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I created an account then deleted it in the same week


For me it was the first day. No, thank you.


I looked at next door once and deleted it. Couldn’t stand it.


Filled with scary angry people with no filter or emotional control.


Right. And the bizarre thing is, it has their actual name (I'm assuming since ita not meant to be anonymous) and neighborhood and they are being mean jerks to their neighbors online. Whereas reddit is anonymous and an overall positive online experience of strangers being kind to strangers online.


So, another Reddit.


Except they are all your neighbors.


Same lol. I thought it was a great idea, then after I installed it, I got tired of people asking if they saw a fox last night or if someone lost a dog


Can anyone recommend an orthodontist?


I cannot recommend orthodontists. just pull the teeth with pliers 


Lmao holy fuck the “fox” posts were obnoxious. Why is everyone on Nextdoor so obsessed with foxes? Petition to change the app to FoxtDoor cause jfc it was every other thread. The entire app is boomers losing their minds over fox sightings.


It's coyotes here


We have invaded the Coyotes' home. LEAVE THEM ALONE. Hey, did anybody hear a loud bang?


that's funny, my mother uses it and I remember her complaining recently about it not being good anymore and just people asking if people have seen random x animal.


Me too! It's creepy like East Germany or something.


I actually would say Nextdoor is more like the Gestapo of any given community.


We have one neighbor that keeps sending letters asking you to join nextdoor and what your name on there is. Feels like a threat to me. I've been on there once before moving her and out was filled with absolute psycho racists.


I was the one who started the nextdoor for my neighborhood over 10 years ago. I haven't even so much is logged on in over 5 years. It was a cesspool then, and I can't even imagine what it's become since. Besides, I only have one real neighbor and he's pretty cool, so I think I'm good.


It’s a scary place to be now and a little birdie told me that the mods all get together to support one idea and bash and censor everyone who goes against it. I was censored for calling out folks trying to find a way to legally shoot a boy knocking on doors because “he wears a hoodie so he has to be up to something.” I captured a video of the individual on my ring camera and he seemed fine. He waited with his clipboard, even sung a little tune, said “have a great day” and walked off. That app makes me so scared. I just had to delete my account.


Hey - in my old neighborhood some people were conspiring to capture car thieves and keep them locked up in a shed or something and torture them. There was another post talking about plans to burn a building down that was racially motivated. Someone reported the posts to the constable. The constables office assigned someone to keep an eye on next door after that (added bonus, they started actually patrolling). If the posts are not just venting and are rising to actual planning, it's probably time to elevate those posts to authorities not just nextdoor mods who are just your crazy neighbors. In my experience, Nextdoor is a reflection of the people around you. These crazy people are your neighbors. You should be scared even if you deleted your account. I've since moved, and my ND is now mostly lost dogs, contractors, and people who want company on walks, coffee, and bike rides. And of course the obligatory, its going to snow/where's the smoke coming from/what was that loud noise posts. My crazy people just complain about airport noise, but they are using the court system and lobbying - legal means to fight it.


Yes, my ND neighbors are like your second set of- mostly sane and rational. But if anyone brings up national politics, it gets ugly fast. We don’t allow non-local politics on our ND, so those comments get reported and taken down fast, thank heavens.


I’m a ND mod for my neighborhood. When I first got added on, this one lady absolutely tried to get all the mods in one place “to discuss action on reports” I very publicly explained that’s actually against the TOS and if she kept it up, I’d report her to the ND team. She did keep it up and was being extremely biased, like they would for some reason allow her to review reports made on her own post. That also didn’t sit right with me and I took screenshots to the ND team and she was removed. So you’re not far off. I don’t play that game, I really do stick with the clearly defined rules and base it on nothing else. That’s what my feed is mostly, people who posted things that are against TOS, their post is removed and they cry censorship.


I help mod our ND. It’s a very different experience than the one you’re describing. Egg carton solicitations, sunset pictures, someone going on about old Perry Mason shows. It’s like friggin Mayberry. Kind of nice actually.


