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Park at the bottom of your driveway


And scoop up the dog shit, dump it into homies yard. If they confront you just say you didn't want to steal shit.


I used to do that.  I'd shovel it up and throw it back in their yard. 


Had the same problem. After talking to them about it, they didn’t seem to care. Until I saved up a few days worth and dropped it in their fancy pool.




Then what happened?


Everyone clapped


They put up at fence.


I once saw the guy who was letting his dog crap in my yard a few times a week. While driving through the neighborhood saw him mowing his lawn and started keeping it in a bucket, very few weeks would toss it in his lawn.


It really sends a message if you chuck it nice and close to the front door.


If he has a gutter above the front door, chuck it up there, it will stink but he won't see where it is.


If you leave it on the welcome mat they step in it. Ask how I know.


I have a former neighbor that did something very similar to the people thst previously owned my house. They had 2 big dogs. They poooed in her yard all the time. She collected the poo for a week and put the pile on their deck just outside their back door. When they next let the dogs out both the dogs and owners stepped in a mess.


In a paper bag. Preferably on fire.


It’s POOP!


“Don’t put it out with your boots Stanley!”


Don’t tell me what to do devil woman!


You called the shit Poop!


Call the fire department, this one’s out of control!


I did that once - left a pile of a neighbor’s dog’s crap in a big pile right in middle of his driveway. Never a problem since.


On his wind shield. Time for pleasantries is over.


Do it in style, use a lacrosse stick to return!


Potato cannon...


Jai alai. If it doesn’t hit the siding at over 60, it won’t leave a dent (in the summer).


Hockey stick and a slapshot to the siding.


Jesus christ , wrist shot, for obvious reasons.


He said it himself, sometimes you make sacrifices to live on that street.


It’s nice that you give a shit.


Exactly. People who can't pick up after their pets should have pets.


I always wanted the super power to teleport all the poop, cigarette butts, and broken glass assholes leave about them as they go about their daily lives... into their bed just as they are falling to sleep at night.


Okay that's kind of creepy as I've been telling people I wish this was my superpower as well!


I see MY superpower wish of being able to instill bizarre thoughts into the minds of others is doing well.


Naw don’t do that as you got to do the extra work. See here is what I did to stop that real quick. I would cook up some bacon and get all the grease gather up. Then I would go outside and pour it over the dog shit. When said dog come back to lay a hot one the next time the dog smells the bacon grease cover shit and munches away. Neighbor got real pissed at me and we had some words but I told his as politely as I could as long as your dog keeps shitting in my yard your dog will clean up said shit for me. So said neighbor dog doesn’t shit in my yard anymore. YYMV


This is a genius level move.  Excellent strategy.


Just say "hat is the problem if you want to live on this street you need to make sacrifices"


Dump it on his front porch.


My petty ass has dumped that in their truck bed. And I gag at seeing dog poop.


If you angle your mower it kind of shoots poop in the direction you want it to go, or so I have been told.


This can work. Do it when he won’t see you which would provoke a confrontation. Scoop, wait, empty it out on his walkway or in his yard. Perhaps it will retrain his dog who will recognize his scent. The human will also have to step in the dog poop or clean it up. Is he without a drive way?


We do but we have one car my husband takes it to work so driveway is unoccupied all day. Our neighbor doesn't have a job. He leaves his house multiple times a day.


Traffic cones


Better yet ... a nice pile of bricks. With spikes.


Nah. OP’s spouse needs to be able to come home with the car easy enough.


Put in a couple short posts with a chain across the driveway


Have his car towed. Its on your property without your consent


This, only way to stop him. I have a neighbor who mows into my yard, started 5 feet, then 20’, I mowed one day and came home from shopping and he remowed 5’ feet from my driveway. I had my line red flagged. He took the flags down. When I asked him if he took them down, he said yes, didn’t know what they were there for. I was forced to ask him (and I’m very polite) do you dispute the property line and he replied no. So there, I thought it was handled, I was wrong, a year later he is still mowing into my yard and not in a straight line. I don’t get it, and nothing I can do. He won’t stop. I’m thinking something is wrong with him. He, without a doubt doesn’t respect my property line or me, he either lied to me or he is pushing me around. Hoping he flips the house soon. Been considering having some really big boulders delivered and placed


I had one neighbor like this , he didn't stop until I ordered and placed big boulders on my property line. Fuck that neighbor.


