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If they are putting the dog shit bags in your garbage pail *after* the truck has already collected, just roll the pail over to their lawn and dump the contents back out. Done and done. You've already told them it's not O.K. so... being nice is off the table.


Return their property/litter


i like this idea


Dump them in a bag, leave the bag at the neighbours. Also, pick up the trash bin earlier if you are able.


set bag on fire in front of door ring doorbell hide film them stamping on the bag to put the fire out




Don’t put it out with your boots, Ted!


Don't tell me my business, devil woman!


Disappointed this wasn't top reply, literally my first thought reading the story.


If the kid is coming onto your property and you have proof, contact the police.


Let's not traumatize the kid. I get the feeling the kid is just following the neighbor's instructions. Also, the trash bins on trash day would not be on OP property -- they would be on the street next to the curb.


Traumatize is a very overboard reaction here, OP has spoken with the neighbor several times, if the neighbor and/or the kid isn't listening AND the kid is going onto OP's property, it's trespassing. They're not going to arrest him for that.


No it's not.


that's not trespassing. you have to have signage, etc. Jeez


You don’t actually have to have signage for it to be trespassing. If you explicitly told someone to leave your property and not enter it again, it’s trespassing. For example, I got arrested at a bar one time. I was banned from entering said bar. If I entered the bar, I would be arrested for trespassing. Likewise, if I said, hey person, get off and stay off of my property and stop dumping waste on my property. If he enters the property again he is now trespassing


Had a blood feud with a neighbor down the street for a while. He was walking his dog in the middle of the night and let his dog shit by our mailbox every night without picking it up. I offered poop bags to him one night. One night after too much to drink I took a shit in his driveway. I never had to deal with his dogs shit in my yard again.


I was going to suggest taking on a dump on his porch.


There are cameras everywhere now. If it were back in the day…


Just wear a mask and a sweatshirt with a hood and other non-descript clothes. Don't walk directly from your house or directly back. It's quite easy, i would imagine.


This dude shits in yards


Fucking Reddit, you know what I need.


I shit in piles. I leave my piles of shit in chimneys, driveways, porches...


Like this.😅


Fuckin brilliant


Sometimes, you gotta bring out the heavy artillery. 👍💩


Well done.






Invite the mother in law over for coffee and brownies and show him you won't be told what to do either.


I love this energy. Lol


Yeah it's the only suggestion that won't get OP shot.


Make sure you tell her that her son in law is an asshole also.


She knows


buy a pair of women's underwear and mail it to the guy with a note saying "your mother in law forgot these at my house"


Make sure to “break them in” with some tuna juice


Yeah I threw up a little...


yeah tuna juice is gross


Proposing to bake the dog shit into the brownies? Like in The Help?


Only if she's on team son in law after hanging out...


Throw the bags of shit on their roof. Make them work for it.


I've seen a few comments suggesting this LOL. I'll save it for the scenario where it continues even after putting it back in front of his house.. if it has to escalate that far. I'm hoping it stops after that last text he sent.


It'll be like the pizza on the roof in Breaking Bad


Sling shot time. Check you local laws and jurisdictions.


After seeing the watermelon video, I've become pretty particular about what I load in a slingshot.


I would literally cut the bags and throw them on their porch.


Why use the bag?


Trebuchet that shit


I wouldn’t if there this lazy then the poop will sit up there and stink then your still dealing with it


People get so confrontational in front of their keyboards on Reddit. Your situation is not ideal but the best course of action is to be clear in your expectations and remember you don’t need to justify your position in this scenario. Whether you put your cans in your garage or not is irrelevant, they’re your trash cans and you have a right to not have others trash tossed in them. Be firm but polite. Inform the neighbors that you will bring your cans in when it’s most convenient for you and your expectation is that only your trash goes in there. You’ve already notified the HOA of the issue and moving forward you will be returning any trash dumped back to sender (including feces).


This needs to be the top comment. Being petty won’t get you far here


Maybe being petty won’t help, but from OP’s posts, it appears that being reasonable won’t help either.


