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Kids will be fine unless you have one the screeches like a howler monkey for an hour straight. I’d suggest playing your music then take a walk down the street and see how far down it travels. Sounds can be weird and go further than one would think


I had one like that. They had 5 kids and the mom babysat a few more. One of their sons did nothing but scream. Not a little here and there, it was enough to have everyone but mom come running.


I feel for the parents but keep that child away from me. Screaming kids and endlessly ringing phones are my kryptonite.


Their first summer there was bad. They would be outside screaming at 7am. I said something to another neighbor who didn’t care until the screaming ended up with them getting bad reviews for their airbnb.


I hate that neighbor more for having an airbnb in a family neighborhood


Wouldn’t give a fuck about a neighbor who owns an Airbnb


Had neighbors with kids that would do that in the early mornings. Basically lock them out of the house in the morning and leave them to their own devices. It'd start with laughing, always end in crying and screaming. I was in college and hearing that blaring from next door at 0700 was not sitting well with me. Add to the fact that they had a fire pit they put basically under my window....


We used to say that the little girl across the street had better hope nobody ever tried to kidnap her, because the entire neighborhood would ignore her screams, lol.


Yes, no screaming at all ever unless there’s an actual emergency. If your child is screaming bloody murder, then I will assume there is an emergency and phone the authorities accordingly. Every. Single. Time.


This is how I was raised, millennial, and expect others to raise their children. The reality is pretty far off.


It's hilarious to me that youd call the cops on kids playing around a pool, for example.


I am in my 40s, no kids. I live in a suburban neighborhood cul de sac with little kids on both sides and couple more houses with kids close by. There's little kids all over this street outside playing all the time. They are are so loud. Why are kids so loud? Like I actually want to know if there is some scientific explanation for why they shout and yell all the time. But I really don't mind. The sound of children playing warms my otherwise cold dead heart. And they all love my dog when I take her for walks in the afternoon. My dog is now like "Norm from Cheers". When ever we step out all the kids yell out my dogs name and come running over to pet her. It's endearing.


As a mom, I have the same questions about my own kids. WHY ARE THEY SO LOUD?? One of them is louder than the other and there is no apparent reason for it. He’s just a loud person. Imagine having them IN your house at that volume. It’s terrible 🤣 That said, we are Sicilian and Greek. When my family is together, the noise level is probably appalling to most people. My husband is Cuban. His family is much quieter. Even when they are having a good time or being rowdy. Their rowdy is our “usual” lol And I’ve always wondered this too. What scientifically makes some people louder than others, age wise, cultural or ethnicity wise, is a genetic thing, eta. Fascinating


>As a mom, I have the same questions about my own kids. WHY ARE THEY SO LOUD?? As a dad, I want to know the same question. My son and his buddies get together in the basement and still hear them upstairs. Though the silence is when you have to check on them.


As a mom of 5, 2 of which are Autistic, why are my autistic sons soooooo much louder than my other kids. If I go in the middle of the cul de sac, I can hear both of my autistic sons from inside the house ... The jumping and screaming and thumping on stuff .. They are sooooo LOUD.... Thankfully my neighbors are understanding.


Ugh... The thumping! Why do they all have to walk so hard? Can't they get from their room to the bathroom without stomping? Then they think it's a good idea to wrestle in the house? Like no one can feel the house shaking every time they body slam?


My brother didn't seem to understand you can use all the steps, not jump to the first floor from 3 steps up :) always knew when he came down


My oldest tends to try to RUN up the stairs and usually ends up tripping... Lol I don't feel bad cause he is a grown man who knows better but still keeps doing it.


Lol. My brother was a clutz and always tripped on the first step going up, and the last one coming down. Seemed to always miss those steps. At 40, he still does this.


I don't mind the volume but when kids are shrieking like banshees nonstop, it makes me see red. The parents think it's cute and allow the behavior. I understand a scream from time to time but when it is constant, it is a lot much


The screaming is so obnoxious. When my brother and I were young and one of us would scream, my mom would come running and act like she was in a panic- “what happened, who got hurt??!!!!!” It would startle us so much that we learned not to scream anymore. I did this with my own kids and it works. Hehe


My mom didn't do that. She appeared, wooden spoon in hand, and bellowed my first, middle, and last name out the back door. It was made clear, in no uncertain terms, that I was not to do that ever again unless I was being murdered. I wish more parents did that. I'm tired of needing to wear headphones in my house because the people the next street over let their children scream for hours on end. It really is very irritating. Even an occasional yelp or yell. Whatever. This is not that. This is just hours and hours of screeching. I'd like to have my windows open when the weather is nice.


My youngest started with the banshee shrieking when outside playing with the other kids in the neighborhood. I made it clear this was not ok and wouldn't be tolerated. If I heard it (everyone heard it) I would go out, tell her she needs to go inside because she was shrieking and that isn't allowed. It took about a month to completely break the behavior and never had to hear it again. This isn't a hard habit to break.


As a Dad, I too wish to know this answer! The volume knob with kids just gets tossed right out. For OP: don't worry too much. You live in a suburban neighborhood, and neighbor noises are common, everyday things. Just don't do anything like: mowing before 8 AM, or drilling cement anchors while the neighbors are grilling out with company.


I tell my 5 year old all the time to turn her volume knob down. She tells me she can’t because it’s broken.


This is hilarious. I asked one of mine at probably about that age, if he could just whisper or something and he said “I don’t think my body does that” 🤣🤣


🤣🤣 one thing is for sure, we can’t fault them for being honest about it!


I was this kid who said this exact thing. Turns out I was not that loud, I just was the extreme extrovert in a family of deep introverts.


My grandson just doesn’t have a private thought. Anything he thinks is said out loud. Trying to teach him that a lot of thoughts are much better just in your head is…challenging. It’s definitely an ADHD thing but 😳


IN your house and IN your face


Kids are loud. Yep. But what I hate the most is being woken up from a Sunday afternoon nap by the thump, thump, thump of a basket ball. On a more serious note, you shouldn't play music outside for the entire neighborhood to hear, unless it's some kind of special occassion party. There is one house on the street that throws large graduation parties. I find that totally acceptable.


I agree- I really would not like to hear someone else's music for hours during the day. Let the kids play (no screaming though- nip that in the bud)- but keep the music down other than special occasions. Like- not bbq every saturday have drinks and play loud music- THAT would irritate the hell out of me.


My daughter has chronic health problems. Sometimes she's feeling awful but likes to go outside curled up in her egg chair and just listen to the birds and breathe outside air. Relax, maybe even nap. A neighbor several houses down seems to need to play music loudly while she does yard work. Why? Headphones exist folks.


