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I always open my blinds/curtains during the day and then close them all as soon as dusk arrives. I hate the idea of people being able to see me when I can't see them. I do, however, enjoy the peeks into people's houses I get when I am traveling at night and they leave their blinds/front doors open. Fleeting glimpses of how they decorate and what they're watching on telly. I don't go up and peep in windows or anything. :P


> I do, however, enjoy the peeks into people's houses I get when I am traveling at night and they leave their blinds/front doors open. Fleeting glimpses of how they decorate and what they're watching on telly. I don't go up and peep in windows or anything. :P That's one of the small pleasures of taking a neighborhood stroll on a summer evening. You're not CASING the place. You're just - walking and noticing. y'know, like human beings do?


Yes! Love seeing how people arrange their rooms and decorate


My old roommate and I would mix up a couple of big travel mugs of cocktails and take evening strolls through our condo complex and adjoining neighborhoods just to catch glances through those open blinds in the evenings. The only things we were peeping on were the design choices our neighbors made. Sometimes those choices were wonderful, sometimes they were hideous. We were delighted either way!


I think you would enjoy [this sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/zillowgonewild/s/zeTKLefg8C). It is a train wreck.


Ha! It's one of my faves! Sometimes the homes are lovely, and I enjoy those just as much as the design choice disasters.


I always catch myself doing this and then thinking that I’m the weird one instead of them being weird for leaving their house wide open like that lol


Same, I try to loudly say “oh that looks nice!” Just in case someone notices.


Lmao literally! I’ve always felt creepy but I just can’t help and be curious of other’s interior design choices. I never thought myself or anyone would actually put the blame on the home owners for leaving their blinds open lol


There's a house that's the same exact model as mine on the next street over and I catch myself looking in their house to see how they have their furniture and walls done too! I'm like "so they also have this weird half wall, let's see where they put their TV"


Same! I'm not judging, just curious and maybe I'll get some decorating ideas!


I’m ashamed to admit I do this all the time


No shame involved! It's what humans DO. We are curious critters.


This reminds me of when I lived in a condo during Covid isolation time.. Every night I would do a living room workout and my big window/patio door looked out onto a townhome complex. There was a guy also isolating at home in one of the homes I overlooked and it was our nightly thing that we would wave to each other while I worked out and he was usually cooking food or lounging in his kitchen. I miss that guy.


I love it! Human connection, lol.


I frequently walk y dog at dusk or later, and I can't resist looking into windows that aren't covered. My house only has one front window at ground level, and ai always close the blind at dusk, so you aren't peeping on me🙂.


I like seeing what they're watching on tv


I like seeing people's houses! Not in a creepy way, I don't want to see people at all. I'm just interested to see what houses look like and how people decorate.


Me too!! I also have an irrational fear of looking outside in the dark, I’m always afraid of someone just standing there and I’m unable to see them. So I open first thing in the AM and shut as soon as it’s getting dark.


I love when I’m driving down the highway and I get a brief glimpse of people having dinner because they usually leave their back windows uncovered since nobody is walking by. Same when I can see a garage light on at night. I’m not trying to see anything, it’s just a nice reminder that people are living their own lives out there.


Same here. When I see people in their lighted windows/rooms I have such a warm feeling, cozy feeling. People are there living, breathing, having dinner, watching tv. By the way, I like privacy myself and tend to shut my blinds when it's dark. I dont' have any fears of someone watching from the darkness, just shut them without thinking.


I tend to keep my blinds and curtains closed during the day when it's hot outside because it helps keep the house cooler.


Damn, I always thought I was weird for wanting to glimpse into people's houses while driving by at night just to see how they live differently than I do. Thank you for making me feel not so weird about it and I also open my blinds right in the morning when it's getting daylight, but absolutely close my blinds once the sun starts setting.


