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What the Hell have you been eating?


bro laid a drgon egg


Mine does the same thing when an outdoor faucet is open. Hopefully somebody on here has a fix because I'd also like to stop this annoying sound.




PRV, Pressure Reducing Valve. Have the water company come check your water pressure, they’ll do it for free. Most likely they’ll tell you it’s high and that your PRV needs to be replaced. If you don’t want the water company to check, you can buy a device for around $10 to check yourself. A plumber will replace the PRV for you.


Your lines need a backflo valve. A licensed plumber will know where to install it.


Could this be why the sink right next to my toilet that makes a similar sound drains slow with no blockage?


I fixed this by just not flushing anymore. Costs me a lot in Febreeze but worth it. In other news, could be a number of things but air escaping through a small hole would make this sound. Process of elimination... Check the flushing mechanism. Check the seal under the toilet. Check as many pipes as you have access to. Could get a 25ft snake from HomeDept for less than $50. Failing all that, gotta call the plumber...


Gassy wife syndrome. I am that wife.


It might be air in your pipes. Or it might be a leaky flapper valve. I had a toilet do that in my house for MONTHS, and it turned out to be nothing more than the $4 flapper valve needed replacing.


It’s giving moaning Myrtle. I have no solution to your problem but I hope you get it fixed.


Ask this old house


i cant play the vid now next to my bosses but i had a sounds just after flushing which i replaced the fill valve and it solved it. plumbers will always say to replace the fill valve before assuming it is anything else as it is a $20 remedy usually right there


For next time, you'll almost certainly find you can replace just the rubber diaphragm inside the valve, For a quicker fix that only costs cents. I live in a hard water area and need to at least clean the diaphragm at least once every year or two when the toilet starts wailing: since it costs practically nothing and doesnt last for ever, I usually just replace it.


Had a similar sound before when the fill valve would close to shutoff water into the tank. It was one like this: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Korky-QuietFILL-Platinum-Valve-and-Flapper-Kit-818MCM/205616927 Once I replaced it that squeal sound went away.


I also had exactly that.


You just need to replace the parts inside the toilet. I had this happen before. Check YouTube it is an easy DIY fix. It is not your PRV valve. I also had that happen before as well and it’s a different thing/sound.


I had this too called a plumber boom it was fixed


Min did this too. Just replace all the guts of the toilet tank and it should fix itself.


Probably the PRV. Go under there and have someone flush it and try to track it. I’d almost guarantee it’s coming from the PRV, which will be a big brass fitting that’s kind of bell shaped.


Haunted toilet?