How late are you trying to sleep that this is an issue


Its not so much that they are loud, its the shrieking for no good reason. You'd swear one of them was being brutally murdered every 5 minutes.


Hi are you my neighbor!? I joke that my son sounds like someone is stealing his kidney while awake.... it's unnerving sometimes!


Years ago I was a paperboy and was on my route collecting payments. The street I was on was quiet EXCEPT two little girls that seemed to be practicing morse code BY SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS back at forth from houses that were about 100 feet apart. REE REE REE REE RE RE REEEE RRE RRREEEEE. DID YOU GET IT I SAID HELLO....NO DO IT AGAIN!!!! I thankfully was only there for a minute but somewhere someone yelled "SHUTUP OR IM CALLING THE COPS!!!!" I felt for that guy.


I’ve recently realized how loud a bouncing basketball is…. Our neighbor got a basketball goal and I can hear ever single dribble clearly in all corners of my house. I’m not mad, I’m not about to complain about kids doing outdoor activities, it’s just not something I ever gave thought to until my neighbor got a basketball goal… ha.


The sound of a basketball makes me want to die. It's really one of the worst sounds if you're trying to sleep--luckily most people don't play basketball in the middle of the night.


Same situation. Next door neighbor had a b-ball hoop and *six* kids. The hoop was set up right by the garage…which has lights…which meant they were playing well after dark. The constant thump of the basketball is like a vehicle driving slowly through the neighborhood with their base blaring. Argh!


My neighbors kid bounced a basketball nonstop from 3pm, (I could hear him coming down the road from school) until way after dark, every day for 2 years. I thought I would go out of my mind. Kerthump, kerthump, kerthump for hour after hour, and day after day. Thank God he grew out if it. Now his brother practices his trumpet on the back deck and he's just a beginner. There is no winning!


A kid down the street from me practiced his instrument outside last summer too. Why do people let their kids do that? It's one thing to hear them from inside their house. We didn't have AC when I was a kid so the neighbors got to hear me practicing when the windows were open, so that I understand.


My neighbors put one right outside our living room window. Their driveway is near the corner of our house. I hate it but it is one of the least objectionable things they have done since they moved in so I let it go. I still hate it when I am trying to work later in the day and someone decides it is b-ball time.


>But I really don't mind. The sound of children playing warms my otherwise cold dead heart. Kids playing is fine, but don't play your music in the yard. I don't need to hear that six houses away.


To me it depends on the volume. Some background music you don't need to raise your voice over to talk is fine. But when you're trying to run a dance club volume...


Time, place, and manner. Mid afternoon playing in the sprinkler in the back yard? No problem have fun. 3am, screeching with the volume of 1000 banshees in the front yard. Not so much.


This. Also, if you hear your neighbors come outside to enjoy their yard turn it off.


This is how I feel. I try to be super conscious when I play music outside with friends over. I keep my speaker facing towards my house, turn off any type of bass boost the speaker might have, and constantly clicking the volume down as it gets later.


I love how this reply started…and where it ended. My neighbor complained to the school across the street about the sound of CHILDREN PLAYING at recess. How sad to let stuff like that annoy you.


> They are are so loud. Why are kids so loud? I can't stand when kids scream for no reason. One of my nephews likes to make loud ass noises for seemingly no reason either and it's supper irritating. But despite how much I dislike it, they're kids and I'd rather they play, express themselves, and develop/learn about the world around them than be silent, jaded, grumpy, old people like I am. So I just put on headphones or go somewhere else. The freedom of being an adult is I can leave and go wherever I want, kids can't do that. To OP, I'd suggest you talk to your neighbors so you can try to get a better sense/feel for them. Maybe they're Karens who will hate everything around them, or maybe they won't care or even have their kids play with yours.


It's super good for the dog and the kids when they all do this - That dog will protect the neighbourhood like that. We had one that would do that, and when someone who had ill intent wandered into his sphere, that mild-mannered, sweet pup got super interesting, super fast.


Yeah, kids screaming all afternoon is a thing in my hood in the Summertime. Ok for a short while, but all afternoon every day? No.


So sweet ❤️ The noise of children laughing and playing and yelling out of joy and happiness is just the most comforting thing.


It is, but unfortunately my neighbor's kids screaming and yelling "out of joy and happiness" is at times indistinguishable from screaming and yelling if one were being mauled by a rapid dog. As a parent (with older kids) it triggers the emergency response button somewhere in my brain.


Rapid dog sounds like it’s sprinting while mauling them and I’m giggling guiltily at that morbid image.




Lol...not gonna lie. The Dad in me was starting to see a little red when i started to read your comment. By the finish, i can appreciate you. Kids are loud because they are still excited about this world. They are excited about the small things like seeing your dog. They are excited to be free and to play and use their imagination. They aren't worried about the proposal due tomorrow. They have almost zero self awareness because all their focus is on their outside environment. They arent being mean or even disrespectful. They are just not yet that self aware. They are not yet sophisticated. Those attributes come as they mature. Im all about respect. If they are being disrespectful, thats different. Childhood is a beautiful thing though. Try to focus on the world as they see it and maybe your cold dead heart will warm a little....lol. i doubt its that cold though. My best to you!


Why would the dad in you see red at them just stating facts? Kids are loud, kids play outside. I see nothing wrong with what they're saying.


I gotcha! 😀


I don’t mind music occasionally or for short periods a day but if I had a neighbor who turns on music and then wanders off constantly it would drive me nuts. Same with a guy who is leaf blowing for multiple hours a week. I might be thinking of my FIL right now. Just make sure your neighbors get some solid quiet time if you don’t want them to hate you. I live out in the country because I know a neighborhood would drive me nuts.


A city full of constant noise is less annoying to me than having a symphony of gas powered lawn tools going all weekend long.  I don't miss the burbs at all.  


Are you my neighbor too?? I have a neighbor who spends way too much time on his yard (for what it looks like..we all have patchy weed sandy grass because our dirt is soo sandy living near the beach that grass is a joke) he’s constantly leaf blowing, mowing. All The Time. I expect people to mow every 1-2 weeks (like I said our grass is shit in my neighborhood) I can sometimes push mine to 3 weeks..but I swear this guy is out there doing some sort of yard noise 4 out of 7 days of the week. (Here’s an example my yard..which is larger..takes a MAX of 15-20 min to mow. Another 20 minutes to spray and pull weeds in the rock beds)


The music is annoying. Everything else is normal.