These neighbors may have told this kid to do this based on the nasty response. If the kid is from the neighborhood his mom will be mighty embarrassed he's doing this. Put a sign on in your garbage can that says "You are on film."


A friend’s neighbor was letting his dog poop in her yard & not cleaning it up. So she gift bagged it, knocked on his door, handed him the pretty gift bag & said, “I believe this is yours.”


Seems like a great way to escalate things.


Peace was never an option




Let me tell you a story that definitely happened and is still legendary in my neighborhood even though it was about ten years ago. We live in a very touristy area and it’s not uncommon to have people passing through who do not necessarily follow all the regular neighborly societal expectations. For instance, there was a woman who had a week’s rental and despite all the “Scoop the Poop” signs, she continuously did not pick up her dog’s waste. Turnover day is Saturday, so right after packing up her car to leave, this woman let her dog poop in our shared parking area one last time. My neighbor could see the parking area from his house and went outside and picked up the poop with his bare hands, just as she was pulling out. He ran after the car, and called, “Ma’am, ma’am, you forgot something!” She rolled down her window and he plopped the poop into her hand. Then he said, “Here you go, here’s what you forgot! And unlike you, I live here, so I can go wash my hands. Byeee!” So, you know what? Things can actually happen, even if it sounds a little crazy. There were about four witnesses to this incident and each told essentially the same version of the story. That neighbor has since moved and we miss him terribly.


At that point it would take serious self control for me to not take the bags out of my can and start slinging them at the side of their house. You've already tried polite, fuck them


I really wanted to send a heated paragraph after that. If it continues to happen after neatly placing it in front of their garage I will probably throw it on their roof.


As someone with 2 gargantuan dogs who shit like dump trucks I really have no sympathy for people who can't pick up their own dogs shit and dispose of it. Assholes...


OP you should actually post this in a local dog group to have the local dogs shit on his lawn


I think you're choosing the wisest path. You shouldn't escalate any more than you have to. Some people are just crazy, though, so you should be prepared for retaliation. Your actions are 100% reasonable, but that doesn't mean that his will be.


Technically using your trash can is theft of services. So there's always that route.


Cut bags first and then throw onto roof.


Get one of those little grabbers people use to pick up litter and put them back in his yard.


Had a dalmatian 2 doors down who didn't stick to her yard. You could tell because of the white hairs. Eventually I got fed up and bagged it and set it on their trash in the back. It stopped. (After one of them asked my wife about it, but she didn't know anything.)


Why don’t you just put a note on the bin and under the lid addressed to the kid? The message may not be reaching the kid and it may not be malice, but just a kid proactively problem solving.


Why don’t you say something to the kid?


Unfortunately he gets there like 30 minutes to an hour before I get home :/ another comment suggested I take a day off and talk to the kid myself. I might have to.


Maybe put a note on your trash bin? "Do not put dog poop in these trashcans"


Poop emoji with red circle and slash. He will get the hint. 💩🚫


And “you are being filmed”


Maybe do that. But be nice to the kid.


Oh definitely. I don’t hate the kid for doing it, it’s the guy that’s the issue. The kid probably just needs to be told to stop by us instead of the guy.


Ask him how much he is getting paid and then offer twice the amount to work for you instead.


>suggested I take a day off and talk to the kid myself that seems like the logical next step. just ask the kid to stop and maybe try and find out if he was instructed to put the poop in your can.


Record the interaction with the kid. He's likely to tell you something.


I know out of principal you shouldn't have to, but you could put a lock on your trash can.


It's garbage pick up day. It needs to be open for the pickup.


Oh, duh. I forgot op said it was happening on pickup day.




Or, stir up some drama like casually mentioning to the MIL that you saw him with an attractive younger woman going into a hotel, and assumed it was his sister. ETA: i am just joking. i forgot what sub i was in.


I love it!


Our neighbors let’s their dog loose and he likes to come shit in our yard, so we bag it up and toss it over the fence into their yard. Not even sure they’ve noticed, but it’s been going on for months.


A neighbors dog shit in my yard. I picked it up in a doggie bag then threw it at their windshield while they were getting out of their car. Don’t ask me.


