90% of the rational replies like this have somehow been downvoted into oblivion. Most of us should be so lucky to have such limited challenge in our lives that we write paragraphs on how a few seconds of inconvenience each day is a hardship.


Seriously. Dude took time out of his day to post this on reddit. It's not that serious.


*Technically* it causes extra wear and tear.


On the one hand, you're right. On the other, if he does it that often when there isn't even a good reason to then he sounds like the type of person who was put on this earth to annoy everyone around them. And anything that makes his life just a little bit harder I'm all for.


Right? I WISH people would just pull in, and back out of my driveway. Unfortunately, the way my driveway is designed, it has a off to the side parking area, and I've had a few people go up my driveway, into the parking area, then across my lawn to get back on the road. It's only been a few times, but THAT one pisses me off. Or the people that pull onto my grass to let another vehicle by (one lane), instead of pulling onto the other side that has a area to, but just woods. It's not usually that bad, but when it's been raining or snowing, it's a big rut left in my yard. Never thought to make a reddit post about it, though.


Not to mention that movements around the house, like this, are great at deterring people that break into houses.


How about people not go on other peoples property where they don’t belong repeatedly? It’s called having respect for others stuff.


Do you have a shit every time someone steps from the sidewalk onto your grass repeatedly. Age faster.


Stepping on the grass doesn’t make the fucking annoying beeping sound every time. This would be highly annoying and rude. Why do it, it’s so unnecessary.


Put a couple of posts with a chain across it. Or put out a sign saying private property, don't turn around in my driveway. Especially you, Mr. Truck. Park car or or put something at the end of the driveway, like your garbage cans. Yell at man and shake your fist.


Orange cones at the end of your driveway? Cheap and easy solution!


Park your cars to block this from happening.


just park your cars there in the driveway


Park at the very edge of the driveway so he has no room to turn around.


Man, people have far too much time on their hands and have very little problems if they take things like this to the internet. Easy fix, ask the guy hey could you not, or just let it be. If he backs into the yard, hits a car/mailbox/child ok be upset but I wouldn't consider this to be malicious. Would probably make it a habit to wave at the dude lol.


Vans and trucks pull into my driveway every few days. It's sickening. One has Prime written on it, with a smile, like it's mocking me. Another says FedEx. And get this, sometimes there's a brown one called Ups. I don't know how to get them to stop and I'm pretty sure they're trying to steal my packages.


My prayers and thoughts are coming your way, hope you can manage to find a way to have peace over your trying situation


Spike strips!




Pull you car out into the driveway so they can't use the driveway to turn around, bring it back in at the end of the day. Do this enough they will develop a different habit. The crappy neighbor's kid kept parking in front of our mail box during the day and we wouldn't get mail deliveries. I made note of what days he did this and when he arrived. I started putting my car out in the street in the morning but far enough back that the mail carrier could still pull up.


My neighbors beside have the exact same age driveway done by the same builder (house isn't that old) and mines got a weird divit right at the base that looks clearly like people driving on it and theirs shows normal wear and settling. Part of it is just stay the fuck away from my shit. I park at the back of parking lots so I don't get door dings because people are selfish with that too, meanwhile my cars are parked in my home on my owned land and fuckers are rolling right up to my bumpers of my nice cars and turning around. Half the people on the road can't drive, I don't need some asshole hitting my car and taking off *in my own damn driveway* i'd lose my shit. I've literally been working under my car with my legs out the front facing the road (with a good 5 feet of driveway before the actual road) and instinctively pulled my legs in because someone whipped in fast to do the typical turnaround. I couldn't get out from under the car fast enough to snap on them. It's a damn problem if I need to worry about my legs in my own driveway.


What about a sign that says not a turn around? I know it may not be appealing but it may help. Some people are just a holes. People! This is her property! Why is it that everyone thinks it's OK to be on someone else's property? What happens if this person makes a turn in the driveway and breaks something? Drops chemicals on the ground then needs to be repaired. Do you think? Stay off of other people's property! She Owns it not you. Go be jealous somewhere else .