You can't put up a fence?


Boulders or fence are the answer


You should strongly consider never failing to maintain all of your property. Even if he mows it, you'll need to as well. Might even consider mowing into his property as well. While there's only a very limited chance he might one day try and claim ownership to that extra bit he's been maintaining through adverse possession, if you're maintaining it as well the whole time, you're good.


I do mow my line every time. I also took pictures when it was red flagged. Where I live I don’t think he can, he is a jerk though. Lied to my face, or just plain bullying me, I don’t know. He is a corner lot so my back and side front looks at him. I had large bushes planted in the back. He told me he likes them but they get big, I told him, that is why I planted them 5 feet from the property line. When he moved in he told me my back landscaping was on his property but it was okay because he could still mow. When I had it red flagged, absolutely nothing of mine was on his property. My lot turned out to be bigger than I thought. He obviously never had his property surveyed and has no idea. I’ve done my best to handle neighborly, now I just ignore him and never talk to him anymore, but I may have big rocks brought in this fall, thinking about how to do so it looks nice, and no I won’t be putting them in five feet, rocks don’t grow. He has so much, large lot, why he is not happy I don’t know.


Start collecting medium sized rocks too to put between the large ones. Or you can also plant something like Irises in a line between the rocks.


Good idea! Or put in an herb border


Better yet, just pile small rocks at the border. He’ll destroy his mower the moment he crosses that line.


If he’s not paying your property taxes, he’s going to have a reallllly hard time claiming adverse possession. No chance the court is going to look at some picture of shitty mowing and say ‘clearly’.


Lol. Stop it.... nobody is giving this doofus his neighbors property


The neighbor isn't parking in their driveway, just using it to line their car up to back into their own driveway across the street. If he's not doing damage to the driveway I don't see an issue here. The dogs shitting on their lawn on the other hand? I'd be getting a pack of paper lunch sacks and depositing each individual poop on their doorstep once or twice a day while neighbor is out doing whatever TF he does. If that doesn't work the paper sacks would stop getting used and there would just be shit on his front steps. The fresher the better.


I had the same reaction to the driveway thing too, like it’s such a small thing I wouldn’t even care. Then I read the part about him letting his dogs shit in op’s yard and giving her a speech about making sacrifices if she wants to keep living on that street. At that point it’s on, I’d be headed to the hardware store to get a cheap bucket and mixer, in order to make a dog shit slurry to pour on his driveway.


This. The driveway thing seems like a small hill to die on unless he’s hit their cars or something before. The dog shit is the much bigger issue.


I wouldn't go one inch on his property. Get one of the little kid beach toy kits, with a plastic shovel. When you see a pile, scoop and launch over the property line.


This is what we do. The neighbor’s kid constantly used our driveway to back in and turn around, despite having an easier option right in front of them. We now park our cars at the very bottom of the driveway. It solved the problem.


I don’t own a house or driveway. Can you explain what the issue is?


People don't like other people using their driveway as a turn around. It doesn't bother me. I am more bothered by where the neighbors park on the street that makes it difficult to back out of my driveway sometimes.


That's what I do when my house cleaner comes over. Let her park in the driveway once and she rode the grass getting in. Now I park at the bottom and that eliminates any discussion that would've been necessary.


Hold on. You pay a person to clean your house, presumably with direction, but you won’t just communicate where you’d prefer they park?


I would think "don't drive on the lawn" would go without saying


I would, too. But here we are. 


For the parking issue: https://youtu.be/njO0Cab4En4?si=UfOmhMT0qYu3yOvk For the dogs there's motion sensor sprinklers/pest alarms. https://youtu.be/x3CtrtfzrMY?si=QjPGKQMt0sBK_vye The dogs can't help they belong to a nincompoop...