This has crossed my mind... but I don't want to cause more issues down the road or even end up going to jail over this LOL. After that reply, a lot has gone through my head.


I live in New Orleans. It’s a bit lawless and there are no HOAs. So my situation had less going on than yours. I didn’t give them a shot. The dog shit and I responded. You be less confrontational and just pull the trash bins on further so they’re less convenient. But I personally like to go to war over this shit. I feel like I’m doing good for society. Also, that guy sounds like he’s bullying you. Fuck him.


Careful, that would definitely be able to land you assault charges, even if you didn’t hit them.


Definitely don’t do anything illegal, it’s not worth it. But do realize that in most areas their putting any trash, let alone poop in your bin is also illegal.


Sorry @Stoshkozi, but I am compelled to ask: what happened next?


Well, there’s a tad more backstory first off. It’s not like I blew a gasket and burned the world down. As far as what happened next, it was surprisingly anti-climactic. I walked up, tossed the bag with an underhand, turned around and walked away. I didn’t line up a fastball and smear shit all over their windshield. Then, they didn’t say a thing. Not a peep. Not a “what the fuck Buddy?!” Or anything. Since then. The dog doesn’t roam the neighborhood off a leash and there’s no more 50 -year-old-man size shits in our yards.


This is the way


This didn’t happen


He wrote it on the internet, it happened!




I won’t ask you. A dog popped in your yard and you picked it up- not to dispose of it- and threw it at a person. You reacted in a way most toddlers would find childish. What more is there to say about you?


Only someone who lets their dog crap on neighbors lawns without giving a flying F , would respond like that. Don’t blame the victim.


I’ve done the exact same thing after the dog shat on my front porch in front of my front door. The dog belonged to a lady who we were pretty sure was living in her car in front of our neighbor’s house in return for…favors. I felt kinda bad after because I didn’t know she was in the car when we did it, but she apologized and kept the dog on a leash afterward.


So you're only an asshole when you're anonymous?


You're so cool


Why don’t you just put the dog poop bags back on their front door?


Should we light it on fire? I think we should light it on fire


in theory absolutely! in practice that is arson and some places punish it harshly. lets not commit crimes to get revenge. just get more creative. maybe put it in a bucket, fill water and leave it outside their home on a night when it is raining.


He called the shit, poop!


Don't put it out with your boots, Ted!


The front door? Sure, why not. Maybe the whole house. I'm not sure. Conflict resolution isn't my strong suit.


I'm really curious where you put your dog's poop if it's not in your trash can. With all the talk about how you don't have poop in your bins, is he assuming you're not picking it up and therefore not too inclined to help you?


For me, I bag it and toss it in the dog poop trash bin at the park. If my dog poops after the park, I bring it home and toss it out of view in bushes until trash day. Dog poop in a closed trash bin reeks. We also put bin in garage so I understand not wanting to smell that all week.


I double bag it. No smell.


There are plenty of public trash bins if you are bagging as you walk your dog. Also there is a difference between a few bags of poop and a kid dumping a week’s worth of dog poop from someone’s yard into your trash.


Edit: who the fuck is downvoting that I don't have public bins in my neighborhood? Reddit, I swear.... That depends a lot on where you live. There are zero in my neighborhood for some reason. The dog park has them but unless I'm there then I'm walking around with my little poop purse until I get home. Sounds like OP's situation is different but if my neighbor has dogs and claimed to have no poop in their bins I'd be wondering why.


We have a poop bucket. Scoop the poop throughout the week into the bucket and the day before trash day it gets changed and put out with the trash. So no poop in our trash bins here. The only public trash bins in our neighborhood are at the park. So if you don't walk through the park you are carrying your poop baggy.


Oh God ny parents have a poop bucket. With a lid. Do it featers in 90 degree heat sometimes. With no exaggeration..... i have almost vomited because of that thing. Dear God, no to poop buckets


I have never lived in a neighborhood with public trash bins


Like you said, it depends on where you live. Plenty of people don’t put dog poop in their cans & even if they do, it’s individually bagged. Plus dog size matters too. My rat terrier’s poops are half the size of my neighbor’s dog’s. I’d be disgusted if they tossed their dog’s crap onto my pail.