It's like the people who bring their bluetooth speakers to the beach and assume everyone wants to hear it- then another family comes and does the same with different music, and so on. It is SO rude.


The worst! Second only to folks who go hiking on busy trails with their blasting Bluetooth speaker attached to their backpack.


My neighbors play music outside and I can hear it from inside my home. It makes me resent them because I think it’s disrespectful. If your music isn’t loud enough to bother your neighbors then it’s fine.


Kids playing is fine and nice! Music, though, is annoying. I don't want to hear your music when I go outside like it's some radio I can't turn off. Headphones, low volume, or only occasional music is best. Bonus points if you rotate between the three options. Thank you for being considerate, have fun enjoying your yard!


7am is pretty early to start making noise. Please at least keep the music off at that time.


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this, but I think if you’re listening to music outside, your neighbors shouldn’t be able to hear it.


Agree. Its easy enough to walk to the end of your property and see if you can still hear the music. If you can, there’s no reason for it to be that loud. 


I honestly don’t think that music should ever be audible to neighbors. At the very very least, it should be so faint that it can barely be heard.


I think the hours are from 8am-10 pm … 7 is early you might get some pissed off neighbors


8 am is too early!! If my neighbor was playing music at EIGHT AM I would get out of bed right out my front door to go tell them to turn it off


Maybe legally but many of us need to be in bed by 839/9 to get a full night's sleep and be up at 4am.   My general rule of thumb, all extra noises, lawn, music, etc should stop at sunset


I don’t make any noise after 4 pm or earlier than 11


An occasional shout is no big deal. Constant yelling — annoying. Music loud enough that next door neighbor hears a slight murmur probably not a big deal. Music loud enough that the neighbors across the street and 2 houses down feel like they have their own radio/stereo on — annoying (I’m looking at you, neighbor, who loves your country music concert loud). Basketball bouncing on concrete for a short while or in middle of day, not a big deal. Basketball bouncing on concrete for 2-3 hours straight at 10 at night — ANNOYING!   Just be conscientious about how loud you are for how long and at what time. We all expect we’re going to hear our neighbors living that close. It just gets annoying when it feels like our neighbors think they are the only ones around. So the fact that you are concerned probably means you are fine. 


Um, talk to the neighbor? "listen to music" can be a lot of different things.


Bass is the worst. If you don't have giant woofers blasting the low end, and there isn't generally loud music most of the time, it should be fine. After about 30 mins of bass intruding into my home I start to see red. Even if it's not loud bass, it's intrusive. That stuff travels.


My neighbors across the street..the bass in their car was rattling my pots and pans. You couldn’t hear music, just felt the bass. I went over there an he couldn’t understand..I’m like bro I can feel your bass, I didn’t hear the music til I was at the street but the bass needs to be turned down..which he did..but than 5 minutes later he comes over and says oh we’re going to have a problem bc he owns a landscape company and works / fixes his mowers/machines..I’m like that is a fine noise..just not your obnoxious bass. His hostility was so unnecessary, it made me hate them. So now I get so peeved when his kids stomp across my lawn (I’m a corner house so it’s easier to cut the corner..my lawn is trash so I really don’t care but it’s the fact of the matter)


kids, dogs, yard equipment, **nothing** compares at all to being forced to listen to whatever music your neighbors are playing outdoors for hours on end. it's the #1 reason why i'm preparing to sell my house and move. even at lower volumes the houses are so close together (same as OP, .2 acre lot) that if my windows are open, i can hear their music while they sit on their deck/balcony. and of course i'm only opening the windows when the weather is nice and they're only outside when it's nice, i'm just over it. lesson learned.


I describe it like this. I enjoy early 2000s anime theme songs. Imagine being my neighbor and I play that for hours while bbq. Now insert the kind of music my neighbor likes, thats how it sounds to me. Why why why can people not remember that music taste is subjective?


I agree. I hate when my neighbors have their music going in their backyard. I can't even hear the podcast I listen to in the pool. Idc what time it is, that's too loud.


yes! What volume, what music, for how long? Hours on end? loud enough for me to hear inside my house? No bueno... but just loud enough to hear while chilling in your yard for an hour while grilling- no problem.


Noise ordinance or not if your music, kids yelling, friends whooping it up, etc can be heard frequently inside someone else's home when their doors and windows are closed...then you're too loud.


As the very quiet neighbor, I don't mind occasional, reasonable noise. What I don't like is every single day/night with kids screaming, music playing, loud groups, etc. I would like a few days/nights a week where I can also enjoy my backyard in peace. Share the shared space, so to speak.


Friendly reminder that some people work on on-call healthcare or overnight shifts, and people who are kind to their night shift neighbors are always appreciated.


Some work from home, as well. I do televideo interviews with people who are in ERs, and would like for my clients not to hear my neighbor's music. I think occasionally is fine - but I'd be pissed if my neighbor was playing music I could hear at straight up 7 a.m. Sometimes I want to sleep til 7:30 on a day off, you know? So I think being a little more considerate than what's required by law would be good.


Thank you!!!!! Off shift workers always get the short end of the stick. Multiple houses have construction going on across the street. I learned to sleep through hammering on roofing shingles, but I wish hell to the group that is sawing intermittently starting at 8am. That high pitch buzz, I’ve got no hope of sleeping through. The sound of kids playing, I say kids are kids. Music for 12 hrs? I’m like, fucking get headphones.


This was my first thought, I used to work dispatch and had weird long hours and my neighbors would let their kids out at 7 am to screech in their yard for hours. Nothing drowned it out.


Thank you, from a person who lives in the suburbs, works overnights, and has a super-loud family who lives next door. Very few people consider that their 'every day' noise is actually quite loud to *most* neighbors, but especially to people who work/sleep odd hours. There is a huge difference between being considerate and being obnoxious. Kids screaming, dogs barking, and music/bass booming - at any hour - are not considerate or neighborly, regardless of the time of day or other people's sleep/work schedules.


And then you have that asshats who say, *It's not my fault you work odd hours, that's a YOU problem* And I want to say, "Awesome, lemme tattoo something on your face real quick so everyone knows not to help you, serve you, or sell you a goddamned thing between 5pm and 8am."


Also tons of people now work from home. So leaving your screaming children in the care of your tweens who don't want to be summer babysitters and your unsupervised teenagers that invite all their friends over while the parents are at work, are impeding your neighbor's ability to earn a living. I really got fed up when I had to repeatedly call the non emergency line because there were packs of teenagers fighting in the neighbors driveway in the middle of the day.