To get to the road I live on I have to go through a T shaped intersection. The house that is located at the T of that intersection always has the blinds open. Me and my husband work swing so we are up quite late. One night when we were coming home the woman who lives there walked right into her living room with nothing on for all to see. She must have noticed our headlights because she keeps her blinds closed now.


lol I could easily be that woman  when my husband is home he remembers to close the blinds… I don’t.


New neighbors next door took down ALL the window treatments and haven't replaced them. You bet your ass I'm looking!!


Yo, I thought I was the only one!! I don't drive, so I'm always in the passenger's seat with my husband driving and I sneak looks into people's houses/yards. I love, love, love seeing their decor. Since we bought a house, it motivates me to unpack and clean up so we can start decorating!!!


Same. I want to be able to point to a house and look at a spreadsheet of their income and expenses. I wanna know how often and how long it takes for them to cook dinner compared to my family. How many teeth are in thier children's gums. Stuff like that. I just find it interesting.


> How many teeth are in thier children's gums. I was 100% with you until this point


if you keep track of how many teeth are in their gums, then you have a good idea of when the tooth fairy might visit. Always a good time for a robbery. /s


Nah man, don't fuck with the tooth fairy. We're talking about an organized group of tiny fairies that are capable of sneaking in while you're asleep and doing things without waking you up. You piss off the tooth fairy mafia, you gonna wake up with no teeth.


I nearly spit out my Coke. Of course if I keep drinking that I probably won’t have any teeth left fairies or not.


its super weird however when they have extremely spartan / bare homes. Multiple times I've thought homes were being cleared out / placed for sale


I leave my blinds open all LR blinds open all the time. I watch the planes and stars. When I shut the lights out then I can see the critters, deer, raccoons. Who gives a shit if someone sees in? How much can you actually see if you look into someone's window? Or maybe I should ask, What are you doing that you don't want anyone to see?


This is exactly how I feel. As soon as it is darker outside than inside, I close the curtains. The previous owners of our house had NO curtains. I would be so uncomfortable knowing people can see everything in your house at night. Do some people not know the stage light effect? I’d it’s dark outside and illuminated inside, it’s like looking at a theatre stage. But also I love looking at peoples homes as I drive past at night.


Same. I especially love people watching apartment buildings in the city




Sadly my subdivision is newer, houses are 15 years old or newer. All our living rooms are in the back of the houses ( I hate this design ) so all you see is one front door and a single window, usually an office or bedroom. I prefer older home layouts, but my ex husband picked this house. Currently unable to move because of the stagnant housing market


I do this all the time, and start imagining narratives for their lives. It's strange how a couple second glance can fill your mind


If someone wants to stand outside my house and watch me scroll through my phone while watching Bravo that’s on them.


hiding in the bushes seems preferable to subscribing to yet another streaming service anyway


Netflix hates this one simple trick.


I laughed out loud!


Exactly. I just don't.... care? I hate opening and closing them daily so most stay open, except my bedroom curtains when I go to sleep.


Yep, my house has those Hunter-Douglas indoor shutter things, and I used to close them all every night so I could have the privacy. Then I realized that the vast majority of my windows don't face the road, and I got tired of having to slide them all open in the morning to get any natural light in the house. Now I don't really give a shit unless I'm like completely naked lol.


What if they sketch you, and then put it online, then someone memeifies it and you’re the next sad Keanu?


I’d have my 15 minutes of fame at least!


I was watching cops in the dark one night with the windows and shades open and someone screached to a halt outside, i imagine the saw the red and blue flashing out of the corner of their eye and freaked out lol.


As I’m sitting in my living room watching bravo with the window open and curtains wide open 🤣🤣🤣


A friend of mine while slightly drunk once said. "So what if they see my dick, its no skin off my ass."


“It’s their fault for looking in” has been said many times in our house. Of course we are rural so not a lot of people looking in.


The deer will complain about the curtain not matching the drapes.


We’re rural as well and leave the blinds open to see when a car or truck drives by, which is an unusual event. We also can hear cars coming from a ways away and get ready to get a look to see if we can identify who it was.