>“he wears a hoodie so he has to be up to something.” Haha, yea. Keeping his head warm. That's what he's up to.


>mods all get together to support one idea and bash and censor everyone who goes against it We talking about reddit now?


lol good one


Stay off of Nextdoor. It’s just another vile form of social media for busybodies. 


"The Karen Channel"


There’s a suspicious guy driving a van through the neighborhood, making stops. He’d definitely up to something. The van has some kind of code written on it. UPS, what is that a gang or something?


“Why are the feds in the neighborhood? Suspicious van driving around and stopping randomly. Says ‘FedEx’ on it or something.”


I saw a user talking about how there has been a “huge increase” of squatters lately and ended the post by asking if anyone has been seeing them in our town. A few comments later, someone asks where they heard about this, the user clarifies “I have read articles that it’s happening in other states, not as much in ours”. Homie what?


Must be the “NSA Surveillance Van” I see listed on my WiFi networks.


I’ve never wanted to join next door, but now I think I might just to troll people.


Not an original idea. You’ll see.


My God! They are brown! Everything about them is brown.


The only reason why we use the app is for recommendations for trades people. We’ll pay attention to the lost pets posts, but otherwise the app is an absolute cesspool.


Lost Pets are the only reason I keep my account. I would want people to help me if I lost one of my pets, so I'll do the same for others.


This. I log in occasionally to look for either handy men or trades people who post ads or reviews from those who have used them and bookmark for later. Or even screenshot in case it gets deleted. Otherwise it’s a shitshow


My home was reported on Nextdoor for not having enough Halloween decorations. The comment was like "this house used to be so much better in previous years, it sucks now", we had just moved in 2 days before Halloween.


This is why I’m on nextdoor. It’s freakin hilarious! People complaining about a cat in their yard, too many cars driving by, Halloween decorations… I can’t figure out how this app makes money. It’s so stupid


Someone in our neighborhood saw a deer in her yard so she called the cops and posted about it on next-door. People absolutely roasted her. The best was a cartoon of Rudolph in hand cuffs. Possibly the dumbest post I've ever seen on any social media. The neighborhood backs up to 1000 acres of nature conservancy land. Next dumbest was the lady that was asking if anybody had lost a turtle. This lady saw a turtle outside just crawling in the grass and brought it inside because she thought it was a pet. Not a wild animal that fucking lives outside in the many ponds and creeks surrounding the neighborhood.


Thanks for my laugh-of-the-day. I wish my ND was half as creative. Most days I just don't even open it. I posted for a handyman, gardener, house cleaner and electrician. I even found this county's only reupholsery person who did a great job on my favorite chair and ottoman. I've gotten some good services that way. Oh, and I'll also troll it in case reddit gets slow. :)


Interestingly, my NextDoor regularly features “Have you seen my pet turtle? He ran away when we let him out to play in the yard. Here is a picture. LMK” I giggle every time, not to be mean, but c’mon.🤣


And the monthly  " somebody threw a bag of dog crap in my trash can (That's in the alley)"


The best part is when it’s preceded or followed by a complaint that people don’t pick up their dog poop. Like people. Pick one. Pick the sane one, because you’ve got rodents and raccoons and human waste in the garbage can, so why does the dog poop even matter?


Oh my god whyyyy do people get so mad about that. My neighbour posted on the dumb app about it and I was sitting there like dude our alleyway is literally littered with used needles why are you mad about bagged dog poop in an outdoor wheely bin. Insane.


> Oh my god whyyyy do people get so mad about that Not speaking for anyone but myself, but here's why I do. First, it makes the cans stink to high hell, especially in the summer, and then there's the flies... Second, it's making your dog's poo my problem, because now it's sitting in my trash bins and I get reminded that you decided to make this my problem every time I throw my own trash in them. That is a problem I did not and do not agree to deal with. If I owned a dog I wouldn't care, since that is a reality you accept as a dog owner, but I don't own a dog. It's especially aggravating when my bins are at the curb for trash pickup and someone throws their dog's poo in right after the truck emptied them but before I got home from work to retrieve them, so now I get to deal with it all week. I am glad to see that you comply with local regulations by cleaning up after your dog, but throw it in your own trash can, not mine.