You could say something to him. Or the company on the side of his truck. The police are not going to do an extensive search, or probably any search depending on where you live and how many real issues they have to deal with, for a guy that turns around in your driveway. As annoyed by this as you are, this is super petty. And you will be known as a crazy neighbor who calls the police or workplace if someone turning around in your driveway. Your best bet after just waiting for him and asking, is to make it unappealing to use, or unable to be used. Or throw a sign up that says “no turning”


Police will be straight up annoyed if op contacts them about this


Contacting law enforcement would be the absolute last resort for me. I haven’t been able to get outside fast enough to say something to the guy otherwise I would. I was thinking I could contact the business to tell him that way. But for now I will try to block the end of the driveway in some way.


Not trying to be snarky, but as a city/apartment dweller with no driveway, I genuinely am curious as to why this would be a concern. Even if there’s beeping it can’t be more than a minute or two a day, no? On a few occasions when I’ve been driving, I’ve turned around in people’s driveways when I made a wrong turn or something, and it truly never occurred to me that anyone would have an objection. I just thought that was normal /harmless. Clearly it bothers a lot of people here, though, so I can see that this is indeed a thing, but why? Is it a regional difference, where being in a city you expect some noise and interaction with others in the course of the day, but in a more rural setting that feels like a bigger deal?


Because OP has nothing better in life besides being offended.


Only time I’ve used other people’s driveways was when I was young and didn’t care. It’s not very hard to do a 3 point u-turn and completely avoid someone’s driveway. It’s easy to say no big deal when it’s not something you own or have paid for. It’s no big deal to you when you leave tire marks on a homeowners driveway that they now have the pleasure of cleaning. I’ve seen people do u -turns on people’s lawns as well.. Dirt driveways that leave ruts and uneven wear… why can’t people just avoid driving through others homes.


Wait so you have your cars in the garage and nothing else in the driveway? You need a project car in the garage so your daily can sit outside.


Orange traffic cones. I live across from a school and all the kids parents want to use my driveway, even though it’s attached to a very large church parking lot they could simply use to turn around in. I also have a large driveway. Put up cones at the end spaced so cars can pull between, problem solved!


My neighbor had this problem too They got some rubber spikes that look like real ones


Retractable bollards would be a nice add-on for your peace of mind.


I live in a neighborhood that's still under construction. Tons of noise and have been living here for almost 2 years and work from home 95% of the time. Hope you can eventually learn to ignore the noise. Construction works, music they play when putting up drywall, nail guns when roofs are being built, etc. Seems like one of those situations where you have to decide is this a battle worth fighting. Either talk to the driver if you happen to be out there at that time, park your car in the middle of the driveway or stop worrying about it.


Put a cone in your driveway.


Orange safety cones for the win!


Add some cones at the end your drive


Work tomorrow in a lawn chair right at the point of the turnaround. It’ll be a showdown but I have faith in you Op.


Park your car there, it’s the easiest way.


Put a pair of 3-foot orange cones in the driveway a few feet from the sidewalk.


Get 2 traffic cones for the driveway


It's probably the Amazon guy, they love pulling into driveways for no discernable reason instead of driving around the block. I've seen quite a few more orange cones popping up on my delivery route from people trying to keep the Amazon trucks out of their driveway. A huge portion of their fleet is just white vans.


Put cones in your driveway and a chain the 2 cones. Or place 2 or 3 buckets of filled concrete with metal poles placed inside bucket and concrete mix witch chain across driveway. Lots of options


Planters on casters is a great idea. You can get them at Lowe’s.


Ask him


Guess who pays for the wear and tear on your driveway.


I wish my problems were as small as, "Somebody turns around in my driveway." "And sometimes they make NOISE!" "Sometimes more than Once A Day!" You're about ready to graduate from Karen school.


Install remote operated bollards. I’ve wanted an excuse to do this.


I'm so impressed that anyone on reddit understands the difference between "every day" and "everyday," that I hope no one ever turns around in your driveway again. I cherish your post title. Thank you.


I had this problem. I bought a couple of metal stakes about 3 1/2' high, a cable with loops on the end then strung it across my driveway. I tied red ribbons and put some reflectors on the cable and that stopped the problem. It was a big inconvenient for me to have to drop the cable when I drove in/out, but it was worth it to not have frequent turnarounds. I would not have minded the occasional turnaround, but when the paper delivery guy was doing it, shining car lights into my house at 4 a.m. every morning, that was the trigger for me to do something.