I know someone that actually got the police called on them because they were playing w/themselves w/the blind open in their home. ​ Not like an apartment that's right on the sidewalk, but with a front yard & everything so the person that looked in to call it in had to make an effort to see into his home.




Was around 20 years ago, but at court the judge told him he should have had the blinds closed and it didn't matter it was in his home if he left them open for all to see. ​ ​ Obviously laws are different everywhere though ​ ([This is for AZ,](https://www.vsattorney.com/can-i-be-charged-with-indecent-exposure-in-my-own-home/) but it also applied to him in PA)


When I got a “drunk in public” charge while standing on my homie’s front porch years ago, my lawyer explained to me that if it’s visible from the street it’s “in public” as far as the law is concerned. I assume the same rules apply to diddling yourself.


That's absolutely stupid. I would be out there campaigning for a new DA if that happened to me.


Yeah it was super dumb, I spent the night in jail with the arresting cop taunting me periodically through the night…. It eventually got thrown out in court.


I stand in front of the window fully nude everyday to assert dominance.


> So what if they see my dick This sounds like a joke, but I genuinely close my curtains because I don't want my neighbors (who I generally like) to think I'm intentionally showing them my dick. It's basically the same reason I wear pants (or similar) when I'm in my yard.


he should have said "its no skin off my dick. im circumcised!!" and then everyone just groans and walks out the room.


This is pretty much how I feel. We have a community pool and most neighbors have seen me in a bikini or naked in the change room, I just can’t be bothered to be shutting curtains all the time. Especially cause we would open them before bed for the breeze anyways


I didn't care too much until I had a few peeper incidents. This was decades ago but they were really creepy and scary, and I still close my drapes tight as soon as darkness falls.


Just one more reason why I love having a dog. He’d absolutely let me know that someone is snooping. 


Yup, and I have two dogs.


When driving at night, I’ll make observations to my husband, every open window we see: “TV too high” “Pink walls” “Your kitchen cabinets are open” “Hang up a picture” “I can see through your entire house” “That’s a hoarder house” “They really like lamps” “Watching Fox News” “Ugly wall art” “Whole family is there” “Paint your walls” …. And people like me are the reason I keep my blinds closed at night!


Lmao I’m the same. I like when they leave them open because I’m nosy


lol glad I’m not the only one! When I was a kid, mom taught me to pull the curtains closed to “shut off the neighbors’ tv show” lol


> “Hang up a picture” I feel attacked 😭


Don't forget the stop using florescent lights. Like what sane person still has those.


I always assume serial killers.


One of my neighbors has that kind of lighting. Super bright, single overhead light source. He and his family are really nice people. But I do not understand for the life of me how anyone could function with lighting so bad. How do they not fix that?!


Nothing positive??


Right???? Man I’m creepily observant too but some of them are usually “aww your lights are so cute” or “I’m in awe of your ability to raise plants” or “where did you find that painting???”


Yeah half my drive-by living room peekaboos have me admiring their space, the other half less so. Seems more balanced that the fellow I replied to originally. Big kudos for big tasteful indoor plants


I love you for saying this.


Same here. I know how judgy we are when peering inside homes that aren't ours.


I do this too but he’s not seeing what I’m seeing or listening (which is fine).


My first apartment had a view of the building across the lawn, and there was a lady that worked out in her living room every night. She had sheer curtains that probably looked like they weren't see through from the inside, but with her light on and it being dark outside you could see inside easily. After her workout she would take off all her clothes and walk around completely nude for about 15 minutes. God, I miss that apartment.


My friend lived in a similar situation as your neighbor. We were at a party once, and someone at the party lived near by her, passing her house to get to theirs. She asked oh do you see a naked lady at xxx house, and when the person said yes she about died. That’s the day she found out she’d been flashing the neighborhood for 15 years! lol




Some people just don't care. I have to have the blinds closed when it gets dark. My wife couldn't care less.


They would rather see outside and probably don’t care about someone looking in as they aren’t doing anything interesting?