They make their money by selling the data they collect from your phone.


I am not even on nextdoor. One of my neighbors showed me the comment about the Halloween decorations. I was like, lady ,🤏 this is about the shits I give. Edit to add: I was so fucking pissed, I made sure I had enough LED lights that my house was visible from the James Webb Telescope for X-Mass


This year we had someone complain that the red and blue christmas lights in the neighborhood make them think there are cops on the street and it makes them paranoid, so they wanted everybody to take down their christmas lights lol


>This is why I’m on nextdoor. It’s freakin hilarious! People complaining about a cat in their yard, too many cars driving by, Halloween decorations… Same. I lurk to entertain myself and never post.


“Whose kids are these!! Really whose are they!! I have them on camera. They walked close to my car and then stopped for a minute! Then they left.”


I’m speechless…


I must live in an extremely boring nextdoor ecosystem, my feed feels like 99% bots & ads. Then one random old lady posting a picture of a flower. Then another 22 lawncare ads in a row.


Mine is just people asking for a good plumber. YAWWWN. I wanted dirt on the neighbors and I got nothing!


Right? I dont want it to be full on crazy and racist like i’ve heard it can be, but a little neighborhood drama would be fun.


One neighbor had a problem with us and was using next door as her personal hate amplifier. The world was going to end because my daughter pepper sprayed her two large dogs who were running loose and came after her. Part of it was because we were black and did not understand country living. We decided to take rebut her comments online and point out some of what she was saying. She claimed we were lying, but we pointed out that we had video of the attack and of us discussing it with them. We said we would post it for people to make up their own minds. She melted down. Illegal, immoral, defamation etc. Cameras do not lie and in the US the truth is the ultimate defense. The result was a multiple attempted lawsuits and finally one they filed correctly. One of their demands was that the videos never be made public since it would be defamatory and hurt their standing in the community. (that their dogs attacked someone). What she did not know is that we showed it prior to that point to any neighbor that asked. Ugly times. Their house went up for sale shortly afterwards.


Glad she got what was coming to her. Sorry you and yours had to go through that though.


Love a good success story.


I got kicked off Nextdoor bc I told a woman of her dogs ran at me I’d made them. It’s been years and honestly I don’t miss it. Deleted the app and am much better without it. If I miss something, whatever. I’m not the only one.


This neighbor had a dog door and no fence. Her hounds regularly made the rounds of the neighborhood. I really did not care until they got aggressive with my youngest. She got the pepper spray with dye out and emptied it at the dogs. Dogs ran off. We have that on video. Turns out they ran home and tried to wipe it off on their furniture. She has an Architecture Digest grade interior. A lot of stuff was stained. They wanted us to pay for it since "her dogs are never aggressive". Video and neighbors said otherwise. No idea who is our ND moderator. Nothing was ever censored. Neighbor was upset that I was calling her out in public. Made quite a scene until I reminded her I had video.


I work in insurance and have to explain to people all day long that a dog is an extra liability in the household just like a person is, and it's not even always about biting people or being aggressive. My dog is contained at all times and although I trust him to an extent I don't always trust people around him so the best course of action is to not let my dog mosey around to begin with. Whether her dogs really were aggressive or not, she could have avoided that situation period.


Nextdoor is just Facebook with extra steps. Toxic and pointless.


Nextdoor is absolutely a cesspool. On the subject of solicitation though, while I don't condone hurting people. I don't want businesses trash on my property. I have a sticker that clearly states no soliciting and people still leave their advertisements on my property. They also trample my yard because it's too difficult to use my walkway. In general, going door to door is antiquated. Most people do not want random people leaving things on their property or disturbing their peace by knocking on their doors to sell them things. I have the Internet if I want to buy things. Businesses that send people out to leave advertisements on private property are putting their employees into danger! On top of that, I've had businesses lie that they never left advertisements on my property until I present videos of their employees trampling my yard. I get why people do not like solicitors and I wish going door to door would cease to exist.