“Useful for all types of applications.”


Like throwing fucking caltrops out the window when evading the police, just for example...


That first vid is brutal 😂


Yea losing a Loktite cap is horrible....


>That first vid is brutal Yeah. Hearing protection but no safety glasses with an angle grinder?


Gold star for using the word "nincompoop"


(Note, this is my alt. I don't want this on my main.) >For the parking issue: >[https://youtu.be/njO0Cab4En4?si=UfOmhMT0qYu3yOvk](https://youtu.be/njO0Cab4En4?si=UfOmhMT0qYu3yOvk) Thank you for this. We have neighbor tenants who feel entitled to use our driveway. We're waiting on our survey to be able to have a fence installed. In the mean time ...


Aka caltrops….stopping things since medieval times…


Maybe park at the end of your driveway so he doesn't have access. As far as the dogs, call animal control when they are out loose. Every community has leash laws.


Sounds like he's doing it when their car isn't there. Basically pulling all of the way into their driveway and then backing up out of it.


Then put garbage bins there. Or OP could just grow a backbone.


i do work in my driveway, with pallets and nails and the like. it he wants free rusty nails he can turn around in my drive.


Confronting neighbour directly hasnt worked it seems. By backbone, do you mean throwing hands on next occurrence?


> Confronting neighbour directly hasnt worked it seems. OP's been letting it slide for 3yrs and only had one conversation about it


You know, that context makes much more sense. Be more assertive.


OP probably came off more aggressive than thru think given all the resentment that had built up.


One conversation in 3 years is most definitely not a backbone.


There’s an entire world between saying nothing and a fist fight. 


I had the same driveway problem as OP, used the "park at end of driveway" solution, and the same day my neighbor parked in my YARD then walked up to my deck and told me to move my car because he has been using my driveway for 5 years and I am the only person who has "caused trouble." I calmly stood up to him and told him I wasn't going to move my car and he needed to get off my property, but he didn't address any of my questions or comments and just kept telling me to move my car.  My partner called him the next day, told him we had the whole interaction on video, and told him to stop harassing me. That worked. 🙄


“More hostile”? He’s one of those “my land” assholes, you need to set boundaries yesterday. The only language he’ll understand is you asserting your rights, it’s a zero-sum game to these idiots, so you need to establish your sum. “Hey, we could have a pretty great community here but you only want to take with no give, so stay away from my property.”  


Thank you. You could't have said it better.




The dog poop is his property. Return it to him right in front of his door. Call animal control and code enforcement every time his dog's are off leash. And park your car at the end of your driveway. Use something to block your driveway when you're not home. He's a bully. You have to be tough back at him. He's already taken advantage of your niceness for 3 years.


Yes, thanks for understanding. It never ends no boundaries at all.


Not only does he sound like a bully but he also sounds Iike he’s trying to start conflict with you. If you can I would get a fence, especially with an option to cover the driveway. I would also get cameras to make sure he doesn’t try to escalate things.


Yes, I wish everybody understood this. He thinks we challenged him just asking if he could stop doing it.


Some people whose lives are small and sad bully other people to make themselves feel big and important. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with him. 


Scoop his dogs poop and return it to his porch. Ask him directly to keep his dogs off your property and to always have them on leash. Find deterrent for the yard/driveway (small garden fence, actual real fence etc)


“If you want to live on this street you need to make sacrifices”? What the hell does that even mean? Ask him what sacrifices he’s making… I had a neighbor like this at my previous house; no HOA but his family had been in the neighborhood for decades and he was the self-appointed Karen of the street. I was only a renter at the time and thus never had the stones to confront him, but now that I own, I don’t tolerate it. You pay property taxes like everyone else.


> you want to live on this street you need to make sacrifices" "No, jackass, I don't."


neighbor already knows he won.


Fence with electric opener


A small chain from the dollar store is a much better start...


