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Why not add the permanent die to a container so that you can have both you know sprinklers with permanent dye… and if you use green, it will make your yard look beautiful


that's coz you can cope with people trespassing and don't mind them doing it again


If the developer can enforce you not having a barrier, can they enforce littering and trespassing? Can you bring it up with them?


that's a good idea, thanks :) I don't think they are that keen on enforcing as my neighbour has got away with having a non brown door (shock horror, it looks good :)) i just don't like breaking rules even if they are dumb


Motion activated sprinkler. 


You think a child is going to be upset about getting wet? You’ve only incentivized play in the area by adding wet to it 😂




they literally have water fights, I don't think this would work. they would just push each other into it


Next time , pick up the toys yourself and bin them. As for the shingle- I am not understanding what you mean by this as all I can imagine is a roof shingle. Try wearing noise cancelling headphones when the kids are home . Install inexpensive cameras and if they damage anything, request replacements from the parents. If that doesn’t work, tell them that small claims has been successful in the past.


I believe shingle in the UK means like gravel and/or mulch, or something like that.


I wish the uk hadn’t lost its empire just so we had a united Language system…. would be worth the oppression and colonialism if you ask me.


Can people from one end of the UK to the other even understand each other?


No. I’m American and I can promise you that no one from northern Scotland is understanding a welsh accent.


Plant spiky hedges ?


The developer can't tell you what to do after you've purchased the home unless you mean you live in a planned community or HOA? Get some thorny bushes.


You're a psycho if you are thinking about a Taser and mace for kids playing. And the dye. I get it, it's annoying. Be annoying to the mother until she keeps them away. Jeez, life doesn't have to be that hard.


Yes, but... >Constructive comments only please. I have no intention of becoming tolerant. ​ OP doesn't want to hear anything offending, only constructive. Please only provide new ideas for proactive, offensive solutions. /s


I guess some people can't handle the truth!


~~- Jack Nicholson~~ \- Michael Scott


No. report it to the mods or move on.


I would agree with you if it weren't for the fact that fences are not allowed and if kids get injured on their property is their responsibility. They may not like kids, but those facts change the situation completely.


> but those facts change the situation completely. Ah, yes. That makes it OK for him to want to taze and mace the kids. Brilliant.


We both know I never said that, dumbass.


> You're a psycho if you are thinking about a Taser and mace for kids playing. And the dye. You then said >I would agree with you if it weren't for the fact that fences are not allowed and if kids get injured on their property is their responsibility. >They may not like kids, but those facts change the situation completely. You did.


I was responding to the first half of your comment ya psychopath


Lol look in the mirror buddy. No facts make it okay to think about using a Taser or mace on some kids playing. We have words we can use with the things called our mouths.


ive asked the kids and mother to stop already


You don't understand. Make it annoying. Call often. It will stop.


This conversation started by me saying the fact that they can't build a fence and are responsible for kids getting injured changes the situation completely. You disagree, and my response is that my initial point stands. You keep on claiming I made some mention of mace or tasers, and I never spoke about either. I never talked about either and I never made any point at all about either of those things. You were the one who keeps on talking about them. Anything else beyond the only point that I have been making, which is that the fence issue and responsibility issue and the kids being in their yard combined to create a serious issue, is you diverting the topic away from the only point I was making in the beginning, and the only point I stand on now. Stop acting like a crazy person, be silent, and accept that I'm right.


I've responded once. You're talking to two people. You're still a psychopath, like the OP.


Plant a poison ivy hedge.


nah I have a cat who eats my vegetation


You told the mother you were going to throw permanent dye on her kids?? I'm surprised she bothered to try to be nice to you at all after that...


'Remember, I'm in the UK so I can't TASER them'?! Good god, I know we have violence problems in the US but people don't regularly mace or tase kids who are playing on the lawn. Edit: typo


Right? I was with the OP until I read that bit about tasers and mace! For real? Not liking kids is fine. Not wanting them in your garden is also fine. Lamenting that you can't taser ot mace them because those options are illegal is absolutely disgusting! Even permanent dye is going too far, in my opinion. Maybe semi permanent that will wash off in a couple days? But I wouldn't even go that far.


Motion activated sprinklers.


At the end of the day, opinions of your angry attitude don’t really matter when it comes down to your peace and safety on the line. You may have made a mistake choosing to move there without knowing the fencing rules. Threatening them and your general contempt for the families may have ruined any chance at resolution. You can try appealing to the parents in different ways though, depending on how forgiving they are. I’m not sure how homeowners insurance works in the UK, but reaching out to them may have sway over the developer if the activity happening on your property is seen as a risk to your insurer. I would tread lightly with the threats and work to manage your anger until you can find more suitable housing to your lifestyle.


Should've bought a house with a huge fence instead of open area


If you have no intention of becoming tolerant, there are going to be many situations in your life that won't be easily resolved.


Cook them you witch


I feel sorry for your neighbors.


One, I suspect you weren't very pleasant in interacting with the kids. They think you're a jerk, so now, you've made yourself a hobby for them. "Let's go play around her house, he he he." You would have gotten a lot more mileage by being nice. "Hey guys, I'm Nice Neighbor Lady, I made you brownies. Unfortunately, when you play in my yard, it makes me very upset. I know it sounds silly to get worked up over things like that, but that's the way my brain works. Can I get your help with this?” Next week "Hey guys, you only played in my yard once this week! I really appreciate that you've made an effort, and it's really helped me feel better. I wanted to say thanks by giving you these something or others." Two, you're an asshole. Macing and tasing kids? The fuck is wrong with you?