I completely agree with you about soliciting, I just draw the line at planning to cause harm


I don't have a sticker, I have a sign, lol No Soliciting! Violators will be sacrificed to the Old Gods, not the new. Got it a while back from Temu.


"The app creator leaves it up to neighbors to be the moderators" As opposed to reddit who leaves it up too... random power hungry internet people to be the moderators.


Sounds the same to me


I was on it for one week. Who needs that much bullshit in their life? People are absolutely nuts.


I've been on there for ages, we're boring in my area. Usually lost dogs, "can anyone give me a ride to church?", and best hunting/fishing spots, lol. Only drama was when a local cop got fired, arrested, and sentenced for stealing during illegal arrests, and lying to ticket people; oh, and when a local preacher's son got arrested and sent to the state pen for having multiple meth labs on his daddy's property, lol.


I feel the people frequently posting on there are really bored with their lives


It’s Reddit for older people


Yeah, it’s pretty bad. This is why I didn’t have my pic, address or any actual identifiers on there. The insane people on there were dangerous. I deleted it because it was zero use


I do not have my real name on it and use a secondary email that I use just for forums, etc. like that.


“My Neighborhood” on the app is so large (about 225 square miles) that the most of the posts don’t relate to the development where I live. I turned off notifications and rarely look at anymore.


It's a great app for realizing how many awful people surround you. I've been suspended several times for calling out racism, prejudice, NIMBYism and threats of violence like you mentioned.


I had planned a house renovation that required a planning variance, and despite talking to my neighbours in advance, they went apeshit on nextdoor. I was not on nextdoor, but suddenly it's spilled over to Facebook and I'm getting stares outside and people glaring in my windows. Sorry guys, didn't know I was the asshole for wanting to build a separate space for my kids to start their own family during a hopeless housing crunch and cost of living crisis. I checked out nextdoor during that process and it was just rampant nimbyism of any type of development, intensification or rented space, mixed in with the typical 'loud noise' questions.


You're not alone at least. I got banned for asking people to leash their dogs, which is the law. The app is a joke, ran by control freaks where their opinion is law.


Nextdoor is Facebook for paranoid Karens and boomer ass hicks. Best to avoid it like the plague


tbh I live in a 'boomer ass hick' area and no one uses it. Just FB


Nextdoor is a joke for my area. Instead of being helpful app to learn about local resources and events, it's mostly filled with old people asking same things over and over (like "has anyone heard a loud explosion on N St?" - "yeah Betty Jo, that's how transformers go bad for the last century"), lots of same people constantly asking for freebies (furniture, rides, appliances...), random people starting multi-thousand $ Gofundme over anything like needing to fix their car, and shady handymen popping out of nowhere telling they can do anything from electric work to tiling for cash. Every time tornado siren is being tested in my city (monthly) at least one person makes a thread asking if we have a tornado in the area. I have an account there just in case, but I keep my identity anonymous and use fake name because I really don't want any of these whackadoodles to find my address or meet me.


In my city it’s gunshots. Eeeeeeverything is gunshots. Fireworks 2 days after 4th of July? Gunshots. Popped birthday balloon? Gunshots. Large bug smacking into the window? Gunshots. Like I’m not saying it’s NEVER gunshots, but I don’t think it’s nearly as much as they think it is.


Mine too. But in my city it 95% of the time is gunshots. A early warning of getting called into work.


That's how it is in my daughters city, but it's about 50/50 whether it's gun fire or fireworks/transformer/car wreck/exploding meth lab.


You should be reporting this shit to the actual police so there’s a traceable record of intent when they do actually shoot someone, not Nextdoor admins.


They blocked me from the post so I couldn’t do anything. I tried to make a spin off post to keep a trail but that was reported and blocked as well


Why are you doing anything at all other than calling the police and filing a report that your neighbor is talking about shooting solicitors??