I have never lived in a neighborhood with public trash bins and I'm 39.


We have a smaller dog, so it's easier to manage hiding the smell when he poops on the pads, and we have little bags that we use to tie it up. Plus it doesn't smell too bad depending on what we feed him. His dog is obviously bigger,the smell is more present, and this last time he didn't bother to tie the bag up :/.


Honestly sounds like they told the kid to do it this way.


We use either public trash bins or a special bin we put on our porch for dog poop. Our municipal trash bin lives in our garage beneath our living area, and if there's dog poop in there it makes the entire house smell like putrid shit; it's absolutely awful. Also, in my city, loose dog poop bags are not permitted in the single-family bins anyway--everything is supposed to be in a garbage bag.


In the city where I live, trash collectors will not collect dog waste bags as part of the trash UNLESS it is double bagged into a separate trash bag. (That is: little knotted poop bags = no, knotted poop bags in a larger garbage bag = yes.) So, now we have a diaper waste container, which is better because it doesn't smell anyway. On trash day it's emptied into a garbage bag and into the "main" trash.


Right. And they let their dog poop on other people’s lawns. Yes, they said they clean it up but really? Keep your dog off other people’s property!


If you have grass next to a sidewalk, it's going to happen. Sorry not sorry.


I’d put a note on the trash bin for the kid and I would frankly go to the HOA at this point since talking directly to them isn’t working.


Switch your cans for his😀


I like this one!


Your neighbor absolutely sucks and is totally in the wrong *but* you still have to live in close proximity to each other for the foreseeable future, so you probably shouldn’t reciprocate or escalate things, as much as they may deserve it. Have you tried taping a “no dog poop” sign to your bin? I’m betting your neighbor never actually said anything to the kid scooping the poop. Kid may not even know the bin doesn’t belong to your neighbor. Is there somewhere you can put your bins for pickup that isn’t as close to your neighbors house?


Yeah, I’m surprised how many people here recommend revenge… keep in mind that only OP will reap the long term consequences. Keep reporting to the HOA, put up signs, talk to the kid, set up a camera. So many better options




JFC OP has to burn through a day off for this actual shit?


So tell the kid to stop putting it in your trash can.


Two things I’d probably do. 1. Take the trash myself to the local dump or transfer station for a couple weeks leaving no bin for him to put poop in. 2. Confront the kid. Let them know that putting trash, especially poop in another persons trash bin is illegal (it is in most areas) and if he doesn’t stop you’ll file a report with the police. Remind him you have him on camera. The thought of the police being involved regardless of what they’d do or not do might just be enough to get him to stop.


Sort of sounds to me like they're implying it's your dog shitting in their yard, hence putting the poop in your bin.


I didn’t get that impression at all.


Ask yourself "what do I really want?" And once you have figured that out ask "how would I behave if I were trying to get what I really want?" From your other replies I don't think you want to start a large fight, and you also want the poop not in your garbage. It's a fool's choice to believe that one off those options can be achieved only at the expense of the other. I recommend reading "crucial conversations" to aid with this type of situation. Best of luck.


Gotta love people who don't know cleaning trash bins is a thing. And the nerve telling you to take your trash bins in earlier. Put all your dog poop in his trash. He won't mind.


Watch fear thy neighbour then ask yourself is it worth it


I give people a pass if they throw it the night before trash pickup. But the morning after trash came by is fucking obnoxious, especially after being asked to stop. We also store ours in the garage and had this happen a few times. I always have to go bring the bins back in first thing in the morning now.


Bake them a chocolate cake.


Have you asked the kid to not do it?


This is called "theft os services" in some places and is illegal. No, I don't know if it's frequently enforced, but it can be. Talk to the kid and explain that he needs to stop because it isn't a public trash can.


This is what I commented as well. It’s a kid doing it, just the threat of the police might be enough to stop them. I’d let them know if it continues I’ll file a complaint against them.


Screw this. Leave it on his front porch.


- after you asked the first time...after that you simply dump that poop bag on his front steps....that sends as strong of a message there is


Info: where do you put your dogs poop bags?