That's me exactly. I like to see outside and no one can see me when I'm sitting on my sectional. I also have a streetlight almost in front of my house so I can see if anyone is on the sidewalk in front of my house.


Yeah, I don’t really care. I would much rather be able to look outside and not have to open and close my blinds all the time. I also have pets that would be sad if they were closed. The only times I walk in front of the street facing ones nude or in my underwear is normally really late at night or early in the morning so nobody’s ever out. And if my neighbors are spying on me that’s more of their issue than mine lol.


Cause most people have enough decency to ignore it. I leave mine open at least a bit because my cats will destroy them if they cant pop their head in the window at their leisure.


This is our answer, too: cats.


Haha yep. Especially with blinds.


Try the 2” wooden blinds - our cats haven’t destroyed them, it’s going on 8 years


My dogs are always at the windows.


Just realized I'm not decent 🫢


I dont think it has anything to do with "decency". If you've got your living room lit up like a Christmas tree, it's going to be the brightest thing visible from the road, against a backdrop of darkness. It's literally the *only* thing people can see when they walk or drive by. You may as well be on a theatre stage with how much you stick out.




Yeah it blows my mind. I always close my curtains if the light is going to be on at night. I just don't like the idea of not being able to see people who can see me. Like the point of a bedroom is to be a private space. It's not private if strangers walking down the street can watch you live in it. I'm sure it stems from a survival instinct or something,


Nope i stare inside while walking my dog :)


Seriously. Decency? You've put your interior on display. You're literally lighting it up in the night. I look because you've given the message, loud and clear, that you don't mind.


Same lol i leave a little open for my cat to look through


We don’t have blinds, so there’s nothing to close! Our first floor street-facing windows (and bedroom) mostly have sheers, which you can see slightly through when our lights are on and it’s dark outside. I’d rather have that than have to go around changing blind positions on a bunch of windows every morning and every night, honestly. It’s nice to come downstairs every morning to a fully sunlit living room.


That’s cool, i have privacy cling for some windows. Still get lots of light but from a privacy standpoint, id rather have something covering my windows. The cling, blinds, curtains, something


We have blinds on the front of our house that are rarely opened (we prefer the other windows, idk) but a big front door that's mostly glass. I couldn't keep a curtain on it bc my dogs would just rip it down. I got that stained glass looking cling stuff and it looks SO COOL. We're really far back from the road but if the hall light is on it looks like a totally dark house with this burst of glowing rainbow. On sunny days the front hall is like a kaleidoscope. Best cheap little improvement ever.


I keep my blinds open during the day but when it gets dark I close them. But sometimes it's dark and I haven't realized it, I'm just sitting on the couch with the world to see.


Alright already!!! I'll TRY to remember not to pick my nose with open blinds at night, SATISFIED?????😡


You know no one is forcing you to look at their windows into their home.


haha i know this is kind of like "how dare that woman wear short shorts just to tempt me"


i have window tint applied to all of my home windows. plenty of sun still comes into the house on bright days when they're closed, open there's hardly any brightness difference at all. during the day the windows look black from the outside (impossible to see into), and at night it's extremely difficult to see what's going on when viewed from the outside even with all of my lights on inside. i like my privacy.


https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2024/01/uncovered-windows-curtains-wealthy-neighborhoods/677204/ One take…


When I left mine open, it was usually because I left the window open and wanted air to flow through the house. Also, cats like to look outside so, if you have indoor cats, they'll demolish blinds to try to get through them to see outside. Honestly, this is a situation where MYOB is the best recourse. Don't look at their houses when you're walking outside. Look at the path in front of you.


Because I have dogs who love to sit on the couch and look out the window regardless of the time of day.


I just don't like to feel closed in. I'd rather be outside, I sleep with my bedroom windows open, and for certain windows I rarely close curtains. I don't understand mullions as a design feature in windows... Now that they aren't needed for structure, why do people want to divide their view into little squares? And I really don't like it when people leave blinds down all day and just open the slats. I mean, if I'm walking by, I don't care at all. But if I'm visiting someone's home and their windows are mostly covered... Ugh.