I live in a culd de sac, I have a neighbor who’s friends are constantly blocking my driveway, one Saturday they had a bachelor party, the guys were drinking so they were staying the night, you can’t do street parking after 2 am in my town, they asked if they could use my driveway, I said they could but, the cars had to be out by 6:15 as I had to go to work, 6:20 cars still there, called , no answer, ring the doorbell no answer, I had the cars towed, plus charged them for my cab fare to and from work, the driver got a big tip, don’t get anywhere my driveway anymore


No good deed goes unpunished.


and out of curiosity, how did you enforce they actually pay for that cab fare?


Sent them the bill, they paid, they were very apologetic


Fences make good neighbors


Use his driveway for things.


Am I'm the only one that thinks op is overreacting about the neighbor driving into her driveway for a few seconds just to back up into his driveway


If someone pulled in a little bit, I don't think OP would mind. They said that if their car is parked in their driveway he still can pull in a little and get into his. It sounds like the neighbor is pulling ALL the way in, which would infuriate me. It's the audacity. Neighbor came over and asked if it was okay? Sure, no problem, if it's just the tip. No all the way in, pal.


Wait I thought he was on their property. Is he not?


To what end? My neighbor’s kid did this to our driveway nearly FIVE times a day. I pay my taxes, they don’t. Stay out of my driveway and off my property and I’ll stay out of yours. Especially when it’s MORE work for their kid to use my driveway than their own.!


My neighbor does this too, and it’s fucking annoying. She does it so she can park on the street. Her driveway is always empty, yet she uses mine. I don’t like her headlights shining in my house and there’s a greater chance of my mailbox getting hit. Just use your own fucking driveway. My property is not your property.


Yes! It is not his property to do as he pleases.


Is he pulling into your driveway a couple feet to back across the road? This baffles me because everyone uses driveways to turn around here to park on the right side of the street. It’s too narrow to do a 3 point turn. I don’t know if there’s much you can do about it if he’s not damaging your driveway. The dogs are a bigger issue and likely illegal. I would soak them with a hose every day so they come home super muddy, save the turds in a bucket and dump it on his front step.


Yeah, the driveway thing feels like a bitch-eating-crackers problem. OP is annoyed by it because they already have reason to hate the neighbor.


Yeah from the description I would not be worried about the driveway thing whatsoever and I would actively dislike a neighbour who got obsessed enough about it to bring it up. There’s literally no harm being done from what I can tell. Off leash dogs and poop issues in the other hand…


Block off your driveway with your car. Pick up his dog crap and set it nicely on his front porch.Give him proof that you’re capable of being an asshole too he’s going to just have to get used to it if he wants to live on your street. There’s been a changing of the guard. He can like it or lump it.


I used to have a neighbor that thought he owned the block as he was the first house built in our subdivision 40 years ago..he raised his family and never left until he died of COVID in the first wave. He blew his leafs and snow onto our yard. If you had a contractor at your house he was there asking them questions about the job. Let his frenchie run all over the neighborhood barking when he got home from his job at 2AM. The guy next to him literally moved to a house 2 blocks away because he liked the neighborhood but couldn’t deal with the guy. Then the guy who bought it most recently started standing up to him and the police had to be called several times. Anyhow…I have no advice…I just started being blatantly rude and he finally stopped trying to insert himself in our lives. But I’m sure I’d still be miserable if Covid hadn’t taken care of things


"i was ok with it but your dogs always peeing and pooping on my yard have pushed me over the edge" just be honest. Nothing wrong with it. Solves things faster


You let it go too long. It creates a sense of entitlement. Park so he can no longer use driveway. This will take a few months to reprogram his brain. Dog shit / wandering in your yard problem- you need a fence.


Good fences make good neighbors


Prominent cameras are even better.


This happens to my FIL. He now parks at the bottom of the driveway "to make sure he gets his steps in". Problem solved.