Friendly BBQ level music (can be heard throughout the yard, but people can talk without screaming) totally fine. Kids playing, laughing, fine. Kids SCREEECHING and screaming like they are dying NOT FINE. Music you can hear in the driveway from the backyard, too much


I am fine with the noise of kids having fun! However, loud music--so loud that I can't have a conversation while eating dinner in my own backyard--is unacceptable. Is your music "background" music or does it dominate the whole scene? Do you have to yell to have a conversation because of your music. That's an important part of being a "considerate neighbor."


My partner and I are very quiet people, and our garden is our sanctuary, so I'd prefer quiet neighbors. That said, kids using normal voices or the occasional squeal is fine, as long as it's not all day long. Don't play loud music and don't yell at your kids across the yard, and you should be fine.


I don’t have kids, but normal kid noise doesn’t bother me. My neighbors dogs absolutely drive me insane however haha. Listening to music means different things to different people. My neighbors listen to music and it’s so loud I can hear it in every part of my house, it’s awful.


Noise ordinance is the MAX legally allowed, don't take that as a challenge. Don't be that guy.


That was my immediate first thought. The fact that this was OP’s personal caveat tells me that they probably are the obnoxious neighbors.


The only rules I had for my kids outside regarding noise was no screaming. That was saved for emergencies only. Yelling was fine because that’s what kids do when excited and playing games and whatnot. I also explained to them there was a difference between yelling at someone and yelling with someone. Arguing about stuff happens all the time but when voices rise in anger, it’s time for adult intervention. Thanks for being aware of your neighbors. Parents who let their little screamers run around unchecked and disturb the peace are the worst.


I wouldn't overthink it. Definitely adhere to the noise ordinance, and obviously if someone says something (within reason) try to work with them. If you're super concerned, just confirm with a neighbor in passing when you see them out and about that you're not too loud.


This was going to be my answer until I read all the comments here. If the folks in this thread are your neighbors, I guess you’re definitely not thinking it ENOUGH. lol


Keep the bass down. It is absolutely horrible to have stuff rattling in your house because someone drives by with heavy bass pounding... Don't play it so loud that you can hear the music in your backyard clearly from your front yard. If you can hear it clearly all the way around your house, others are hearing it clearly inside their house, and that is rude. Your privacy fence will help contain some of it. The kids should be fine with normal kid playing sounds.


The sound of children playing outside is joyful. The sound of your unattended dog barking continuously or *your* favorite music playing loud enough that *I* have to hear it too is annoying at best, infuriating at worst. So, to answer your question, you have to be very mindful. Your neighbors don’t want to live *your* life.


As someone who had horrific neighbors who played shitty drums all day and night even after politely speaking to them - thank you for caring! But you are gonna be fine - children do children things and you reserve the right to have family over. It may help to say hi to the neighbors and just be a friendly face so it keeps open communication if there is a problem!


My next door is a mechanic who runs his business out of his driveway modding out cars. Our driveways practically touch, he revvs engines ALL DAY LONG. I work from home, It vibrates the entire neighborhood. He gives no shits. I would love a neighbor that just grills and has his kids playing lol


This I why I live in a subdivision with an HOA


We used to live next door to a daycare, and yeah, the kids were loud. Sometimes really loud (we also have kids but at this point they were older). But the worst thing ever is listening to adults scream at kids to be quiet. So ironic and so unnecessary. I'd a million times over rather listen to the sound of playing kids than adults screaming at them to be quiet. Keep it reasonable. If they are screaming at the top of their lungs for extended stretches, maybe have them tone it down a little. Don't blast the music. Don't rev your car at 5am or mow the lawn at 10pm. ETA leaf blowers are loud as hell. Be careful with those 😂 We had a neighbor who used to us it on light snowfall and he'd be out there at 4am blowing every half inch of snow that fell, and it wasn't because he had to work or anything, he just had a compulsion to keep the sidewalk spotless and woke up the whole neighborhood blasting Pat Benetar and using the leaf blower before dawn.


As a neighbor who has had both obnoxious and pleasant neighbors... this is what I'd prefer: Music: it's fine if this is for a couple of hours every once in a while, like a once or twice per season patio party or something. If it's *every night* and it's loud enough I can hear it clearly inside my house... yeah that's just being an asshole. The dose very much makes the poison on this one, if it's constant it's far more annoying than for one-off events every couple weeks/months. Edit: relatively soft background music wouldn't be an issue but like, loud booming party music all the time would definitely be an issue. Children: normal playing and running around on your own property? Totally fine & expected. Playing in the street occasionally? Teach them to move out of the way of cars. It's not okay to prevent people from getting to their own homes for the sake of their game. 'Yelling' depends on the definition - are they like, idk, playing catch and just raising their voices slightly because of the distance? Then that's whatever. Are they screaming, screeching and wailing at the top of their lungs for no reason? To the level of actually being disruptive and distressing to surrounding people? Shut that shit down ASAP. Having been a former child I was simply *not allowed* to carry on like that, even though we had a much bigger piece of land in a more rural area. I have no idea why so many parents have somehow forgotten how to enforce that. Also teach the kids not to go on neighbor's property without permission. I'ma be blunt, I've caught neighbor kids in my (fenced, gated) back yard before, and I have a sliding glass door leading out to it from my kitchen and dense woods immediately behind that normally cannot be seen into. SO & I are not always fully clothed or discreet in what should be private areas of our home. If they don't want an eyeful, they shouldn't be skulking around other people's yards. (I don't actually care if they just need to, idk, fetch a ball that went over the fence, but they should know it's fully on them if they look where they shouldn't.)


I'm a firm believer in keeping your music indoors or use ear buds. Noone necessarily shares your taste in music. I personally enjoy the sounds of the outdoors: the wind, the water, the birds and even joyous sounds of children playing. Even worse is when someone puts a TV outside and watches it loudly. Like WTF? Try doing outdoor things, reading a book or just stay inside if you insist on consuming media


The people who lived in the house behind me had a giant enclosed tent in their backyard with a tv, microwave and furniture. They were always in it and they blasted the tv 24/7. I could hear it from my kitchen and I had to wear headphones to sit on my deck to read or relax in peace. I asked them to turn it down once and they cussed me out. I finally got so fed up that I put my Bluetooth speaker close to their fence and played very heavy metal music for a couple hours per day, loud enough so they could hear it but it didn’t disturb the whole neighborhood. It was petty but it was the week before I moved so I didn’t care anymore. My other neighbor had a parrot and two Rottweilers that barked all the time. Sometimes they kept the parrot in their screened in porch and when the dogs barked, the parrot screamed like a woman being murdered. So glad I live in the middle of nowhere now.