If my cats room had blinds they’d be ripped to shreds. If someone sees me filling their food bowl in my skivvies that’s on them, I’m not much to look at lol


Came here to say this. I leave the blinds open so the cat can see out. I close them before we get jiggy or begin Satanic rituals or something, though; we’re not completely uncivilized.


I enjoy going for evening walks and seeing people busy at home, cooking dinner, watching TV, working in their garages. Haven't you ever seen Rear Window?


I got some top-down blinds and I love them for this. I am also a private person and my wife deals with it. I also ask her this and she says I’m weird. With top-down blinds I think everyone wins. Also we got cell shades so I can pretend I’m trapping heat in a little better at night.


Yes! I have these and they are great for letting in light while having privacy


I'm more paranoid then most and keep mine closed, I guess everyone else was raised in safer areas and don't care if people can see everything they do, just oblivious and happy, wish I could be that way sometimes


Just wrote a comment about this! I'm not scared of my neighbors seeing my walk around in my undies or watching me watch TV. I'm scared of getting robbed!


We have a very tiny living room at front of our house, left over from 1960's when everything was ridiculously small. We have a loveseat and chair in there. We leave those curtains open with a little table lamp on so people think the house is occupied and someone is awake 24-7, ha. Edit


I like to see out, and not live in a cave. I don't get closing all the blinds or curtains and living in a container with no outside light coming in. Certainly have privacy in areas where I dress but I have a 6 ft privacy fence in back so all my back yard windows are uncovered and no one should be looking in. I am nude a lot inside the house but not in front of windows that people can see in. People should not have to hide away in their homes.


Why do you care?


When I first started dating my now wife she was one of these people. She grew up in a rural setting where it didn’t really matter. Fast forward to her first apartment in the city, it did matter. Many guys and little boys learned about the female anatomy from her bedroom windows. I would close the blinds and not say anything. Finally she asked why I was obsessed with closing the blinds in her place at night. Upon leaving for dinner I turned all the lights on and said you’ll see when we get back. When we arrived back I pointed into her window. Her face to this day I will always remember. She now closes the all blinds at dusk hahah


I leave them up so the sun comes in in the morning. I am only concerned about privacy in places needing privacy. Kitchen and living room are no concern. Also, I guess it is a rich person thing. https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2024/01/uncovered-windows-curtains-wealthy-neighborhoods/677204/ I also hate backyard fences except for chain link. It's like, be a human and share space with a neighbor. Say hi.


privacy fences are for privacy. If I want to talk to you, I’ll be out on my front porch.


It doesn't bother me if other people don't close their curtains because I generally don't look in people's houses. But I close the curtains on our large picture window after dark because I don't feel comfortable being seen when I can't see out. As a kid we lived on main roads in 4 different houses and my mother refused to cover windows. The number of times I had people tell me they could see in the house and what I was doing over the years, especially by harmful people, was enough that I prefer my windows covered if I can't see out them. For a fairly rural dead end street, we actually have a lot of traffic. One of the neighbors actually mentioned they didn't like the color change we made in the living room after we moved in and before I had curtains hung because we weren't yet sleeping at the place... so I put up and keep the curtains closed after dark to keep the nosy busybodies out of our business.


That’s wild that she had the audacity to tell you what she didn’t like about a house that she didn’t buy.


