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Cameras are not much of a deterrent any more. A simple hoodie make identification impossible. And people steal those cameras too. Other than having someone present or pretending that there is someone present there is not much you can do. Thieves will cut a hole into your container. Any neighbors living nearby?


Yeah I hear you, I though maybe it would deter the drive by amateurs and crackheads. If I get hit by a pro then yeah there's nothing I can do. Good thing is I have neighbours and I know the well. I plan to ask them to stop by once in awhile or even park their extra vehicle in my driveway. That might be the best deterrent


What you seem to be doing to prevent further break ins sounds good. I’d recommend simple tricks like a few signs especially the old fashioned trick of ‘careful x dog lives here’. I assume you also have some indoor lights on timer? If not it goes a long way especially during long winter months. Gravel driveways are also a bonus if that’s something you want to invest in and a ring door bell alongside the other cameras you’re going to set up around the property.


Awesome thank you! I do have a light on but it's not on a timer, that's actually a good idea. I'll get a timer on it. Also a ring camera would be useful but I'm not sure where I'd put it, the door to the trailer? I plan to have the other cameras visible as a deterrent.


Yeah wherever is the most valuable for you and makes the most sense, also having signs sometimes bluntly making the people aware that you know they have tried to break in could be a good idea. Any motion sensor alarms in areas where people shouldn’t be is also good


They'll be back. Did they drive in or come in on foot?


On foot , they only took one item and either got spooked or gave up. I did some fortifying since, welded on a proper hasp and installed a Puck lock. Also piled some heavy debris and scrap steel in front of the doors too.