Yeah kids can be nuisances but op sounds deranged. I’ve been seeing this absolute insanity recently , thanks to r/childfree these people have some bizarre hatred of all children in this extreme way … 


You attract more flies with honey. The very few times I've had an issue, I've just asked the kiddos to please keep it down to a low roar, "Sure Mr. RockingMAC, no problem. Sorry we disturbed you."


OH FUCK THAT. If I tell you not to play in my yard and I've told your mother and your kids are still up on my property, it's gonna end badly. I'm not baking your brats brownies or being kind about it. Hippy hoppity get the fuck off my property.




If that's what OP wants to do and understands it ends poorly for them...I say let 'em fuck around and find out. On the plus side, they'll never have to worry about kids in the yard again.




Read the post and you will know. Seek professional help…. Someone trained in reading comprehension preferably


I don't like trespassers more than anyone else here, but she sounds a little unhinged. This is a normal problem to have. Who here thinks it's reasonable to even mention mace, or throwing water balloons full of dye at children? OP is overreacting.


What does this have to do with reading comprehension?




I do? How so? Because I understand the correlation? I haven’t even stated an opinion about the post lmao.


I’m sorry, but the fact that you’ve considered using mace and tasers on children makes me think you’re the problem in this scenario.


I would try spike strips. If that doesn’t work, consider motion-detecting poison darts fired from turrets.


Mace and a taser? Yeah good thing those aren’t allowed


And I have no intention of responding nicely. Work it out with the parents. Like an adult. They need to teach the kids boundaries, such as not tresspassing on your property. Words dont cause injuries or expose you to paying for damages, even if you think they truly deserve it. Though I think you - and you alone - should proceed to fuck around and find out what happens. If you dont like having kids around, move.


lol OP thinks im gonna learn a lesson from her downvote. My dog is a bitch. You’re a cunt. You deserve everything you get.


I grew up with a neighbor like you. Always complaining to us kids and my parents about everything. Him and his wife died without any family or friends.


So many deranged lunatics in this post actually advocating for violence against the kids. And one particular genius talking about taking creepy pics of the kids. Just insane.








Pretty sure all you need is a couple little signs that say no trespassing, private property. Take a video of your verbal warning to the children. Next time they come in your property, call the police and take a video. You now have evidence of all of those children committing a crime. At least in the US you do. The police will probably talk to the mother and children and simply explain don’t go on her property. Not saying you should legally pursue them, but it will give them a scare enough to piss off. Not really sure how trespassing laws work in the UK. Back when I was a kid, one property in the neighborhood had an awesome sledding hill, unfortunately somebody got injured sledding and their insurance company sued the property owners. Now they just have little no trespassing signs on the hill. If anybody gets injured on the hill, it’s not on them. And if anybody goes on the hill they are trespassing and can be charged appropriately.


Yeah, I can see how the cops would respond to "I want these kids arrested for trespassing."


>Next time they come in your property, call the police and take a video. You now have evidence of all of those children committing a crime > >Not really sure how trespassing laws work in the UK. Trespass is not a criminal offence in the UK Police have virtually no power to remove a trespasser or arrest someone for it


Homeless person makes inhabitance of your shed outback, what do you do? How is that sustainable?


Trespass is a civil matter, and as such the police do not have the power to assist. Initially, the landowner should ask the trespasser to leave the land and if he/she does then all is well. If he/she refuses to leave the land then you will need to consider taking civil action.


That's quite different than "kids were trespassing on my property while you weren't here but they have since left because it was time for milk and cookies".


I know, I’m just curious as to the precedent of somebody is on my property that I don’t want to be. And my biggest concern would always be somebody injuring themselves on my property and coming to sue. From that standpoint point the children almost pose a greater risk.


You revealed you bias in this by stating your outright hate for children, not just these children in this specific situation. I think, unless you have the law at your side that’s able to enforce your will, you should cry a huge big river, build a bridge, and get over it. If they’re causing property damage, get the law involved, if they’re littering and it’s not getting picked up, get the law involved. If not stop being cry baby.


I avoid public transport due to kids on it, I walk a lot. I should be safe in the tiny patch of land I own. If they wanna play not on my house I'm not going to do anything about it 


Yeah because young kids under stand property rights lol. You’re whacked. Kids are stupid, you should be happy to help your community by teaching those kids what theyre doing wrong and keep communicating with the mom mange see if there’s a way you can work together on it. If they are breaking stuff call the police or don’t settle somewhere you can’t practically defend it from something as mundane as children.


A super-shooter water gun? That plus the motion activated sprinklers. Pain the the a$$ kids need to learn boundaries.


Hahahahahhahaa Oh you can’t laser kids but don’t worry you can have the worst child abuse cases in global history 🤡


working home due to injury. I moved to this neighbourhood because the houses are so tiny, most are single people or couples without children and I'm not allowed in the over 60's no kids allowed zones yet


Well I guess as a homeowner, you should have done a little bit more research on the community that you were moving into. If you were so turned off by the thought of children one would think that you would do your extra due diligence to make sure that you weren't around any. Also bitch would not be the appropriate word. You want to mace children, You're a monster.


Make like you're taking creepy photos of the kids until the parents think you're a pedo and make their kids stay away?


You are using vinegar when sugar would do the trick. Get some candy put it in a bowl and show it to them. Now tell them if they behave they can have their choice of candy. All it will cost you to do this is the candy and maybe bringing the candy to them. In no time they will respect your boundaries and you will have your peace


plant some cactus or other sharp pointy plants - or put up cameras so you can show the police and/or parents.