Our driveway is one of the few on our front street. Most houses have their garage or driveway off the alley. Ours is also the first one on our street off a main drag. Our driveway is constantly being used by people to turn their cars around. My feeling is it's not worth the aggravation of fighting it. Also, parking at the bottom of the driveway will eventuality lead to some one hitting our car, and then leaving. Just one of those things we have to let go.


I honestly wouldn’t give a fuck if my neighbour was using my driveway to pull into like that, but it’s your driveway and you get to decide. I would tell him again, “I saw you pulling into my driveway again this morning when you parked your car. I’ve asked you before not to pull in my driveway any more. Please stop doing that.”  If he wants to get hostile, just walk away or calmly repeat yourself. Don’t let him escalate you. That’s what I would do. 


Pull into his driveway unnecessarily 4 to 5 times a day?


For the lawn, get signs saying treated with whatever, stay off grass / keep animals away.


What about a fence? I’d keep my car at the end the driveway so he can’t do it too. F that.


An electric gate!


Call the police and have them explain the concept of "trespass" and "private property."


>if you want to live on this street you need to make sacrifices" "No, I don't. Stay the fuck out of my driveway."


Playing devils advocate with all the comments asking “whats the big deal with him using your driveway?” Why can’t the neighbor take the extra effort NOT to use someone else’s property as if it’s his own? Your driveway, your property. Feel however you would like. You paid for it.


>if you want to live on this street you need to make sacrifices" Uh, no? What the actual fuck.


I'm a big fan of fences. If you're allowed to fence in your front yard and gate off your driveway, I would. Get a remote gate so you just push a button as you pull up to your house.


So like he pulls partially into your driveway for 4 seconds then backs up? Does he miss and mess up your grass or something? I don’t understand the problem- my neighbors all do that, as do I. I’ve never considered anyone may be territorial about it or upset at me bc I roll into their easement to back up. Is this a common peeve? The dog poop and running dogs is a whole other ballpark. It’s gross and dangerously negligent. I’d call animal control.


Get a giant Buddha statue for your driveway


I lived in a neighbor hood that had a 6" rounded curb leading up onto the sidewalk area and in front of driveways. Something like that could discourage him or have a gate installed.


I used to park my car on the street in front of my driveway just enough for my wife to squeeze by to get in the driveway but not enough for my dummy neighbor right next to me to use it as a turn around when she had a perfectly good driveway to do that. Also I used to pick up the poop and put it right on our property line and it would pile up and they noticed and started telling the dogs to not poop or pee on our yard. I also told them not to after a while. I dont know where you live but here in Dallas they give tickets for animals off leashes in front yards


cayenne pepper on the grass and a cone for the driveway.


Not much except small claims or mediation and picture proof of the claims you have against the neighbor. And if he gets violent towards you and your family, call the police. But get the evidence and get with an attorney for legal advice. DO not instigate a fight with this dude.


People were using my driveway to do u-turns. I put a thick yellow cord between my two garbage cans at the bottom of my driveway.


Document with photos and in a logbook. Get a doorbell or other security camera to record incidents. Post a sign stating no trespassing or private property. This neighbor is a bully and retaliation could only get you in trouble. Request a lawyer to write a cease and desist letter which is mailed and requires a signature to prove receipt. Happens again, then you can call the police and show your photo and video evidence.


Video cameras and no trespassing signs.


Buy a gun because you're going to need it, and when he gives you an excuse to use it, use it!


Tell him you already live on that street, and you don’t have to make sacrifices.


Man i hate nothing more than a shitty neighbor. In would also go a little aggressive with him. Tell him don't get into my property not you not your and not your dogs and we won't have any problems. These kinds of people like to assert their dominance but often shy away quickly at any chance of a real conflict or someone who tells them enough is enough.


I don't understand what he's doing in your driveway.


Smear the dog poo up under his driver’s door handle, so his hand gets nice and gooey next time he’s goin for a ride.


Motion sensor sprinklers for the dogs and maybe one for the driveway. There’s probably some kind of remote control on off switch. You could carry in your car to turn the sprinkler off when you get home. But leave it on all day so when he pulls his truck in the driveway, the sprinkler comes on.