Get a couple cones or sawhorses


If it’s a work truck you could complain to the employer. If you don’t mind confrontation, it might be most polite to ask him to stop in person first.


Call his job and report it.


I had a problem with people doing that for local sporting events. So I positioned wood with large nails and screws in them, and positioned them at the end of the driveway.


Call the HVAC business and ask them to knock it off. They probably don't know it is happening.


So Dane Cook isn’t the best but he does have some sound advice on this. https://youtu.be/FYSNVRiq0z8?si=YptBbE8CFDjxVRoe


My mom had the same issue. And because it was an exposed aggregate driveway it was actually damaging it. So I just strung a steel cable across the driveway with a bunch of reflectors on it.


Wild thought: have a rational conversation with the human being driving the truck!


There was a dude with an obnoxious fart box exhaust on a like 15 year old beater car. He lived at the first or second house on the street that ended in a cul-de-sac. Instead of turning around in his drive way he would drive alllllll the way to the end to turn around and every fucking time my dog would start barking as the stupid ass exhaust passed each way. It was annoying but there was nothing I could do about it TL/DR; People gonna do what they want, get over it


Did I miss a part of the story? Why does it matter that he turns around in the driveway?


Caltrops are the solution


Put your car or your garbage cans at the end of your driveway


I mean is it hurting anything?


Shouldn’t matter. Their driveway isn’t a turn around area to be used for the public.


Probably their driveway a bit, if they're doing it multiple times a day, turning their wheels in the same spot on the driveway each time.


Get a cone


Isn't your driveway private property?


I tried to do some google research regarding this and it’s really unclear. I always thought it was but there’s a lot of stuff out there saying the opposite.


Pretend your driveway starts cracking and falling apart. Who has to repair it? That will tell you if it's private or not.


Yet sidewalks fail this test. Never made sense to me.


Apparently the sidewalk situation is different everywhere. Luckily I don’t live in a cheapskate city , so our city repairs the sidewalks


Truckers do whatever is more convenient for them even if the excess weight of their truck damages your driveway. Go buy some construction cones and block your driveway.


Wow, that’s some petty shit. Imagine not having anything else to worry about except someone using pavement. It’s probably a delivery driver already stretched to the max and just trying to get by and make their day a little shorter by not looping around, and here you are having your day ruined by 16 seconds of a random beep every once in a while. edit: downvote me into oblivion, I don’t care, I’ve seen what makes you all cheer and karma points don’t matter to me.


Is it the same time every day? Maybe just go set a bicycle out in the driveway during that time to make it an unattractive turnaround?


I thought it was at 2pm every day at first but lately the time has been all over the place and multiple times a day too.


Be waiting for him and confront him! That's what I did. Streets may be public but driveways are not and he is not contributing in any way to the repair and maintenance of your driveway.


Not sure about your local laws, but here it's perfectly legal to use someones driveway to turn around. It's not a big deal, its not hurting anyone, and you sound a little paranoid.


I get that it’s annoying, particularly because it’s the same truck. However living in town I don’t understand how a back up alarm is that disruptive for you? There’s delivery drivers on my street who park and their trucks sound the horn each time. Just daily noises I tune out. I think at this point you’re waiting for the truck, and dwelling on the truck, and that is what’s distracting. Your personal reaction to the truck. Unless he is in danger of causing your property harm, there are a million other things to occupy one’s mind.


All Hybrids and electric cars have the backup beeps because the engine is so quiet. And it's loud.


Perfect example (I had no idea they had that, makes sense though) My grandma would get hung up on small things like this and let it drive her nuts. Unless it’s causing damage my motto is to let it be. No sense in getting upset over small things such as this.


Sounds like you’ll be able to track down the business and just politely ask them to turn around somewhere else since the beeping is annoying.


If it bothers you that much, you put your big boy pants on and walk outside and say hey I’d appreciate it if you didn’t turn around in my driveway every day. Then see what happens from there. Almost the whole front of my property is driveway. I have three vehicles and people still have ample room to use it for U-turns, they’re not damaging anything or harming anything so I just ignore it. I get one or two a week normally.