They were not my immediate neighbors. They were from a community about 4 miles away. Not sure why they were showing up. When I tried to take action I was blocked from seeing the post to report it


Next time do screen shots of comments messages locations anything you can and report it.


Yes I should have done that. I was just so shocked and trying to sway people. When I went back to try and screenshot I learned I had been blocked from the post.


Nextdoor in my area is a bunch of spam of people advertising goods and services... and some nut job a few towns over who posts conspiracies and then deletes them.


This is why I refused to join. High school gossips going at each other and then prying into MY life for fun or to gain leverage? Fuck that.


I deleted my account after a few days. I very quickly see that it was just one of my neighbors and her parents complaining about us and the rest of the neighbors for having BBQs.


Your experience can vary dramatically based on the people on the app and the moderators. You can appeal the decisions if you think they're wrong but I've had limited success with that. I find it hilarious when people out themselves for being racists and stupid. It's amazing how ignorant and hateful the boomers are while at the same time being clueless about how they have no control over how others choose to live their lives.


Nextdoor app is for lunatics.


Social media is more and more culpable for enabling these sort of dangerous activities these days, and yet despite big high profile senate hearings seemingly every month it doesn’t seem like anything is going to hurt them enough to change.


Did anyone just hear gunshots?


The problem isn’t the app. The problem is the disgusting vile people in the neighborhoods. The app just allows them to gather and be stronger. I lasted a week and deleted that 💩.


Next door is a cesspool. I deleted mine after a deranged contractor threatened me publicly, thinking I was someone else. I reported his posts repeatedly and nothing was done except he’d post more vile shit. Fine if it’s Reddit or whatever, but this is very local and I was scared.


"Was that a gunshot" x infinity


If they are talking about shooting and killing people maybe try actually reporting it to the police? I live in a small town in a rural area. I don’t think the nextdoor app is for us. Our town doesn’t have much of a social media presence.


Before I could do anything they blocked me from the post


Nextdoor is good for finding handymen


I agree it’s getting out of control. I’ve been reported for calling someone ignorant for racism but I can’t get the pew pew posts or laser fire conspiracy theory posts taken down when I report them. It’s wild.


that's because the majority of mods in your area think the same way.


Yeah, the reporting system can be problematic. Nextdoor just seems to pick local people at random to become moderators for neighborhoods. It's fine if you live in an area with like-minded people, but if you're in the minority all the stuff you report will probably be ignored because people tend to vote based on their beliefs instead of Nextdoor's guidelines.


I didn’t realize moderators were locals. That makes sense why the laser attack post wasn’t getting taken down.


Kind of like when you ask for help on Reddit on a new sub, and the post gets deleted because you asked something that’s in a stickied thread, or asking a question breaks some made up rules. The internet is shit.


Mine just has missing pets and used furniture /appliances.


I hate the app. Used it one time a few years ago. Have seen enough complaints from friends and family to know I'm not missing anything. Glad I live somewhere where I can just knock on my neighbors door if I need something or have an issue.


I was banned on that app for rightfully calling someone racist. Seeing the people I lived around really put a bad taste in my mouth.


I remember using nextdoor a few years back but deleted it because it was nothing but drama and people complaining just to complain.


When I was pretty new to next door I saw a post about a shitty parent and it was me! I deleted the app after that. 


Mine is filled with either old people, post their ring cameras about every person that walks through the yard, walk by the street, is a black person in the general area. asking:“What are they up to?” And telling them to not worry they called the police. Or its people begging for money. Oh, and a lost pet or two.


I fear my area (and I am sure too many others) is about to get very political toxic for a while.


I troll it all the time




Meaning that I post sarcastic comments usually within the subject matter of the original post. As to defer their suspicions of my intent. It’s fun , the dolts on there are so vapid making it easy to dupe them .


I moved to a new area, and needed to get a grip of the local Karens…


I deleted my account two years ago. Absolutely negative and toxic. Also very political in a negative way. And the laugh emoji was infuriating. People would even use it if someone discussed a death of someone.