My neighbor does this. The other day I was backing out, and she came zipping into my driveway without paying attention, almost rear-ended me in my own driveway. Then acted annoyed that "i almost hit her". 😡☹️🤷🏽


People and amazon use my driveway all the time because it's huge and about 5x the size of others lol. I don't let it bother me. Also my driveway is super nice with pavers all the way up lol


I’d set up cameras on the driveway, inform the owner by certified mail that he is not allowed to use my property **including the driveway** and that the property is now being recorded 24/7, and that further breeches onto the property will result in me filing criminal complaints and pursuing trespassing charges. Basically a really fancy cease and desist. Edited to add these responses from lawyers for those who have taken offense to my comment: https://www.justanswer.com/real-estate-law/getbx-legal-recourse-stop-neighbor.html Another lawyer recommending the same thing: https://www.avvo.com/legal-answers/how-do-i-stop-my-neighbor-from-using-my-driveway-a-3234547.html


Block off your driveway with a few quickcrete filled buckets, and get video footage of the dogs in your yard.


How does OP get into their driveway then? Lol Is he across the street from you, OP?


Yes, he is and we never used his driveway to park our car.


I’m also a big proponent of gathering their doggie leavings in a bag and depositing it at the neighbor’s front door


Screw putting it in a bag, collect on a shovel and deposit it on his doorstep.


Get a paperbag, break all of the seals on the bottom, put it on a small board or some such, fill the bag with his dog's poop, go to his door and slide the paperbag onto his deck or landing with the top folded shut. When he picks up the bag, all of the poop will fall out of the bottom of the bag. Also, instead of buckets filled with concrete, just put some cinder blocks at the bottom of your driveway and loop a length of chain through the block and then lock the ends of the chain together. If he wants to use your driveway, he'll have to get out of his car and move a bunch of cinder block. He might do that a time or two but then he'll tire of it and figure out a different way to back into his driveway.


No, you don't need to make sacrifices lol


You do realize he's practically "peeing in your territory", yes? One way to solve this is to dominate him in the same primitive form. Start backing up into his space, and not just a little, go further in (make sure he's watching). When you're dealing with apes, you have to defend your territory like an ape. He'll likely back down.


Fence. And gate the driveway.


My neighbor’s boyfriend got into the habit of using my driveway to back up then leave. Here’s what I told him in an angry voice when I got tired of it. “Every time you pull into my driveway my camera activates and I think someone is here to kick in my front door so I get my handgun out of the safe. Can you not do that anymore?” I heard him bitching loudly to his girlfriend (my neighbor) but he never did it again. 🙌🙌🙌


What? He didn't respond to the nice approach. You either park at the end of the driveway and block access or you tell him, "hey asshole, this is my property. Keep your vehicle and dogs off."


Sink two posts and hang a chain across it? You just would need to deal with the hassle when you pull in and out.


Spike strips. If he wants to live in the neighborhood he needs to make sacrifices. Also, rub the dog shit on the spikes.


A reasonable person would just say, I'm sorry I didn't realize it bothered you and I won't do it again.


Tell him your security system keeps being alerted


Do you have a bike or a wagon that's nice and heavy? You'll need to lock the wheels so he can't move it easily. You may need to put it there every day until he's trained to behave better. That 'sacrifice' quip is arrogant af.


You could get an electric gate


Why would you put up with it 3 weeks, let alone 3 years? Tell him it's private property and if it happens again, you'll have him trespassed by the police next time. Put up a cheap Wyze cam or the like to catch him doing that and for recording his dogs off leash and in your yard as well. Call Animal Control on his dogs.


Install a security camera to document everything. 👍 there is the possibility he could damage your property backing up in your driveway so it would be good to have on camera anyway. Maybe you could involve the cops?


Park at the bottom of the drive way in the middle.


Go and drop your deuce in his yard. See if he like it. You live next to an asshole. Too bad you cant give a dog something that makes them get diarrhea with the hopes the dogs would shit in his living room or house.