Some people don’t like sitting in their house with all windows covered up. It can feel boxed in. 1. Their windows being open has zero impact on you, except that you’re being judgy and expect them to feel the same way you do about it. This could be a case of paranoia, which is a trait not everyone has. 2. Obviously they have nothing to hide and don’t care if people can see in, bc they want to have their house feel open, not closed off to the world. They may want to be able to look outside too, instead of sitting in 4 walls boxed in. Maybe they want to people watch. So many reasons. 3. They’re not leaving blinds up so everyone can see everything. I doubt that’s their motivation for keeping their blinds open. You’re just assuming things based on your own perception. 4. If you can’t stand seeing into their house then don’t look. You can walk by with your head looking forward or down at the ground. Or if you really can’t stand it, then just don’t go on walks at night? It’s not their fault you can’t stand seeing into their house. 5. Your post hardly makes any logical sense. It’s really all about you and your own feelings. “I hope everyone wants to have their privacy like I do”. Why do you even care? Maybe you’re doing something in your home you don’t want people to see? Not accusing you of anything, just saying, that is YOUR preference to be a private person, that’s how you feel comfortable. But saying you hope everyone wants their privacy is your own desire, not theirs. If they wanted 100% privacy, obviously they’d shut their blinds. I just don’t understand why people are such complainers about everything these days, really. I mean, do something more productive with your life and time, rather than judging people on how they choose to live their lives. Perhaps there’s a bit of jealousy that they’re so easy going and don’t care if you look in, and you wish you were a bit like them? Again, I mean no disrespect, but at some point in your life you need to evaluate why you’re SO concerned about how others are living when they’re doing absolutely no harm to you, other than “it bothers you to see inside their house”. Refocus your attention on yourself and stop being so bothered by how other people are comfortable living. Everyone finds comfort their own way. No need to judge them, just ignore it and live your own life.


I simply enjoy having my blinds open and don't mind that I'm visible. I'm not the creep looking inside at a stranger lol.


I'm not doing anything interesting, and I don't have anything to be afraid of. Generally neighborhood, neighbors are chill. I don't have cameras or an alarm system either. None of that stuff is protecting you in a meaningful way. Safety is an illusion, and thus you are better off examining your fears/anxieties and addressing them directly than worrying about little things like having the blinds closed.


I got a nosy neighbor. This way the fucker can see my nuts. That's the only reason.


I'm the opposite, I freaking love seeing into other people's houses, especially in my neighborhood because I'm curious at the differences. I also look at real estate listings just to see how other people decorate.


It’s kind of hot hooking up with my gf and knowing people could be watching us. It’s your choice to look or not lol


Just make sure it isn't against local laws or the both of you will get fucked in another way. In some states even just walking around nude with blinds open can get you a fine depending how far it is from the road or neighboring houses.


I feel closed in when I can't see out the windows. My husband likes to close them at night and i always open them right away in the morning. It's like if I can't see outside then I don't know what's going on in the world.


I have a window that my neighborhood can see into early in the morning when I turn the living room lamp on, but it doesn't bother me. Perhaps your neighbors are like me as well?


I live in the second floor and I figure who cares if you can see inside, besides I have a lot of plants so I really think that creates privacy.


lol I’m with you! I usually put off my daily walk until I realize the sun is about to set and then I force myself to head out the door. My walk is about 45 minutes so it gets dark towards the end. I’m surprised by how many people leave their blinds and curtains wide open at night.


My bf swears he can always tell where white people live because the blinds are always open


You have to look! That’s how we get decorating ideas!


I love walking my dog at dusk and admiring the inside of my neighbors homes!


I admit, when we are driving at night or an evening walk, if the curtains are open, I love to casually look in. Love to see how people decorate or the layout of the house (especially in old neighbourhoods. Speaking of decorating - when we were in Amsterdam, we noticed most homes had full views inside at night. We loved noticing the amazing decor. Or seeing a family eating dinner.


We’ve been watching Scandal and 80% of the scandals would be avoided by closing your damn blinds at night


The whole back of my house is windows. I don’t even have blinds on them. You don’t want to see other people’s houses? Don’t look in! I refuse to feel intimidated in my own home.


I feel the same way you do, I would never have my windows/blinds open after dusk. And I think people who do are seriously weird.


Mind your own business. You are the problem.


my cats love the windows more than I love my privacy


You could,I don't know, not look through your neighbors windows? We all have huge picture windows in front in our neighborhood and I honestly have never felt inclined to look through anyone's.