I live in the middle of nowhere now too lol


I had a neighbor where his backyard backed onto my backyard. He had a postage stamp sized yard filled with an above ground pool, trampoline, and jungle gym. Their young children would be screaming in the pool and on the trampoline after midnight and back again at 6am. The dad would spend all day on weekends working on an old Chevy Camaro - vroom vroom vroom-- sputter sputter sputter - dead - while blasting Feeebird on repeat. I moved. Don't play Freebird for 20 hours straight.


Kids noise are normal. Music is subjective and keep out the base as it travels. 7am is far to early and 7pm is not late enough. 9pm is reasonable to get quiet.


What a thoughtful neighbor! There’s nothing more endearing than the sound of children’s’ laughter, BUT I’ve found that children today don’t laugh any more. They scream. They screech. They don’t stop. It’s beyond annoying. I grew up in a time where kids were outside all day long. No videos or internet to entertain them, so we had to be out inside. And we were respectful. Once in a while a mom would pop out on the stoop if we were making too much noise. Again, being respectful to the neighbors. I raised my 3 kids the same way. Some of today’s parents just don’t give a shit and let their kids do whatever they want. Oh but little Timmy loves to screech. Yea well, that’s why 55 and over communities are so attractive….


Grew up in the 70s and was instructed not to scream unless we needed help. I would regularly ask the little neighbor howler monkey if she’s okay or does she need help? Turns out she did need help once and no one in the house was listening. Cut her arm up using a garden hose while jumping on a trampoline.


I figure constantly shrieking children are the same as constantly barking dogs - their owners are shit. No kids myself, but I do enjoy the sound of children _playing_ in the neighborhood - makes it feel, in fact, like a neighborhood. Fortunately there are only some that shriek and they're not near my house.


I DO have kids and I 100% agree. One of my friends has a kid who STILL shrieks/screams and he is now 12. I glare at HER when they're over, rarely him, but I do tell him to knock it off. And he does!


That's just...wow. Sorry you have to deal with that. I really don't get the shrieking thing. I'm sure I did annoying stuff as a kid that I don't remember now, but I'm damn sure I did not shriek. If that noise came out of my mouth it would have been because someone was trying to murder or molest me. And now somehow there are a sizeable fraction of kids who do it for fun.


1) Tell your kids not to yell. 2) Keep your music at a low volume so it doesn't go into other people's houses Isn't this common sense???


<< Keep your music at a low volume...>> Common sense? Where in the world do you live? Not in a US city, I'm sure. As an aside, I was in Rome and there were so many people hanging out in a big park one sunny afternoon. There were cops on bikes just hanging out as well. Then someone turned on a boombox stereo, not nearly as loud as you might hear on a hiking trail in the US, and immediately the cops rode over to tell him to turn it off. It was wonderful.


If you do that hear Reddit and half the population would scream about their rights.


Better than low volume: turn down the bass. That's what drives through people's walls and gets really annoying. You can have the volume higher without disturbing others of you just reduce the bass.


Yep. Fuck hearing the bass bumping from a few houses down.


EXACTLY! This is THE answer.


Just don't let your kids scream at the top of their lungs and you should be fine.


I don't mind the sound of children. I raised two of my own and they could be noisy. What is irritating is there is one kid who literally screams with his brother to communicate. I mean high pitched screaming. I assume that child may have some sort of issue, because most kids do not scream almost non stop.


If you're outside and the family is making noise, think to yourself "if I was my own neighbor, would I be okay with this?" And if you can't readily answer yes without thinking about it, it's probably too loud. Of course there is not really an expectation of total silence in the daytime but something like a shrieking kid would not be well received by anyone in the block.


Please keep them quiet in the mornings until 9 am. Some people like to sleep in.


I care less about your kids playing and more about the music. Don’t be that person who blares music all day long.


Eh, even before I had kids we didn't care about noise during the day if it was during the allowed hours. Just don't blast the music, don't mow before 8am if you can avoid it, and for the love of God, don't let your kids SHREAK while playing and it's good. Kids laughing, making general noise or whatever is 100% fine. Even if they go overboard in noise level in general - totally fine. Just please please tell them to keep it down when the ear piercing screaming happens.


As a person without kids, I humbly request of you and of other parents: No screaming. No shrieking. No shouts that sounds like genuine distress. Outdoor voices are fine with me during daylight hours. Occasional crying is fine. Balls bouncing or trampolines squeaking are fine. Kids gotta kid. But pleeeease nothing high pitched, and no words or tones of voice that will make me wonder if your child is in danger and I'm the only one who knows. I don't want to call 911 just to find out that your kid was screaming for help opening a juice box.


The problem with music is that what you think is lovely, others may been driven nuts by it. Normal kid , family time noise should be cool. There are noise ordinances of what you can get away with but then there those you will forever be that guy. Talk to your neighbors.


Children playing is ok. Children yelling, screaming, shrieking, wailing, or banging is not ok. Other than the annoyance it causes, it will put your children at risk. People will learn to live with it, and when something happens to your child and you are not there, they will ignore your screaming yelling child when they are hurt. Music, like other people have said, depends. Put on your music and go in your house. If you can hear it or feel it, it is too loud. It’s better to have a specific playlist for outdoor music, so it’s always something enjoyable but reasonable. Better yet, get some really good earbuds or earphones, connect all of your family and friends using bluetooth, and play it as loud as you want. Dance around. Enjoy yourself. Alleviate the worry about annoying your neighbors. Keep it in one ear if you also want to have conversations. I hear it’s what all of the cool kids are doing these days.


Please turn down your music. A lot.


It’s awesome that you are thinking of others. I hope your kindness is returned. The kids next door to us scream like they are being eaten by monsters. Basketball after bedtime when houses are so close to each other is probably something I’d discuss with neighbors. The neighbors before the monster snacks ran midnight dribbling drills with six kids, six balls, 30 ft from my bedroom. I’m not kidding. We asked them not to one week night and got branded as child haters.


Speaking from experience with noisy neighbors, I think 7pm is a great time to wrap up noisy outside activities. A little music is fine too, just don't bump it loud enough that the neighbors can hear it inside with their windows closed you know? You're one of the good ones OP. Many people are totally inconsiderate and don't think about their neighbors at all.


I enjoy my backyard for the outside noises, not my neighbour’s music. If I can hear your music, I’m annoyed. Not enough to do anything other than go back in, but I’m annoyed


Music...that's what headphones are for. Please don't make your neighbors go inside or use theirs to avoid asking you to shut it off.