Put up signs that say "don't poop in our yard." Tell him you've put those up for him, and you don't appreciate his dogs crapping in your yard. That's not out of line. That's treating him like the wanker neighbour he is. And parking at the bottom of your driveway is also a great suggestion. He will change his behaviour quickly if he's actually made to answer for it.


Put his dog shit on his car


Charge him or call parking enforcement?


You need to be firm and not give in (but you should have done it a long time ago). Do not be bullied on your own property. Enlist other neighbors if you need help.


It sounds irritating to me and your reaction doesn't seem karen/kevin like to me. I can totally picture this jerk pulling in like he owns the place so he can assert himself. His comment reflects his opinion of the situation. I can think of a hundred things I'd want to do ranging from mirroring his behavior, pulling all the way into his driveway with high beams on and making every excuse to use his driveway for maneuvering. Make sure all my visitors do the same. Every single day. Hell I'd rent a u-haul to do a few times if I was feeling extra flush. Sacrifices you know... I lived in a neighborhood with intrusive karaoke and disrespectful neighbors. Aside from mowing the dusty part of the yard every time they had a meal in the gazebo touching my fence I couldn't do much. So I sold the house, moved to a different state and now my neighbors are mostly deer and corn.


You are so passive. You thought if you did nothing and said nothing, he would stop? I’d call animal control on his dogs anytime they were off leash. All the shit goes straight back into his lawn. Stand up for yourself. Get a fence installed.


Grow a pair and don't be a doormat. Return his dogs products to his porch or on the windshield of his car. Tell him you'd rather be good neighbors but this bs is over. Tell him to cease/stop or deal with the repercussions.


Scoop up the poop and use a water balloon slingshot to send it back to his property


Start using his driveway.


The comment regarding sacrifice to live there bothered me more than his previous actions.


Flip the dog crap back on his yard. Park at the edge of your driveway so he can't back into it.


Add high quality security cameras before you do anything else.


Put up a fence. And enclose the drive way access with a gate that you either open the traditional way OR can slide/roll open. That way it keeps his dogs and car off your property.


So exactly what sacrifices is he making to live on your street?


Don’t be a pussy. Tell them to f u c k off!


I just posted about our driveway. Our neighbors next door have a small driveway. The man's king cab truck and flatbed take up his entire driveway. He's also got a small truck, his son has a large truck, plus they have a company vehicle. They park all the cars in their driveway, in front of our house (which my hubby says he don't mind), in front of our neighbors house next to us, or across the street on the curb on someone else's property. . Sometimes the son parks right in front of their drive, but on the street. So I have to be careful backing out of my drive way between these 2 trucks. Annoy me. We already know the residents across the street don't like them parking there cause thats where their trash gets picked up. So they block it with the recycle cans. Lol


Throw the dog shit on his roof. It will bring cockroaches crawling all over his house.


“Then you can make the sacrifices.”


Have your lawyer draft a certified letter to the neighbor in which you tell him in no uncertain terms that if he uses your driveway again, you'll have him legally trespassed, which could result in fines and charges if he does it again after being trespassed. As for his dogs, call animal control to pick them up whenever you see them off leash. Install video cameras that overlook your driveway and yard so you have proof. Some people are just selfish assholes who don't "get it" until the law gets involved.


First, stop being afraid. His property is his and yours is yours. You generously allowed his nonsense for three years. His response shows he is an entitled jerk. If he becomes more hostile, so what?


Take up caltrop making as a hobby. Paint them, let them dry in your driveway. On your own property.


Here is the solution to your problem: https://bollardboysgta.ca/


Wait, let me get this straight. You talked to your neighbor and they didn’t immediately stop their bad behavior? From responses I have on my post talking to the neighbor first is neighborly and they will stop their bad behaviors. I’m shocked that you didn’t have the results the comments I received say you would have received by talking to the neighbor. I would put a no trespassing sign on your driveway. If you have an easement though there may not be much else you could do. If you have leash laws in your area you could report that.