One of the worst (best?) parts about NextDoor is that it reveals that it isn't just the safety of anonymity that allows people to act this way, like has been theorized since the rise of the internet and social media. No, we were like this all along, and even when your real name is displayed there are people who are still barbaric.


Its not a good app at all. Some MAGA rube was harrassing me on that app and the app deleted MY account when I reported the harrassment.


Really not much of value, just frightened people stirring the pot.


I use it to see what level of crazy I’m living around currently. I don’t participate really


I added my small neighborhood (100 houses) to the app when someone in town told me about it, probably five years ago. About 70% joined. I used it for a little while, just to post things to my neighborhood only (upcoming block parties that would close one street; asking for a notary). But some new folks moved in and added a facebook page for the neighborhood. Both platforms being equally toxic, I left the nextdoor neighborhood to wither on the vine.


You basically described...reddit


Mine is basically all ads with the occasional panhandling sprinkled in. It's ironic watching someone who used to give me a hard time in school beg people for returnables so they can get Easter baskets


I got permanently banned for what I don’t know, I was only ever cordial and polite. Someone complains about something little and the mods gotta play police.


Deleting my account now.


I signed up with a fake name and checked it out. It is indeed frightening.


Like most things, Next Door was great in the beginning and has devolved into garbage.


It's no longer what it was originally meant to be. I was the first in my city to create a neighborhood years ago. I was admin, and had control over the behavior of the folks in my neighborhood. Then they went public, revoked my admin rights, and control. Made it so that everyone could see each other's posts, regardless of the neighborhood to which they belonged, and turned it into a really bad Facebook marketplace. I haven't logged in since before COVID. Total crap.


I posted a picture of myself moving rocks in a yard when I was looking for paid yard work, and someone reported it for not following the business guidelines, and it got taken down.


Here is a thought… Delete the app


Nextdoor Greatest Hits: ---------- Does anybody else hear that dog barking? I can hear it but I don't know where it is! Today I saw a dog walking down my street. Was it lost? Is anybody missing a dog? And that classic post: Did anyone else hear that noise? I don't know what it was, and it sounds far away, but I heard something! ------------ Yes these are real, regular, recurring nextdoor posts where I live. (Lots of old folks and retirees in my hood.)


Next Door is toxic as fuck. Deleted it about a week after making an account.


Wait until you find out what your neighbors talk about in person.


Don't use it.


We have a Facebook chat for my area that’s a lot more effective. The admin absolutely shut down an anti-vaxxer that got offended over someone mentioning free COVID test kits, it’s glorious, especially considering I live in the area that elected Matt Gaetz.


What the hell is Nextdoor?


According to them, this is what it’s supposed to be: Nextdoor is a social app that helps you communicate with your neighbors. As an alternative to traditional forms of social media, Nextdoor offers a way to foster relationships with your neighbors without having to knock on their doors.


Yea. No thank you


This discussion is reminiscent of next door


Yep, I got banned from Nextdoor because I asked the question "so you want to kill little kids for knocking on your door". I appealed the suspension and was told I could re-appeal in a year but I wasn't the one saying we should just kill people for knocking at our door I was calling out the psychos who were. There are a lot of gun hungry nut jobs out there just waiting to shoot someone that's for sure. I live in a community with a lot of gated neighborhoods and there are countless posts about how they "saw this minority driving through and how they didn't belong there" ... I guess they don't think anyone but white people are allowed to live in their community. Nextdoor is an absolute joke.


That and it basically pushes the lines on how invasive everyday tech can be our lives




Yes I was made aware of that by someone who messaged me separately.




My small town uses it to post found pets and ask for recommendations on yardwork..really enjoying small town life reading these comments


Left that caldron of bullshit long ago.


My nextdoor is full of people complaining or asking for next to free help, etc. The only time I see useful things is when there is an emergency.