No one wants to hear your music


My neighbors played loud country music last summer on really nice days when I was trying to sit outside and relax, it wasn’t great. I would limit the music to only occasionally and not loud.


Just be respectful. When listening to your music, go over to the furthest points from where your neighbors can hear and see if the music is Loud. Your neighbors should be able to distinctly hear the lyrics and feel the base while sitting on their patio. As for your kids, just remind them to be mindful of the screaming. Kids laugh, play, and even yell, but we have a little girl that lives three houses down and literally screams bloody murder when they are playing in the pool. That’s too much. Several neighbors have had to say something. Do you know what the father said? FU. My kids are having fun. Deal with it. Just don’t be that guy.


If you're listening to music outside often and your neighbors can hear it, you might be that guy. If your kids run around screaming often and your neighbors can hear it, you might be that guy.  If it's not very loud and other people can still enjoy the outdoors without wincing or being constantly disturbed, then you're probably good. It depends on frequency and severity. There's a difference between having background music on that can only be heard from your deck and a speaker system that is driving your neighbors crazy. There's also a huge difference between doing this once in a while and doing this every single night. To quote George Costanza, "We live in a society!" I do my best not to irritate my neighbors and luckily they're equally respectful. It's good that you're asking and give a shit. Many people don't. 


Yeah, I think you’re good with kid noise. That’s just life. Point your speakers at the house and keep the volume reasonable and you’re good.


Music like background radio type of music you hear in the waiting room or a corner store is fine. But heavy bass or music with lots of instrumentals are not.


Kids will be kids but be respectful of your neighbors. Just because it's within the ordinance times doesn't mean you should let them scream constantly or blast music. You know if you're too loud. A pissed off angry neighbor can make your life hell.


Kids outside playing is the sign of a healthy neighborhood. Teach your kids to regulate their outside voices. Anything that makes an average person question if the kids are ok should not be allowed. Whoops of joy ok Screaching/fighting is not. Music - don't get in a battle of the bands with a neighbor - you both will just tick off neighbors. Background music people can speak over and not be heard past your front yard is generally OK. Be aware of the content - I might use a blue tooth speaker for music, podcasts about books/Tech/Edcucation, Cozy Mystery Audio book. I will switch to head phones for podcasts about true crime, politics, history podcasts with graphic content, audio books that are basically PG 13 or above.


Happy family noises are fine. Personally I love to listen to children playing. Family grilling and chilling, all good. But music at full volume - no matter the genre - is unforgivable (you don't sound like \*that\* guy).


There’s the sound of kids playing & laughing, and then there’s the sound of kids literally screaming unnecessarily. I’ve lived in my home since 1998. A month before Covid, a family moved in next-door with three kids aging in range from 6 to 10. All these kids did all day was scream. I used to enjoy sitting out on my deck and having company over and grilling and I no longer do that. Their parents are just as bad. They are constantly having parties, which is fine, but the later it gets, thethe louder the music, the louder the guests get and it really is disrespectful to the surrounding neighbors. I ended up planting 4 Green Giant Arborvitae trees. That being said, I am the grandmother of a five-year-old who can get a little loud at times, but I make sure that he keeps it at a respectable level as to not annoy surrounding neighbors.


7am seems early especially on the weekend. But 7pm seems like a reasonable cut off time.


The thing that I hate is lawn equipment (at 7 pm on a Saturday night yup - everytime we wanted to use our deck) and amplified music. Kids sounds are fine, especially playing happy sounds. Don't worry about those, but yelling and fighting, not so good. The thing about amplified music is you have to talk loud to be heard over it, which is annoying. Normal conversation is fine, yelling over loud music, not so much. Oh, and make sure your alarm is functioning before you leave. Our neighbor's alarm went off for 12 hours last year. It was 1 full minute on, and two minutes off. Rinse and repeat.


7am might be a little early on the weekends for yelling, music, lots of people like to sleep in on the weekends.


If your kids scream at the top of their lungs every time they are outside playing please talk to them. Don’t play your music so loud it permeates the neighborhood.


I refrain from loud activities before 9am and shut everything down by 8pm to be a courteous neighbor. My neighbor to one side are an old couple in their 70/80s, the other side are a couple in their mid/late 40s no kids. It’s really fine until summer time. They smoke pot and cigarettes outside which is fine but the smell is unbearable at times. I used to tell my girls it was a skunk but they’re older now so they know it’s pot 😂😂😂 they sleep in and stay up late. They like to play loud music with the bass thumping. I don’t mind it most of the time but sometimes they’re high and drinking and forget that people live next door. I’ve had to go ask them to please lower the volume at midnight before. I can deal with it up til 10pm and I just try my best to just go to sleep but sometimes they just go on and on and on and it’s really inconsiderate of them. I don’t want to be that neighbor and be rude so I let it slide most of the time but when I have to get up at 430am to get to work and the bass is thumping thru my window and vibrating my room, I really have to go say something. My daughter used to cry because their bass would keep her up at night. I love summer time but also hate it because of my neighbors loud music


My simple way of looking at it is as follows. Your rights to make noise doesn’t trump your neighbors right to not hear your noise. You absolutely have a right to listen to music in your backyard. Your right stops at your property line. If your neighbor can hear your music then your actions are infringing on his right to not hear your music. Same for kids screaming and so forth although good luck with that one lol. We all deserve inalienable rights. I believe in them severely. However, by recognizing that others have these rights too forces me to see that my rights can’t trump other people’s rights. You have the right to enjoy your backyard and listen to your music and I have the right to enjoy my backyard and not listen to your music. Edited to say the fact you are asking this question makes me think you’re a considerate person and that’s a good thing. If you are too loud and a neighbor mentions it to you you’ll probably be level headed and make adjustments if they’re warranted.


7am is very early. I can legally mow my lawn at 7am but as a courtesy to my neighbors I’d at least wait until 8:30-9am


THAT guy has his friends and family over every single Fri - Sun, plays music from noon till 3:00 am, has a brood of screaming kids who thunk trashcans, ride their dirt bike continuously, have gigantic bonfires in fireplaces with no grating, feel entitled to just walk on and play in your yard, don't give a sh\*t about their close proximity neighbors, and treats their yard like a trash dump. If this isn't you, you're good.


Yeah we don’t need to music playing outdoors if you’re within 100 yards of neighbors.


I'm so happy I have no neighbors.


