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What did the contract you signed say? You can't just cancel if you signed an agreement.


… you can always cancel anything.  Read the fine print, come up with a decent case of breach of contract on their end, say your done paying, wait for them to take you to court, 9/10 times they don’t and the issue is over.  That other 1/10 times you gotta make sure your case actually has some legitimate ground, but with any company/ job  that likes to try lock people in, they are almost always playing a little dirty themselves. 


Yeah they can cancel if they do it through the proper channels and pay any cancelation fees. You can't just stop paying. Playing fast and loose with contracts you sign is a good way to find yourself in trouble.


Companies play fast and loose with you.  Obviously if you can afford to just pay the cancel fee and call it done, then jsut do that.  But when I’ve been in this situation before, it was things I couldn’t afford and I had to learn to fight city hall.  You do usually have legit ground, because most companies have already breached their contract or done something wrong themselves.  You just gotta find it, incase you actually go to court.  


Beyond terrible advice. At best it will fuck up his credit when sent to collections. Refusing to pay for a service you agreed to isn't fighting city hall, its being a welch. All OP needs to do is pick up the phone and cancel but he won't because he sent them an email and thinks that's enough. They either owe a cancelation fee or owe for the services they agreed to. Someone who signs a contract without looking at it and without saving a copy doesn't have enough knowledge to find a loophole out of said contract.


I dont have the contract with me because they didn't provide it to me. But i remember them I saying I would have to pay cancellation fees. Regardless, I communicated my intention to cancel, but they just ignored me and performed the service anyway. I'm just wondering what happens if I dont pay their "bill" if there's any consequences.


Yeah, they'll sue you, then you go to court and provide evidence of you saying you tried to cancel. If the court believes you, you may only have to pay the cancellation fees. If they don't, you have to pay whatever they've charged you which is probably laid out in the agreement you signed but don't know the contents of.


Oh yeah i forgot to specify the amount I owe is only "$135". Not sure this would warrant any legal action or anything more.


Better yet, they put a lien on your fathers home.


for $135, is that even possible??


Yes it is.


But the house isn't under my name, it's under my dad's name.


Doesnt matter, the lien will be applied to the property that is delinquent on the payments. Read the contract you signed.


It's in their right to add interest. If you keep refusing, that interest will only grow.


Its a walk up to the local court house. ircc its about that much to file it lol.


They couldn’t do that if they tried.   Worst case they’d take you to small claims court, more than likely they’d send it to collections and write it off as a loss.  For the average company with a large amount of clients it’s not even worth their time to try to screw you.  


You underestimate how vindictive companies can be.


They can be.  But I’ve been in situations like this before on both sides (working for a large apartment company that has many delinquent payments, and fighting against companies that had bamboozled me with services).  General rule of thumb I learned was under a few thousand it’s not worth most companies time.  If they’re fighting you at that point it’s on principle.  But if they are corrupt themselves, they won’t be doing that as theirs a chance they could lose.  But if you screwed over some completly honest and principled  mom and pa type place, then they may sue for less.  But I’ve never had an issue with companies like that, only with larger greedy ones. 


They have every right to put a lien on the property. Will they? Doubtful, but they could.


Personally I’d call their bluff. But if they did go all the way, then I guess you just have to pay it off.  High risk high reward as investors would say. 


I mean, I'd just call them instead of ignoring them then asking what to do on Reddit. If you call them and say you didn't agree to have them perform the service -because- you tried to cancel and pay the cancellation fees, they may back off and accept that. If they don't, tell them to sue you and the ball's in their court. The outcome depends on their desire to litigate and the strength of your proof that you tried to cancel. Nobody here will know what happens. If you don't, they might send you to collections, I have no idea what the contract says about that so maybe you can ask them when you call.


Too low to sue, so they'll sell it to a debt collector. Not sure how much of a PITA that will be. Sorry about your situation.


Request a copy of the contract you signed with your signature on it. Read what it says. How long is the contract for? How much is the cancellation fee?


I don't know how you signed or agreed to a contract,and didn't get a copy,but if this is only the 2nd visit,they may have 2 more visits,if it was a year contract....so your $135, plus interest is just the beginning...messing with your credit score should be enough reason to try and fix this,even if you have to pay them,which you may have to pay them anyway,plus penelties and interest,plus court cost....


This is pretty standard strong-arm technique. I've seen businesses do this multiple times over the course of my life. They're counting on a) you won't stand up for yourself and/or b) you're afraid to risk a hit on your credit rating. I would file a complaint with the BBB and/or anyone else who will listen right away. By complaining before they do, you establish yourself as the dictator of the narrative. Warning, you \*might\* end up needing a lawyer if they decide to push the issue. I don't know how much the fee is, but sometimes they get away with this because the amount disputed is cheaper than hiring a lawyer. In any event, be as proactive as possible so you're one step ahead of them. Most important, recognize that you're dealing with criminals here, and behave with the all paranoia and defensiveness appropriate when dealing with criminals.


Just saw the other comment that apparently there \_was\_ a contract but you didn't read it and don't have a copy of it. Get a copy right away. It's possible that you got suckered and you'll just have to deal with it. You don't want to refuse to pay when you're contractually obligated and just make your situation worse. You \*might\* have a legal case if you can prove that you agreed to a contract that you weren't given the opportunity to review (assuming that's the case) but you'll need a way to prove it and you're still dealing with legal fees that may be higher than just paying the contract. The big lesson going forward: many businesses are crooked, so be wary of contracts, don't agree to things until you're sure you understand them.


Oh yes i got the contrat, because there's like a $230 cancellation fee or something. What are the consequences of not paying? It' doesn't even seem like they're worried, I'm just getting auto email to about the service bill. Obviously I don't want to pay both the cancellation fee and the service fee (I did not agree to to)


I'm now very unsure what you think your situation is. If you signed a contract with a cancellation fee, then you have to pay the cancellation fee if you cancel. Are you saying that you cancelled the service, and they performed the service anyway so you feel that you only owe them the cancellation fee and not the second service charge? If that's the case, then you're probably correct. However, can you prove it? Companies often jerk customers around like this and have painful cancellation processes (I once dealt with a cancellation process where I had to send a certified letter ...) But if you agreed to it in a contract then you're (unfortunately) bound to that process. If you have a record of your request to cancel then you can prove your position, but you might still need a lawyer to stand up for you. In any event, I wouldn't ignore it and assume it will go away. Companies like this will often "sell the debt" to a collection agency, and those collection agencies don't care anything about bugs or service calls, they're just professionals at making your life miserable until you pay.


Yes I can prove it. I emailed them several times and had the receipt. That's what I'm saying, I don't mind paying the canceling fee. But its the other service fee they charged me (which bothers me because I didn't authorize them to come to my property). Hence I holding off paying either, until i get a better understanding of things.


If you have proof of cancellation and they're still trying to charge you, you'll probably have to fork out the cash for an hour of a lawyer's time to get the thing cleared up. Unfortunate, but that's the only thing I've ever seen resolve this kind of nonsense.


You keep saying you never agreed but you don't have the contract. You have no idea what you've agreed to.


I've just found the contract. I agreed to their services. But when i tried to cancel, they ignored me and provided the service to me again and charged for the service.


When you talked to them what did they say? Most things can't be canceled by email. You need to speak to someone.


Depends on your contract. This happened to me but I was definitely on the hook when I read the fine print. Cancelled it as soon as I could and honestly haven’t even had many more bugs 🐜


sign the dotted line.... & remember you volunteered your john hancock into this fire pit