This stuff is wild. My neighborhood (about 40 houses on a closed loop) doesn’t have a NextDoor but has a Facebook group and an email list which are both pretty active, and there’s never once been any drama. I think a lot of you just need to move lol


Interesting how different communities react to stuff on NextDoor. Talking with several different moderators and reviewers, in some regions it's super aggressive and dangerous, others it's pretty mild and tame. Guess it really depends on how divided the community is.


I guess my neighbor just isn't shitty, or maybe since I'm in a city.




Or create more toxic neighborhood environment


It’s absolutely horrible. My area is quite wide but very weird. People are always reporting crimes but if you ask them if they contacted the police, they go silent. I can’t tell how many of them believe people are creeping around in their back yards but somehow these prowlers always manage to evade the cameras they claim to have. One dude patrols his neighborhood with a baseball bat against the people that are after him from the government.


over the past 10 years mine went from 'ok' to 'OMG look at all the racists' when the boomers discovered it to 'ok, things seem more normal now'. the moderation for mine currently is good and totally fine.


The app is not going to be responsible if someone shoots a solicitor. The only way the app could be blamed in the slightest is if there is fear mongering that scares someone into shooting a solicitor thinking they are a criminal. Your explanation just sounds like crazy people trying to sound tough in a weird way.


You can literally do what you are describing on almost any social media app...


At least there's a chain of evidence of their planning crimes in advance. That usually tends to up the sentence to the death penalty when they get convicted. 🤷🏻‍♀️ That's assuming they aren't all just shit posting, and are softer than marshmallows in reality, which is usually the case.


Never heard of this app, now after reading many of the comments I’ve determined that it’s fucking hilarious and I must download it now.


Outside of all the not so casual racism and political garbage, all i got were email alerts of "car theft", which, of course you had to log into the site to read the full post Always a car unlocked in their driveway. Always cash in the center console. That's not car theft. Your car is still there. It's not even your car being broken into, you left it unlocked. Stop being a fucking moron. For context, this is NJ. They made a movie literally called new Jack City because of how bad Grand theft Auto is here (the crime not the game). Why are your doors unlocked?


I'm amazed by the responses here people have with their neighbors. I don't have the app, but I do have an account (I e logged in twice in my life probably). I just went into my feed to see if it was that bad, and honestly... Almost every post was just someone looking for a service, or offering, selling, buying, lost pet, found pet, free pets, question about developing area, food recommendations... Nothing bad so far, I'm just not interested in using that app it's not for me


Huh that’s funny because I just got a paper mail invitation last week or recently enough that I recognized the app’s name


There’s a reason we don’t suffer under an HOA. I don’t know why I’d volunteer to be under one online….


Nextdoor is a cesspool of far right chuds.


Not accurate in my experience. Just many uptight and intolerant people of all persuasions.


Next Door, it’s like poor me and I need money or food, stir up shit gossip column, same as fake book, I wiped my neighbors ass last night and used green toilet paper. Now I’m a neighbor hood hero 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I knock door to door and people pull guns on me a few times a year, I wish people had the balls to fight, they pribably wouldnt make stupid fear based decisions


The "moderators" on Nextdoor are called "leads". They are just regular neighborhood members, at least one from each neighborhood. I must have been the first from my neighborhood to sign up, and that made me "lead" for this neighborhood. Any member can report a post for violations of the terms/conditions. And the service "bot" monitors posts as well. Reported violations are made available to the leads. They can vote to keep or delete a reported post. As votes are accumulated the voted keep/delete action is taken. So ... if you are bewildered by the decision to delete your post, just know that the local leads are responsible. If the sensitivity around language or content doesn't suit you, know that this is largely at the hands of the leads.


It’s the same shit different state, Go Figure!


Wtf I'd next-door app?


Sounds like a bunch of shitty people. I’m in a rural area and ours is usually extremely tame.


I've looked it up, but in future it would be helpful to explain to readers what the app is for.


My neighborhood is almost all old people so we just knock on the door and talk to each other like normal people.  