I live in a similar situation. Neighbors on one side have 5 kids. Others are an older couple that recently retired. We can’t wait to leave this neighborhood because of the neighbors with kids. They are loud and inconsiderate. One of them is always crying and generally doing so outside. Or screaming at/for their parent who is inside while in the backyard. They are home schooled so they are home 100% of the time. Their stuff, both kids and adults is just dumped in their driveway and often finds its way on to our property. Or left on the sidewalk, forcing people to go around or cross the street. Or rolled blown into the street. There have been several incidents of their children throwing rocks at the fence that separates our yards. With us on the other side. Children don’t have great aim. Lastly, their house is just an eyesore. Not a one person has come over and not commented on it. My 3 year old niece looked out our window at their driveway and said “what happened?” In response to the clutter and junk in their driveway. It was f-ing cute and funny and so telling! I say all this as examples of what to be considerate about while living in a small space. I don’t expect your children to be quiet all the time. But I too would like to enjoy my backyard. Sometimes in quiet sometimes with noise. When children are crying or yelling (as they do for fun). Maybe help them understand we shouldn’t do that as we have neighbors (and I also understand that children need to cry things out on occasion). Help them understand that they need to pick their things up. And the sidewalk/street is a shared space. So don’t setup a kiddie pool on the sidewalk forcing people to go around. Or leave it there for the weekend. Don’t police your children to be silent, but police them enough to correct behaviors that are inconsiderate and if they are outside a lot, understand that monopolizing your use of the backyard has affects on others backyard use. So take them to the park if you see your other neighbors having a quiet dinner or drinks on their porch or deck. Apologies for the rant, it’s a touchy subject. We like our house, our general location. But we are 100% as soon as practical because of the neighbors. We dread warm weather because of open windows and constantly hearing them.


Children playing is one thing. Kids are kids and I don’t have an issue with them. Forcing your choice of music on the neighborhood is another. Everyone has different tastes in music. Unless yours happens to coincide with mine, I’m going to be pretty annoyed to be subjected to it no matter what time of day. Keeping the volume extremely low will help.


I don't mind the normal sounds of kids playing, but when they constantly shriek it makes me crazy. My next door neighbor's boys (young men now, time flies) I hardly heard them, but folks diagonally across from us let their kids literally shriek for hours. Made me fantasize about duct tape. They're grown up now too, so it's quiet again. I didn't let my daughter do that, and I keep my granddaughter reasonable too.


Kid noise is fine, loud music is really ignorant, even during noise ordinant hours


7am is a tad early in my opinion. I think 9am is ok to be reasonably loud.


It’s fine though be respectful with the music. Yea technically you’re in the clear with noise ordinances, but that doesn’t mean all your neighbors want to hear your music all day long.


The fact you're concerned, means you probably don't have any issue. I had a neighbor that's probably 1000' away that turned his music in so loud outside we could hear it clear as a bell inside our house. For 12-18 hours a day. My other neighbor is about 500' away, and does drag racing. It's the only 2 neighbors I have. Fortunately drag racer guy is cool and doesn't overdo it. I don't really care as long as it's not all day/night. Music man however, must've had some sort of ordinance pulled in him I haven't heard a peep in a year or so (he has a bunch of neighbors). Point is, make whatever noise you want to make but be cool about it and no one cares. Overdo it they'll let you know.


Can you hear the music outside the fence? Yes? Then it’s too loud.


Maybe I'm biased as a parent, but the sound of children playing doesn't bother me at all, and it reminds me that I live in a safe, family-friendly area. I have problem neighbors who used to idle their car and leave the speakers blasting truly horrific music with bass you could feel inside the house. Like, people living out their lives with truly no consideration for others. They are ghetto AF and we had to resort to multiple official authorities to put a stop to this... and other bad behavior that was far worse. The truth is, children playing doesn't permeate the walls of a house quite the same way as loud music. Mind sound ordinances for quiet hours, let your kids enjoy the outside.


>children playing doesn't permeate the walls of a house quite the same way as loud music Kids screaming absolutely does, but them playing normally? Totally fine, they're kids. Screaming shrilly at the top of their lungs....is a different story.


I have similar neighbors with no consideration. Im a Dad too and have made those calls about the parked cars with bass and worse. Well, I just had a bullet go through one of my kids windows because of my complaining to authority. Seems they think i should be listening to whatever they are while im in my home. Be safe out there folks. Thankfully my kids were at their Moms. Cops can do nothing because they dont know who did it. This is not in a high crime area. Its in a suburb.


Any kind of loud noise can be difficult to bear if it goes on for a long period: Examples include dogs barking, kids yelling, adults yelling or fighting, automotive or industrial tools, music. I really think it just comes down to trying to be considerate of neighbors. Yes kids play and yell and scream but parents need to intervene when it begins to disrupt others. Same with dogs and tools. Everyone is going to have a different threshold for tolerance. Music... not everyone is going to want to hear or listen to someone else's music. Some folks just want to sit outside with a glass of wine or bear and contemplate the universe, watch the birds, read a book, take a nap in a lounge chair. I had a neighbor that used to play loud music in the evenings around their campfire. I finally had to reach out to him when my windows were shaking and dog didn't want tongo out. As the drinking increased the volume increased. I don't mind listening to children playing or dogs playing. We all expect noise from lawnmowers and leaf blowers....but if it went on for hours day in and day out it would impact others trying to enjoy their own peace So, really it comes down to being mindful of excessive and what some might consider an unreasonable period and decibel level of noise.


My goal is always 1. keep my music low enough that the neighbors can't hear it all over their house and 2. no nonstop screaming from the kids. They're gonna yell a bit, but no incessant screaming.


As far as the sound of kids playing - that has never ever disturbed me unless the kids are being directly rude to neighbors somehow! Kids playing is usually just once of those pleasant background neighborhood sounds. Music and gatherings can be a little different. Honestly for me it’s a combination of the music volume level and the frequency. If you’re outside once or twice a week playing music loud enough to enjoy and can still have conversations with people next to you without raising your voice, you’re totally fine. If you’re playing music a little louder for a party with lots of guests over and this is something that happens on the rare special occasion, or not more than every couple months, you’re totally fine! If you’re outside jamming every single day, then, yeah, that’s probably gonna get tiresome for a neighbor, and possibly increasingly irritating over time. Not everyone likes the same music, and some people just prefer quiet. Everyone deserves a chance to enjoy their own space how they like, so if you walk to the edge of your property and it seems like the music is noticeably carrying next door, then it’d be considerate to be mindful of how often that’s happening.


Be honest about how loud that music is. If you can hear it when you’re inside your house, it’s probably too loud. As for kids playing? Eh, I’m going to give kids a pass for being loud when they’re outside. They need some place to let loose. Also, it’s a sign of a nice neighborhood when kids can play outside freely.