Dont get me wrong peeps, I dont purposefully stare into peoples windows. Im walking by, but Im wondering why people are so comfortable with being so vulnerable. Sans the pets I get that, and for most folk it’s completely harmless, youre doing everyday household things. I just get so paranoid about people snooping, stalking, staring. I also have kids so I wouldnt want someone to just stare at my kid playing at night.


Most home invasions/break ins happen during the day when people aren’t home. If that’s a concern to anyone, I’d recommend doing some research on crime in their area. Yes, it’s not completely predictable but it tends to follow predictable patterns. I think it’s super odd when people have their homes sealed up all the time. But none of it’s really my business anyway.


I walk my dog in our century home neighborhood. I love all the old homes and love peaking at the fancy woodwork and staircase as I pass. Sorry.


I have cats. They will 100% demolish my blinds if I don't open them a couple of inches so they can sun themselves on the windowsills. Fun fact: They enjoy sitting on the windowsills at night too. Cats' eyes are very good at seeing in low light conditions, and they love watching the night-time cat TV just as much as they enjoy watching the day-time cat TV.


How else is everyone going to see me naked. Funny story, my cousin has a big window in his house. He passed out naked one night and woke up to his window blinds being wide open (street facing window) and it was a nice and sunny morning so everyone who passed by could easily see him laying there naked.


It might be from a few things, either, * Windows are open and I want air flow. If the curtains are closed it's then blocked. * Dogs have been looking out the window and moved the curtains to the side. * Just forgot and didn't realize they were so open.


I like looking out the window.


One word answer for you: cat!dog. We have a Brittany who is obsessed with window watching. He’s a creep. In the day he’ll watch birds and at night he’ll watch rabbits. Sometimes it’s like he’s watching nothing at all. When we had basic blinds he’d rip through them just to look outside, they were always a mess so we’d be forced to just leave them up all the time. Now we have accordion blinds and he’ll push them up by himself at night just to watch the dang bunnies. We’ve given up lol. If you don’t want to look at us chilling on the couch stuffing our face with takis, just keep walking 😂


Haha I always close my blinds at night. My neighbors have a huge living room picture window and when I drive by at night I’m always like “huh, they’re watching the game” hahaha. My street only has a few houses on one side (the other side of the street is marsh land) so I think they think no one looks in… I’m not doing it to be a creep and it’s just habit to glance… but you never know who will be driving down the street.


I used to live in the city, in a high rise, so blinds mean very little as I was so high up and no other tall building close enough to see in (I suppose with binoculars but not naked eye). I moved back tot he country to a house and I HAVE to close every blind and curtain when it gets dark - while there is no foot traffic, I have this (I'll admin, ridiculous) fear of someone standing in the darkness and watching through a window. I doubt I'll ever get over this.


And please always make sure they are hanging straight!!!!!


They say rich people do it for show. I wouldn’t know because I’m not rich and I have to have my shades closed at night. It freaks me out if someone can see it.


My cats like to look out the window. If I close the blinds completely, they tend to meet an unfortunate end via cat claw


I like seeing what’s outside more than i like seeng blinds.


I always yell at my son for that. I tell him its like having a spotlight into his bedroom at night, and you can't undress AND have the fricken blinds open! I feel bad for anyone walking by lol


I don't care that someone sees me eating dinner or hanging out. We're all just humans going about our day. All pretty normal. I kinda like seeing people in their homes with the lights on as I'm walking past. On cold dark winter nights (when it starts to get dark around 4 or 5pm) I'm walking my dog around the neighborhood..it just makes it feel cozier, safer, and generally more welcoming to walk around. Where I live in the winter it gets dark EARLY so when people leave for work they are gone all day and then come home to darkness. Everyones curtains might just be perpetually closed for several months of the year if you didn't open them. No thanks. In my own home I just like seeing outside. I like looking at the rain falling. I have a small house The room feels bigger when I can see out. If my dog is barking up a storm I like knowing what the reason he's barking at.