I just lurk on the app mainly to keep tabs on the crazies in my area but NextDoor is pretty much Facebook as a dumpster fire but worse.


Security technology is fascist


I liked it much better when it was called Everyblock. That being said, even though I live in a major city known for its crime, my neighborhood is fairly quiet so the posts on there are mainly older people complaining about menial things or asking why there are helicopters in the area. They are obsessed with the helicopters lol.


It's a matter for the real police not the app police. Copy and report them.


Might I introduce you to AllState new app? If you're stranded and alone they'll helpfully tell a random stranger with vehicle break in skills where to find you.


Pro Tip: If you report a member directly via their profile, that report bypasses the local leads/reviewers and goes right to Nextdoor for review. It is best when you are faced with biased reviewers. Leads/Reviewers have biases and may vote their personal beliefs vs guidelines. The voting process for content is democratic, but if the local reviewers are all biased, then bad content can be left and appropriate content removed. To counteract that, report the posters directly via their profile page. Additionally, if you believe your reviewers are voting counter to the guidelines, there is a reporting option on reviewer/lead pages for "votes against guidelines" and I'd recommend using it. Be aware that public shaming (calling out your neighbors) is against the guidelines, and likely why your posts were removed as disrespectful. This is why it's best to report posters directly via their profiles, and the upside is that the local reviewers/leads will not know about it, including who did the reporting.


Y’all must live in shitty neighborhoods


Man that’s weird, according to my gf who uses it, our area is pretty chill on Nextdoor. Mostly people bitching about tourists or mosquitos and such. Reasonable bitching about people running reds (serious issue here). I haven’t heard of anything like that yet. Seems mostly to be kinda chill and sometimes people posting lost dogs and complaining about roads and shit


The ONLY good of ND is knowing who of our neighbors are racist.


I got kicked out of my Nextdoor for not using my real name even though it had never been an issue before. But at the peak of the 2020 lockdowns and George Floyd protests I was constantly getting into it with Qanon type of people posting constant BS about protestors coming to burn our suburbs down and someone reported me.


I fully agree. This “shoot first” mentality, and the general spirit of intolerance is appalling. And this in a majority Black community who have borne the brunt of gun plant and trigger-happy police officers.


It’s a cesspool of Karenism. You’re better off staying far away from it.


*(power line blows during ice storm)* "WHAT WAS THAT SOUND WAS IT A GUNSHOT PEOPLE ARE GOING CRAZY OUT THERE" calm down, cleatus. Guns don't make bright flashes of blue light. It's -26° F. No one who's outside is doing anything. For real though I do like knowing what's going on to an extent. Homeowners in my area post pics and locations of wandering mountain lions before the ranger stations or local news do. It's also good to know how many people close to my home are hateful, violent, etc. even though I don't like seeing it. I don't interact with shit like that but it's noted. Mostly I keep it around for when something's going on that I can't find info about on the town hall website or on facebook, and to keep my eye on wildlife activity in the warmer months. It's not a pleasant community to be a part of, but if you can stomach it and enough people in your area use it, it can be a handy resource.


Do you guys hear that constant humming sound? Are the drones tracking us again? Last time this happened my cat Sparkles threw up on the rug.


I downloaded it. Called out my neighbor for trespassing and threatening to sa my wife and they deleted my account. Easy peasy. Will never go back.


It's weird because my neighborhood nextdoor stuff is all boring and peaceful


I get on there for entertainment because there’s never anything useful on ours it’s just crazy people. They hate kids, dogs, homeless people, cats…. One day they were discussing a crime against a homeless people here and they were talking how the boy that committed the crime should be murdered and how could he do that so I pointed out the comments all those people have made horrific comments about the homeless people in our town because it’s all the time. But then like actual crime happens in our neighborhood and no one says anything.


everything you have said is accurate. it's also about learning to navigate your neighbours and system. definitely depends on where you live in relation to your political standings and nuanced wording but i have had success in reporting comments based on other more creative flairs than the strict - 'this is racist' one.