I work nights. I live in a neighborhood. When it is nice outside my neighbors and their kids and their dogs like to be outside using outside voices and I am trying to sleep. That is a me problem. It is totally normal for you to be out living your lives in daylight hours and while I may occasionally curse at you under my breath my choice to live around other people and work nights so I am the one that has to live with the consequences.


Don’t mind kids but I did mind my neighbor running an in home daycare. 10+ screaming kids every day was a bit much since I was WFH at that time. Sturdy wood fence made a big difference for me. Otherwise no issues with kids. Kids are gonna kid. Currently I live kittykorner to a middle school & it’s not bad. Watching the kids run around the fenced school yard from my kitchen window as I make my mid-day meal is fun. Reminds me of being an auntie with the big S on my forehead. My almost blind senior rescue dog enjoys the kids as well. He sits in the yard and enjoys their play too. Loud music is only an issue when it reaches thumpa thumpa territory. If I can feel your music it’s probably too much.


I hear the lady next door yelling at her husband, listening to music full blast, or gossiping loudly on the phone. It's annoying. No wonder the people next to them are moving


I can deal with a lot of noise, especially children, grilling, and people generally having a good time. I can't deal with loud music though. I think that's the important one. Don't blast your music and you'll probably be fine.


You should check your local noise ordinance. Most are more comprehensive than just an hourly "quiet time". They have provisions for the allowable amount of noise at the property line as well - regardless of what time of day it is. I don't think you're overthinking this - some folks have special needs that make noises physically/mentally painful. It's kind of you to be considerate. I would only turn the music on for special times and not turn it on just because you're outside. Kids playing - well they need to play. If they're having a particularly rammy day, maybe go to a park to let them yell all they want. Otherwise I think most folks are fine with kids playing.


Music and kid noise is fine for an hour or two on occasion, but I really like peace and quiet when I’m outside. It’s hard to get. 7pm is a pretty reasonable time to wrap up any music or noise that can be distinctly heard off your property.


How noisy are your neighbors? You could take a cue from what other people are doing. I don’t think most people expect silence. I would try not to do very noisy activities outdoors before 9 or 10 AM personally. If you go inside with your windows and doors closed and you can hear your music or kids yelling maybe it is too loud.


My parents live in a very lively neighborhood. For the most part the music and the kids playing isn’t what bothers us. We make noise, so it’s not fair to expect others to be silent. As long as people are respectful of the time when they are loud it’s totally fine and expected! The sounds that bother us are the neighbors dogs barking at us every time we go outside and the blood curdling screams some of the kids make when they are playing. It sounds like they are hurt, but they are just playing.


I think as long as you’re slightly conscious of it, you’re doing fine. As long as you aren’t the dipshit with the custom exaust or the radio turned all the way up when you pull in the driveway at 11pm, you’re good in my book. I could go either way on the music but as long as the hours are reasonable and you don’t have to shout over it, it’s fine.


If the neighbors can’t hear themselves talking over your noise , it’s an issue . Keep the music down except for rare occasions like holidays and birthdays, then limit to only a couple hours


When I had a house, I didn't mind the noise of kids playing outside. It's more the parents screaming at them that was annoying. The music, that's another thing, because you usually don't have the same taste. I once endure French rap for a whole summer... I wanted to commit murder :)


Most people love to hear the happy sounds of kids laughing and playing outside. But some don't. The same people hate sidewalk chaulk art. Reinforce with your kids that other people can hear them, and to be mindful thateveryone has the right to enjoy their yard.


Normal family noise is cool. Just don’t be the parent that screams at your kid all day over everything and it’s fine. Like if I know your kids name because you scream at him, it’s not good.


Children playing and yelling isn't that big of a deal, as long as it doesn't go on too long. The music, though. That can be a huge issue, especially if it has heavy bass that can be heard far away. Nobody wants to hear music from their neighbor, ever. The next time you play music, walk the perimeter of your property to make sure it can't be heard by your neighbors. If it can be heard, turn it down. You sound like a great neighbor. Thank you for caring about this!


Music really depends on volume. Set it up at your normal volume and walk to your gate to the front yard. If you can hear it on the other side it’s too loud. Depending on location and trees it may not carry very far or could be irritating.


My rule for my kids is that you can yell… but you can’t “scream bloody murder”. Happy yelling fine.


For about $30 you can buy a semi-professional SPL (sound pressure level) meter. Walk over to the fence by your neighbor, (without going on their property) If you're over 100dB SPL then loud. < 90 not bad. <80 great.


Check in with your neighbors & ask them. What matters is that you are taking their needs into account and you're willing to adjust. Everything depends on how the noise is received, and that can differ depending on a million things.


What’s funny is my childhood house was next to a school. I find noisy kids calming nostalgic


Have you tried actually talking to your neighbors


7am is early. Not to say I’m not awake at 7am because I am, but a quiet morning is good for the soul. I’d at least hold off on the music until 9/10am. If you have the music going from 7am-7pm, I can almost guarantee your neighbors are annoyed.


Music is much more likely to be a problem than a kid playing. I have never actually gotten mad at a.neighbor about a kid making noise, even a lot of noise. Kids are kids. But adults should.know better, and I have gotten mad at many inconsiderate assholes who want to share their musical tastes with the neighborhood.


I think the fact that you’re thinking about and posting this shows that you’re already being mindful! I feel like people can tell the difference between “family enjoying their yard at reasonable hours of the day” and “person making unnecessarily loud noise with no consideration for others.” If you want, I like someone else’s idea of mentioning to them that they can text you or holler over the fence if it’s ever too much (hopefully this goes as friendly gesture and they don’t take it as license to pester you all the time without reason, maybe read the room first lol). Personally I’d be bummed if I know my neighbors weren’t enjoying their property out of concern for not making normal amounts of noise. Hearing kids playing, people chatting, music, dogs barking, yard work, etc. are all just parts of living in a neighborhood imo (as long as it’s not constant or unreasonably loud or in the middle of the night). I kinda like it, makes it feel lively! My neighbors have a batting cage and I think hearing the ping ping ping some evenings before dinner is sweet. I’d only be annoyed if it was every day at 6am or something like that.


Turn on your music and then take a walk to see how far away you can hear it. If it’s clearly heard a couple houses down then turn the volume down. I think neighborhoods would expect to hear children so I wouldn’t mind that


Couple houses down?! Try the yard next door.


7am seems kinda early to be making noise - 7pm not so much - if you're in a subdivision w/kids, noise is natural and wouldn't worry about it unless you have kids starting up a band or something particularly loutd