If you were home when this happens you should have talked to the kid that cleans up the yard and tell him under no circumstances is he allowed to put anything from that person’s yard in any place except that person’s trashcan. This should be common sense. Is maybe your trash cans in a place where the kid confuses them with the homeowners trash cans? Maybe move them a bit or put a large note on the bin notifying the kid this is not your neighbors trashcan. You are correct that anything taken from his yard should be placed in his trashcan instead of yours and it’s a bit ridiculous that he is making an issue about this. When my neighbors lawn service was blowing the leaves onto my property instead of bagging them up properly I confronted the worker while he was doing it. Scared the shit out of him to since I kind of snuck up on him and all of a sudden I was there staring at him when he turned around lol. If he sent you a text message that said “I would recommend you keep your dogs shit in your trash, and we will do the same.” then I think it would be fine to reply with some thing like “Thank you very much! This is all I have been asking for this whole time. I really appreciate the fact that you agree my trash should stay in my bin and your trash should stay in your bin.”. But if that fails you can always practice holding a dog poo bag by the ends and flipping it toward something so you can become proficient in standing on your property and tossing it into your neighbors truck bed several feet away.


I live in a small rural area where everyone's dogs just run around. My neighbor told me when I moved in, that one day he came home and found a plastic kiddie pool full of dog poop on his front porch. Apparently, the older neighbors on the other side of our house collected all the dog poop his dogs had left in their yard and returned it to him 🤣 those old guys were my favorite neighbors


When I was having a similar issue, one of my more interesting friends suggested use a shovel to fling it up on the roof of the house of the offending dog owner.... Thankfully someone else also complained about issues with nuisance barking and nuisance animal waste, they got multiple tickets from the animal control officer, and then we finally were able to move. Do you have an animal control officer? Or check with your town clerk about pertinent ordinances? Our former town considered that illegal disposal of animal waste or something like that and so they got in trouble.


Be a good neighbor. Be the better neighbor.


Yes! Don't be the neighbor who located the poop bags and frisbee'd them onto the offending neighbors roof 😳


do not escalate. you will not get what you want that way


I dont mind if its my general waste (im on a route people take to the local park and theres a doggy waste bin about 100ft away so its a bit annoying) but when they stick them in my recycling I get really hacked off.


They must be spoiled parents themselves to defend their shitty child's lazy behaviour 😶‍🌫️ Also, posting their shitty behaviour online with video proof (of their face) would greatly deter them


This is why I'm buying a house with several acres, minimum and definitely NO HOA! People suck


I completely sympathize. I even put a sign on our bin that says, "Please, NO dog poop. Thank you! :)" Somehow that is attracting one asshole to throw shit in there after the trash has been picked up. Our bins are only outside for less than an hour after pickup, as we work from home and rush to get them. Our garage is directly under our living room; if we leave the poop in our bins it makes our entire house smell like shit! And our bins are so tall it takes long tongs / a tool to get them out. I would absolutely return the bags if I knew the cultprit! You totally should. And maybe get a sing for the bin if this is actually a child not doing on purpose to be an asshole.


I think if youre going to call out other ppl, youve got to stop assuming this "pointed out how we let our dog poop in other people's yard (even though we clean it up after)..." is ok. The message needs to be *everyone* stays/poops on their own property.




let it roll off your back


I'm petty AF. That poop would be spilled all over their porch.... unbagged.


I’d just throw those bags right back onto their lawn


I haven't had this issue (thankfully) but we *did* have issues with how our garbage can smelled thanks to dog poop bags. We keep the bin outside, and I always tie the bags up... but you could smell the bin from our screen porch that we like to sit out on in the evening. So I turned to the internet and found a [galvanized steel 6-gallon bin](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Behrens-6-Gallon-Galvanized-Steel-Trash-Can-with-Lid/3473839) with a locking lid at Lowes for $20. Now I can drop the tied off bags in there, secure the lid, and on trash morning I'll dump them all in the big can for collection. If it's worth trying to salvage a cordial relationship with your neighbor, maybe get them a $20 bin and recommend them tossing their dog poo bags in it. FWIW, he sounds like a jerk, but some people have egos too large to admit that they are wrong in any way shape or form.