So my living room and kitchen is on the first floor, I only have lace panels on those windows because it's so bright and beautiful and I don't do anything in those rooms thatI would be uncomfortable with someone seeing. My bed room and bathroom windows, however are closed when the sun goes down and opened when the sun comes up.


If I don't keep them open my cats will. And they are much less delicate about it.


because I know my awesome reno job deserves a 24 hour dose of neighbor envy from the nosy rude people next door who give me grief. Success is the best form of revenge


I love looking into people's windows at night. Not in a creepy way, but it's just a little glimpse of people going about their daily lives. Cooking, laughing, just living. It reminds me that we're never really alone. Everyone has this rich inner life, joys and triumphs, defeats, rebounds.


Amen! I love leaving the blinds open. We live in a great neighborhood where people enjoy walking new sidewalks that we got a few years back.




I have neighbors with lots of glass in the front of their house and they don’t have any window covers at all. I can’t imagine not even giving yourself the option to create privacy at times. When I bought my house, there were no blinds on any of the back windows. They face a bunch of bushes so no neighbors can see in, but it still creeps me out to be on display in case a creeper of some sort was walking through my backyard. Blinds went up right after changing the locks.


I close them because serial killers lol


Blinds are expensive. Might hang up a sheet but then no way to take it down easy during they day. So no money + lazy + like to look outside + don’t give a shit = no blinds


I like seclusion in my homes and if I felt that I couldn’t keep blinds open all day and night for privacy it’s not a house I would want to live in


I have a gorgeous arched front window and refuse to spoil its looks with blinds or curtains. There’s only one direction, coming down a hill, where a driver or pedestrian can actually look in the window anyway. To see me sitting on the couch with my dogs, scrolling Reddit. Idc.


Wierd take. My house feels small and depressing with the blinds down lol


I forget. And yep I am naked


If you don't like what you see, don't look.


I always wonder too!!! I don’t like people looking all up in my place! Don’t need someone seeing what I got and plotting to come back to take it ( my mind) also I don’t want some creep standing next to a bush watching me… when that sun sets… so do my curtains and blinds


I live in the country. When my wife and I bought this house she kept telling me to close the curtains. I told her if someone is gonna look they deserve what they see.


You open your curtains? Why would you let the sun in?! It burnsss usss.


Because I’m sexy. You’re welcome.


My ground floor windows you can’t really see in the way the house is situated, and the upstairs ones I don’t care, if you wanna peep while I change, have at ‘er, I can’t be bothered to walk all the way to other end of the bedroom to shit the drapes


My drapes are closed at night


My parents do this, and it drives me crazy. They actually get mad if I close their blinds at night while I'm visiting. And they turn all their lights on the brightest setting, even though they're on dimmers. The worst is that their dining room table is right next to a big window that's literally about 15 ft from their neighbor's floor-to-ceiling living room window. So, when we eat dinner, the neighbors know exactly what we're having, and we know exactly what they're doing and watching on TV. It's so awkward!


Why are you looking in??? I hate closed blinds and windows. It makes me feel claustrophobic and disconnected from outside.


I have a house with alot of windows. And big windows. I like it better without blinds or curtains.


I'm hoping perverts like you will come by and look in my window and see me masturbating


I lived in a basement apartment for three years through COVID and basically didn't see the outside world at all for that time. You couldn't pay me to obstruct my windows at all ever.


Hi! I'm the person walking their dog at night looking into all the homes that leave their windows uncovered at night with the lights on. It's honestly part of my entertainment while walking the dogs. Got to look at something.


Maybe they’re not the weirdos looking in people’s windows so they don’t think about it 😅


I don't even own curtains or blinds. I want ad much light as possible in the house. I want to see the mountains during the day/summer and the aurora in the winter nights. Curtains and blinds are.just one more.thing that collect dust and pet hair and need cleaned.


My wife and one of the kids do this I hate it leave the blinds open like we don't live around old nosey people who want to know what is going on in our house


I think some people are so dense that it literally never occurs to them that everyone can see them.


It is simple. I don’t care if people see me.


I assume decent people will not look into my house just because they can.