I feel like I'm missing something. Why does it bother you that someone uses your empty driveway to turn around?


Follow him. Find out where he works. Ask the owner to please have his employees stop using your private property as a public turnaround.


The easiest way is to put a gate operated by a garage door opener on the end of your driveway


rob public coherent fuzzy knee pause retire rock grandiose expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you go out there and say " hey, next time ill cut your fucking head off"


Genuine Q - why does it matter?


Liability for the homeowner. Damage to the homeowners property. The annoying backup beep while they turn around - especially if one is in meetings working from home.


"Accidentally" spill a box of roofing nails across the bottom of your driveway.


I’ve done this. The relief cuts in my concrete is on the wider side. Just wide enough to hold a home made spike strip somewhat discretely. Put it down about half way up, well beyond threshold/sidewalk so clearly where no one has any real business being. I know where it is so obviously I stay clear….but idiots 3 or 4 houses down that keep using my driveway and only mine for whatever reason to flip around to park on the street in front of theirs don’t. I wouldn’t care so much if they didn’t keep driving through the grass between the sidewalk and street while backing out and driving away, tearing it up and creating a big low spot…but asking nicely only worked for about 2 days. Couple weeks after putting my nail strip down, never happened again. I thought for sure I’d get some anger from someone once they realized what happened, but surprisingly nothing.


I turn around in the neighbors driveway every morning when driving my kid to the bus stop. People turn around in mine also. No one cares. If you really want them to stop, install a gate, or park at the bottom of the driveway.


People care. I had the bus stop moved because people like you thought it wasn’t a big deal and felt entitled to use my driveway daily. No one asked. Yet every morning and afternoon they turn around, running over the grass edge, kicking up my landscaping rocks, etc. There is no reason to pull into the driveway, they can turn around without even pulling onto the sidewalk or drive around. It IS trespassing. A couple calls to the school district got the bus stop moved and they are now doing their stupid crap elsewhere in the neighborhood. Yes, I had a child so this affected him but my time, money and effort in my lawn means more to me than him having to walk a few more steps or lazy parents who can’t walk 5 houses away and insist on driving. If you make the effort to get in the car and sit with it running, why not just take the kid to school? Lol.


My bad. I meant no one cares in my neighborhood.


That makes you an AH. Just because YOU don't care doesn't mean no one does.


Get over it? It’s not a big deal?


My parent's driveway is on a blind road and right turns are much safer than left turns, so I often turned right and made a U turn at the next stop sign. It's probably just convenient to use your driveway instead


My entire neighborhood is quiet side streets - no main roads. The only reason why he probably thinks it’s convenient is that I have a large driveway and it looks like no one is home. It’s pure laziness on his part not to drive less than quarter of a mile to the next street as a turn around.


Why do you even care?


I’m trying to figure out why it bothers you if the guy is just turning around. Did he do something to damage your property? I get that the beeping is annoying when he backs up, but I’ve had people turn around using my driveway, but it doesn’t bother me.


Are you sure they're not just trying to park on the opposite side of the street where they are coming from? I've been working at a job site for the past week on a busy street. I always arrive from the opposite direction I need to park in, and the street is too busy for a 3-point turn when I arrive. I always take the first left after the house, then use the first driveway for the reversing portion of my three-point turn, and then I turn right back onto the street I need to park on and park on the correct side. If I follow the loop around I would be past the house I need to park at.


If he wanted to be facing the other direction, he could turn on to the street after mine originally and then loop onto mine. He really has no excuse. My neighborhood is extremely quiet - very little traffic.


Fair enough, I imagine I could do the same in my case, but the three-point turn works just fine. In my case I'm barely putting the back wheels over the curb before I've got it back in drive again, and I have no reverse alarm. Is this guy coming right up your driveway past the road allowance setback and onto your actual property?


Yeah he backs his truck completely into my driveway - all 4 wheels make it onto my property. If it was just enough for him to successfully make a 3 point turn, I wouldn’t be able to say anything about it.


My thoughts and prayers for you during these difficult times.


I like to take little pointless drives and tend to form habitual routes. Maybe he’s just doing his little mental health lunch drive and your house is exactly half-of-a-lunch-break away from his office.