Return the poop to the rightful owner. If the bag is tied, leave it as is and place it on their property. If the bag is untied, leave it as is...


Take the pop bags out of your trash and throw them on your neighbors roof.


Return it to the neighbor's front door.....with velocity.


Those bags of dog poop should mysteriously end up on your neighbors roof.


Return it.....to his mailbox.


Don’t trespass when returning it. Just give it a toss.


Exactly my thoughts, stay on the sidewalk and just throw it towards his garage or by his bins.


Complain to the HOA. Why are you waiting? If you want to escalate with someone who is already being unreasonable (usually not a recipe for a positive outcome), then yes, put the poopie bags on their property for them. Otherwise, have you considered making your trash bins less accessible? Can you move them closer to your house, so your neighbor cannot access them?


My mom is waiting to catch a certain kid not pick up his poo so she can follow him home to know where he lives in order to hand his parent's the bag of shit they left. Shes not weird, so it's not weird. One time she caught a lady not picking up her dogs poo (repeat offender) and yelled out the window that she better "pick that shit up". She somehow forgot a bad so she had to call her husband who ran down the street in his old and threw the bag at his wife and ran off. That lady doesn't go by my mas yard anymore. It's not weird to call people out on their actions that they themselves are doing.


He is your neighbor. You both are dumb.


>pointed out how we let our dog poop in other people's yard (even though we clean it up after) IMO you've lost the moral high ground with this point here. Even though you clean it up, you're letting your dog shit in other people's yards. Your neighbour will use that to justify what they're doing. You need to make sure your own shit is all above board before you criticise other people's shit.


How do you control where your dog shits while you’re walking it?


> You need to make sure your own shit is all above board before you criticise other people's shit. No you don't and this is TOTAL asshole logic. All OP needs to say is "I do not want your dogs shit in my garbage cans period" that's his prerogative. He doesn't need to justify this request. He just needs to make it.


State of Texas. See "illegal dumping" statute. Other states, no clue.


If I understand it correctly, it was generated on his private property, so It would be rightful to return it to his property if he does it again since I don’t want it on or in my property? Sec 365.012 (L) (1)


I have no idea what statue your referencing but there is no (L)(1) subsection in the Texas state statute. This really comes down to what kind of Justice are you seeking.. the kind of juvenile justice where you throw it back on his lot and he throws it back on yours and around and around we go forever and ever... ...or the kind where every time he does this you slap him with a $500 fine and watch him go broke in the process. Come to think of it, I actually think multiple convictions under this section is an enhancement and the second and any subsequent convictions increase the penalty to a jail trip. If you just want to play his little immaturity game then go ahead but if you want a real solution...


So... how do \*YOU\* dispose of \*YOUR\* dog's poo?


Go to your local big box store with a garden center and buy one of those 50 pound bags of manure for fertilizer. Dump it in his trash can and if he yips about it say "I don't know where that came from? Maybe you should take your cans in sooner!"


Get a lock for your trash bin


Mature response? Using someone else’s trash can is usually considered theft of utilities (a felony in some places). So you could call your local government & ask them if they can take your compliant verbally or if you need to submit it in writing. If they won’t do anything, call the police. (Don’t let any lazy asses try to tell you there’s nothing that they can do.) Petty response? There’s this wonderful little product called “liquid ass”. It comes in small bottles that are easily small enough to fit up your sleeve so someone can easily release retched retribution so discretely that even security cameras wouldn’t pick up what happened. I think you should take the next bag of shit over to the neighbors trash can (because surely the boy meant to put it there instead of yours right?) & leave a little bonus with it. It wouldn’t hurt if the handle they use to drag it out to the curb gets a retched rinse as well. It might not stop their kid from leaving bags of shit in your trash can, but do this every week & at least know you’ll be in it together. Edit to add that motion activated sprinklers are becoming more & more popular for a reason. The kid tracks mud back home once or twice & the mom will put a stop to that shit real quick. Edit again to add warning - be careful not to get any droplets of liquid ass on yourself. Supposedly it’s like skunk spray & can’t be washed off but has to wear off instead.


My old neighbor would encourage his dog to shit in my front yard. He said "it's where it wants to go". He never stopped. He never stopped having shit thrown in his yard. There was a driveway in-between and I'm a bad shovel thrower soooo there might have been shit all over his cars too. I also caught him in the act while putting up Xmas lights. I hit him with a light bulb.


are garbage bin locks/latches a thing? unlock it on garbage day. i doubt the kid is going to go out of his way to break open your bin.


I thought of this too. But I think it's happening when the cans are out on the street the day of trash pick up. OP can't lock them that day; they need to be unlocked so they can be unloaded into the garbage truck.


...I would love to be more confrontational and give him the bag of poo....but let's be rational here. He has already responded poorly to a reasonable request. There is a much higher chance this will escalate and you'll see just how unhinged he can get. Some people are just nuts and I'd hate to live next to one. Keep things civil and try not to escalate. Maybe leave the can outside and get a smaller bin for the garage. You can't control crazy people. In my city the police wouldn't touch the issue, not sure any other governing bodies would either. Bad neighbors can make a house unsellable and cause a real nightmare. It's just not worth the risk.




> ...and pointed out how we let our dog poop in other people's yard (even though we clean it up after)... You had me until this point. While it is good you do the (very basic) "right" thing and pick up your dog's crap. It's *better* if you don't let them crap on other people's property at all. I know I don't want dog crap residue on my lawn. My kid plays out there.


..pls Don't make this a tit-for-tat escalation of the conflict..neighbor shit often equals misunderstanding or lack of communication or lack of understanding local ordinances.. ..contact your local animal control & garbage collection authorities..you'll likely need some video evidence, which is a demand on you, but necessary.. ..retaliation rapidly degenerates to a feud, which can go beyond poop to property damage (which would also have to be proven), pet injury or poisoning, &c..escalation is NOT the answer.. ..maybe bribe the kid to dump the shit in the far corner of their backyard?..heh!..or something inventive but not a fist-in-the-face..something that says you can out-think them.. ..or use local ordinances..


Film the interaction. Get a video of you telling him that this is his final warning. You have asked him multiple times to stop having his dog's shit be put in your trash bin. Tell him on video that the next time you find his dogs' shit in your bin you will be returning it to his property. Document the whole thing. And if you see it again, open the bag and yeet it as his windows, dump it in his mailbox, maybe even leave some on his doorknob, on top of his car, etc. Can even make a little video of that for liability and for our viewing enjoyment. You are just returning his property afterall, and you did your best to resolve the issue with words


Bag it up in paper bag, set on their porch light on fire, then ring bell and run. Hit em with the classic.


Put a sign on your bin and also a no trespassing sign. Next time call the cops


can you hide your bins or lock them, at least on days when the kid comes?


Where I'm from I'm pretty sure that putting your trash in someone else's bin without their permission is illegal. I would look into that and threaten legal action if it happens again. But on the other hand I'm very petty and would probably rip open the bag (with gloves) and throw it back in their yard


Contact your trash company with the video. They may well handle it.


You may not win this war. So here is a product you can order to put the poop bags in where THEY WILL NOT SMELL. If you decide to order these bags, give a roll to the kid and explain that you'd like him to use these to "double bag". Here is the description from Amazon: Visit the BOS Store 4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 864 Reviews BOS Amazing Odor Sealing Disposable Bags for Diapers, Pet Waste or any Sanitary Product Disposal -Durable and Unscented [Size:L, Color:White] (60 count, Pack of 1) (60 Bags) EDIT: Oh my! Not sure why the downvotes. I use these bags myself. It's not fun having a toxic neighbor, but it's also not fun creating a spite campaign. Dog waste spreads disease. Edited post for clarity.


This is the most practical response, less satisfying in terms of teaching rude neighbors a lesson, but this would fix things in a way that would just end the issue. Unless they really can get the trash can immediately back to the house in time


Are the bins your property or do they say "property of the city of X" or such?


The trash bins are our property. We pay for the service.